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The article has analyzed trends and problems in migration processes in the Far East of Russia in the 2010s. There are restrictions on population growth in the Far East due to migration. It has been determined that the implementation of modern policy decisions with regard to the Far East region does not create real prerequisites for increasing the incomes of the population. It has been proved that, in order to attract population to the Far East, it is necessary to institute economic development in the region that can increase incomes and make them comparable to other more successful federal districts.  相似文献   

钢铁工业一直是关系国计民生的重要产业,受金融危机影响,我国钢铁产业面临严峻的挑战,如何战胜挑战重塑自身的国际竞争力已成为国际上关注的一个热点问题。本文以中日钢铁产业的国际竞争力为分析视角,通过选取市场占有率(MS)、贸易竞争优势指数(TC)和显示性比较优势指数(RCA)这三种常用指标进行比较分析并提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

The article discusses the possible development trajectories for the Far East formed under the influence of the policy of creating preferences for economic activities in the region. A dynamic model of economic interactions has been proposed for identifying these trajectories. Based on the model calculations, the complementarity of various incentive schemes for economic activity in the Far East is analyzed and the dependence of economic growth on the scale of the state support is assessed.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the development status of Chinese iron & steel industry, points out the problems that exist, and describes the development prospect of Chinese iron & steel industry. It lists the reasons that we must choose the means of continuous development on the way to realize the change from an iron & steel big country to an iron & steel powerful country. Finally, some suggestions for the stable and healthy development of Chinese iron & steel industry are put forward in the paper.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the current relationship between China and Siberia/Russian Far East from the economic and political‐security perspectives. The relationship between China and Siberia/Russian Far East is that of cooperation and conflict. China gains natural resources and energy from Siberia/Russian Far East, while Siberia/Russian Far East secures consumer goods, food and labor to fill its shortage from China. The two regions are in an economically complementary relationship. However, they show differences in their interests in issues such as the Tuman River Development Project. If their economic cooperation could be called the “bright” side of their relationship, there exists the “dark” side of their relationship, which is the border dispute. The paper argues that as a way to reduce conflict and increase cooperation in Northeast Asia, a multilateral security/economic organization, tentatively called the “Organization for Security and Cooperation in Northeast Asia,” should soon be established.  相似文献   

王明宇 《新财经》2007,(2):98-99
由于成本上升、价格波动,钢铁企业盈利空间越来越小,部分钢种甚至卖得越多赔得越多2006年对中国钢铁企业来说是艰难的一年。面对国际矿业霸主的我行我素,中国钢铁企业被迫接受了铁矿石的“二度天价”——自2005年进口铁矿石价格大幅上扬71.5%之后,2006年再度涨价19%。2007年国际铁矿石价格谈判目前已尘埃落定,铁矿石价格再度涨价9.5%。世界第一产钢大国连年遭遇原材料涨价,影响的是今后5~10年的发展,整个钢铁行业生存在重重矛盾中。  相似文献   

海参崴原为我国的领土,1860年清政府将之割让给沙俄。20世纪初,清政府外交使节钱殉携夫人单士厘赴欧任职,在此留下足迹。单氏在其《癸卯旅行记》中对当时正兴建中的这座城市记述多多。及至20世纪30年代,俄著名诗人曼德尔施塔姆遭政治迫害被流放到这里,继而瘐死并埋骨此处。  相似文献   


Until the year 1856, when Bessemerpatented his new process for the easier and' cheaper manufacture of wrought iron, the production of iron in Great Britain in the form of cast and wrought iron had predominated over its conversion into steel. In the early 1850s only a very small percentage of the annual output of pig iron was converted into steel. Although in Bessemer's patent, only wrought iron was specified as the object of the new process, it was recognized that the real value of the process lay in its applicability to the conversion of pig iron into: steel in a single short operation. There was an inevitable lag in the widespread adoption of the new process for which a number of factors were responsible. Firstly, there were initial disappointments over the effectiveness of Bessemer's process: although Mushet's addition of spiegeleisen to the molten metal in the converter rescued Bessemerfrom failure,1 several years of technical improvement and improvization were necessary before the generality of manufacturers were' ready to concentrate on Bessemer steel,2 A second important cause of the delay in the widespread adoption of the Bessemer process lay in the susceptibility of the British iron and steel industry to severe cyclical fluctuations. By the middle 1860s, when the conservatism of steel manufacturers was beginning to thaw in the face of successful production by the early pioneers of the Bessemer process, a more general development of Bessemer steel seemed likely. These years, however, were years of the depression which reached its nadir in 1867–8. Only when recovery from this depression was well established at the end of the decade did Bessemer steel really come into its own. The real expansion of Bessemer steel production came, therefore, not in the few years after 1856, but in the few years after 1870. Steel rails accounted for a large part of this increase. In 1867, some 2,277 tons of Bessemer steel rails were made in Great Britain: by 1882 this figure had risen to 1,438,155 tons.3  相似文献   

The development of China's iron and steel industry (ISI) is an important indication of China's industrialization. This paper analyses the industry from the perspectives of historical retrospect, international comparison and sustainable development. We find that China's ISI has made huge progress at the technical level. During the same period of time its over-consumption of resources and impact on the environment has dropped. However, compared with other main developed steel producers, there is still a big gap. Besides, its openness is still much lower than those of other countries.  相似文献   

Before the revolution in coal technology that swept the British iron industry in the last years of the eighteenth century, native ironmasters were unable to meet the burgeoning demand for malleable bar iron. The shortfall was made good by imports of bar iron from the Baltic, first from Sweden, then from Russia. This article presents new empirical evidence on the role played by Baltic iron in the Georgian economy. It also considers the impact of Swedish and Russian iron on domestic ironmasters as they sought organizational, as well as technological, ways to overcome the energy constraints facing the industry.  相似文献   

Important problems and trends in the restructuring of major processing industries of the Russian Federation’s food complex at the current stage of creating an effective market economy are discussed.  相似文献   

The article introduces the impact and essence of climate change and analyzes the attitudes and measures of international community to fight global climate change. From the perspectives of Clean Development Mechanism, Voluntary Carbon Market, energy audit and potential carbon asset investment, this paper discusses the feasible paths of Chinese steel & iron industry against global climate change and summarizes the main fields of adapting to the development of CDM project activities.  相似文献   

Asian Currency Crisis and the Generalized PPP: Evidence from the Far East   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The present paper investigates the effects of the Asian currency crisis of 1997–1998 on the generalized PPP between several real exchange rates of the Far East countries. Monthly log of real exchange rates of the currencies of Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines and South Korea vis-à-vis the US dollar and the Japanese yen during 1990–2004 are applied in the investigation. Further tests are conducted between exchange rates vis-à-vis the Thai baht. Tests are conducted for periods before and after the crisis. Results from the Johansen method of multivariate cointegration show a substantial change in the relationship between these real exchange rates before and after the Asian currency crisis. This result is found using rates based on three currencies: US dollar, yen and baht.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the key messages of the report of the Working Group of the State Council of Russia on the strategic development of the eastern regions of Russia.  相似文献   

俄罗斯近年来更加重视发挥其东部地区的优势,积极发展多领域的合作.我国尤其是黑龙江省应抓住机遇,积极开拓远东市场.进一步推动中俄边境贸易,必须加强政府宏观调控,拓宽境外合作领域.  相似文献   

A number of recent economic modelling studies have attempted to analyse resource efficiency and the circular economy. However, modelling analysis in this area is relatively underdeveloped. In particular, many CGE models are unable to provide significant insight given their aggregated sectoral coverage. Here we describe the development of the Environmental Global Applied General Equilibrium (ENGAGE-materials) model created to consider the economic and sectoral effects of potential policies on a circular economy and resource efficiency, which affect materials and resources at the stages of extraction, production and recycling. Our policy scope is global with a special emphasis on China and Europe, as both regions have dedicated policies in place and indicate their willingness to take the lead. The case of steel is relevant as it is a key material for all economies across the world and offers a range of interesting features for circularity and sustainability. ENGAGE-materials models iron ore mining, primary production of iron and steel, secondary production of iron and steel, and steel scrap recycling at the global level. We utilise this technology rich framework to provide preliminary results on scenarios comprising economic insights into a saturation effect and straightforward policy such as doubling the availability of secondary steel.  相似文献   

This paper considers the modern situation in the domestic light industry, production of separate types of products, use of basic assets, employment and labor compensation, share in the total output of processing industries, raw materials base, pressure of imports on the internal market, and the properties of consumption behavior in separate income groups. The prospects for the innovative technical and technological development of the industry and problems arising owing to joining the World Trade Organization are discussed.  相似文献   

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