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We investigate revealed political market power reflected in the pattern of price discrimination by end use that is the hallmark of U.S. milk marketing orders. We show that the pattern of prices that would maximize producer profits, if producers operated a cartel with monopoly power in a regional market, is far above actual government-set price differentials between milk used for fluid products and that used for manufactured products. The pattern of actual price differentials is consistent with political welfare weights for producers relative to consumers that are small compared to the weights that would yield maximum producer profits.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present paper is to analyse the consumption of different kinds of milk by the rural population of Greece, using the methods of multivariate analysis. First, using principal components analysis and the qualitative characteristics of milk, consumption patterns (profiles) for milk are formed. Secondly, the influence of socio-economic factors on these consumption pattems are estimated using variance analysis. Results revealed that the attitude of rural residents towards milk consumption is dominated by three critical issues: rationality, the practicality and rise of purchase, and new trend. An important finding is the existence of a high correlation between the degree of confidence in the product and the length of time that the product has been on the market. Moreover, while condensed milk exhibits a strong and positive profile in the milk market, its market share is expected to continue to drop in favour of pasteurised milk. Finally, some further implications of the study are drawn, concerning the milk companies' marketing strategies in the Greek rural population.  相似文献   


The dairy market is one of the fastest growing agri-food sectors in Kosovo, yet the farm structure is fragmented. The level of productivity is lower compared with European Union levels and shows potential for improvements. The consumption of dairy products is expected to rise due to income growth and segmentation of consumers that would reflect different preferences for low-fat or zero-fat products, products with natural additives, and so on. On the market level, a significant share of the consumed milk and dairy products is imported. This study aims to better understand attitudes and preferences of Kosovar consumer segments toward milk and dairy products. A quantitative survey with 300 consumers was conducted in major Kosovo cities. Applying a reduced version of the Food Related Lifestyle instrument identified three distinct consumer segments: the conservative consumer segment, the socially oriented foodie, and the information-seeking eco-consumer. The latter two segments are especially open to trying new food products and actively search information about food. All three consumer segments show strong consumer patriotism by believing that domestic milk and cheese are safer than imported products and are of higher quality. This indicates the strong market potential for dairy farmers and companies in the Kosovo, which should develop new food products having these segments in mind. The authors explore the strategies that farmers and companies should use to better target these consumer groups and gain greater access to desirable segments.  相似文献   

This article examines the effects on the demand of voluntary labeling for the use of genetically modified growth hormone for retail fluid milk using supermarket scanner data. Retail fluid milk tracks one of the first biotechnology products approved, is fairly standardized and ubiquitous, and allows for cross-sectional differentiation between labeled and unlabeled products and between conventional and organic brands. The results indicate that voluntary labeling increases the demand for recombinant bovine growth hormone free milk. In addition, the estimated effects of labeling appear to have increased over time.  相似文献   

Advertising is a marketing tool used to a significant degree by the Ontario Milk Marketing Board. In this research, the effectiveness of the advertising campaign is evaluated using a time-series demand system model of the cold, nonalcoholic beverage market in Ontario. The results of the analysis suggest that increasing advertising expenditure on fluid milk would increase fluid milk revenue net of advertising costs to the dairy industry. Fluid milk demand is little affected by advertising of other goods in the market but does affect the demand for other beverages. La publicité est un outil de commercialisation amplement utilisé par ?Office de la Commercialisation du Lait de ?Ontario. Cette étude utilise un système de demande basé sur des données chronologiques des breuvages non alcoolisés en Ontario, afin ?évaluer ?efficacité de la campagne publicitaire sur le lait de consommation. Les résultats de ?analyse montrent que ?augmentation des défenses publicitaires sur le lait de consommation augmenteraient le revenu net de ?industrie laitiere. La demande de lait nature est peu affectée par la publicité sur les autres biens sur le marché, mais elle affecte la demande des autres breuvages.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to investigate unpacked and packed fluid milk consumption patterns and preferences among Turkish households by using cross‐sectional survey data from 18,278 households. Based on the data, 47.8% of the households consume unpacked milk, 29.3% consume sterilized milk, and 7.9% consume pasteurized fluid milk at least once a month. Results of the multinomial logit model for fluid milk consumption behavior suggest that unpacked fluid milk preference is related positively to household size, income and age of the household head, and negatively to education level of the household head and status of the household wife. Similarly, pasteurized and sterilized fluid milk preferences are related positively to income and the education level of the household head, and negatively to household size and age of the household head. Results from these analyses are used to suggest techniques for marketing fluid milk products to specific segments of the consumer population.  相似文献   

In the European Union member states (EU), it is necessary to evaluate hygienic condition of milk in order to determine milk price. Similar requirement was set by the Republic of Croatia in 2000. The Rulebook defines minimal quality criteria that fresh raw milk must have in order to be purchased. Upon completion of analysis, milk is classified into quality classes, each having a defined price. Increased value of somatic cell count (higher than 400,000/ml) and micro ogranism (MO; higher than 100,000/ml) directly decreases the raw milk price, whereas higher content of fat and protein causes its increase. Since the system of market milk price formation was established, producers have been stimulated to produce milk of higher quality: in a total of milk being purchased, the highest quality milk share increased from 23.3% to 34.2%. Referring to a trend of milk purchase price reduction in the EU, and considering the current high milk purchase price in Croatia, Croatian producers have an opportunity to improve conditions in milk industry before the country joins the EU. Current milk production needs to be increased and milk quality also needs to be improved in order to make Croatian milk production more competitive on the European and world market.  相似文献   


This study explores the economic benefit from labeling milk and milk products and its impact on the supply and demand for fluid milk. The empirical estimate measures the economic value of milk market segmentation based on consumers' willingness to pay for hormonefree milk. The study uses survey data from Kansas households and applied a Probit model for willingness-to-pay and an ordinary least square model for demand analysis. The empirical results show that as long as consumers are willing to pay a higher price for bSTfree milk society would benefit from milk market segmentation.  相似文献   


For almost 60 years milk marketing in the UK has been controlled by statutory milk marketing boards, which have often been regarded as a classic example of the use of discriminatory monopoly pricing exercised for the benefit of producers. This paper describes the development and characteristics of the system, questions the effectiveness of the boards, and considers the challenges to their authority which have recently emerged. These stem partly from opposition by producers and processors and from the latent antagonism of the European Commission. It is now anticipated that the boards will lose their statutory powers and possibility be replaced by unitary voluntary cooperatives. This paper considers the prospects for co‐operative success concluding that there are substantial difficulties still to be overcome.  相似文献   

This article uses revealed preferences of consumers to study the consumer benefits from rBST-free and organic labeled milk. The article specifies and estimates a quadratic AIDS demand system model for different milk types using U.S. supermarket scanner data. The introduction of rBST-free and organic milk is used to estimate consumer benefits that are decomposed into two components, competitive and variety effects. Results show significant consumer benefits from organic milk and to a lesser extent from rBST-free milk. Based on the findings, we explore implications for present U.S. labeling standards.  相似文献   

The United States maintains minor export subsidies and important import barriers for dairy products. Less transparent are the trade effects of milk marketing orders that provide for price discrimination by end-use and price pooling. This article illustrates how adjustments in the end-use price differential can compensate producers for losses when the price support is removed by stimulating exports and extracting added revenue from domestic buyers. The California system has smaller production incentives than the federal system. However, California does maintain explicit, if quantitatively trivial, export provisions in its marketing order.
Les États-Unis conservent de légères subventions à l'exportation et des barrières tarifaires importantes à l'importation des produits laitiers. Ce qui est mains transparent, ce sont les effets commerciaux des ordonnances de mise en marché du lait qui prévalent un régime de double prix selon la destination et un mécanisme de mise en commun des prix du lait. Nous montrons comment, en manipulant les différences de prix selon la destination finale, on peut dédommager les producteurs pour les penes qu'ils ont subies par suite du retrait du soutien des prix, en stimulant les exportations et en soutinant des recettes additionnelles des acheteurs sur le marché intérieur. Méme si le système adopté par la Californie off re de plus faibles incitatifs à la production que le système fédèral, il contient lui aussi des dispositions de soutien explicites, encore que quantitativement négligeables.  相似文献   


A component of the supply management policy governing the Canadian dairy sector is a requirement that all milk and cream sold in Canada be sourced from Canadian producers. Cheese, yogurt, and ice cream, however, can be made using imported milk components. Recently, the Dairy Farmers of Canada launched a 100% Canadian Milk label for products that contain only milk and milk ingredients produced in Canada. Featuring a discrete choice experiment, a Canada-wide survey of dairy consumers is used to elicit their willingness-to-pay for milk and ice cream carrying the 100% Canadian Milk label. The results show that Canadian consumers are willing to pay more for milk and ice cream products that carry the label. Consumer knowledge of the dairy sector affects their willingness to pay for this labeling information. Implications for the use of the Canadian origin label and suggestions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

We model and measure the effects of the Northeast Dairy Compact on prices, quantities, and producer and consumer welfare, underscoring the distribution of these effects across regions and among producers and buyers. Using 1999 as a base year, simulations show that the Compact raised the farm price of milk in the Northeast by $0.45/cwt, lowered the farm price of milk in the rest of the country by $0.02/cwt, and transferred income from producers outside the Compact region and buyers in the Compact region to producers in the Compact region. Non-Compact producer losses exceeded Compact producer gains. Similar results are found for a scenario of Compact contagion—extension of the Compact to include additional states. In both cases, the Compact changed the distribution of the costs and benefits of price discrimination as practiced by milk marketing orders. The regional distribution of the Compact's welfare effects raises again the question of the organization and stability of the federal milk marketing order system.  相似文献   

The study was carried out in Malang East Java, Indonesia. The purpose was to investigate how consumers behave with regard to fresh goat milk or its processed products and to examine determinants that influence this behavior. One hundred respondents were selected using a convenience sampling method and interviewed using a structured questionnaire. Logistic regression analysis was used to analyze consumer behavior toward fresh goat milk or its processed products. This study could contribute to a better understanding of consumers' demand toward this food. Consumers often purchased fresh goat milk or its processed products whereas only a small number rarely bought this food. Consumers frequently demanded fresh goat milk or its processed products as they had more family members and perceived the importance of the availability, many choices, and the affordable price of this food. On the contrary, consumers with high education and concern about the importance of income, the existence of cow milk and its product, and consumers' perception about fresh goat milk and its processed products as special foods might seldom purchase these foods.  相似文献   

Generic advertising and promotion of milk and milk products have assumed increasing importance in Canada over the past two decades. The present research evaluates the Ontario generic fluid milk advertising campaign and determines the functional form that best describes the response of sales to advertising. The research also investigates whether appropriate amounts are being spent on fluid milk advertising. Empirical results indicate the generic fluid milk advertising program has significantly increased milk consumption. Using the empirically preferred inverse functional form, we estimate Ontario fluid milk sales to have increased by 40 million litres during the last quarter of 1984 as a result of increased advertising. The associated increase in farm income is estimated at $16 million, or $24 per additional media dollar invested. Results indicate that the computed optimal spending levels are sensitive to functional form selection, and the empirically preferred inverse form suggests fluid milk advertising expenditures can profitably be increased to 1.7 times the current rate. La publicité et la promotion génériques du lait et des produits laitiers a gagné de plus en plus d'importance au Canada au cours des deux dernières décennies. On a tenté d'évaluer la campagne de publicité générique sur le lait de consommation lancée en Ontario et de trouver la fonction qui décrit le mieux la réaction des ventes à la publicité. On a également vérifié si le budget consacréà la publicitéétait suffisant. Les résultats empiriques indiquent que le programme de publicité générique a augmenté sensiblement la consommation de lait. Selon la méthode empirique de la fonction inverse prérérée, les ventes de lait frais en Ontario ont augmenté de 40 millions de litres au cours du dernier trimestre de 1984 à la suite d'une publicité plus intense. Les recettes agricoles ont donc progressé d'environ 16 $millions, soit de 24 S par dollar investi. Ces résultats montrent que le budget optimal dépend du type de publicité retenu et la fonction inverse préférée suggère qu'il serait rentable d'accroêtre le budget publicitaire actuel du lait de consommation de 1,7 fois.  相似文献   

Consumer preference for container types for fluid milk was investigated for gallon and half gallon containers using conjoint analyis. Consumers clearly preferred plastic jugs to paperboard for gallon containers, which explains the nearly complete capture of the gallon milk market by plastic. They prefer paperboard for half gallon containers, which corresponds to the failure of plastic to penetrate that size container very well. Relative prices of container types are adjusted for the utility consumers see in the containers. Utility adjusted prices of plastic gallon containers make them very competitive relative to alternative packaging materials. Prices of plastic half gallon containers make them less competitive once utilities are accounted for.  相似文献   

The U.S. pork and beef sectors are rapidly moving from traditional cash markets to formal vertical linkages. In 1999, 27% of hogs and 65% of cattle were traded in the cash market and packers owned 18% of hogs and 5% of cattle; the rest were procured via marketing contracts. Contrary to popular opinion that plant efficiency is the impetus for the change, packers clearly identified quality concerns as the dominant reason for using marketing contracts or self-production. Quality standards and procurement systems to achieve them will increase in importance with the introduction of more branded pork and beef products.  相似文献   

Controversy surrounds the effect of free trade in milk and dairy products between Canada and the United States. A static, nonspatial, synthetic, partial equilibrium model is used to explore this issue. The results show that under any reasonable set of parameter estimates, net trade between Canada and the United States would be small, or zero. Free trade would be accompanied by large welfare losses for the current owners of Canadian milk production quota, but new entrants to the industry would earn more producer surplus under free trade than if they paid the full rental value for production quota under the current supply management policy.  相似文献   

基于结构方程模型,从企业行为角度(即企业的管理制度、组织协调和营销活动3个方面)对地理标志林产品品牌竞争力的影响因素进行实证研究。结果表明:管理制度、组织协调、营销活动等企业行为与提升地理标志林产品品牌竞争力具有显著正相关关系;就中介作用而言,品牌传播力在组织协调与品牌竞争力之间起完全中介作用,而管理制度、营销活动与品牌竞争力之间起部分中介作用。因此,针对企业层面提出企业应不断完善内部管理制度、重点管理地理标志林产品的质量、充分发挥企业组织的协调功能、及时优化企业林产品市场营销策划、积累地理标志林产品品牌传播力等建议。  相似文献   


Camel is considered as an indispensable part of desert eco-framework across the globe. Apart from helping in transport, it is also used for its milk. Camel's milk is used worldwide because of its salty taste. However, it has many beneficial effects such as cure for autism and helps to control diabetes, allergy, and also prevents liver cirrhosis. Objective of this study is to analyze the ways to make people purchase and consume camel milk. In the last few years, awareness about nutritional and medicinal benefits of camel milk has rapidly increased. Consequently, the demand of the product has also increased. Objective of this article is to analyze the consumers’ willingness to buy camel milk before and after knowing its health benefits. It also explores the linkage between lifestyle diseases and consumer’s willingness to buy. We analyzed data in two stages. Initially, we did qualitative analysis with twitter text mining to understand customer’s sentiments about camel milk. Later, primary data was collected through structured questionnaire from a sample of 120 respondents by convenience sampling for quantitative analysis. There is a significant increase in the proportion of people willing to buy camel milk and once they were aware of the benefits, people are willing to buy more after knowing the benefits. People exposed to lifestyle diseases are more willing to buy camel milk. Hence, support of market-based awareness campaigns to stimulate demand for quality camel milk among consumers can be realized through information dissemination and awareness campaign.  相似文献   

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