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This paper investigates the shareholder wealth consequences of the public announcements of the proposed issuance of multiple classes of common stock with disparate voting rights. The evidence suggests that, for our sample of 70 firms which proposed dual-class recapitalizations over the period 1962–86, the creafion of dual classes of common stock, on average, leads to abnormal stock price increases. The data do not lend support to the hypothesis that the concentration of voting power with incumbent management is detrimental to shareholder interests.  相似文献   

Interest in reshoring, defined as the return of manufacturing and service operations from previously offshored locations to the U.S., has gained momentum recently. Yet, there is no academic evidence on the shareholder value implications of reshoring decisions. This paper analyzes the shareholder wealth effects of 37 reshoring decisions announced by U.S. firms during 2006–2015. Our results indicate that reshoring announcements result in positive abnormal stock returns. Mean (median) abnormal stock returns on reshoring announcements are 0.45% (0.29%), corresponding with a mean (median) market value change of $322.57 million ($31.60 million). Our findings imply that the benefits associated with the reshoring tend to outweigh the costs. This finding is relevant for firms faced with the decision of whether to move business activities from offshore to domestic locations. It is also of interest to policy makers who may seek to further stimulate the reshoring phenomenon.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors use both the Black/Scholes European option model and the Barone-Adesi/Whaley American option model to estimate call option values implicit in seasoned callable preferred stock issues. Consistent with the finding that call features increase bond yields, a significant relationship is found between estimated option values and discounts of these securities’ market prices from their estimated income values. However, the size of the discount is only a fraction of what would be predicted by the American option model. Specifically, the market does not appear to take the “early exercise premium” into account. Furthermore, this discount seems to be isolated to in-the-money call features that have evolved to their final call price. Thus, incorporation of a call feature into a security’s indentures, with a deferment period and an initial premium call price, appears to represent a pure gain for the issuing corporation.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2014,38(3):433-450
This study examines the long- and short-run relationship between private consumption, housing wealth, stock market wealth and income. In order to asses this relationship empirically, we use pooled mean group estimators of dynamic heterogeneous panel data on a sample of 30 developed and emerging economies. The sample countries are segmented into three separate panels: a developed bank-based panel, a developed market-based panel, and an emerging bank-based panel. Empirical estimates support the existence of long- and short-run stock market wealth effects in both groups of developed countries, with the effect being particularly strong in the developed market-based countries. A moderate long-run housing wealth effect is confirmed only for the developed bank-based countries, while a very strong short-run housing wealth effect is present in the developed market-based countries. As far as the emerging countries are concerned, the evidence is somewhat inconclusive, but it does seem to suggest that both wealth effects are effective in the long run, with housing wealth being more dominant.  相似文献   

股份回购在西方发达国家的资本市场上属于正常现象,是西方发达国家上市公司资本运营的一种方式,但我国对于股份回购实行的是“原则禁止,例外许可”的原则,尽管新颁布的《公司法》对例外的范围已经放宽,但是却未对股份回购制定具体的制度规范。基于股票回购的多种财务效应,本文拟从会计的视角,分析股份回购财务指标、股份回购核算方法以及对股份回购信息披露制度等方面的约束条件。  相似文献   

Supply chain and reputational risks are often assumed to motivate firms to source production in developed, high-cost countries rather than developing, low-cost countries. To examine this assumption, we provide evidence from the collapse of the Rana Plaza building on April 24, 2013, which with its 1133 fatalities and 2438 injuries is seen as one of the worst industrial accidents in history. Do markets reactive negatively enough to such events to motivate firms to shift their sourcing strategy? We analyze the stock market reaction to the Rana Plaza disaster in the Bangladeshi ready-made garment industry to address this question. Our analysis is based on a sample of 39 publicly traded global apparel retailers with significant garment sourcing in Bangladesh. Stock market reaction to retailers on the day of the Rana Plaza disaster is negative, but its magnitude and significance dissipate by the following day. We find no evidence of significant stock market reaction during the 11 trading days (approximately two weeks in calendar time) following the disaster. Retailers responded to the disaster by developing two different agreements to improve factory and worker safety in Bangladesh – the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh (AFBSB), and the Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety (ABWS). We find no evidence of significant stock market reaction to the announcements of the AFBSB and the ABWS. The insignificant negative economic impact from the Rana Plaza disaster suggests that retailers have little economic incentive to move sourcing out of Bangladesh or other low-cost countries so as to reduce the risk of being involved in such events. We discuss the implications of our results for retailers, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), garment factory owners in Bangladesh, the Bangladeshi government, and academic researchers.  相似文献   

New evidence on shareholder wealth effects in bank mergers during 1980-2000   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper employs two unique bank event study methodologies to calculate abnormal returns for bidder, target and combined firms. The first methodology is a modified market model that controls for shocks common to the banking industry. The second is an EGARCH (1, 1) model that adjusts for the violated regression assumptions of the traditional market model event study. The results of both methodologies reveal that target shareholders enjoy significantly positive abnormal returns, whereas the bidder shareholders experience significantly negative abnormal returns. Overall, announcements of bank mergers generate positive wealth effects for the combined shareholders. However, the evidence presented in this paper underscores the importance of the choice of models describing stock returns in examining the impact of bank mergers.  相似文献   

Inventories represent an important strategic resource for firms, with implications for shareholder wealth. As such, firms expend considerable effort in managing their inventories efficiently. Among other factors, information technology (IT) capability can play an important role in enabling inventory efficiency and financial performance. However, insight into the chain-of-effects linking IT capability, inventory efficiency, and stock market returns and risk remains limited. In this paper, we provide a conceptual model outlining the relationships between these constructs. Next, we evaluate the model using secondary information on firms from multiple industries across the 10-year time period of 2000–2009. Our analysis confirms that firms’ IT capability plays a significant role in enhancing their inventory efficiency, which, in turn, is observed to increase stock market returns. Our results also reveal that firms’ IT capability directly reduces their stock market risk and enhances their stock market returns. Taken together, these findings, along with the conceptual model that we advance, have important research and managerial implications.  相似文献   

I investigate the incentive effects of disability pensions on disability retirement entry as a special type of early retirement. The implicit tax rate on further work is included as a forward looking incentive measure. A substantial change of the disability pension legislation caused exogenous variation in disability benefits in Germany in 2001 and is used to obtain estimates of individual's responses to financial incentives. Benefit levels appear to have no effect on the labour market behaviour. At the same time, there is a sizable and significant disincentive effect of implicit taxes on labour market income, indicating that alleviating such disincentives would likely increase labour force participation. Since the response to financial incentives occurs mainly among those in good health, such a policy might on the other hand imperil the aim of providing insurance against a health‐induced loss of one's working capacity.  相似文献   

This study examines the characteristics of firms that issue convertible debt versus firms that issue convertible preferred stock. The findings are consistent with the agency, information asymmetry, optimal capital structure, financial distress, and tax benefits hypotheses. The findings also indicate that these two types of convertible securities are used to raise external capital by distinctively different groups of firms. First, convertible preferred stock issuing firms have larger nondebt tax shields and higher levels of financial, operating, and bankruptcy risks than convertible debt issuing firms. Second, firms that issue convertible debt have greater free cash flow (financial slack) and growth potential than firms that issue convertible preferred stock.  相似文献   

Empirical studies demonstrated that US baby boomers consumption and savings patterns have affected economic aggregates over the past decades, among them equity returns. Boomers’ retirement is expected to mitigate the demand for equities until 2050, but its impact varies with the specific population age structure along decades. This paper employs a dynamic asset pricing model with optimum consumption and portfolio rules to estimate aging effects on S&P500 returns between 1950 and 2050. Calibration for demographic and economic data between 1950 and 2005 yields model estimates that significantly explain the moving average of S&P500 returns. Further, taking into account the present value of expected demographic effects until 2050 suggests that the S&P500 was fairly priced at the heart of the financial crisis, on April 2009, but overpriced thereafter.  相似文献   

The day of the week effect on stock market volatility   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This study tests the presence of the day of the week effect on stock market volatility by using the S&P 500 market index during the period of January 1973 and October 1997. The findings shown that the day of the week effect is present in both volatility and return equations. While the highest and lowest returns are observed on Wednesday and Monday, the highest and the lowest volatility are observed on Friday and Wednesday, respectively. Further investigation of sub-periods reinforces our findings that the volatility pattern across the days of the week is statistically different.(JEL G10, G12, C22)  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of household exposure to employer pension plan features using the Health and Retirement Survey. We investigate whether exposure to active management (choice) or participation in plan-sponsored financial education seminars impacts household portfolio allocations and wealth. We consider interactions between pension design and investment patterns outside of workers’ pension plans, utilizing two parametric estimators: the random effects probit and the multivariate probit. We extend our results non-parametrically via propensity score matching. We find repeated evidence that both of the plan features improve asset allocations and financial outcomes for recent retirees, especially when used together.  相似文献   

We investigate how the geographic distance between firms’ headquarters affects their stock price comovement. Our results show that a firm's stock return has stronger comovement with the returns of nearby firms than with those of distant firms. Being in the same state and/or in the same industry strengthens the return comovement, but does not substitute for the negative effect of geographic distance on price comovement. Firms of similar share price and size also show stronger return comovement, but these factors do not mitigate the negative distance impact. Consistent with investor home bias and neighborhood effect literature, our results suggest that investors’ preference for local stocks and their interactions lead to correlated trading in local stocks and therefore stronger local price comovement.  相似文献   

中国股票市场的月份效应   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
本文在概述其他学者研究成果的基础上,对我国股票市场的月份效应进行了检验和实证分析,结果发现我国股票市场上不存在许多其他成熟的和新兴的股票市场所共有的一月份效应,但却存在十二月份效应。本文对此进行了充分的论证,并进行了解释。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of interconnectivity in global stock markets during the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) using a comprehensive dataset of 8,827 firms traded in developed and emerging markets. Our contribution includes two key findings. We first use a difference-in-differences approach to show that stocks in countries with higher trade openness ex-ante to the GFC experienced lower average and annual cumulative returns of 9.08 p.p. and 36.32 p.p., respectively, compared to stocks traded in less exposed countries, one year after the crisis outbreak. Second, we employ complex network theory to analyze the role of network interconnectedness in our baseline results. To construct the network of interdependence between stock returns, we utilize a regularized Vector Autoregression Model, which enables us to overcome the limitations of commonly used correlation networks. Our findings suggest that while a firm’s high connectivity before the crisis can alleviate adverse shock effects resulting from export dependence, this effect may be weakened if the firm’s performance is closely linked to central firms.  相似文献   

It is well known that the wealthier the household, the larger tends to be the proportion of its total capital portfolio allocated to publicly traded stock, and the larger tends to be the number of individual stock issues included in its portfolio. Using the “homogeneous securities” case of a mean-variance model originally proposed by Michael Brennan, explicit functional forms are obtained for both the optimal proportion of the portfolio allocated to stocks and the optimal number of individual stock issues in the portfolio. An empirical evaluation of these theoretical results, using a dataset derived from the 2004 Survey of Consumer Finances, lends substantial support to the model.  相似文献   

We propose a private information diffusion model to explain the momentum, which considers different amounts of investor wealth and uses the proportion of informed investors’ wealth to measure information diffusion speed. Different distributions of investor wealth can lead to different information diffusion processes, and the speed of information diffusion is positively correlated with the concentration of investor wealth. Our empirical results reveal the relationship between momentum return and information diffusion speed by the S&P 500 stocks in two periods of the upmarket. The results show that stocks with faster information diffusion speed gain higher time-series momentum returns, especially under short holding period strategies. These results provide new evidence for the correlation between information diffusion and the momentum effect.  相似文献   

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