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October 1 is the National Day of the great nation of China whose contact with other nations has delivered messages of peace, friendship and prosperity to the rest of the world.Undoubtedly in- numerable bright pages of the book story of human society have been written by Chinese people. The relation between two great ancient nations of Iran and China dates back more than 2000 years and it has always been fruitful and beneficial for both nations and others in the course of this long history.  相似文献   

Following months of intense competition. United Airlines [NASDAQ: UAUA], the largest transpacific passenger carrier, connected for the first time ever the capitals of Washington, D.C., and Beijing when its flight touched down at Beijing Capital  相似文献   

This article tests the insights and predictions of venture success as offered by reporters and experts in Inc. magazine, to the predictions generated from an analysis of data from a venture screening questionnaire. The venture screening questionnaire, consisting of 85 items covering four broad categories: (1) Individual Characteristics; (2) Entrepreneurial Behaviors; (3) Strategy; and (4) Environment, was used to evaluate 27 “Anatomy of a Start-up” articles from Inc. magazine. The creation of the questionnaire was guided by the following premises:Individual Characteristics. We hypothesized that the chances of venture survival would be improved if: (1) entrepreneurs had substantial knowledge and ability at the beginning of the start-up story; (2) entrepreneurs gained knowledge and ability during the start-up process; and (3) entrepreneurs continued to demonstrate substantial knowledge and ability at the end of the start-up story.Entrepreneurial Behaviors. We hypothesized that entrepreneurs who expended more effort in any of the following activities would be in new ventures that survived compared to entrepreneurs who expended less effort: Finding and Refining the Opportunity—comprised of 9 different activities, such as, defining the purpose of the business, planning, analyzing competitors; Acquiring Resources and Help— comprised of 15 different activities, such as, finding investors, getting advice from lawyers, getting a loan, acquiring technical expertise; Operating the Business—comprised of 5 different activities, such as, dealing with distributors, managing the day to day operations of the business; Identifying and Selling to Customers—comprised of 5 different activities, such as, identifying specific customers to sell to, selling to customers, managing sales channels; Outside of the Business Issues—comprised of 4 different activities, such as, dealing with family problems, spouse, and friends.Strategy and Environment. The strategy and environment variables were characteristics requiring comparisons of the relative performance of new firms vis-à-vis other competitors and their industry characteristics, much like the questions used in PIMS research: first to entry, degree of innovation, rate of industry growth, size of market, relative price, and relative quality. There were 28 questions in this section of the instrument. We hypothesized that niche oriented strategies and high growth environments might be strategy and environmental characteristics common to startups that survived.In total, there were 85 questions that comprised the venture screening questionnaire.New Venture Survival. The measure of new venture survival for this study was a determination of whether the new venture described in each Inc. magazine article (Longsworth 1991) was still in operation as of January 1995. This date is nearly 4 years after the last case study that we analyzed was published (September 1990), and nearly 7 years after the first case study was published (February 1988). We were able to determine that of the 27 new ventures profiled in the “Anatomy of a Startup” series published in Longsworth (1991), 17 of these ventures were still in operation.A discriminant analysis was performed that resulted in seven variables that correctly classified 85% of the cases into new venture survivors or non-survivors. New ventures that survived were more likely to have: (1) entrepreneurs who gained knowledge and ability during the founding process; who devoted greater efforts to (2) dealing with suppliers; (3) analyzing potential new entrants and who (4) devoted less time to determining the identity of the business; businesses that had (5) “fundable” resource requirements (6) focused on products or services that were designed or produced to order; and (7) were in high growth industries. The classification accuracy of the model was much better than industry experts (55% correct), competitors (55% correct), venture capitalists and financiers (40% correct), and customers (38% correct).Even though the discriminant analysis was better able to predict venture survival or non-survival compared to the experts, there are significant limitations to the reliability and validity of this one particular model, and the data set used. The primary value of this exercise involves making obvious the variables that observers use to make judgments about predicting venture success. One of the frustrations we experienced in analyzing the expert’s predictions was our inability to glean consistent and general “rules of thumb” about new venture success from their observations. We conclude by discussing the value of academic research on new venture success predictors vis-à-vis other avenues of inquiry and expertise: popular journalism and practice.  相似文献   

The explosion of health-related costs in U.S. firms over more than a decade is a huge concern for managers. The initiation of Health and Safety (H&;S) programs at the firm level is an adequate Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative to contain this evolution. However, in spite of their documented efficiency, firms underinvest in those programs. This appears as a puzzle for health economists. In this paper, we uncover a strong negative relation of financial leverage to the implementation of H&;S programs. The negative impact of debt on investment and CSR activities is generally interpreted as an efficient disciplinary effect of debt on managers. H&;S are particularly well suited to revisit this evidence, given their strong profitability and homogeneity across firms. Very interestingly, the negative effect is stronger for firms with high free cash flows, for which debt is used to prevent overinvestment. This strongly suggests that debt, while disciplining managers, also discourages investments which are valuable both for firms and society.  相似文献   

October 1 is the National Day of the great nation of China whose contact with other nations has delivered messages of peace, friendship and prosperity to the rest of the world. Undoubtedly innumerable bright pages of the book story of human society have been written by Chinese people.[第一段]  相似文献   

This study focuses on the impact of the cultural dimension of individualism, face-to-face communication and the effect of relational norms such as supplier involvement and trust on the market performance of buyer firms. We use the culture literature and social exchange theory to test hypotheses using a sample of Brazilian and US manufacturing firms. The data were analyzed using variance-based structural equation modeling, employing nonlinear partial least squares regression. Our findings indicate that individualism is negatively related to the involvement of suppliers in the production process but is not associated with trust in suppliers. In addition face-to-face communication seems to have a positive effect on supplier involvement and trust.  相似文献   

The Chongqing Silks Factory is a comprehensive undertaking producing filature silk, spun silk, and woven silk. It has made Model 11378 spun silks since 1987 following the market demand and its own technical strength. The silks sell well or good quality and won an award forquality from the Ministry  相似文献   

On January 20th,2008,the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Belarus celebrated the 16th anniversary of the establishment of their foreign diplomatic relationship.China was one of the first countries who recognized Belarus' independence,after which the development of Sino-Belarusian relations has enjoyed precedence in both countries' diplomatic strategic policies.From January 1995 to now,frequent top level visits have promoted cooperation,and more than 50 cooperative agreements have been reached covering all aspects of life.  相似文献   

News from CCPIT     
It's reported that Hu Jintao went on a state visit to Thailand, Australia and New Zealand between Oct. 17 to 27, and attended the 11th APEC Informal Summit held in Thailand's capital Bangkok between Oct. 20-21.He expounded China's proposition about important issues influencing global and the regional economic devel-opment on a full scale.  相似文献   

At the latest conference press held in mid of April,it is re- leased by Chinese government officials that preparations for the Beijing Olympic Games in co-host cities are progressing well and most of the facilities are already in place. Qingdao,sailing events Qingdao will be in charge of the sailing events in the Olympic Games.All projects for the Olympic sailing events in Qingdao have b een completed and the Olympic Sub-village will receive fans of the upcoming international sailing event for people with a disability,said Wang Haitao,assistant to the president of the  相似文献   

Chinesecarpetshaveahistoryofabout3,000years,andarechieflyproducedinTianjin,Beijing,Hebei,Shanxi,InnerMongolia,Shandong,Jiangsu,Zhejiang,Shanghai,Shannxi,Gansu,Qinghai,XingjiangandTibet.FinelymadeandwithuniqueChinesecharacteristics,ChinesecarpetsaremadeoffinewoolfromNorth,NortheastandNorthwestChinaandthroughtheprocessesofwashing,spinning,dyeing,weaving,washing,andcutting.Theyarestrong,elastic,softandformkeeping.AmongtheChinesecarpets,thosemadeinXinjiang,TianjinandBeijingenjoyagoodrepu…  相似文献   

组成计算机的任何机械的、磁性的、电子的、电的、光的装置或部件均称为硬件,也称为设备。实际上,除信息数据和程序以外,构成一台计算机的各个部件或设备,如运算器、控制器、存储器、输入输出设备等均称为硬件。  相似文献   

Homestore(www.hom-estore.com):★美国最著名的房地产网站。在2000年底美国《互动周刊》一年一度对新经济时代最大最佳公司的排名中,荣登“互动500强”第263位,是此次“互动500强”排名中唯一的一家房地产专业网络公司,为其同行挣足了面子。★www.homestore.com为该公司  相似文献   

This study mines customer satisfaction (CS) segments using almost 270 thousand responses from a CS survey which ran in 140 e-commerce stores of a European country. To achieve this, it develops and applies a business analytics (BA)-informed framework. Then, it presents examples of how one e-commerce store exploited the extracted CS segments to build automated marketing actions for its customers, ranging from social media sharing strategies for the satisfied segments, to discounts for the less satisfied. This study contributes to customer satisfaction and segmentation literature. The extracted insights can be utilized to support decision making, ranging from targeted advertising for specific customer segments, to benchmarking for companies in similar industries.  相似文献   

伦敦保险业协会(The Institute of London Underwriters)货物新条款(以下简称I.C.C.新条款)于一九八二年一月一日正式公布,並在英国和其他保险市场实施。各国海上保险业的营运多数与英国保险市场保持密切往来的关系。  相似文献   

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