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胡文涛 《国际经贸探索》2002,18(2):35-37,42
冷战以后,国际经济格局因国际政治格局的变化而需要重新建构,美国为确定自己在新经济格局中的霸权地位,不惜运用贸易制裁、货币对垒和组织包围三种手段来遏制欧洲经济一体化所出现整体实力上升的势力和在国际经济格局中的影响力。本文通过透视这三种手段的具体运用和分析其中的战略意图,从而进一步揭示欧洲一体化的主要国际障碍因素是来自美国和国际关系中“利益至上”的普遍原则。  相似文献   

以欧盟为主体的欧洲经济一体化以其发展过程中形成的独特的组织机构和运行机制,为世界提供一个独具特色的经济合作模式——"欧洲模式",本文试从欧洲经济一体化的进程和特点对这一发展模式进行分析。  相似文献   

欧盟是欧洲经济和政治一体化的重要实现方式。欧洲趋向一体化具有悠久的历史,欧盟期望加速这一进程,强化其独立性。欧盟虽然有27个成员国,多数成员加入了统一货币欧元,在一定程度上实现了经济一体化,但其独立性仍具有弱点且面临挑战。这些弱点或挑战不仅来自欧盟财政协调、货币先行等内部因素,还受到地区武装冲突、世界经济波动等外部冲击的影响,尤其是来自美元及美国的影响。同时,欧盟还面临经济独立与政治普世价值追求之间的矛盾。因此,欧盟在追求独立性和一体化的过程中,需要从自身利益出发,谨慎对待与美国的关系,建立独立的军事部队,维护地区和平与稳定,逐步恢复欧元地位,积极参与多边经贸合作和经济全球化。最后,针对欧盟独立性的探讨也为中国带来一些启示。  相似文献   

欧洲货币一体化由最初的欧洲支付同盟,欧洲货币协定,欧洲货币体系以及共同市场的建立,到货币联盟直至最终形成共同货币区,是按照由简单到复杂,由低级到高级稳步推进的方式发展,每一步的发展都是在经济和政治利益的驱动下进行的,也是各成员国相互妥协的产物。欧洲货币既维护了欧洲经济的稳定发展,也成为了国际货币体系的重要一极。欧洲货币一体化历程也为世界其它区域探寻货币一体化道路提供了有利的启示和借鉴。中国-东盟地区已建成自由贸易区,商品流通速度大为增加,两个经济体在货币领域的合作也日益加深。欧洲货币一体化历程能为这个区域的货币合作乃至实现货币一体化又提供了哪些启示呢?中国-东盟区域能否可以走与欧洲一样的货币一体化道路呢?笔者将对欧洲货币一体化历程给予的启示进行分析中国-东盟区域货币一体化的可能性。  相似文献   

欧美国家边境地区的一体化效应及其启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文根据边境地区的一体化效应理论,比较了美国-墨西哥边境地区和欧洲部分地区在一体化进程中不同的发展效应,分析了效应差异的原因和形成机制,指出一体化对边境地区发展的促进作用是不确定的,影响一体化效应的因素十分复杂.并以云南边境地区存在的各种贸易障碍为例,指出只有采取多层次的系统整合措施才能消除众多的发展障碍,发挥一体化对边境地区的促进作用.  相似文献   

随着2000年塞尔维亚走上民主发展的道路,作为欧洲最不发达国家之一,塞尔维亚开始接受双边和多边国际援助。与此同时,塞尔维亚提出了"回归欧洲"的政策口号,符合欧盟把西巴尔干国家纳入欧洲一体化进程的战略构想,因此,欧盟对塞尔维亚的发展援助是在其对西巴尔干政策的大框架内展开的,以引导塞尔维亚向欧洲社会民主模式转轨,最终实现欧洲一体化。本文简要介绍了塞尔维亚接受国际援助的总体情况和发展趋势,着重介绍塞尔维亚接受欧盟援助情况,并对国际援助的作用作简要分析。  相似文献   

全球化和区域一体化是当今世界的发展趋势。欧盟是当今世界上一体化程度最高、发展最快、影响最大的区域合作组织典范,欧洲一体化为其他地区的区域合作提供了成功模式。相对于欧洲的一体化进程,东亚地区的区域合作起步较晚。因此,在东亚地区的区域合作中可以借鉴欧洲一体化的成功经验,积极促成东亚区域合作的新阶段。将对比欧洲与东亚地区在合作过程中政治、经济和文化因素的动力影响,得出如何推动东亚地区区域合作的启示。  相似文献   

牛卢露  冯单单  郭晓立 《商》2013,(24):78-78,76
欧盟是当今世界一体化程度最高的组织,欧洲货币体系的建立与欧洲经济的发展具有相互协调的作用。欧洲货币体系的建立先后经历了四个阶段,汇率也相应的经历了四次波动,随着货币体系的变迁,欧洲各个国家的经济也随之发生波动,一些反应经济发展的指标如GDP、年通胀率等与汇率变动具有联动性。  相似文献   

本文回顾了最优货币区理论和货币一体化的前提标准,实证检验欧元区国家在欧元诞生前后是否满足《马斯特里赫特条约》的一体化指标,证实欧元区在成立前存在不符合最优货币区理论标准的"先天性缺陷",也没有事后"内生"为最优货币区。欧债危机本质上是欧元区超前推行货币一体化的产物。欧元区各国发展不均衡、联盟资源利益分配不当、政治一体化进度滞后是其背离最优货币区"内生化"理论的原因。人民币区域化、国际化应汲取欧洲货币一体化与欧债危机的经验教训,审慎考虑货币联盟的模式,渐进有序地推进国际化进程。  相似文献   

徐洪才 《中国市场》2010,(33):37-39
建立东亚"千斤顶"国家联盟(JACKUnion)有着非同寻常的地缘政治和国际战略意义。这是重构新的"三足鼎立"世界平衡格局的现实需要,也是我国对美国实施反遏制战略的需要。建立"千斤顶"国家联盟具备经济和文化基础,目前就差"临门一脚"。建议对博鳌亚洲论坛进行"技术"改造,成立东亚"千斤顶"国家联盟理事会,承担"千斤顶"国家联盟方案设计和组织实施工作,推进"千斤顶"联盟经济一体化,建立"千斤顶"国家政治联盟和独立的地区安全防务力量。  相似文献   

While policy makers link the recent increase of M&A activity in Europe to the benefits of European legislation and European institutions to create a fertile ground for acquisitions in Europe, others deny the benefit of regional integration. This study evaluates the characteristics and the key determinants of the likelihood of completion of M&As in the European Union between 1997 and 2007. The results of this study suggest that M&As in Europe feature unique characteristics, while still suffering from country-specific challenges. In Europe the deal attitude and the presence of competing bids are more important for the completion of a deal than the deal origin, the payment method, or industry regulation. The reported idiosyncrasies of M&A in Europe seem to arise not merely from European regulations about acquisitions, but mostly from the structural characteristics of the European business environment.  相似文献   

With twelve new members the decision making in the European Union via intergovernmental cooperation will become ineffective. The EU is at the Cross Roads. In order to avoid a Stagno‐Europe the EU has a choice: Either it looks for the very essentials in the common institutional framework and adjusts it accordingly or the member states agree in ceding national sovereignty to the European level. This, however, requires that the democratic deficit at the EU level is reduced. The Treaty of Nice has failed to solve these issues. The paper elaborates in detail the non‐essentials and the essentials of European integration and discusses the basics of an approach to a constitution‐like arrangement for Europe.  相似文献   

Transition and reorientation towards Western Europe have been the two decisive challenges for the Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs) since 1989. Whereas in the early 1990s the transition from the central planning system to a market economy was the main goal of economic policies, the requirements for closer integration with the Western European countries have since then increasingly gained in importance. How do the two processes overlap? What requirements remain to be met before the candidate countries can join the European Union?  相似文献   

In an effort to combat poverty and sustain growth, the European Union launched initiatives and invested funds to research the area of sustainable development and social cohesion. This article reviews funded projects of the European Union established over the last decade in the areas of entrepreneurship, sustainability, and corporate social responsibility. The analysis reveals that in Europe the issue of poverty is seen more as an issue of inequality and as lack of integration rather than an issue of wealth. This has an effect in the way policymakers and public authorities adopt new measures to achieve social cohesion, thereby ignoring the contribution of the individual as an entrepreneur with social consciousness that could lead the efforts to alleviate poverty. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Conclusion  I have ranged widely, perhaps too widely, over some of the key issues which confront the EU. But I feel strongly that without a profound debate over the future of the Union we will stumble from one crisis to the next, with real dangers for the stability of our Continent. Let us think deeply about the future of our Continent and let us seize the opportunity of the enlargement of the European Union at the same time. The six ministers of foreign affairs of the candidate countries considered Minister Fischer's proposals to be a useful and interesting example of positive thinking targeted at the future of Europe. This position of candidate countries is still another proof contradicting the claims of those who think those countries are not ready yet to discuss the development of integration, that they are too involved in the process of harmonisation with theacquis communautaire. I hope that this article will also contribute to the repudiation of this cliché. Poland does not solely wish to enter Europe. Poles wants to talk about its future. This article is a revised version of a speech held at the meeting of the European League for Economic Co-operation (ELEC) in Berlin, 16 June 2000.  相似文献   

The Court of Justice of the European Union is increasingly dedicated to the pursuit of economic efficiency. As this article will demonstrate, this has led to diagonal conflict between European legal pronouncements on the free movement of labour within a services regime and national jurisprudence on democratically-legitimated public procurement policies within distinct state aids regimes. Where once the CJEU treated public procurement as a distinctive part of the EU’s state aids regime, or one which might be reconciled with redistributive ethical and social concerns maintained at national level, the application of the EU services regime to procurement has placed this traditional understanding in doubt. This re-alignment, however, as well as the supranational-national conflict that it has created, reflects both the deeper mismatch both between European economic and national social competences, as well as friction between national and European conceptions of constitutional legitimacy. Such tensions must be overcome in order to secure continuing legal integration within Europe.  相似文献   

Prior to the demise of the Communist system in Eastern Europe, the trade of these countries with the developing world was supportive of Soviet diplomatic aims at least in part. In the late 1950s, correspondence between the trade links of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe was particularly close. In later periods, the trade of Eastern Europe was less closely aligned with that of the Soviet Union, but there was still evidence that East European trade with the developing world followed upon Soviet goals and initiatives in some instances, indicating the strong possibility of overall Soviet direction. Trade with countries in the Middle East had by far the strongest association for East European trade with that of the Soviet Union.  相似文献   

The textiles, clothing and footwear (TCF) industry is a labour intensive industry, strongly determined by globalization and easy relocation to low‐cost countries. Hence also in the European Union this industry is relatively more important in the low‐wage regions of the EU‐Southern periphery. With the envisaged enlargement, however, these countries fear a further shift of the sector to Central and Eastern Europe as these countries still have a comparative advantage in terms of low labour costs. The present article investigates whether this fear is justified, looking at three main aspects: first at the position and history of the TCF sector in the European Union and its role in the EU periphery, second at the sector in the Central and Eastern accession countries, and third at gobalization issues. The second aspect is dealt with in great detail, as development trends in the Central and East European countries are important and telling. Much has happened during the 15‐year (and more) period between the collapse of communism and the EU membership in this region, most important the integration to the EU by the means of trade, in particular outward processing trade. These developments mainly seem to determine future trends in an enlarged Europe. Overall however, future prospects have to be seen in a global context, strongly influencing the sector via changes in global trade policies.  相似文献   

The transfer of technology from developed countries to emerging markets has been of central interest to MNCs. This paper examines the problems associated with technology transfer in the context of Central and Eastern European countries. Contrary to a common perception of the region, we argue that different country institutional characteristics are determinants of technology transfer. By outlining the recent socioeconomic changes in the region, we consider the adoption of essential market institutions and the specific norms of regional integration with the European Union as these most important determinants. The paper concludes with the overview of potentially successful technology transfer strategies for MNCs interested in investing in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.  相似文献   

It has often been argued that European monetary unification must basically be seen as a device to Europeanise re-unified Germany. For the Germans it seemed to be the best possible way to prevent a German “Sonderweg” and end any German ambition for hegemony. For the rest of Europe, and particularly France, it seemed to be the best way to curb German monetary dominance and to secure a French imprint on EU policy-making. In this article, however, it is argued that the German impact on the economic governance regime of EMU and its fencing off the French proposal of a “gouvernement economique” is so substantial that the term “Germanic Europe” seems in fact to be appropriate. More importantly, the economic governance system of “Germanic Europe” has locked the European Union into a politics of disinflation which makes it difficult for the EU to prosper and reap the potential fruits of European integration.

* This paper was written while the author was a guest researcher at the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), Brussels, from March to April 2005. He is most grateful to Andrew Watt for his help and the ETUI for its support.  相似文献   

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