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船舶工业取得辉煌成就得益于国际科技合作 改革开放20多年来,我国船舶工业从当初只能造万吨级常规散货船、油船,年造船产量只有60万吨左右一跃发展成为可建造30万吨级超大型油轮和多种高新技术船舶,年造船产量400万吨左右,并且80%以上是出口船舶的高度外向型产业.  相似文献   

在对技术引进消化吸收再创新的基本理论进行较为深入的分析的基础上,研究了现阶段我国技术引进消化吸收再创新的现状及发展面临的问题,进而提出了解决技术引进消化吸收再创新问题的具体对策.  相似文献   

一、我国船舶工业技术创新的进展 改革开放以来,我国船舶工业通过"技术引进"、"消化吸收"与"自主研发"三步曲,成功地走出了一条加快发展的技术创新之路,为船舶工业国际竞争力的提高和市场开拓提供坚实的技术支撑.  相似文献   

技术引进关键是要消化吸收,在消化吸收的过程中创新。从引进技术转变为自主研发,其成本远低于发明的成本。  相似文献   

天津市聚祥新技术开发有限公司成立后首先开发出充气工艺品,填补了天津市的产品空白。2001年并购天津市荣正食品科技有限公司,更名为天津市新聚祥科技开发有限公司。公司调整发展战略,凭借电子技术领域的研发实力瞄准环保和资源再生领域,开发出有自主知识产权的铅酸蓄电池激活器及失效电池的再生修复的技术和产品。  相似文献   

“十五”以来,我国科技综合实力明显增强,自主创新能力大幅度提升,在纳米材料、量子信息、超大规模集成电路和软件、电动汽车、数控机床等领域取得了一大批重要创新成果,并掌握了一批关键技术,形成了具有我国自主知识产权并具有国际竞争力的高新产品和先导性产业,培育出了新的经济增长点。  相似文献   

“创新就是经常被模仿而从未被超越的状态。没有核心技术和自主知识产权,就不具有自主创新能力,就把握不了未来发展的主动权。只有全面提高企业自主创新能力,增强自主开发能力,掌握自主知识产权,才能提高企业竞争力和抗风险能力;  相似文献   

以“探索、发展、创新”为主题的第十一届中法经济研讨会4月5-6日在北京举行。在这次由中国贸促会和法国法中委员会共同举办的中法经济研讨会上,法中双方就进一步加强双方的科技合作进行了深入的探讨。本刊记者在会议的间隙专访了法国企业运动联盟主席Ernst-Antoine Seillière  相似文献   

以科技创新推进我国循环经济的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者从循环经济的涵义和原则出发,提出建立生态型技术创新战略、以循环经济基本原则贯穿整个科技创新活动和构建环型科技创新模式三大观点,并进行了论证.  相似文献   

湖南人胡建,为了创业当老板,几年来他做过许多产品的代理经销商,但都没能实现自己的财富梦想。财富机会属于有心人,在一次接触了木质毛巾之后,其神奇的特性和巨大的市场潜力让胡建激动不已,他便不遗余力地拿下中国的总代理。如今他的木质毛巾倍受广大消费者的热爱,产品供货一度奇缺,代理连锁商争相加盟,生意火爆全国。财富金矿就在眼前,胡建迅速建立湖南省高创科技有限公司,通过自主研究开发与引进国外先进技术相结合。将公司发展成为一个集研发、生产、销售、服务为一体的专业化企业。[编者按]  相似文献   

With the full implementation ofthe country's strategy ofreinvigorating the nationthrough science and education and thestructural reforms in scientific research,China's scientific and technological strengthhas been boosted markedly, narrowing itsgap with the developed countries. In the reform of scientific researchinstitutions, 869 of the formerlygovernment-affiliated scientific researchinstitutions or academies were incorporatedinto enterprise groups, or transformed intoenterprises by the e…  相似文献   

Guido Brunner 《Intereconomics》1978,13(11-12):263-266
Science and technology have come under the fire of critics over the last ten years or so, but the present situation of mankind will call for more, and not less, human ingenuity. A particular problem for Europe to master is the need to improve the channels for translating scientific achievements into competitive engineering and technology. It is a problem which can best be solved within a coherent policy framework, designed and implemented at Community level.  相似文献   

Brunner  Guido 《Intereconomics》1978,13(11):263-266

Science and technology have come under the fire of critics over the last ten years or so, but the present situation of mankind will call for more, and not less, human ingenuity. A particular problem for Europe to master is the need to improve the channels for translating scientific achievements into competitive engineering and technology. It is a problem which can best be solved within a coherent policy framework, designed and implemented at Community level.


知识经济时代,科技创新中心已成为国家提升综合国力的战略支点。对科技创新中心演化路径、发展特征进行剖析,将有助于各参与主体根据科技创新中心不同发展阶段实施不同的发展策略。文章基于特征功能、发展模式、演化路径等不同视角对国内外科技创新中心研究现状进行系统梳理,在科技创新中心构成要素、要素的演化分析基础上,明确科技创新中心演化路径的分析框架,并利用上述分析框架对伦敦、东京、北京典型科技创新中心演化路径进行研究,为正确判读科技创新中心的发展阶段以及参与主体实施精准、有效的策略提供思路。  相似文献   

党的十七届五中全会审议通过的"十二五"规划建议提出要以科学发展为主题,以加快转变经济发展方式为主线,这是"十二五"规划建议的又一个鲜明特点,也是推动科学发展的必由之路.我们贯彻十七届五中全会精神,依靠科技创新加快经济发展方式转变,实现经济平稳较快发展,开创科学发展新局面.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the findings of 13 detailed case studies of medical device product innovations carried out by small firms. The case studies concentrate on the costs of innovative activity and the sources of funds used by the firms in the time period prior to the introduction of the innovation. Activities by organizations other than the small firm which was the primary innovator are also included.All but one of the innovations used multiple sources of funds, usually 2–4 different sources. The most frequently used source (9 cases) was personal funds of the company founder. Next most frequent sources (6 cases each) were cash flow from other products or services and funds obtained from another organization involved in the innovation process. Five cases involved public sales of securities. Infrequently used sources of funds were bank loans, venture capital firms and government sources.This study was supported by a research contract (no. SBA-3042-AER-88) from the Office of Advocacy, U.S. Small Business Administration.  相似文献   

Today technological progress is promoted by governments in numerous and diverse ways. What forms does this intervention take? Is governmental promotion of technological progress necessary? Is it even justifiable?  相似文献   

The transformation of China into an innovation-oriented nation is now topping the agenda of Chinese government. Technological innovation is seen at the heart of this transformation, and enterprises have been called the key driving force of the innovation process. However, what are the key ingredients for such a transformation to occur? And are Chinese enterprises ready to fulfil this new responsibility? Drawing on the concept of technological entrepreneurship, this paper intends to explain technological innovation in Chinese enterprises, and attempts to develop an integrative view for research in this field, especially as related to the questions asked above.  相似文献   

船舶工业基本上是装配工业,对配套设备具有极强的依赖性,以船舶柴油机、船舶辅机、船舶动力装置、船舶电子仪器为主的船舶配套业,是船舶工业的重要组成部分和基础,通常一艘交付使用的船舶其船用设备约占整船价格的一半.  相似文献   

This study assesses the relationship between organizational innovation and technological innovation capabilities, and analyzes their effect on firm performance using a resource-based view theoretical framework. The article presents empirical evidence from a survey of 144 Spanish industrial firms and modeling of a system of structural equations using partial least squares. The results confirm that organizational innovation favors the development of technological innovation capabilities and that both organizational innovation and technological capabilities for products and processes can lead to superior firm performance.  相似文献   

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