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陈期生 《科技和产业》2023,23(13):207-211
质子交换膜燃料电池主要成本集中在贵金属Pt催化剂,而Pt/C催化剂是目前质子交换膜燃料电池的关键材料之一。为此,对机械化学法、乙醇机械化学法、乙醇浸渍搅拌法等工艺方法制备Pt/C催化剂进行研究,并对退火、铂金属用量等条件进行探索。结果表明:高温退火会降低Pt/C催化剂的催化性能,故退火温度要适当,不能超过900℃;3种方法制备Pt/C电催化性能进行对比,乙醇机械法和乙醇浸渍搅拌法略性能相当,机械化学法优于前两者,并对其进行平行试验验证,重复性较好,测试性能稳定,具有可操作性;对其机械化学法Pt负载量(20%~40%)电催化性能对比发现,Pt负载量增加,电催化性能增加;对比扩大球磨和玛瑙研磨发现,扩大球磨的电催化性能好,说明该方法可实现扩大实施,对质子交换膜燃料电池工业化应用具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

本工艺采用国产12英寸离心重选机对碎磨至200目占60%的矿样进行离心重选,通过单因素实验确定了最佳工艺条件.在反冲水量20 L/min、转速800 rpm和富集时间120 min下,球磨排矿重选得到了含Au 671 g/t的金精矿,金收率52.21%,富集率可达583倍.试验结果表明,离心重选机对金的回收效率和稳定性好.  相似文献   

邵丹  杨俊杰 《中国招标》2012,(10):37-39
非洲E国供水项目合同签署于2005年9月,合同工期700天。主要的项目工作内容包括两个城市间的主供水管线(球磨铸铁管,DN600)95公里;城市内的分配供水管线(PVCDN50—DN300)150公里;中间加压泵站4级,高差1000米;8座500立方米加压泵站配套水池;1座2000立方米中继水池;1座4000立方米城市蓄水池;10座200立方米城市内分配供水池等。总计合同金额2500万美元,外币  相似文献   

铝颜料是以金属铝为主要原料,可利用废旧铝线、铝锭和废杂铝经熔炼、雾化、筛选、球磨、控料等多种工序加工而成。铝粒、铝粉和铝粉浆是铝颜料产品中用途最广的品种,它除了用作机械、管道、散热器、储油设备的表面防腐、耐热、装饰材料外,还是生产水泥加气块的发气剂。同时还是应用于焊接、烟火、推进器动力燃料等方面的重要材料。  相似文献   

目前,巴彦淖尔紫金有色金属有限公司每天约有30 t筛下锌浮渣需要返回原料工段重新配矿,再一次进入焙烧炉焙烧,但是此锌浮渣含锌84%左右,重新回炉效果较低,且成本增加。通过试验研究,利用球磨后锌浮渣与废液经过两段浸出试验,可以有效地将此锌浮渣浸出,浸出率为94%,并且每天可消耗废液300 m~3,降低了系统废液体积高的现象,为消耗废液找到开路。此工艺在生产上可以有效实施,从而避免了重新配矿回炉焙烧,间接提高焙烧产能。  相似文献   

硅是植物生长需要的第四大营养元素 ,对农作物的增产有着异常神奇的效果 ,被誉为“调节性肥料”、“保健肥料” ,不仅可以使农作物大幅度增产 ,而且还可以明显改善农作物品质 ,从而改变农作物“高产不优质 ,优质不高产”的局面。硅肥主要使用在缺硅土壤和喜硅作物上 ,目前我国存在着大面积的缺硅土壤 ,每年平均需要硅肥 30 0 0~ 50 0 0万吨 ,而我国目前只有 10 0万吨左右的生产能力 ,因而硅肥的开发生产具有巨大的市场潜力。目前硅肥的生产工艺主要有炼钢废料水淬渣直接使用 ;生产黄磷后剩余炉渣经水淬烘干球磨而成 ;水玻璃经高速离心喷雾…  相似文献   

1、为什么说农民是农业结构调整的主体?农业结构调整的主体应当是农民。第一,农民最熟悉当地的资源情况,他们清楚自家现有资源能不能适合农业结构的调整。第二,农业结构调整跟农民有最直接的利益关系,结构调整搞好了,他们能挣到钱,增加收入;搞不好,赔进去了,他们就挣不到钱,甚至重新陷入贫困。他们能不全身心地投入吗?第三,调整时农民亲手操作,边实践边球磨这样那样的技术能不能用,怎样用,理论与实践融为一体。第四,农民获取的信息也比其他任何人来得实在,掌握得也比别人多,有针对性。这就好像炒股票一样,买了股票股民…  相似文献   

调查背景 随着三季度的各项主要数据的发布,担忧四季度以至未来相当长的时间内经济处于不乐观中,在此环境下,对多位经济学家进行了宏观经济问卷调查,本次调查围绕三大主要焦点进行,调查回收有效问卷24份。参与调研的经济学家有胨兴动,程文卫,董先安,房四海,龚方雄,哈继铭,华尔诫,雷鼎鸣,梅新育,潘向东,彭兴韵,齐建国,邱庆东,谭凇,王建,王晓辉,杨游,袁锕明,曾学文,张斌,张晓晶,赵锡军,诸建芳,邹平座。  相似文献   

病房里未了新病号,一位雪白头发的老妇人,脑溢血,昏迷,输着液,吸着氧。病人的家属,矮,跛着一只脚,他的头,深深地插进脖腔,看不到脖子,肩膀几乎齐着耳朵,看不出多大年龄。病友们忍住好奇心,把他们红红绿绿的被褥,花包袱,搪瓷缸子,灰色的塑料提兜,还有一个红漆剥落的小木匣,七手八脚地搬进来,那个男人诚惶诚恐地说着谢谢,满脸的谦逊,嗓音很有磁性。  相似文献   

这是一群在商界曾经显赫一时的人物,这些人,在回望改革开放30年时,注定是绕不过的,李经纬,吴炳新,顾雏军,胡志标,王遂舟,戴国芳,李留恩,孙宏斌,郭家学,姜伟,这10位曾经的商业袅雄,他们聪明、勤奋、敢想敢干,同时,他们身上的草莽之气与无知也同样明显。  相似文献   

张玉  司虹  李娟 《魅力中国》2014,(3):112-113
本文主要介绍了冶金机械加工设备——俄罗斯220#镗铣床电控系统改造。通过对机床的现状分析,选择了具体改造方案并加以实施,并对改造后的设备加以效果检查以及改造后设备取得的经济效益。  相似文献   

This article explores the effects of political structure on rulers' monopolistic gains and investment decisions in the context of the medieval milling industry in northern France, 1150–1250. Using Salop's spatial model, this article aims to show that political fragmentation increased investment in watermill construction because it reduced the capacity of rulers to limit competition from neighbouring mills. The calculations demonstrate that competition significantly reduced rulers' income from watermills and that the construction of more than 50 per cent of these mills cannot be economically ‘justified’ unless rulers' profit maximization over joint production is considered, and revenues from additional labour allocated to wheat production is included.  相似文献   

Sugarcane burning is a significant problem in Thailand. Cane burning is undertaken before harvest mostly due to labor shortages. A cane harvester has been promoted to counter labor shortages and increase cane productivity; however, its adoption has been slow. This paper examines incentive schemes for harvester adoption using a choice experiment. Forty large-scale farmers with the capacity to buy their own harvesters and 400 small-scale farmers who could potentially use harvesters on a fee basis were surveyed. The results suggest a variety of economic incentives for harvester adoption. Most important among these is subsidizing of interest rates for purchase. Also of merit at the milling stage are priority queuing, and subsidies for unburned cane to a lesser extent.  相似文献   


Demand-led skills development requires linkages and coordination between firms and education and training organisations, which are major challenges considering that each represents a ‘self-interested’ entity. The need for a ‘collaborative project’ involving government, firms, universities and colleges, and other bodies is thus increasingly recognised. However, the crucial role of intermediaries has been largely overlooked. The article addresses this gap by investigating the main roles of public and private intermediaries across three case studies: sugarcane growing and milling, automotive component manufacturing, and the Square Kilometre Array sectoral systems of innovation. The research highlights the need for a move towards systemic thinking, to bridge across public and private objectives. It shows that private intermediaries play a larger role than is recognised in policy; that public–private intermediaries play crucial roles in coordination; and the potential for public intermediaries to contribute more effectively to systemic functioning.  相似文献   

The link between political fragmentation and economic development has been frequently discussed in the pre-modern growth literature, yet, it has mostly been treated in a general manner. This paper provides a specific and detailed case study of the patterns of watermill construction in the northern French region of Ponthieu, France. The results suggest that political fragmentation in the juridical context of medieval Europe positively affected investments in machinery. I concentrate on the eleventh and twelfth centuries, a period characterized by political fragmentation and weak central authority, and provide original evidence that watermill construction was significantly more intense in areas where authority was fragmented and landholding was divided between numerous landlords. I suggest that the mechanism behind the phenomenon is that in the institutional context of medieval Europe political fragmentation reduced the territorial extent of lords' jurisdiction and therefore, of their monopoly over watermill construction. This, in return, promoted the construction of neighboring watermills, thereby affecting the number of watermills and the level of competition in the milling industry.  相似文献   

受我国金融监管政策由松转紧的影响,险资在我国资本市场上呈现出举牌"涨潮"和"退潮"之势。基于回应性监管理论,文章对宝能举牌万科、前海人寿换血南玻、阳光保险举牌伊利和前海人寿突袭格力四个事件进行了多案例分析。研究发现政府监管策略会根据险资举牌动机和行为进行相应调整,当险资投资是单纯性财务投资行为时,监管机构主要以规范行为和能力提升为主,采取被监管主体自我监管和强化型自我监管策略;当险资举牌演变成一种行业性激进式恶意收购行为时,监管机构逐步升级监管强度直至暂停业务、市场禁入等严厉的惩罚措施。随着监管策略呈现从强化型自我监管向命令控制型监管,后又回归至强化型自我监管的转变,险资举牌也会产生不同的结果。当监管处于强化型自我监管阶段,南玻被前海人寿多次举牌,最终丧失控制权;面对宝能系的三次举牌,万科虽然紧急停牌,随后发布资产收购预案,但反收购举措也以失败告终。当监管强度逐渐升级进入命令控制型监管阶段,万科管理层重夺控制权,随着监管趋严的形势逐渐明确、监管层的态度立场和惩罚措施日益清晰,阳光保险未再继续增持伊利股份,伊利保持了控制权;前海人寿突袭格力时,正值保监证监齐发力明确对险资恶意举牌的态度和立场、要进一步强化对资本市场的监管,于是格力最终保住了控制权。当险资举牌行为得到严格限制后,政府再次进入强化型自我监管阶段,只是此次的监管规则在之前强化型自我监管阶段的基础上有了进一步完善。本文提出,监管机构应重视提高监管对象自我监管的主体责任和能力,采取先宽松后强硬的监管措施,并用权威有效的强制措施防范违背基本底线的金融风险,同时要考虑各监管策略之间的互相融合促进转化的动态关系。  相似文献   

冷晨昕  祝仲坤 《南方经济》2018,37(8):107-127
当前,互联网是不可阻挡的"时代洪流",正在潜移默化地影响着农村居民的行为观念与生活方式。在此背景下,文章基于中国社会状况综合调查2015年度数据,系统评估了互联网技能给农村居民带来的幸福效应。研究表明:掌握互联网技能会显著提升农村居民的幸福感,其感到"非常幸福"的概率显著高出2.6%。考虑到掌握互联网技能很可能是农村居民"自我选择"的结果,结合倾向得分匹配法和内生转换模型构造反事实框架纠正选择性偏误,结论依然成立。影响机制的分析结果显示,互联网技能会通过丰富休闲娱乐活动提升农村居民的幸福感。  相似文献   

杨志祥 《改革与战略》2008,24(11):64-66
广义上的品牌,其外延包括商标、商号、商业域名、企业徽标、地理标志、装潢、认证类标记等。它和其他知识产权一样都是我国创新型企业的财富源泉和竞争优势。同时,品牌是创新型企业知识产权战略的首选,像中华老字号、地理标志和原产地名称等品牌资源是我国企业跻身国际市场的优势所在。同时,品牌能产生派生效应。品牌和企业的其他知识产权是互动的。品牌统摄着其他知识产权,其原因主要是品牌的生命力超过了其他具体的知识产权,这也是现阶段我国国情所决定的。  相似文献   

This paper compares the performance of targeting indicators to identify the poor. If the ROC curve of one indicator lies above that of another, the first indicator dominates the second for all social welfare functions based on the two types of errors involved in targeting. The method is applied to Bangladesh. Fifteen indicators are used, including location, land ownership, education, occupation, demographics, age, family structure, and housing. The analysis is applied at the national, urban, and rural levels with two poverty lines. Education dominates land ownership in urban areas. The ranking is reversed in most cases in rural areas.  相似文献   

《Asian Economic Journal》2017,31(2):119-137
An increase in the prevalence of modifiable health risk factors, such as diabetes, hypertension and hypercholesterolemia, has become a serious public health issue in developed and developing countries. It is the main contributing factor to the rise in non‐communicable diseases (NCD). The use of preventive medical care remains the best method to prevent NCD. The objective of the present study is to examine the factors affecting the decisions of people to use preventive medical care (e.g. blood glucose tests, blood cholesterol tests and blood pressure test). An ordered logit model is estimated based on a nationally representative sample. The present study finds that income, age, education, ethnicity, employment status, health insurance and smoking are significantly associated with the use of preventive medical care. As a measure towards increasing the prevalence of the preventive medical care usage, the government should pay special attention to low income earners, the young and the elderly, the less‐educated, the ethnic minorities, employed individuals, individuals whose medical expenses are not paid by insurance carriers, as well as smokers.  相似文献   

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