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网络经济是否冲击会计基本假设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘用铨 《上海会计》2002,(11):42-43
会计理论和方法体系根植于商品经济,并服务于商品经济。当前,人类进入了网络经济时代,但是商品经济的本质特征——资本增值运动并没有改变。那末,会计理论和方法体系特别是会计基本假设会不会受到冲击?网络技术、虚拟企业、电子货币是否正在挑战会计基本假设?本文拟对此进行探讨。当前部分学者认为:随着网络经济的发展,现行的会计基本假设将会受到实质性的冲击。“冲击论”的直接论据是人类社会将从工业经济时代进入网络经济时代,经济环境将发生重大的变化,而网络经济时代虚拟企业的出现和电子货币的大量使用,将会挑战会计基本假…  相似文献   

在网络经济环境下的电子商务对会计主体、持续经营、会计分期、货币计量这四项假设均产生了一定的冲击,本文将从会计假设的角度出发讨论网络会计中的会计假设问题。—、对会计主体假设的影响会计主体是指会计为之服务的对象。在传统会计描述的会计主体是一个实实在在的单位实体。在电子商务中,存在着一些看不见、摸不着的网络公司、网上公司、网际公司,以及以信息资源为主导服务的信息中介服务公司等形式上虚拟化了的公司。在会计上是否认定这些公司为一个会计主体?这将给会计主体假设产生影响。在网络环境中它又确实是一个公司,并且在经营着业务,会计行为上必定要对它经营着的业务进行质和量的反映,为了有效地组织生产并在合  相似文献   

会计基本假设是构成财务会计与财务报告的基础,是对财务会计所处环境特征的描述.以工业社会为前提而提出的四大会计基本假设是否仍然适用于现在的网络经济时代?学者们对此进行了大量的研究,本文从会计主体假设、持续经营假设、会计分期假设、货币计量假设四个方面进行了研究.最后得出的结论是,网络经济对会计主体假设、持续经营假设、会计分期假设并没有带来冲击,而将货币计量假设改为以货币计量为主、货币计量与非货币计量并用.  相似文献   

本文讨论了在电子商务条件下,传统会计假设所受到的影响,并对这些影响带来的后果进行了分析。  相似文献   

曹洪香 《理财》2001,(6):23-24
电子商务在 20世纪 90年代初首先由美国带头发起并迅速向全球发展。它的出现,不仅对传统贸易方式和社会经济活动带来了前所未有的冲击,改变了传统会计的运作环境,也对传统会计理论、会计法规、会计核算等带来了新的冲击。   一、对会计假设的冲击   1对会计主体假设的影响   传统会计主体是有形的实体,一般具有法人地位;而电子商社是建立在网上的一个经济组织,无论从组织上还是地理上都是一个虚拟企业,且在内部成员的组成和整个组织的存续时间上存在不稳定性,不是法律上的实体,其行为不受《公司法》约束。但面对这样一个多…  相似文献   

互联网经济的到来催生了网络会计这一全新的会计模式,它具有更加便捷、高效、不受时空限制的特点,为网络经济的发展保驾护航.网络会计不仅动摇了传统会计理论的框架,也弥补了传统会计实务的不足,还在会计人才需求上形成了新方向.面对这些变化,我们应在信息安全、技术开展和人才培养方面做出相应对策,以保证网络会计的健康发展.  相似文献   

网络经济下会计发展趋势   总被引:47,自引:0,他引:47  
李端生  李征 《会计研究》2001,(11):55-58
网络经济是没有时空、地域限制的生产者和消费者直接见面的经济。站在国民经济构成和主导产业的角度来看 ,它是一种“信息经济” ;而从知识资本在经济活动中的作用看 ,它又是一种“知识经济”。在这种新型的经济模式下 ,会计的发展呈现出八大趋势 ,即会计观念日益更新 ;会计目标重新定位 ;会计对象范围拓宽 ;会计管理职能强化 ;会计核算程序和方法相应改变 ;会计操作手段更加先进 ;会计教育立体式发展 ;会计监督进一步加强。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,会计环境发生了很大的变化,对传统会计假设提出了挑战。因此,必须重新认识、研究会计假设,以适应新的会计环境,促进会计学的发展。  相似文献   

本文从以下三个方面加以论述:首先,知识经济相对于农业经济和工业经济,有其鲜明的特点。它是一种开放型,可持续发展的经济,其根本特征在于创新。在知识经济条件下,知识成为最基本的生产要素,企业生产经营活动以无形资产投入为主。  相似文献   

新技术的迅速发展使网络经济应运而生,网络环境具有知识化、虚拟化两大特性.本文从对会计人员职业判断的要求、会计职能向决策型转变、对会计核算的影响以及会计报表创新等四方面全面论述网络环境对传统会计模式产生的影响.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades numerous organizations have been actively participating in the efforts to improve the comparability of financial reporting. Many studies have discussed the benefits and drawbacks of comparability. This study investigated the affect on the harmonization, or comparability, of accounting practices when a sample of companies choose to use international accounting standards (IASs) when preparing financial reports.This study analyzed trends in the I index, a measure of concentration for the use of a particular accounting practice introduced by van der Tas, to determine if the choice of accounting methods by a sample of Swiss companies became more aligned with a sample of companies from three other countries. The study included a control sample of Swiss companies that did not switch from reporting using local Swiss standards during the same time period, 1988 through 1995. Four accounting practices were included; depreciation, inventory, financial statement cost basis, and consolidation practices. The practices used were compared with a sample of companies from three countries; Japan, the UK, and the US.The results indicated that across the 8-year period, the majority of the I indices comparisons were positive and statistically significant. However, the results did not support that these increases were due primarily to the adoption of IASs.  相似文献   


This paper presents an exploratory study into the nature and patterns of usage of accounting education research. The study adopts the most accessible metric, Google Advanced Scholar citations, to analyse the impact of research published in the six principal English-language accounting education journals. The analysis reveals a global readership for these journals but evidence of relatively low citation levels. However, papers tended to be cited more than expected in cross-disciplinary education journals, discipline-specific education journals, and non-education journals. Guidance is offered to authors seeking to maximise the impact of their research, and issues of concern are identified for editors and publishers. This is the first paper to look beyond content at the usefulness of research in accounting education as indicated by citations. In doing so, it contributes to the current debate on the quality of this research, and of research in accounting and finance in general.  相似文献   

本文通过使用2001~2009年上市公司的面板数据,对沪深上市公司会计稳健性定价系数进行测定,发现与美国资本市场类似,我国样本公司会计稳健性定价系数的均值小于0。进一步研究发现,由于我国特殊的制度背景,亏损公司盈余管理是影响会计稳健性定价系数异象的主要因素。具体来说,我们发现亏损样本公司组的会计稳健性定价系数的均值显著小于0,而盈利样本公司组的该系数大于0,市场在一定程度上能对好消息公司和坏消息公司进行区分。但是,在我国弱有效的资本市场上柠檬效应导致盈利公司会计稳健性系数的定价过低。  相似文献   

借鉴Gray(1988)模型,本文考察政治因素、经济体制、法律渊源、融资系统与税收体系等非文化会计环境因素对会计价值的影响。研究发现:(1)相比自由主义,社会主义意识形态下的政治环境更偏好于法律控制、统一性和稳健主义;政治组织体制的集权程度与职业主义负相关,而与统一性和保密性正相关;(2)相比以计划为主导的经济体制,以市场为配置资源主要方式的国家或地区的会计价值更倾向于职业主义与稳健主义,灵活性和透明度程度也较高;(3)相比成文法,普通法国家或地区的会计价值更倾向于职业主义,灵活性和透明度也较高,而对稳健主义的影响取决于稳健主义的定义;(4)与债权型融资系统相比,股权型融资系统国家或地区的会计价值更倾向于职业主义和乐观主义,且灵活性和透明度较高;(5)税会分离程度与职业主义负相关,而与统一性、稳健主义和保密性正相关。本文有助于进一步丰富会计价值体系的理论框架,对政策制定者和会计准则国际协调具有一定的政策意义。  相似文献   

This article examines preparers' consolidation judgments and how they are impacted by the precision of accounting standards (substance-over-form versus rules-based). The examination is performed via two laboratory experiments in a consolidated accounting setting. In Experiment 1 it was found that when subjects used a substance-over-form accounting standard they justified their consolidation judgments on case specific information rather than on different interpretations of the phrase 'capacity to control'. In Experiment 2 it was found that when subjects used a rules-based standard, incentives were found to impact on accountants' consolidation judgments and more aggressive judgments were made through their assessments of case specific information. Comparison of the judgments made in Experiment 1 with one of the treatment groups in Experiment 2 enabled a comparison to be made of consolidation judgments of subjects under both substance-over-form and rules-based accounting standards. While both groups had the same incentive not to consolidate, marginally significantly more subjects using the rules-based standard did not consolidate than subjects using the substance-over-form standard. This finding is contrary to anecdotal claims that the imprecision of substance-over-form standards may be less effective in stopping biased financial reporting than rules-based standards.  相似文献   

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