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This paper addresses the possibilities to introduce the stakeholder model in the firm, especially the possibility to give property or decision rights to stakeholders. This paper argues that it is not practical to give full property rights to more than one group of stakeholders. Decision rights to employees and creditors are already in place in some countries, but the possibility to introduce them more generally to other stakeholder groups depends very much on the governance and ownership structure of the firm and the legal environment. The future of the stakeholder model in a globalised economy is also analysed.Eva Jansson is currently associate professor of managerial economics at the Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona. She holds a BA in statistics from the University of Stockholm and graduated in economics from Universitat of Barcelona. She holds a Ph.D. from Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona. Her research interests have been in fiscal policy, regulations of service sectors and recently topics in corporate governance. Special interest has been given to international comparison of ownership structures, changes in ownership structure of Spanish firms and to the evolution of ownership structures of privatized Spanish firms. Recent works include topics on the stakeholder model.  相似文献   

This study introduces the concept of moral imagination in a work context to provide an ethical approach to the controversial relationships between dirty work and dirty workers. Moral imagination is assessed as an essential faculty to overcome the stigma associated with dirty work and facilitate the daily work lives of workers. The exercise of moral imagination helps dirty workers to face the moral conflicts inherent in their tasks and to build a personal stance toward their occupation. Finally, we argue that organizations with dirty work groups should actively adopt measures to encourage their employees’ exercise of moral imagination. This study investigates how organizations might create conditions that inspire moral imagination, particularly with regard to the importance of organizational culture as a means to enhance workers’ moral sensitivity. Furthermore, this investigation analyzes different company practices that may derive from a culture committed to moral imagination.  相似文献   

企业竞争优势越来越依赖其所处的利益相关者之间的资源、权利及其关系,但现有的利益相关者管理理论研究视角各异,缺乏系统梳理。以文本分析方法为基础,基于Web of Science核心数据库的文献,系统论述了利益相关者研究的知识演进研究逻辑和主要议题框架。研究发现:从管理学视角看,利益相关者管理理论研究主要遵循"个体-关系-网络"的逻辑演进,并以相应的知识图谱聚类展开。利用重点文献对利益相关者研究的知识演进分析,进一步发现利益相关者管理理论的议题框架可分为利益相关者管理理论研究重要性、研究逻辑与主题、研究方法与机理研究;根据主体属性及个体、关系到网络的研究逻辑,需要分别从主体、关系和网络三个方面解决好利益相关者主体的个体属性、关系与网络的整体属性的割裂状态。  相似文献   

From a practical perspective, (arguably) most consumer decisions are not made in isolation of the households in which consumers are inserted, yet we commonly treat them econometrically as if they were. The purpose of this workshop was to take some initial steps in defining needed research in household decision making that structurally accounts for goal sharing, utility interdependence, taste heterogeneity, choice set formation, power structures, group size and composition, and so forth. We also considered conditions under which aggregation of tastes, utility and choices might occur and make sense from both behavioral and modeling perspectives.  相似文献   

Traditionally, research focused on determining the causes of employee pay satisfaction has investigated the influence of job-related inputs, both extrinsic and intrinsic to the job itself. Together with these inputs, pay-related fairness issues have played an important role in explaining the phenomenon. However, few studies consider the factors linked to fairness issues, such as ethical leadership. Because ethical leadership necessarily entails the concept of fairness, it seemingly should have a positive effect. Furthermore, because the presence of supervisor ethical leadership (SEL) offers strong chances for employees to achieve moral accomplishments and excel in the practice of their jobs, SEL should enhance the effects of intrinsic job inputs. Whereas high job motivating potential (JMP) makes it easier for employees be self-actualized, moral fulfillment is necessary for them to obtain authentic self-actualization at work and minimize the impact of pay deficiencies. Along with SEL, JMP should be shaped to increase positive experiences of job meaningfulness, responsibility for job outcomes, and knowledge of results at work, which can lead to enjoyment in doing the job in itself, not just for compensation-related motives. Hierarchical regression analysis with a sample of 151 employees in a diverse set of Spanish organizations supports the direct effects of JMP and SEL and shows that higher levels of SEL increase the positive effects of JMP on pay satisfaction. The practical implications of these findings and further research directions conclude this article.  相似文献   

传统植入式广告多以实体产品为对象,体验性产品的植入对受众记忆和行为意向的影响缺乏足够的关注。文章以旅游景点为例的实验研究表明,(1)受众对植入景点的记忆与其对精彩程度、喜爱程度评价存在“U”型关系;(2)受众对植入景点的旅游偏好和推荐意愿在影片播出后即时效应很高,一周后呈现显著下降趋势;(3)路线设计及报价的平面广告较好地启动了受众的比较和计算,从选择自己最大程度可实现的旅游决策方案;图片和口碑传播启动了受众对景区精彩和喜爱元素的记忆,从而表达出更高的旅游偏好和推荐意愿。(4)旅游偏好和推荐意愿具有类似的启动效应,受众自己向往的旅游景点也乐意推荐给他人。  相似文献   

This work extends the consideration of spirituality and leadership to the field of strategic leadership. Future development in the field of spirituality and leadership will depend on greater clarity concerning the level of analysis, and will require a distinction between personal and collective spirituality. Toward that end, a framework is proposed that describes how the personal spiritual beliefs of a top level leader operate in strategic decision making like a schema to filter and frame information. This function is mediated by the leader’s constructive development and meta-belief and moderated by the organizational context and leadership style. This framework provides a starting point for considering the many expressions of spirituality in organizations and serves as a foundation for a multi-level theory of spirituality and leadership.  相似文献   

The present research sheds new light on the antecedents and outcomes of bidders' perceived risk. It examines the role of the two-system model in the context of activating the potential to either win or lose an online auction. This study demonstrates that when a bidder's affective system is primed, concern about losing the item is greater and ultimately the bid amount is higher when the bidder expects to lose rather than win. Conversely, when the cognitive system is primed, the anticipated goals of winning the auction – rather than the fear of losing – drive the bidder's actions. In the latter case, the bidder pays a higher amount if the expectancy of winning is primed, as opposed to the expectancy of losing. A field study on eBay and two lab studies confirm this phenomenon.  相似文献   

This study considers the ethical decision making of individual employees and the influence their perception of organizational expectations has on employee feelings about the decision making process. A self-administered questionnaire design was used for gathering data in this study, with a sample size of 245 full-time employees. The match between the ethical alternative chosen by the respondent and that alternative perceived to be encouraged by his/her organization was found to be significantly related to both feelings of discomfort and feelings of intrapersonal role conflict. Implications for these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

我国企业大多依据经验、习惯,或者凭借主观想象,或者假设组织生产来估计和管理劳动定额,经常会面临方方面面的现实问题。在实践中,企业劳动定额管理可以基于战略角度、基于系统化、基于信息管理系统进行规划设计,同时还要不断创新,保持理念的先进性,根据情况变化进行再定位,提升劳动定额管理工作的价值。  相似文献   

Gallup surveys consistently show that nine in 10 Americans express a belief in God (Nash, Business, religion, and spirituality: A new synthesis, 2003), while more than 45 % claim to have some awareness of God on the job (Nash and McLellan, Church on Sunday, Work on Monday: The Challenges of Fusing Christian Values with Business Life, 2001). Recently, Lynn et al. (Journal of Business Ethics 85:227–243, 2009) argued that the ability to integrate the specific beliefs and practices of one’s faith with the work one does represent an important although neglected area of research. As such, they developed and demonstrated convergent validity for the faith at work scale, designed to measure the extent to which individuals believe they are able to integrate their Judaeo-Christian beliefs and practices and their work. In a subsequent study, Lynn et al. (Human Relations 64:675–701, 2010) demonstrated that the faith at work scale was related to faith maturity, church attendance, age, and denominational strictness, and negatively associated with organizational size. No research, however, has examined the possible positive benefits of integrating faith and work. I therefore developed and tested hypotheses concerning the relationship between the faith at work scale and seven important life and work outcomes (satisfaction with life, intent to leave one’s job, self-rated job performance, job satisfaction, and three forms of organizational commitment). In all, four of seven hypotheses were confirmed.  相似文献   

We contribute to the study of offshoring and outsourcing by examining how stakeholders’ ethical evaluations of these decisions are influenced by both their roles and the issues embedded within the decisions. Although offshoring and outsourcing have been studied from a transactional perspective, the moral issues embedded within these decisions can profoundly affect how the organization is perceived by outside stakeholders. First, we contend that investors use different moral paradigms compared with consumer stakeholders, as a result the stakeholder role an individual occupies significantly influences their ethical evaluation of offshoring and outsourcing decisions. Next, we examine whether embedded issues of product quality and information security increase the moral intensity of offshoring and outsourcing decisions, thereby negatively influencing ethical evaluations. Using vignettes, we find that respon- dents viewed either offshoring or outsourcing less favorably than relocation. Surprisingly, respondents viewed offshoring with data security risks more negatively than offshore outsourcing with quality risks, suggesting that the issue of information security has a greater moral intensity than the issue of product or service quality for both consumer and investor stakeholders. Thus, we show that that embedded issues play a significant role in stakeholders’ ethical judgments of business decisions, such as offshoring and outsourcing.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role which organizational context factors play in individual ethical decision making. Two general propositions are set forth, examining the linkage between ethical work climate and decision making. An agenda for research and the potential implications of the study and practice of managerial ethics are then discussed.  相似文献   

The authors investigate the moderating role of specific cultural orientations such as need for independence, need for authority, and tolerance for uncertainty of the relationships between role stressors and work outcomes among salespeople. The study, based on survey data of salespeople in India, found that these specific attitudes moderate the effects of role stress on work outcomes. Because individual cultural orientations in any country can vary along the three cultural dimensions included in this study, the findings of this study should provide useful guidelines for managers in other countries as well. The findings are especially relevant for Asian countries, located in the South, South-East and Far-East that exhibit considerable similarity in cultural orientations.  相似文献   

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