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张雁翎  陈慧明 《财经研究》2007,33(11):104-113
中国非营利组织作为第三部门的主体力量在近年来得到了迅速发展,然而"资财困境"成为绝大多数非营利组织共同的发展瓶颈。文章认为,建立完善的财务信息披露机制,塑造社会公信力,进而吸引资财提供者做出捐助的决策将是非营利组织存在和发展的核心,更是解决其筹资瓶颈、使其走出财务困境的关键。文章运用博弈论的方法分析非营利组织不同财务披露方式与资财提供者捐助的关系,得出促进非营利组织披露真实完全财务信息和促进资财提供者捐助的方法,并在此基础上提出相关建议。  相似文献   

Although in most developed countries the service sector is almost as large as the industry sector, little attention has been paid to its industrial organization. These notes are concerned with only one problem: why partnership, as a form of economic organization, is more popular in some industries within the services sector, while it occurs less frequently in other. Without refuting other possible explanations, we shall argue that partnerships are more frequent in consulting service industries than in other service industries and this form of organization comes to save consumers' time as well as other consulting fees in exactly the same way as the clustering phenomena emerge in the industry sector to save consumers' search time.  相似文献   

胡杨成  郭晓虹 《技术经济》2014,33(10):51-58
以知识管理能力作为中介变量,将非营利组织(nonprofit organizations,NPO)的绩效分解为社会绩效和财务绩效,构建了社会创业导向与NPO绩效关联的理论模型。利用针对158家NPO所做的问卷调查的数据,借助结构方程建模等对理论模型进行实证分析。结果表明:社会创业导向、知识管理能力对NPO的社会绩效和财务绩效均有显著的正向影响;知识管理能力在社会创业导向与NPO的社会绩效和财务绩效的关系中分别具有部分中介作用和完全中介作用。  相似文献   

陈怡  翟远征 《技术经济》2012,31(2):117-123
解释了非营利组织的社会资本对其筹资的影响。首先介绍了非营利组织概念的产生和界定以及其组织分类及标准;然后对有关社会资本的概念产生过程和测量的研究文献进行了回顾,进而讨论了非营利组织社会资本的测量方法、影响变量;最后利用我国14家非营利组织的相关数据,实证分析了其社会资本对收入差异的影响。  相似文献   

蔡宁  葛笑春 《技术经济》2006,25(5):109-112,5
非营利组织的绩效水平是验证一国社会公益事业发展水平是否合理的一项重要指标,分析和研究非营利组织绩效评估体系,不但能够帮助非营利组织发现自身经营管理不足的原因,而且有助于社会大众加强对非营利组织的监控和激励,从而使得资源能在非营利组织体系内得到优化配置。基于此,本文运用PROMETHEE方法并结合非营利组织的营运特点,通过程序分析,对建立一套能够客观、合理、简便地评估非营利组织绩效的方法做出了探索性尝试。  相似文献   

温艳萍 《经济问题》2008,342(2):26-30
在我国,NPO的发展时间不长,但发展速度很快.实证研究表明,我国非营利组织的整体发展规模与宏观经济发展存在良性互动:宏观经济的快速发展带动了整个第三部门的发展,而后者对宏观经济的发展也起到了积极的推动作用.同时得出重要结论:NPO对宏观经济的贡献不仅仅体现在直接创造的产值上,还包括一些不容忽视的隐性产值或者隐性贡献.从其总体发展来看,前途是光明的,但任重而道远.  相似文献   

公私合作制作为一种有别于传统模式的公共服务供给机制,将基础设施项目的建设和运营同时交由一个公私合作制联合体负责.文章基于不完全合同框架分析了公私合作制更有利于激励基础设施项目建设及运营中增进公共服务供给的社会福利的创新的条件,并得出建设创新对于运营收益的外部性,创新的社会价值与经济价值之间的一致性,以及公共部门和私人部门的创新能力对比是重要的影响因素.此外,文章还指出政府在建立公私合作制时必须考虑包括缔约成本及合同风险在内的其他权衡因素.  相似文献   

The recent phenomenon of public sector ‘social enterprise spin-outs’ is examined in order to critically assess their nature and innovative potential as providers of public services. The study utilises a theoretical model of institutional creation and change which incorporates key characteristics of ‘corporate spin-outs’ and ‘university spin-outs’ to facilitate the examination of their public sector counterparts, drawing on interview evidence from 30 newly-established social enterprise providers of health and care services in England. A main contribution of the paper is to provide a conceptual framework which sheds light on the strengths and potential vulnerabilities of social enterprise spin-outs as novel organisations that span the public, private and civil society sectors.  相似文献   

浙江省服务业空间布局及集聚化发展研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
赵浩兴  李文秀 《经济地理》2011,31(5):793-798
目前,包括浙江在内的众多省市已经将服务业集群作为区域产业发展的重要思路,但是盲目的服务业集聚区培育冲动会加剧区域内或区域间企业的低水平竞争,进而出现地区间和群体内的社会利益冲突,并弱化集聚效应。从服务业空间布局的影响因素出发,分析浙江省服务业空间布局现状和集聚化发展的条件,结合浙江省服务业集聚现状和存在的问题,提出相应发展策略,以期为我国区域服务业发展扶持政策的制定提供决策参考。  相似文献   

The present article analyses the role of the social economy in transitional Russia and its consequences for women. The changes in the economic system in the former Soviet Union and its effects is often analysed in general terms. One interesting aspect is whether the changes have similar effects on men and women. The aim here is to highlight how women's situation changes when the economic system changes and how Russian women adapt to these changes. Three types of activities which are carried out by women within the social economy are discussed below, where each of these activities are built on strategies for survival from the Soviet period: distribution of vital goods in rural areas, distribution of information to women and production of services. Although the social economy has a considerable gap to fill in Russia, this has not yet implied that the cooperative sector flourishes. Instead there is a danger that women go from paid work in the state sector to non-paid work within the voluntary sector.  相似文献   

陆铭陈钊  杨真真 《经济学》2007,6(2):443-468
本文中的策略性劳动分工模型解释了为什么人们有时不选择分工,并造成社会产出损失。由于在高技能部门里存在“干中学”效应,低技能者如果背离比较优势而从事高技能部门的生产,就可以在未来分享劳动分工收益的过程中获得更高的谈判地位,甚至可能逆转自己的比较优势。然而,这种个人理性的选择却可能导致社会的产出损失。这个模型的一个意外而合理的含义是,在策略性的劳动分工决策中,如果未来一期由交易关系瓦解而造成的损失足够小,那么,交易成本的减少也可能导致当期分工的恶化。但我们的模型也包含了交易成本下降可能促进分工这一既有理论中的特殊情况。这个模型有助于理解在国际贸易、国内区域间分工和家庭内分工中广泛被观察到的低效率现象及相应的政策。  相似文献   

本文试图通过两个个案,爱德基金会与上海基督教青年会对当代中国基督教社会服务组织的现状作一描述,对该类组织对中国公民社会发展的影响进行分析和探讨。作者首先对公民社会的概念在中西方语境下的讨论作一简要梳理。而后结合作者从田野调查获得的个案资料进行分析。在此基础上得出的结论是通过此类具有信仰基础的社会服务组织提供的社会服务,产生了积极的社会效应,满足了巨大的社会需求,在推动公民社会的发育过程中扮演了一个重要的角色。并让我们对民间组织和公民社会在转型期的中国社会的运作模式有了不同于西方国家的新的界定和认识:即一种“非抗争性的合作模式”(或称“伙伴关系模式”)。  相似文献   

In this article the expansion of service sector employment is examined in detail in seven OECD countries, i.e. France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Sweden, United Kingdom and the United States, using a newly developed set of estimates for service employment. A sufficient degree of disaggregation, consistency and harmonization was attained by merging existing national sources on employment. The twenty two distinguished service activities are aggregated into four subsectors i.e. producer, distributive, personal and social services. The new evidence revealed that the characteristics of the expansion of services claimed by a number of studies needs adjustment, and for some services the figures of recent years indicate serious changes in trends. In the sixties the growing service employment share was largely due to the expansion of social services. In the seventies and eighties growth in social services slowed down and the expansion of producer services became more prominant. Further, employment growth in personal services started to accelerate in the seventies after substantial declines in the sixties. These changing trends were most pronounced in the United States, but other countries seem to be following the same pattern with some lag.  相似文献   

技术进步、分工深化和报酬递增,都是社会分工制度演进的具体表现。本文以江苏省数据为例对社会分工制度下生产性服务业与制造业的关系进行了实证分析,尤其考察了生产性服务业内部各部门对制造业的不同影响。研究结果为社会分工制度及其理论创新与发展提供了实践依据,也为江苏省及各地区产业结构升级与经济发展方式转型提供了政策依据和有益借鉴。  相似文献   

Hospitals can be reimbursed for their costs in many ways. Several authors have investigated the effects of these reimbursement rules on physician incentives and, therefore, on the quantity of services provided to patients. A form of (linear) cost-sharing tends to emerge as the socially efficient reimbursement policy. We present a model of hospital reimbursement, based on Ellis and McGuire (1986). The new feature is that physicians can supply private health care services to a patient, as well as public sector ones; a common institutional arrangement in many health care systems. We investigate the optimal public sector reimbursement rule given that private market incentives must now be taken into account. Public sector cost-sharing remains socially efficient, but it is generally non-linear: the precise details depend on whether public and private services are substitutes or complements and on the degree of social efficiency achieved in the private sector. Other reimbursement schemes exhibit optimality properties not present in Ellis and McGuire's work.  相似文献   

This paper identifies opportunities and constraints that low-income women face in accessing livelihoods in the renewable-energy sector in India through qualitative and quantitative research conducted in collaboration with The Energy Resources Institute (TERI) and the Self Employed Women's Association (SEWA) in 2012–13. Whereas previous research has focused on women mostly as end users of solar and biomass technologies, this research attempts also to understand women's potential as entrepreneurs, facilitators, designers, and innovators. Findings reveal that although access to technology and employment in the energy sector is limited by inadequate purchasing power and low social status, there is tremendous potential to create livelihoods for women at all levels of the energy supply chain. Broader findings indicate that women can gain optimal traction from employment in the energy sector only if there are wider socially progressive policies in place, including state intervention to create a robust social welfare infrastructure and accessible, high-quality, public services.  相似文献   

中国城市化与服务业的协调发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市化与服务业存在密切关系,通过构建两者的耦合协调度模型,对2001-2009年中国各地区城市化与服务业发展水平的协调程度进行比较分析,研究结果表明,中国各地区城市化与服务业发展水平都在不断提高,但地区差异较大,东部地区与中西部地区之间的差距扩大;城市化与服务业发展水平呈现显著的正相关关系;从协调度来看,各地区耦合协调度不断提高,优质协调的省份和严重失调的省份都较少,轻度失调和基本协调的省份较多;从耦合协调度的空间分布来看,东部地区耦合协调度明显优于中西部地区。  相似文献   

Gaurav Nayyar 《Applied economics》2013,45(36):4701-4719
For some observers, the dramatic growth of the services sector in India reflects rapid strides made by educated professionals. Some others see it as the expansion of an employer of last resort. Given this heterogeneity, the object of this article is to analyse the quality of employment being created in different sub-sectors of services, relative to the industrial sector, where quality is defined to include wages, job security and social protection. Analysing household survey data from India in 1993–94 and 2004–05, we find the following. First, sub-sectors of services are generally either 'good' or 'bad' employers – higher wages do not compensate for less job security or less job protection. Second, the classification of most service sub-sectors as 'good' or 'bad' employers in 2004–05 is the same as that in 1993–94. Third, employment expansion during the 10-year period under consideration is more in service sub-sectors where quality of employment is low.  相似文献   

Abstract .  This paper uses a large French firm-level data set to evaluate the determinants of location choices in services. In a first step, estimates for four broad services sectors are compared with the estimates for the manufacturing sector. Using a discrete choice model, we find that this framework does fairly well in explaining location choices in services and that the parameter estimates for services are close to the ones for manufacturing. We then investigate whether the similarity in estimated parameters is due to a complementarity between location choices in manufacturing and in services, in the sense that manufacturing location choices may cause the location of services. A particularly appropriate services sector, for this purpose is the business services sector, for which input-output linkages with the manufacturing sector are particularly strong. It is found that the downstream demand of French manufacturing firms has a positive effect on the location choice probabilities of French business services firms. This effect is robust.  相似文献   

由于关注焦点的不同,非营利组织分类管理一直比较复杂和多样.本文从公共服务营销的角度,根据组织受益人的特质,将非营利组织划分为以公众、顾客、成员为导向的三类组织,并分析了这三类组织的行为特征.以此为据,针对当前事业单位改革的实际,探讨了我国事业单位改革的方向与治理模式.  相似文献   

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