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梁思奇 《环境经济》2007,(1):102-102
报废的家用电器和电脑、手机等被笼统称为“电子垃圾”。近年来,由于管理不到位,一些家庭作坊式的“地下工厂”非法进行回收拆解,经常造成有毒物质污染空气、土壤和地下水,甚至发生严重的生态灾难。[第一段]  相似文献   

谁成了世界电子垃圾堆放场   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着高新技术的迅猛发展,电子产品更新换代的周期越来越短,目前全世界每年产生的电子垃圾正以18%的速度增长。由于电子产品元器件含有铅、铬、镉等几百种高度有害的化学物质,电子垃圾正在成为人类最大的污染源。生态炸弹电子垃圾如果处理不当将会对人和环境造成严重危害。以电脑为例,每一台电脑中含有300多种对人类有害的化学物质,仅显示器的阴极射线管中就平均含有4至8磅铅。以美国每年3亿多台废弃的电脑计算,这种有毒物质约达54吨。研究发现,铅元素可以直接破坏人的神经、血液系统和肾脏。电脑机箱和磁盘驱动器中的铬、汞等元素对人体细胞…  相似文献   

加强电子垃圾污染防治工作的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈伟 《环境经济》2005,(7):32-33
随着社会经济的发展,家电等电子产品的普及率和更新率不断提高,随之产生的废旧家电及电子产品污染问题也日益严重。于是,加强电子垃圾污染防治工作已经成为摆在政府部门.行业协会和相关企业面前不可回避的重要课题。  相似文献   

电子废弃物:挑战绿色发展的新威胁(上篇)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今社会,电子产品的生产和消费已经成为日常生活的一种基本形态。电子产品是科技与资源的结晶体。科技日新月异,加快了电子产品更新换代和淘汰的频率;而生产电子产品所依赖的种种贵重资源,似乎也被裹挟着进入到了电子产品快速淘汰的无情怪圈之中。由电子废弃物引发的环境污染问题,正成为社会关注的新焦点之一。  相似文献   

电子废弃物蕴含新商机 成为电子产品的生产和消费大国,是中国改革开放30年带来的一个巨大变化.但另一个后果是,目前20世纪80年代进入中国家庭的冰箱,洗衣机等都已到了报废的高峰期.每生产一件新的电子产品,就意味着至少会有一件电子废弃物需要被处置.电子废弃物是垃圾,还是财富?不同公众有相左的意见.  相似文献   

信息科技的迅猛发展促使电子产品不断更新换代,随之而来的电子垃圾也高速增长.文章以威海地区为例,通过对该地区电子垃圾回收处理的现状分析,探讨适合我国电子垃圾回收处理的方法及可行性措施.  相似文献   

The innovation of technologzv and the improvement of people's living standard accelerate the replacement of consumer electronic appliances, resulting in a significant increase of waste household electronic appliances (WHEA). To address the environmental problems of WHEA, many countries have enacted legislation according to WHEA management, including collecting, processing and recycling. The regulations on the management of WHEA were also drafted in China and pilot programs of WHEA recycling management encountered difficulties in collecting WHEA. The success of a recycling scheme is dependent on people's willingness of participating in the scheme, This paper applies Ajzen's theory of planned behavior to seek the main factors to engourage consumers to participate in WHEA recycling management in China. Data from a survey conducted with a sample of 633 consumers show that service motivation is the first predictor of participation behavior intention, followed by environmental behavior attitude, economic motivation, subjective norm. and perceived behavior barrier. Environmental knowledge is found not to be the predictor of behavior intention in this recycling scheme. Study results also suggest that publicity is the key situational factor in the WHEA recycling management. Recycling network and policy have little influence on changing consumers' current behavior intention and participation. Implications of the findings are discussed and future research directions are suggested in the end.  相似文献   

电子废弃物逆向物流指电子产品从消费者返回到生产者的物流过程。随着经济的发展,中国电子废弃物数量急剧上升,并对生态环境造成巨大的破坏。同时,电子废弃物逆向物流的实施可以带来巨大的经济效益。此外,发达国家封电子废弃物的规制政策对中国电子产品生产企业产生了极大影响。在上述背景下,探讨生产企业如何构建电子废弃物逆向物流系统,进行相关指标分析及通过层次分析法作出模式选择有着重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

There is growing concern among purchasers and consumers of health care as well as among regulators that managed care has meant that quality has been sacrificed in the name of cost saving. Employers, as major purchasers, should demand that the managed care organizations they utilize demonstrate high-quality/low-cost care.  相似文献   

现代农业的基本特征之一就是农业功能的多样化。发展多功能性农业是现阶段构建我国以工促农、以城带乡机制的着力点,是形成内外结合,增强农业自身发展能力的立足点。这既是现实因素的作用结果,又是经济社会进一步发展的必然要求。发展多功能性农业需要构筑一个好的机制和条件。  相似文献   

文章通过面板回归模型分析韩国企业的海外直接投资如何影响韩国对投资东道国的进出口。以韩国连续五年进行直接投资的38个国家为对象,研究时间从1990年到2016年,投资母国对东道国的进出口的影响进行分析。之所以选择这段时间是因为韩国从1990年正式积极展开海外直接投资。为了分析海外直接投资对进口及出口的影响,将取在现有研究的解释变量当中普遍使用的控制变量。文章分别海外直接投资额和累计额进行分析,自变量采取母国(韩国)和东道国(38个国家)的人均国民总收入、母国的实际有效汇率。分析结果,对全体38个国家的海外直接投资和出口显示正的相关关系,如果韩国扩大海外直接投资,韩国向投资对象国的出口也会增加,由此会产生拉动出口的效果。按区域的进出口效应分析结果,在亚洲地区的海外直接投资与出口显示正的显著性关系。在欧洲地区海外直接投资与进口产生正相关,但对出口在统计上显示不显著。随着在美洲地区的海外直接投资增加,韩国向美洲地区的出口也增加,而对进口的影响分析结果显示只有上一年的海外直接投资累计额显示显著的关系。从此分析结果可知,韩国在亚洲地区的海外直接投资对这些地区的韩国进出口产生很大的影响。  相似文献   

Every production process gives rise to unintended outputs. We argue that whether an output is desired or undesired, is not given per se, but depends on the economic circumstances which change over time. As a result, by-products of one industry, first perceived as non-marketable wastes, may become desired inputs into other production processes. By adopting an evolutionary perspective on economic dynamics, in particular by exploiting the concept of niche exclusion, we identify favorable circumstances for undesired outputs to become marketable. To cope with the pace and unpredictability of economic evolution, we argue for a flexible policy system which favors outcome- over process-oriented waste management policies and balances the responsibility between consumers and producers on the one side, and the society as a whole on the other side.  相似文献   

《Ecological Economics》2010,69(12):3026-3033
Every production process gives rise to unintended outputs. We argue that whether an output is desired or undesired, is not given per se, but depends on the economic circumstances which change over time. As a result, by-products of one industry, first perceived as non-marketable wastes, may become desired inputs into other production processes. By adopting an evolutionary perspective on economic dynamics, in particular by exploiting the concept of niche exclusion, we identify favorable circumstances for undesired outputs to become marketable. To cope with the pace and unpredictability of economic evolution, we argue for a flexible policy system which favors outcome- over process-oriented waste management policies and balances the responsibility between consumers and producers on the one side, and the society as a whole on the other side.  相似文献   

随着宣传和教育的不断深入,消费者对可持续问题的正向态度和个体实际消费行为存在着巨大的差异.文章把调节聚焦理论应用于可持续消费领域,从个体调节聚焦视角揭示可持续消费态度及行为之间差异的形成机制.文章指出,不同调节聚焦倾向的个体态度行为差异发生的主要环节不同、在认知失调处理方式上也有所差异,所以在行为转变的劝说中,针对不同调节聚焦应采用不同的内容、框架、格式的信息.  相似文献   

A focus group is an open group interview from which research hypotheses can be derived. It enables economic research to step down from its narrow theoretical assumptions and to embed research questions in a life context. It also can contribute to strong objectivity and when done in women's groups and/or on gender issues, focus groups can contribute to a feminist methodology. Experience from a focus group by the author held in Africa has indicated how diverse and enriching economic notions can become, when discussed in a group, before the research has started.  相似文献   

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