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As part of the efforts of the international donor community to scale up aid to Africa, substantial debt relief has been granted in recent years through the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative and its successor, the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative. This paper tries to assess, for a sample of 24 African countries that have at least reached decision point status in the HIPC Initiative, to what extent this debt relief has created fiscal space in recipient country budgets, and what, on average, the actual fiscal response effects have been, relative to other types of aid. Inspired by the fiscal response literature, we model public finance behaviour as a system of structural equations and estimate the reduced form parameters in a Vector Autoregressive framework. In general, we are unable to find evidence that debt relief might provoke no or even perverse fiscal responses. On average, debt relief affects public finance behaviour in a desired way, with effects being most similar to those of its most direct substitute, programme grants.  相似文献   

Official Development Assistance may play an important role in increasing the resources to finance the agriculture sector and improve agricultural outcomes in African countries. Although this is a relevant issue, very few studies have investigated the link between foreign agricultural aid and national agricultural output. Using advanced econometrics techniques, this paper examines the impact of foreign agricultural aid and foreign aid on agriculture output in the panel data set of 29 African countries over the period of 1975–2013. In particular, we employed two estimation methods: Augmented Mean Group and Common Correlated Effects‐2SLS. The first method accounts for heterogeneous slope coefficients across group members and cross‐sectional dependency among variables, whereas the second method accounts for endogenous regressors. Our main findings indicate a small and positive impact of foreign agricultural aid and total foreign aid on agricultural output for low‐ and middle‐income countries. Furthermore, the Pairwise Dumitrescu‐Hurlin Panel Causality test shows evidence of a bidirectional causal relationship between agricultural aid and agricultural output for the full sample, noting that the result changes at the different group income level. Based on the empirical results, recommendations for future policy are given.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to determine whether ERM-participating countries have experienced a change in the effectiveness of monetary and fiscal policies since the establishment of the ERM. Countries which have come to rely more heavily on fiscal policy instruments as the means of output, price and exchange rate stabilization since the establishment of the ERM (and currently exceed the fiscal criteria) are expected to find the Maastricht fiscal criteria restrictive and perhaps destabilizing. We find that Belgium, Italy and Ireland are the countries that are likely to face the most difficulties.  相似文献   

This article systematically reviews recent debt-for-development swaps in Indonesia, the only debtor country where the number of such swaps warrants their being considered as a deliberate government debt-relief policy and development finance strategy. We show that the 11 swaps Indonesia has signed with its bilateral creditors since 2002 have performed rather erratically across four criteria: an increase in resources at the debtor country or government budget level or both; an increase in resources for intended sector purposes; whether, taken together, these swaps ease debt burdens; and the extent of their alignment with government policy and systems. We find little evidence of learning on the Indonesian side. We believe that Indonesia can take a more proactive stance in negotiating the economic terms underlying its debt swaps, and we suggest concrete ways for it to do so.  相似文献   

The law and finance theory essentially states that legal origins are a significant determinant of financial development. The conclusion from the law and finance theory is that countries whose legal traditions derived from British Common Law have better developed financial markets than countries following French Civil Law. This study conducted an empirical investigation of the law and finance theory for African countries. Our empirical results showed that legal origins are insignificant in explaining financial development but rather, legal effectiveness significantly explains cross‐country differences in financial development in Africa. We concluded that the law and finance theory does not hold in African countries.  相似文献   

We investigate the budgetary effects of project and program financing on the behavior of recipient governments. For this purpose, we developed a simple fiscal response model. The solution of the model is then tested using panel data techniques for a relatively large sample of 106 aid-recipient countries spanning the period 1970–2001. With respect to public expenditure, our results suggest that the impacts of project aid and financial program aid on total expenditure are positive and statistically significant. In terms of the composition of total expenditure, we find that project aid flows are associated with increases in capital expenditure while financial program aid is associated with an increase in government consumption. Turning to the revenue side we found no evidence that aid flows, project or financial program aid, are associated with a reduction in taxation effort. The evidence also shows that project aid flows are associated with an increase in trade tax. JEL no. F35, H2, H5  相似文献   

Do unions really matter in China? Using a dataset containing more than 110 thousand Chinese private manufacturing firms, this paper is the first attempt to examine how unions' bargaining power affects firms' capital structures. We find that: (1) the firms' debt levels are often positively associated with their unions' bargaining powers; (2) when a firm is in financial distress, the management is more likely to issue more debt to strengthen its bargaining power against the union and increase its residual income; (3) compared with long-term debt, short-term debt is a better option for the management to increase its bargaining power and residual income. Our research indicates that the unions of private Chinese firms are an important policy instrument for the management rather than useless decorations, which provides valuable insights for us to understand the employee–employer relations and firms' capital structures in emerging economies.  相似文献   

政府债务规模和风险是一级政府关注的重点问题。从财政分权和省级官员特征两个维度,本文考察了地方政府债务规模的影响因素,并在此基础上进一步研究财政分权程度和省级官员特征对地方政府债务规模的交互影响作用。通过2010-2014年30个省级政府的实证数据进行混合OLS回归,研究发现财政分权程度越高,地方政府债务规模越小。省级官员的年龄过大或过小都会使地方政府债务规模的减小,同时具有企业工作背景的省长和省委书记也会抑制地方政府债务规模的扩张,并且财政分权和省级官员特征对地方政府债务规模的影响是相互促进的。据此提出建议,合理控制地方政府债务膨胀。  相似文献   

Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) data from 1972 to 1996 reveals substantial differences in the levels and trends of self-employment rates across countries. This article uses recently developed panel integration and cointegration techniques to explore the determinants of aggregate self-employment rates. We find that within the panel, self-employment rates are positively and significantly related to personal income tax rates and negatively and significantly related to the unemployment benefit replacement rate. This accords a central role to government tax and transfer policies, in contrast to nonrobust influences from macroeconomic variables, which have been widely used in previous studies.  相似文献   

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