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为认真落实国务院领导同志指示精神,经国土资源部、财政部和国务院三峡办共同决定,7月25日一30日,国土资源部副部长王世元率队深入三峡库区“移土培肥工程”施工现场,检查调研了工程项目开展情况,随队评审专家组对一期工程实施方案进行了审查。7月29日,在重庆召开的三峡库区“移土培肥工程”项目工作汇报和实施方案审查会上,副市长余远牧和湖北省政府分别作了工作汇报,两省市一期工程实施方案场分别通过专家评审。  相似文献   

在党中央、国务院的深切关怀下.经过国务院有关部门,重庆市、湖北省以及有关各级政府的精心组织,规模浩大、运作有序的三峡库区“移土培肥工程”业已全面启动。这是一项惠及库区农民的“民心工程”、“德政工程”,也是耕地及其耕作层永续利用的伟大实验,对库区发展和耕地保护事业的开拓都具有十分重大的意义。  相似文献   

这次会议的任务是:认真学习贯彻温家宝总理对三峡库区移土培肥工作的重要批示,听取重庆市、湖北省关于“移土培肥工程”项目实施进展情况的汇报,并针对工作中存在的问题以及下一步工作建议进行交流和座谈。座谈会开得必要,开得很好。下面,我就学习贯彻温家宝总理重要批示精神,进一步做好三峡库区“移土培肥工程”项目工作,简要讲几点意见。一、“移土培肥工程”项目一期开局良好刚才,重庆市、湖北省政府对前一段的工作做了全面、系统的汇报,财政部和三峡办的同志就此谈了很重要的意见,我都赞同。总的来看,重庆市、湖北省各级党委、政府认真…  相似文献   

自2006年实施的三峡库区一期移土培肥工程,在涪陵区的6个乡(镇)、10个村相继开工,共调用车辆141辆、挖(掘)土机18台,驮马112匹,招劳1300人,取土46公顷、覆土面积91公顷,共取(覆)土约11万立方米,覆土平均增厚土层达111.4厘米。为提高地力,增加农作物产量奠定了土质基础,不少村、组尝到了移土培肥工作带来的甜头。  相似文献   

七月流火,骄阳炙人。大江两岸,山上山下,掘土机与铁撅、钉耙共舞,运土汽车与背篓人群往来不息。从重庆市到湖北省宜昌市的长江三峡库区,一处处工地,展现出一个个取土、运土、存放土及覆土紧张施工的场面。一场旨在抢救水库淹没区耕地耕作层、易地培肥耕地的“移土培肥工程”,正在重庆市、湖北省三峡库区热火朝天地开展。  相似文献   

这次会议的任务是:认真学习贯彻温家宝总理对三峡库区移土培肥工作的重要批示.听取重庆市、湖北省关于“移土培肥工程”项目实施进展情况的汇报,并针对工作中存在的问题以及下一步工作建议进行交流和座谈。座谈会开得必要,开得很好。  相似文献   

重庆市将在今年9月20目前,超额完成三峡工程139~156米水位线淹没耕(园)地耕作层的剥离、搬迁、覆土或堆放、部分“坡改梯”任务。6月23日,重庆市政府与库区12个相关区县政府签订了目标责任书,三峡库区土地开发整理“移土培肥工程”一期项目进入全面实施阶段。  相似文献   

8月29日,长江三峡工程通过正常蓄水175米水位验收。标志着三峡枢纽工程建设任务已按批准的初步设计全面完成,三峡工程可以全面发挥巨大的综合效益。喜讯振奋人心,也让重庆库区淹没涉及的12个区县农民长长地舒了一口气:移土培肥二期工程提前划上了圆满的句号,土地被淹了,土地上那层沃土却被他们抢上山。再造了良田。  相似文献   

根据对5省20个水稻土样的测定结果,运用主成分分析的方法,对影响水稻土肥力水平的主要指标进行了筛选,确定出有效铁、有效锰、物理性砂粒、粘粒、细粉粒、田间持水量、脲酶和过氧化氢酶8项指标为影响水稻土肥力水平的主要指标。运用这8项指标可对水稻土的肥力状况进行客观的评价。  相似文献   

有机农业种植的土壤培肥技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统农业向有机农业转变是人们健康意识提高以及资源限制所带来的必然结果。有机农业产品具有健康优质、营养无污染的特点。由于有机农业种植方式与目的追求的不同于传统农业,其土壤培肥技术也有较大的差异。本文对有机农业的土壤培肥技术进行了探讨。  相似文献   

王树新 《价值工程》2019,38(20):197-199
本文以南阳规划的月季园区,分析月季对土壤的生存标准,最后研究土壤的改良方案。  相似文献   

Recent studies by economists have focused on cultural transmission from the origin country rather than the origin family. Our paper extends this research by investigating how family‐specific‘cultural transmission’ can affect fertility rates. Following Machado and Santos Silva [Journal of the American Statistical Association (2005) Vol. 100, p. 1226] and Miranda [Journal of Population Economics (2008) Vol. 21, p. 67], we estimate count data quantile regression models using the British Household Panel Survey. We find that a woman's origin‐family size is positively associated with completed fertility in her destination family. A woman's country of birth also matters for her fertility. For a sub‐sample of continuously partnered men and women, both partners’ origin‐family sizes significantly affect destination‐family fertility.  相似文献   

Abstract . The relationship between the probability of a teenage birth and various independent variables representing fecundity, attitudes, resources, and the economic opportunities for a sample of teenage females drawn from the 1980 census is examined. A theoretical framework, based on Becker's model, is employed to describe the birth-decision process and tested using a logit technique. The findings suggest that receipt of public assistance income and perceived economic opportunities are more important in explaining fertility probabilities among older (18–19 years old) teenagers. Among younger teens, accessibility to family planning and abortion services, and religious attitudes toward family planning ate more important predictors of fertility.  相似文献   

中国的生育变法与人口安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国的计划生育政策实施了四十多年,中国人口动态地发展,中国少生了四亿多人.当前出于人口安全的考虑,于2015年12月27日由中国十二届全国人大常委会第十八次会议审议通过了《人口与计划生育法修正案》,该修正案于2016年1月1日起施行.其中明确:国家提倡一对夫妻生育两个子女,这表明中国全面"二孩时代"的历史时刻已经到来.国家进行的此次人口与计划生育变法对于平衡中国的人力结构老龄化、农民工往返迁徙、转型升级与城镇化,对于中国的人力要素总量进行了制度修正,中国人力资源的整体要素价值必将发生深刻的结构变迁.  相似文献   

Female earnings function parameters are estimated jointly with interruption incidence and fertility decisions. We pay particular attention to the return to experience and the human capital loss parameter when women are allowed to self-select into various possible combinations of interruption and fertility outcomes. We find that ignoring endogenous fertility decisions may seriously bias the effect of non-employment spell lengths on female earnings, as well as the return to experience. To a large extent, the negative relationship between female earnings and non-employment spell length, that is widely documented in the earlier literature, is the result of a misspecification of the earnings functions.  相似文献   

This article examines the tension between population‐level and individual‐level interests regarding childbearing, from Malthus's concern for overpopulation to the contemporary issue of son preference, and argues for an understanding of individual‐level interests that distinguishes parents from households. In making this distinction, we draw attention to how gender norms can play an important role in shaping reproductive interests. Survey data and previous work show a wealth of differences in the number of children men and women would like to have, and in their behaviors toward the children they have. We argue not that gender norms cause women to want more children than men, but that they cause women to want children more, for reasons that include time spent with children, old‐age support, women's proscribed opportunities for achieving social standing, and the relationship in many contexts between honorable female adulthood and bearing children at the right time and under the right circumstances. We further argue that a just and effective population policy must consider fertility outcomes at multiple scales, including that of the welfare of individual women.  相似文献   

In recent years Statistics Netherlands has published several stochastic population forecasts. The degree of uncertainty of the future population is assessed on the basis of assumptions about the probability distribution of future fertility, mortality and migration. The assumptions on fertility are based on an analysis of historic forecasts of the total fertility rate (TFR), on time‐series models of observations of the TFR, and on expert knowledge. This latter argument‐based approach refers to the TFR distinguished by birth order. In the most recent Dutch forecast the 95% forecast interval of the total fertility rate in 2050 is assumed to range from 1.2 to 2.3 children per woman.  相似文献   

刘麟 《价值工程》2020,39(7):154-156
本文通过对淤泥质土、细粉砂和中粗砂三种不同土质的吹填造地工程施工工艺及方法进行简要介绍与分析,便于读者对其工艺有所了解,同时可用于吹填造地工程实施方案的比选借鉴。  相似文献   

在各类工程肥槽回填施工过程中,往往会遇到肥槽回填空间狭窄、回填深度较大、回填土夯实质量不稳定等难题。传统工艺多采用素土或者灰土分层使用小型夯实设备进行施工,施工难度较大、回填工期较长、回填的质量还难以控制,综合本项目"工期紧、任务重"等要求,本项目肥槽回填采用固化土。  相似文献   

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