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The fact that speculators might incorporate psychological factors in their stock market predictions, and be right in doing so, is a fundamental feature of most portfolio balance models postulating rational expectation formation. Here the so-called “extraneous-variable” problem is focused upon as a characterization of rational, but destabilizing speculation. Perfectly rational speculators cause the exchange rate to fluctuate more than would be warranted by market fundamentals. This characterization may be incomplete, as it involves a certain indeterminacy in the solution for the exchange rate. The implications for intervention policy are somewhat unconventional.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze a heterogeneous agent model in which the fundamental exchange rate is endogenously determined by the real markets. The exchange rate market and the real markets are linked through the balance of payments. We have analytically found that there exists at least a steady state in which the exchange rate is equal to its fundamental value and incomes of both countries are equal to the autonomous components times the multiplier (as in the Income-Expenditure model). This steady state can be unique and unstable when all agents act as contrarians, while when agents act as fundamentalists it is unique but its stability depends on the reactivity of actors of the market. Finally, we show that the (in)stability of the economic system depends on both the reactivity of the markets and that of different types of agents involved. Employing well-know functional forms, we show that the model can replicate some of the statistical features of the true time series of the exchange rate.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new framework for the determinants of real exchange in the long-run in developing and emerging countries (DECs). We assume that currencies should be regarded as an asset. In consequence, dealers in the foreign exchange market play a crucial role on its dynamics. To set our model, we connect the model developed by Kaltenbrunner, which is grounded on chapter 17 of the General Theory, with productivity’s differential effect. By doing so, it states that even short-run factors and monetary variables affect the long-run real exchange rate. Moreover, it points out that the hierarchical nature of the international monetary system is crucial to understand exchange rate movements in DECs. Besides presenting such theoretical approach, our contribution is to test it empirically for 45 DECs from 1990 to 2008 by applying econometric techniques appropriate for panel data. We use a new data-set, which comprises, among other variables, foreign portfolio flow, interest rate differential, external vulnerability measures, and international liquidity, on annual basis. The empirical results endorse this framework. Overall, it shows the primacy of financial factors as determinants of the long-run real exchange rate and points to the endogenous and self-perpetuating nature of international monetary system hierarchy.  相似文献   

This paper generalizes the asset market approach to exchange rate determination by introducing gradual adjustment of asset-holder portfolios. The influence of different speeds of portfolio adjustment on exchange rate dynamics is considered. Asset market models characterized by instantaneous portfolio equilibrium appear as a special case. The dynamics of exchange rate adjustment following an open-market operation are shown to be qualitatively similar to those of the orthodox instantaneous portfolio equilibrium models. Thus, gradual portfolio adjustment does not compromise the qualitative results derived with the help of those models. The speed of portfolio adjustment is however shown to influence the degree of exchange rate volatility. In particular, the phenomenon of exchange rate overshooting depends crucially on the speed of portfolio adjustment.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化和国际贸易、国际结算的迅猛发展,汇率成为经济中一个主要变量,影响着一国的经济,被企业社会所广泛关注。均衡汇率模型的核心是分析基本经济因素变化对均衡汇率的影响,并利用它们之间存在着的系统联系来估计均衡汇率。  相似文献   

A model of inward foreign direct investment for Australia is estimated. Foreign direct investment is found to be positively related to economic and productivity growth and negatively related to foreign portfolio investment, trade openness, the exchange rate and the foreign real interest rate. Foreign direct investment is found to be a substitute for both portfolio investment and trade in goods and services. The exchange rate and the US bond rate affect foreign direct investment through the relative attractiveness of domestic assets. Actual foreign direct investment outperforms a model‐derived forecast in recent years, consistent with the liberalisation of foreign investment screening rules following the Australia–US Free Trade Agreement.  相似文献   

Many emerging market economies have experienced large buildups of foreign exchange rate reserves over the last decade. Much of the contemporary discussion of this phenomenon has focused on this reserve growth as the consequence of exchange rate policies which have maintained fixed pegs to the US dollar. By contrast, this paper focuses on emerging market reserve choice as a consequence of portfolio diversification, applied to the experience of Asian economies. While Asian economies have become significant gross creditors in bonds and other fixed income assets, their liability position in equity and FDI assets has also grown significantly. This suggests that a full understanding of the reserve growth episode must be seen as part of an overall model of portfolio choice. The paper constructs a model of the interaction between an emerging market and an advanced economy in which an optimal general equilibrium portfolio structure implies that emerging market economies simultaneously build up a stock of foreign exchange rate reserves while receiving FDI flows from the advanced economy. The model can provide a reasonable quantitative account of the recent Asian experience.  相似文献   

This paper considers a portfolio model of exchange rate determination and focuses on endogenous sources of exchange rate volatility. It is shown that, in addition to volatility transmitted by conditionally heteroskedastic interest rates, the larger the serial correlation in interest rates the stronger the effect of interest rate differentials on exchange rate volatility. These features are supported by the data. The paper also looks at the volume–volatility relationship implied by the model.  相似文献   

Using a cross-sectional perspective, we investigate the implications of the present-value model of exchange rates for a sample of 64 countries during 1971–2015, excluding periods of pegged exchange rates. Our paper uses all bilateral exchange rate pairs instead of choosing a reference currency and extends the list of fundamentals that have been examined in the previous literature by using the variables present in the behavioral equilibrium exchange rate (BEER) model. We document that exchange rates are strongly connected to future fundamentals using forecast horizons from one month to 10 years. Our findings highlight that unlike for time-series and panel data, the evidence against the “exchange rate disconnect puzzle” is more robust using a cross-sectional perspective. Given the relevance of fundamental factors in determining exchange rates dynamics we examine whether they are useful in constructing profitable investment strategies. Except for inflation, we find that a significant relation between exchange rates and a fundamental does not lead necessarily to a profitable investment strategy. Finally, we document that using the cross-rates of exchange rates leads to a significant improvement in the profitability of the carry trade strategy.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to explain exchange rate and current account or net foreign assets behavior under central bank foreign exchange rate intervention. To analyze central bank intervention we use the current account-net foreign assets identity, as well as the long-run monetary exchange rate model. The intervention function is one where exchange rate deviations from equilibrium are governed by nonlinear adjustments. That is, exchange rate deviations from their long-run equilibrium are such that the degree of reversion towards equilibrium increases with the size of the deviation from equilibrium. In this type of nonlinear function exchange rates determine the current account, and the current account in turn determines exchange rates. This iterative duality contrasts with several portfolio balance models where exchange rates are a function of trade, but trade is not a function of exchange rates. This two way causality is slightly more complex, but is also analytically richer than assuming that exchange rates change solely in a one step process as targeted by central banks. Managing exchange rates is posited to be an active iterative feedback process where intervention changes the current account, which may in turn make further intervention necessary.  相似文献   

Structural Change and Economic Growth   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
This paper presents a model in which a country's measured average propensity to save endogenously rises when its economy industrializes. The model has agricultural and manufacturing sectors. Only agriculture uses land. If at early dates income per capita is low, agricultural consumption is important, land is valuable, and capital gains on land may constitute most wealth accumulation, leaving the country's NIPA APS low. If exogenous technological progress raises incomes over time, Engel's law shifts demand to manufactured goods. Then land's portfolio importance relative to reproducible capital diminishes and the national income and products account saving rate can rise.  相似文献   

Abstract.  We explore a model where smuggling and a parallel currency market arise, owing to government restrictions that prevent agents from legally holding foreign exchange. Despite such restrictions, agents are able to diversify their savings, holding both domestic and parallel foreign cash, basing their portfolio allocation on current and prospective parallel exchange rates. We attribute movements in parallel rates to non‐fundamental uncertainty. The model generates equilibria with both positive and negative parallel premia and correlations between illegal trade and the premium. The model has the novel implication that currency speculation drives smuggling, affecting real activities in all sectors of the economy. JEL classification: F31  相似文献   

由于2008年美国金融危机而导致的全球经济危机一直在延续,系统性金融风险的防范已经成为全球各国政府和金融监管机构共同的课题。而随着人民币国际化的开展和我国跨境资本流动受关注程度的提高,短期跨境资本流动对系统性风险的潜在影响越来越成为一个不容忽视的议题。本文使用SRISK指标测度了我国的系统性风险,并通过构建传统VAR模型和VAR MGARCH DCC模型,对我国“8·11”汇改前后的短期跨境资本流动、系统性风险、股票价格收益率、人民币在离岸利差、离岸人民币与美元利差五变量及其波动性之间的联动关系进行了检验。实证研究证明,我国短期跨境资本流动与系统性风险及两者波动性之间均存在明显的关联关系。  相似文献   

The paper examines how the Balassa–Samuelson hypothesis is affected by a modern variation of the standard model that allows product differentiation (within the traded and nontraded goods sectors) with the number of firms determined exogenously or endogenously. The hypothesis is found to be fragile in the modified framework. Small variations in the elasticity of substitution between home and foreign traded goods (within the range of estimates suggested in the literature), for example, can make the effect of a traded‐goods productivity improvement on the real exchange rate negative or positive, as well as small or large. This result provides a potential explanation of the mixed empirical results that have been obtained on the relationship between productivity and the real exchange rate.  相似文献   

VaR is widely viewed as a measure of market risk of a portfolio. The purpose of this article is to provide a VaR model for foreign-asset portfolios in continuous time. In the VaR model, the VaRs are not only a function of volatilities of asset returns and exchange rate but also a function of correlation coefficient between foreign assets and exchange rate. Moreover, by backtesting, the empirical results show that the new VaR model can efficiently evaluate the market risk of foreign-asset portfolios.  相似文献   

Past literature of different strands has pointed to a potential asymmetry: while portfolio capital inflows are largely irrelevant to the economy, capital outflows can cause recession. In a model with a convex investment and portfolio balance adjustment cost, and endogenous credit‐in‐advance constraint, we find that investment is determined solely by opportunity cost of physical capital unrelated to portfolio capital inflows when the constraint is slack. However, once credit availability is tightened up by capital outflows, the negative liquidity constraint dominates the opportunity‐cost factor, causing an economic downturn. Financial fragility against capital outflows is an outcome of pecuniary externalities, which, however, can be moderated by prudential capital controls. Even when exchange rates float freely, capital controls ease the macro‐stabilizing burden of monetary policy, as they help shield the economy from financial instability. Prudential tax on foreign debt is most preferred, and works the best when the exchange rate float is managed.  相似文献   

本文以中国外汇市场上四种主要外汇资产的投资组合作为研究对象,基于Pair Copula高维建模思想,分别建立了两类能真实反映资产组合相关结构差异性的混合藤Copula模型,即混合C藤和混合D藤Copula模型。两类混合藤Copula模型,对传统的藤Copula模型作了进一步的改进,是通过一定的选择标准,确定模型中每个Pair Copula函数的最优函数族,这样可以使得所建立的模型既能考虑资产组合维数的影响,又能捕捉到组合内部各资产相关结构的差异性。为了得到较优的风险分析模型,在实证研究中,将两类模型在资产组合VaR计算精度方面进行比较。  相似文献   

Based on a simple, stock–flow adjustment framework, we show that existing concepts of equilibrium exchange rates can be viewed as realizations of the same model at different time horizons. We then compare fundamental and behavioral estimations of equilibrium exchange rates based on the same, econometric modeling of the net foreign asset position in the long run, for a panel of 15 countries over the 1980–2005 period. These estimations suggest that, although more robust to alternative assumptions, the BEER approach may rely on excessive confidence on past behaviors in terms of portfolio choices. Symmetrically, FEERs may underestimate the plasticity of international capital markets because they focus on the adjustment of the trade balance.  相似文献   

This paper argues that with sticky goods prices and a forward-looking exchange rate, the central bank will only want a partial dissemination of its information about shocks to the economy. It is shown that, in such a model, the central bank may prefer to intervene secretly in the foreign exchange markets when responding in anticipation of future shocks, but openly when reacting to current shocks. The model thus provides a rationale for secrecy in central bank foreign exchange operations. The model also elucidates the relationship between the signaling and portfolio balance channels of sterilized intervention.  相似文献   

A balance-of-payments structural model of the foreign exchange market of Canada, endogenizing capital flows, the spot and forward exchange rates and the entities of the monetary sector, is developed using quarterly data for 1971–81. The capital flows have been disaggregated into ten categories and the exchange rates of the Canadian dollar have been analysed against five major currencies. While the model does not adhere strictly to purchasing power or interest rate parity, it does recognize them and it also incorporates other economic fundamentals, expectations and risk. Government interventions, although generated endogenously, are quantified implicitly and globally. The model tracks the post-Bretton Woods in-sample experience and generates ex post predictions reasonably well.  相似文献   

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