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网络嵌入对创业型企业的成长具有重要意义,但现有文献研究结论的差异体现了相关作用机制尚有待于进一步明晰。以企业家网络规模作为企业家网络嵌入性的代表变量,把企业家网络嵌入、企业创业导向和创业型企业成长绩效三者结合起来,运用172家创业型企业数据,实证研究多因素交互作用下创业导向对企业家网络嵌入性与创业型企业成长绩效之间关系的影响。结果显示,企业创业导向负向调节企业家横向网络规模与创业型企业成长绩效之间的关系,企业创业导向正向调节企业家纵向网络规模与创业型企业成长绩效之间的关系。理论贡献主要在于将创业导向作为调节变量引入实证研究,并构建了一个反映企业家网络、企业环境与企业绩效三者作用关系的理论模型。  相似文献   

在区域创业生态系统内,创业企业与各创业支持种群之间存在着各种信息、知识、资金等创业资源的交互和协同。基于创业生态系统理论和企业成长理论,分析系统内多种群对中小科技型创业企业成长的影响机理,并以浙江科技型特色小镇内创业企业为研究样本进行实证研究。通过问卷调查收集相关数据,运用spss软件对问卷数据进行相关和回归分析,并提出了促进中小科技型创业企业成长的建议。  相似文献   

关注新企业生命周期的前期活动,探索新企业形成机理与演化路径,是创业研究谋求学术贡献的关键所在。新企业生成研究由此成为创业领域内最具有发展潜力的新兴主题之一。本文围绕新企业生成系统梳理文献,首先阐述新企业生成的内涵,介绍新企业生成研究的起源,然后从创业者、创业机会和创业行为三个视角分析新企业生成研究现状,最后,在述评现有研究的基础上,构建一个新企业生成研究的整合模型,为后续研究提供参考。  相似文献   

“交易范式”影响下发展出来的主流经济学片面强调激励和契约,无法为理解真实世界的企业创业和成长现象提供有效理论支撑。本文重新构建了一个根植于“生产范式”,尤其是资源—能力理论和演化视角的,并能够适用于理解后发展语境下企业创业和成长现象的统一理论框架——“能力—机会”框架。这个框架包含四个基本命题:第一,当讨论企业创业和成长问题时,本质上都在讨论组织能力和市场机会的问题。第二,能力和机会的来源、类型以及二者系统性的变化过程,共同直接决定了企业的创业选择和成长动力。第三,能力和机会同时具有工业和产品特定性,只能在持续的工业生产和管理过程中内生出来。往往已经存在或有条件创造出什么类型的能力和机会时,才可能出现相应状态的创业和成长活动。第四,后发展语境中的特定组织能力和市场机会,从未因为市场经济制度的存在而自动产生。政府部门和公共研究机构等非市场组织,充当了塑造能力和机会的状态及其变化过程的关键力量。总之,“能力—机会”框架提供了一种显著区别于主流经济学的新研究视角,同时有助于弥合创业研究和企业成长研究长期存在的鸿沟。  相似文献   

创业学习对创业企业成长具有积极的作用。本研究通过对上海市浦东新区新创企业的跟踪调研资料,运用学习理论和企业成长理论,结合具体案例信息,区别分析了创业者个人学习、组织学习同创业企业成长之间的关系。本文认为创业企业中,创业者更为注重个人学习,并且创业者个人学习同企业成长之间表现出更为显性的相关关系;而组织学习在创业企业中的重视程度低于创业者个人学习,同时对创业企业成长的贡献并不显著。因此,本文建议创业企业需要重视组织学习,实现创业企业从“生存”到“持续发展”的转变。  相似文献   

新企业生存和成长与创业机会类型及开发方式密切相关,但对于如何进行创业机会开发以促进企业成长的研究甚少。通过对4家企业跨案例分析,探索商业模式设计与创业机会识别方式匹配如何影响新企业成长,研究发现:创业机会识别、商业模式设计能够通过发挥新企业优势、克服劣势提升创业绩效;商业模式设计与创业机会匹配对创业绩效有显著影响,不同匹配方式对绩效的影响不同;新颖型商业模式与发现型创业机会或创造型创业机会匹配均能产生较好的创业绩效;效率型商业模式与创造型创业机会匹配能产生较好的创业绩效,但其与发现型创业机会匹配对创业绩效的影响不确定。  相似文献   

通过对创业生态系统的理论研究,基于364份创业者的问卷调查数据,结合生态学和创业学,运用结构方程模型探讨分析创业生态系统内的种间协同效应对创业企业绩效的影响。研究结果表明,"创业企业与政府""创业企业与研究机构""创业企业与风险投资"的种间协同效应均对创业企业的成长绩效有显著的正效应,但是只有后两者的种间协同效应对创业企业的盈利绩效有显著的正效应,且后两者的种间协同效应对创业企业成长绩效的影响大于对盈利绩效的影响。  相似文献   

新创企业在战略并购中通过采用创业导向战略来实现战略整合和提升,是新企业获得成长的重要途径。从制度环境理论视角出发,以创业板上市企业为对象,通过对20个省市2010年和2011年创业板数据分析,研究了制度环境对创业导向战略并购的影响。研究表明,创业导向战略并购受到地区制度环境的影响,适当的政府干预和完善的地区法律环境能为创业导向战略并购提供制度保障。  相似文献   

新创企业在战略并购中通过采用创业导向战略来实现战略整合和提升,是新企业获得成长的重要途径。从制度环境理论视角出发,以创业板上市企业为对象,通过对20个省市2010年和2011年创业板数据分析,研究了制度环境对创业导向战略并购的影响。研究表明,创业导向战略并购受到地区制度环境的影响,适当的政府干预和完善的地区法律环境能为创业导向战略并购提供制度保障。  相似文献   

创业导师是指凭借自身丰富知识和经验向初创企业创业者提供激励与建议,以帮助他们避免出现致命错误的人。采用自我决定理论和社会认知理论考察创业导师外部服务动机、内部服务动机、创业指导自我效能感对新创企业成长、创业者成长及创业导师自身幸福感的影响,对176名创业导师数据进行回归分析。结果显示:①创业导师外部服务动机与新创企业销售额增长、创业者成长呈显著正向关系;②创业导师内部服务动机与新创企业市场份额增长、创业者成长及创业导师幸福感呈显著正向关系;③创业导师创业指导自我效能感与新创企业销售额及市场份额增长、创业者成长及创业导师幸福感呈显著正向关系。基于上述研究结果,从培育创业导师特色文化、强化创业导师激励机制、培养创业导师核心能力和搭建创业导师智库平台4个方面提出提升创业导师指导效果的对策建议。  相似文献   

中小企业成长性评价方法有效性研究--来自沪深股市的实证   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
成长性研究是中小企业理论研究中的一个重要方面,而采用何种方法对中小企业的成长性进行评价以及评价有效性的检验又是此类研究的重要步骤.本文将分别通过突变级数法和灰色关联度分析法(Grey Relation Analysis,简称GRA)对沪深股市中小上市公司成长性进行实证研究,并建立回归模型以检验两种方法评价结果的有效性.  相似文献   

A vast amount of studies have shown how firms embracing the open innovation paradigm tend to improve their industrial and economic performance. Somewhat surprisingly, in such established background, few studies attempted to understand whether the open innovation benefits compensate its costs. To fill this gap, this article presents a novel theoretical framework composed of twelve propositions describing the main benefits and costs of inbound and outbound open innovation modes. Such theoretical framework was tested on a sample of 96 small and medium manufacturing enterprises. While most of the identified cost and benefit classes are acknowledged by the majority of the interviewed firms, most interviewees affirmed that their firms did not suffer from costs associated with the not-invented-here syndrome and with the potential loss of competitive advantage. The results of the study have implications for both firms and scholars, which are expected to lead to future researches.  相似文献   

本研究在资源基础观理论基础上建立了一个新创企业资源一成长战略~绩效的研究模型,并以深圳中小企业板2007年之前上市的102家上市新创企业为研究对象进行了相关实证研究。其主要研究结论为:(1)中国新创企业的资源差异对企业绩效有直接影响。其中,实物资源与企业盈利性、成长性呈正相关;财务资源与企业成长性呈正相关;声誉资源与企业盈利性呈正相关:人力资源与企业盈利性、成长性呈正相关。(2)新创企业的资源差异对其选择的成长战略有显著影响。有形资源和人力资源丰富的新创企业倾向于采用市场拉动战略.而无形资源丰富的新创企业则倾向于采用创新推动战略。(3)处于不同行业的新创企业,在成长战略方面存在显著差异,高科技行业的企业更多采用创新推动战略,而非高科技行业的企业则更多采用市场拉动战略。但不同行业的企业在企业绩效的盈利性和成长性方面并不存在显著差异。  相似文献   

养老保险与人力资本投资的研究新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自Lucas(1988)以来,许多研究在Samuelson(1958)&Diamond(1965)的世代交叠模型(OLG)的基础上,将养老保险、人力资本投资与经济增长的其他要素相联系进行了理论和应用研究.本文介绍了养老睬险制度与人力资本投资的理论和应用研究的最新成果和进展,指出了理论和应用研究的新趋势,这对于当前我国经济高速发展和社会保障改革进程中的养老金计划和制度的设计将具有重要意义.  相似文献   

This study investigates firm growth as the post-entry performance of new start-up firms. Using data on Japanese manufacturing firms founded during 1992–1996, the determinants of growth are identified among new start-up firms. The effect is examined, not only of firm-specific characteristics but also of entrepreneur-specific, industry-specific and local characteristics on firm growth. It is found that younger and small-sized firms are more likely to grow among the start-ups. It is also found that entrepreneur's age and educational background affect the growth of start-ups. It is not shown, however, that industry specialization induces the growth of start-ups.  相似文献   

This paper explains market turbulence, such as the recent dot-com boom/bust cycle, as equilibrium industry dynamics driven by the synergy between new and existing technologies. When a major technological innovation arrives, a wave of new firms implement the innovation and enter the market. However, if the innovation complements existing technology, some new entrants later will be forced out as more and more incumbent firms succeed in adopting the innovation. It is argued that the diffusion of Internet technology among traditional brick-and-mortar firms was indeed the driving force behind the rise and fall of dot-coms as well as the sustained growth of e-commerce. Systematic empirical evidence from retail and banking industries supports the theoretical findings.  相似文献   

China has been the world’s largest automobile producer since 2009,but it still lags behind other countries in terms of productivity. Based on theNational Bureau of Statistics of China (NBSC) firm-level data and the improvedapproach proposed by Ackerberg et al. (2015), this paper investigates thecontribution of total factor productivity (TFP) growth to the Chinese automobileindustry and evaluates the impact of firm entry and exit on TFP growth. Theempirical results show that the TFP of the Chinese automobile industry grows at10.7% per year. Joint venture and foreign-owned firms have a significantly higherTFP growth rate than others. Large-scale firms have a higher TFP growth rate thando small-scale firms, but the latter have caught up after 2004. Moreover, the entryof new firms and exit of old firms significantly improve the aggregate TFP growthrate.  相似文献   

A dynamic framework based on the process of firm selection and industry evolution is used to analyse the post-entry performance of new firms. In particular, it is hypothesized that, based on the stylized fact that virtually all new firms start at a very small scale of output, firm growth and survival are shaped by the need to attain an efficient level of output. The post-entry performance of more than 11,000 U.S. manufacturing firms established in 1976 is tracked throughout the subsequent tenyear period. Firm growth is found to be negatively influenced by firm size but positively related to the extent of scale economies, capital intensity, innovative activity, and market growth. By contrast, the likelihood of survival is identified as being positively influenced by firm size, market growth, and capital intensity, but negatively affected by the degree of scale economies in the industry. When viewed through the dynamic framework of firm selection and industry evolution, the empirical results shed considerable light on several paradoxes in the industrial organization literature, such as the continued persistence over time of an asymmetrical firm-size distribution consisting predominantely of suboptimal scale firms, and the failure of capital intensity and scale economies to substantially deter the entry and start-up of new firms.  相似文献   

Sekyung Oh 《Applied economics》2016,48(56):5437-5447
Private firms in China have led the explosive growth of the country’s economy, but with restricted or no access to formal financing. It is puzzling that these firms use relatively less trade credit than their counterparts in developed countries. We argue that firms with more growth opportunities should rely mainly on internal financing owing to high asymmetric information, especially in a financial market environment biased towards state-owned enterprises (SOEs) such as China. To explore growth opportunities, these firms may reduce their level of trade credit in the trade-off they face in deciding where to invest. Using panel data of Chinese non-financial listed firms for the period 2003–2013, we find that the relationship between growth opportunities and trade credit (both accounts receivable and payable) is significantly negative and is more pronounced in private firms than in SOEs. Furthermore, we also find that subsequent to the new receivable pledge policy being introduced, Chinese firms with more growth opportunities have higher accounts receivable, but similar levels of accounts payable.  相似文献   

We study the market response to firm-specific demand shocks in a natural experiment setting. In 2006, a boycott of Danish products in several Arab countries was devastating for Danish cheese products firms. In Saudi Arabia, their market share collapsed from 16.5 percent in January to below 1 percent in March, and never fully recovered; by 2009, it was 6.3 percent. By analyzing micro-level (scanner) price and sales data, we find the following. (i) Danish firms lowered prices but kept the product mix the same. (ii) Non-Danish firms kept prices constant but changed their product mix by introducing new products and new product bundles. (iii) Non-Danish firms chose to introduce products that were similar to the Danish products in characteristic space in order to compete head-to-head. We complement the analysis with a theoretical framework that helps to account for our main findings.  相似文献   

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