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虎踞龙蟠石头城,风云际会展新图.2002年中国汽车工业令人瞠目地跃了一大步,其发展速度和经济实效均让业内外人士惊喜异常.在这充满浓重喜庆色彩的2002年岁末,在龙腾虎跃的六朝古都南京,东风汽车公司大旗下、历经鏖战的一千余名将士齐集一堂,共商国是!共同分析昨天的成败与得失,共同创造明天的新辉煌.  相似文献   

China on September 25 began construction on an extension to the world's highest rail link, the Qinghai- Tibet Railway. The construction will connect the Tibetan capital of Lhasa to Xigaze, Tibet's second largest city.  相似文献   

This study seeks to better understand why some individuals decide to start new businesses and others do not, particularly in light of high base rates of failure. In addressing the question of “Why do some individuals choose to start new ventures?” a common perspective is that potential entrepreneurs with high levels of confidence in potential outcomes are likely to start new ventures. Alternatively, it also may be that firm creation decisions are based largely on individual expectations of one's ability. Hypotheses examining these perspectives are tested using a sample of 316 nascent entrepreneurs with the start-up decision tracked longitudinally. The results indicate that confidence in one's ability to perform tasks relevant to entrepreneurship is a robust predictor of start-up while outcome expectancies appear to play a marginal role. Theoretical and practical implications stemming from these results are discussed.  相似文献   

The paper juxtaposes the challenges that airline codeshare alliances create for analytical information systems on the one hand and their motivation from a marketing perspective on the other. The authors review the state-of-the-art literature on potential marketing benefits and analyze the impact on airline planning systems. In this regard, revenue management systems are of particular interest. Based on a simulation study, the authors infer a severe impact of decentralized codeshare controls as currently widely implemented in the industry on revenue management performance. In the scenarios examined, complementary codesharing reduces alliance-wide revenues by up to 1 %. Losses increase when a carrier experiences high local demand or a high degree of codeshare demand, and disseminate over the whole network. Virtual codeshares also cause losses of 0.3 % to 1.5 % depending on the discount level offered by the marketing carrier and on the demand structure. Finally, the authors formulate a set of managerial implications based on these findings.  相似文献   

United Airlines (OTCBB:UALAQ.OB) was named Best Transpacific Airline by the annual OAG Airline of the Year Awards during an awards ceremony in London. OAG is a content management company specializing in travel and transport, which selected winners of the awards based on the votes of a worldwide audience of business travelers.  相似文献   

作为流通领域的后起之秀,电视购物在韩国和一些西方国家已经成为可以和大商场、减价超市竞争的“第三势力”,韩国商界把电视销售的崛起称之为在大型减价超市出现后的又一次“流通革命”。  相似文献   

汽车网站的兴起,为汽车走进百姓家庭提供了更快捷的信息通道.一些车迷开始关注网上能否买到汽车的问题.  相似文献   

From its origins in 1910 the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) has been characterised by striking asymmetries in policies, levels of development and administrative capacity. Following the demise of apartheid in 1994, the five member countries (Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa and Swaziland) began negotiations to reform the SACU. Eight years later, a new Agreement was signed in October 2002. In this paper, we outline the main characteristics of the 2002 Agreement and assess whether it addresses the criticisms of the preceding arrangement. Most importantly, the 2002 Agreement introduces shared decision-making and provides for a sustainable revenue-sharing arrangement. But varying levels of trade policy capacity along with policy divergences between the members present new challenges. Moreover, the exclusion of Services, Intellectual Property Rights and Singapore issues gives the 2002 Agreement a somewhat jaded appearance. Nevertheless, the reconstituted SACU could form the core of a larger regional customs union that would facilitate a realignment of the existing regional organisations. This will depend on the ongoing trade negotiations with both the EU and the United States. These negotiations will also put pressure on SACU to address excluded issues and reduce cross-border transaction costs in order to realise the benefits from economic cooperation.  相似文献   

This article identifies a phenomenon that may be in- fluencing passengers' evaluation of airline carriers. The results of this study suggest that consumers may systematically distort their evaluation of airlines. Perceptions about service quality attributes are seemingly influenced more by factors internal to the individual than by the actual attributes available for observation. Implications are also identXed that may aid airline executives to address the com- plex, yet critical issue of "systematic distortion."  相似文献   

春秋航空依靠自主研发的电子商务系统,获得极大的商业成功。春秋航空公司近十年的IT技术人才储备,长期电脑信息化培训,勇于创新、敢于变革的企业文化是春秋航空电子商务获得成功的原因。春秋航空电子商务的实施,明显降低了企业营运成本,改变了航空传统模式,全面提升了服务质量。同时也为春秋航空公司全面扩张提供了信息技术的有力保障。  相似文献   

China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China's largest oil and gas producer, announced Monday a Sino-Russian crude oil pipeline was scheduled to be completed and begin operation by Oct 31 this year.  相似文献   

随着汽车业最终保护期的临近,中国消费者已经变得越来越理智、成熟,中国汽车市场也变得越来越趋于完善、合理。众多厂家、商家只能以不断推陈出新的新产品、新车型、降价、完善售后服务机制来吸引消费者;以合资合作、兼并、重组、收购等手段为其枪占市场份额、扩充其势力范围,中国汽车业已经呈现出某种大洗牌、大重组的发展态势。在这种弱肉强食的大背景下,奥克斯集团毅然于2004年2月24日,在北京钓鱼台国宾馆正式向媒体宣布了其在汽车领域的发展战略:计划投入80亿资金,并最终实现54万辆的年设计产能。与其说是要重撞中国汽车产业格局,倒不如说是在虎口夺食,想为奥克斯集团的发展再一次树碑立传。当然,其胜算的几率,已经引起了众多媒体和同行业的普遍关注。  相似文献   

近几年,轿车行业的竞争虽然激烈,但市场阵营还算是泾渭分明,虽不能说是大体实现了错位竞争,但基本上是各有侧重,都具有比较明确的市场主攻方向.比如天津夏利和长安铃木是经济型轿车的代表在私人和中小城市的出租市场极具号召力,桑塔纳、捷达、小红旗等则是中级轿车的化身.  相似文献   

The first batch of 104 interns began working at the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination on September 1. They were recruited from about 7,700 applicants and had received a three-week training program from the Expo organizer involving Expo general knowledge, Chinese and English writing, etiquette, group working, fire fighting and emergency aid.  相似文献   

This paper examines how founders' work experiences and beliefs about an industry's prevailing practices influence the degree of novelty exhibited by their firms. Our results indicate that extensive experience in the core of an organizational field constrains individuals into acting as “imitative entrepreneurs,” essentially reproducing established routines even if they question their legitimacy. In contrast, founders with greater experience in the field's periphery are more likely to act as “innovative entrepreneurs,” as are those who more strongly question the ethicality of prevailing practices. Doubts about the functionality of established routines are not sufficient, on their own, to provoke acts of innovative entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

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