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The Albanian economy in the 1990s experienced a rapid recovery from its near-collapse in 1992. The rapid economic growth between 1993 and 1996 was exceptional by East European standards, and represented the highest rate of sustained economic growth of all transition economies. This investigation indicates that the standard explanations for recovery and growth in transition economies, such as the pace of economic reform or the levels of domestic and foreign investment, do not adequately explain the rapid growth of the Albanian economy. Factors specific to Albania also need to be considered. The main conclusion drawn here is that the success of the Albanian economy in the mid-1990s rested largely upon the inflow of remittances from Albanians working abroad. These remittances are shown to have been much greater in value than was previously assumed by the IMF: in the region of $700 million per annum rather than $400 million. Remittances are also found to have played a much greater role in Albania's economic recovery than was previously recognised. It is demonstrated that the rise of pyramid investment schemes in 1996 was closely linked to the inflow of remittances. Such schemes are also found to have played a part in fuelling the rapid economic growth in the Albanian economy, before their collapse in 1997.  相似文献   

The early transition period witnessed the rapid growth of Albanian SMEs despite the fact that the country was subjected to several severe shocks, especially those associated with the collapse of the pyramid schemes and the war in Kosovo. The growth of small enterprises in agriculture, trade, services, and construction, with microenterprises constituting the bulk of SMEs, has been the engine of growth and contributed to the long term recovery of Albanian economy. However, the growth of SMEs has been hampered by a variety of barriers erected, directly or indirectly, by the state. Fiscal constraints particularly high rate of taxes and contributions, financial constraints and the institutional environment have been some of the major barriers they have had to surmount. These barriers have encouraged many firms to conduct some or all of their activities in the informal sector of the economy. The survey of fifty SMEs established since 1992 highlights the difficulties faced by these enterprises in the environment of early transition. The econometric evidence confirms the role of financial barriers to SME growth, especially when they are combined with the poor institutional environment. The results show that the government has to embark on SME policies designed to disseminate the information on support programmes widely, and to speed up the reform of the financial system, legal framework and law enforcement.  相似文献   

Since the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) was signed in 2006, Albanian exports to CEFTA member countries have increased four-fold. Applying a trade growth decomposition methodology, we show that Albanian firms that did not export to CEFTA countries before the agreement account for a large share of this export growth. Exports also increased among goods that were the least traded before the agreement. Estimating a gravity equation, we find that the CEFTA increased Albanian exports between 34% and 144%, depending on how the previous bilateral agreements with CEFTA countries are accounted for. Additional regression analyses conclude that the CEFTA fostered exports through the reduction of tariffs.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the production structure, technical change, and total factor productivity of Albanian agriculture during the postwar period. Albanian agriculture faced severe structural problems such as limited economies of scale, labor-using technical change, decreasing partial factor (land and labor) productivities, and slow growth of total factor productivity. Agricultural development in Albania was based mainly on input increases, which accounted for almost 90% of output growth. Consequently, the economic crisis appearing since 1990 is not due only to the adjustment process toward a market economy but has also been affected by the postwar agricultural development strategy.  相似文献   

Ethnic conflict and economic disparity: Serbians and Albanians in Kosovo   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Using the Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) household survey from post-conflict Kosovo, we investigate the comparative economic well-being of Serbs and Albanians. An Oaxaca decomposition shows Serb households are both better endowed with income generating characteristics, such as education, and receive higher returns to these characteristics than Albanian households. Despite these advantages, Serb households have lower living standards, on average, than Albanian households. Most of the difference in living standards between Serb and Albanian households is due to unobserved non-economic factors. This result has serious implications for the political economy of policymaking in post-conflict Kosovo. Journal of Comparative Economics 34 (4) (2006) 754–773.  相似文献   

The Albanian Ndihma Ekonomike is one of the first poverty reduction programmes launched in transitional economies. Its record has been judged positively during the recession period of the 1990s and negatively during the more recent growth phase. This article reconsiders the programme using a regression‐adjusted local linear matching estimator first suggested by Heckman et al. (1997, 1998). We find the programme to have a weak targeting capacity and a non‐significant impact on different household outcomes.  相似文献   

《Ricerche Economiche》1994,48(1):1-22
This paper reconsiders the conditions under which a government may engage in debt roll-over schemes by financing interest payments through the issue of new debt. Output growth rates in excess of interest rates on government debt have traditionally been considered grounds for sustaining such schemes. A government may avoid debt repayment, or even run a primary deficit forever, and yet maintain a bounded debt-to-income ratio. Recent research has pointed at the stronger constraints placed on government behaviour by uncertain output growth. We show that this is not the case when an alternative criterion for solvency is used, namely that the debt-to-income ratio converges almost surely in the long run. In this case, the government is solvent when the asymptotic growth rate of the economy exceeds the asymptotic interest rate on debt, a natural extension of a familiar criterion in a deterministic environment.Convergence to the long-run outcome may, however, be a slow process. For realistic parameter values, long-run-stable fiscal plans may resemble unsustainable plans over long horizons. This circumstance may explain the observed poor performance of debt ratios as indicators of fiscal sustainability.  相似文献   

The paper deals with some theoretical and analytical issuesraised by a recent book by Trigg on Marx's schemes of reproduction.The paper presents a generalized model of expanded reproductionand concentrates on the attempt to develop Marx's schemes alongKeynesian lines. Trigg tries to develop a Keynesian interpretationof the schemes without significant changes to Marx's originalapproach; the paper argues that the abandonment of some of Marx'shypotheses, in particular that of free competition, is necessaryto allows us to provide a Marxian determination of underemploymentequilibria and to use a Marxian version of the Keynesian conceptof multiplier. In considering Marx's and Keynes's analyses ofcapitalist economies, the paper also emphasizes their similaritieswith respect to the importance of money and the capitalists'liquidity preference in the process of reproduction and growth.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on job flows and unemployment in Albania during the transition from a closed, communist system to an open, free-market economy, and examines the role of emigration in the restructuring of the country. Our theoretical model indicates that in Albania, temporary emigration may have a significant positive effect on hiring in the private sector, reducing unemployment. Using sectoral data on employment, we illustrate the importance of emigration as an alternative for the Albanian labour force, and we measure the extent to which job ‘destruction’ in some sectors of the economy has been compensated for by job ‘creation’ in others. On these grounds, we compare the progress of Albania with other former socialist countries in Europe.  相似文献   

It is important but difficult to distinguish between desirable and undesirable effects of unemployment insurance (UI) that are observationally equivalent when designing optimal UI schemes. For example, a UI-induced rise in the wage rate caused by workers taking more time to match their skills with job vacancies is desirable. However, another view of the same observation is that UI causes permanently higher involuntary unemployment by raising the reservation wage. This paper avoids this problem by regarding the trade-off between the UI replacement rates and unemployment as an intermediate relationship that matters only as far as it impacts economic growth. An empirical analysis of UI replacement rates, unemployment rates, and growth rates using annual panel data finds UI replacement rates are associated with higher unemployment. However, no significant relationship is found between UI-related unemployment and the real growth rate of gross domestic product.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Fiftieth International Atlantic Economic Conference, October 15–18, 2000, Charleston, South Carolina. Financial support from the Scottish Economic Society and the University of Stirling is gratefully acknowledged. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development generously provided access to their database on benefit entitlements and gross replacement rates. The authors are grateful to an anonymous referee for constructive comments.  相似文献   

Adaptive (path dependent) processes of growth modeled by urn schemes are important for several fields of applications: biology, physics, chemistry, economics. In this paper we present a general introduction to urn schemes, together with some new results. We review the studies that have been done in the technological dynamics by means of such schemes. Also several other domains of economic dynamics are analysed by the same machinery and its new modifications allowing to tackle non-homogeneity of the phase space. We demonstrate the phenomena of multiple equilibria, different vonvergence rates for different limit patterns, locally positive and locally negative feedbacks, limit behavior associated with non-homogeneity of economic environment where producers (firms) are operating. It is also shown that the above urn processes represent a natural and convenient stochastic replicator dynamics which can be used in evolutionary games.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT**: This article evaluates the impact of the introduction of incentive regulation on firm growth among the population of local exchange carriers in the US telecommunications industry between 1988 and 2001. The results show that the rate of return method and other intermediate incentive schemes have had a negative impact on firm growth. Conversely, the introduction of pure price caps schemes had a positive and significant impact on firms’ growth. These results highlight the importance of proper and appropriate incentive compatible mechanism design in motivating firms to strive for superior performance.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of German public start-up assistance programmes administered by the Deutsche Ausgleichsbank (DtA) on the performance of young firms. The empirical analysis is based on firms from the ZEW Entrepreneurship Study that either received start-up loans in one or more DtA schemes or did not receive any funding from the DtA at all. The paper applies a non-parametric matching approach often applied by labour market economists. The interesting success measure is the average annual employment growth rate over a six year period and the resulting causal effect is the difference of this measure between the group of subsidized firms and the selected control group firms that did not receive any DtA start-up loans. The empirical analysis shows that DtA start-up loans significantly improve the average employment growth rate.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of redistributive taxation on occupational choice and growth. We discuss a two-sector economy in the spirit of Romer (1990). Agents engage in one of two alternative occupations: either self-employment in an intermediate goods sector characterized by monopolistic competition, or employment as an ordinary worker in this sector. Entrepreneurial profits are stochastic. The occupational choice under risk endogenizes the number of firms in the intermediate goods industry. While the presence of entrepreneurial risk results in a suboptimally low number of firms and depresses growth, nonlinear tax schemes can sometimes compensate negative effects by ex post providing social insurance.  相似文献   

Summary. In this paper, we develop an endogenous growth model with market regulations on explicitly modeled financial intermediaries to examine the effects of alternative government financing schemes on growth, inflation, and welfare. In the presence of binding regulation, there is always a unique equilibrium. We perform four alternative policy experiments; a change in the seigniorage tax rate, a change in the seigniorage tax base, a change in the income tax and a change in the fiscal-monetary policy mix. We find that in the presence of binding legal reserve requirements, a marginal increase in government spending need not result in a reduction in the rate of economic growth if it is financed with an increase in the seigniorage tax rate. Raising the seigniorage tax base by means of an increase in the reserve requirement retards growth and it has an ambiguous effect on inflation. An increase in income tax financed government spending also suppresses growth and raises inflation although not to the extent that the required seigniorage tax rate alternative would. Switching from seigniorage to income taxation as a source of government finance is growth reducing but deflationary. From a welfare perspective, the least distortionary way of financing an increase in the government spending requirements is by means of a marginal increase in the seigniorage tax rate. Under the specification of logarithmic preferences, the optimal tax structure is indeterminate. Received: March 20, 2000; revised version: June 26, 2001  相似文献   

This study uses data from the 2005 Albania Living Standards Measurement Study survey to assess the impact of past migration experience of Albanian households on non‐farm business ownership through instrumental variables regression techniques. Considering the differences in earning potentials and opportunities for skill acquisition in different destination countries, we differentiate the impact of past household migration experience by main migrant destinations. The study also explores the heterogeneity of impact based on the timing of migration. The empirical results indicate that past household migration experience exerts a positive impact on the probability of owning a non‐farm business. While one additional year in Greece increases the probability of household business ownership by roughly 6 percent, a similar experience in Italy or farther destinations raises the probability by over 25 percent. Although past household migration experience for the period of 1990–2000 is positively associated with the likelihood of owning a household enterprise, a similar association does not exist for the period of 2001–2004.  相似文献   


Marx-Engels’ numerical illustrations of the extended reproduction suggest that a two-sector economy reaches a balanced growth path, from the second period onwards. We explain this surprising result and show that for technical reasons, disproportions between sectors can prevent the system from reproducing itself. But, in Marx’s reproduction schemes, such a crisis is not only due to purely technical factors and one must wonder what role is played by the relative price in the reproduction of the system. The answer is given by comparing two models having a similar structure but quite different rules for the determination of the relative price. In Marx’s model, the price is given by the labour values and thus, it is exogenously fixed. We contrast Marx’s analysis with an endogenous price model in which the price depends on the conditions of the accumulation of capital. The Appendices point out the complete accordance of Engels’ corrections with Marx’s model and Marx’s unfruitful quest for a balanced growth path as a tool for the analysis of crises.  相似文献   

Standard sources of growth accounts are empty of content because they rely on neoclassical production theory. Rather, analysis can be based on productivity growth equations derived from national income and product accounts (NIPA) accounting conventions and a helpful algebraic identity. These schemes impose valid restrictions on growth rates of the wage rate, profit rate, capital, labor, and their respective average productivities. One states that the output growth rate equals employment growth plus productivity growth. The standard “convergence” model basically adds accumulation dynamics to this identity. Replacing the aggregate production function with proper accounting restrictions gives a growth model with detailed results that differ markedly from those of the standard model. Alternative, essentially Kaldorian supply- and demand-based alternatives to sources of growth based on a familiar output growth versus productivity growth diagram with constant employment growth contours added in look like a useful alternative to the mainstream models. With distributive dynamics added in, the model would also generate Goodwin-style cycles.  相似文献   

Population ageing is now an established demographic characteristic of many economies. Economists working in the endogenous growth theory tradition have sought to model the relationship between public pensions, financed on a 'Pay-As-You-Go' basis, and the growth in per capita incomes. The resultant intergenerational wealth redistribution from young to older people seems to decrease private savings, diminish capital accumulation, and lower the growth of per capita incomes. The underlying transmission mechanism appears to be a crowding out effect in private capital markets contingent upon the introduction of public pension systems. A growing literature exists on the interrelationships between public pension schemes, fertility rates and endogenous growth. Following Wigger's (1999) pioneering overlapping generations endogenous growth model, we extend this model to examine the effects of a savings subsidisation system on the rate of per capita income growth, fertility and voluntary intrafamily wealth transfers, where parents view children both as an insurance good and a consumption good. Moreover, children care about the consumption levels of their parents. An increase in contributions to a savings subsidised public pension scheme will crowd out private intergenerational transfers from the young to the old and thereby negate the usefulness of children as an insurance good.  相似文献   

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