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This article explores certification issues in human resource management based on a survey of four well-known associations. First, it distinguishes certification from accreditation and licensure. Second, it presents information on certification practices, policies, and standards for four major certifying organizations. Third, it discusses the benefits and drawbacks of certification at the individual, company, and professional levels. Lastly, it points up the importance of continued research on certification in the human resource management field. © 1995 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The still evolving discipline of total quality management (TQM) has left many humanresource professionals confused about their role. The authors believe that the HR function personnel should spearhead company quality efforts, as well as assess the performance of their own function, by using the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Awards framework.  相似文献   

高速公路建设单位人力资源管理实践研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章分析了高速公路人力资源管理存在的问题,提出了加强人力资源管理的必要性,介绍了湖南武靖高速公路建设开发有限公司人力资源管理的具体措施以及实施效果。  相似文献   

With the intensification of globalization, countries and the organizations within them have become increasingly multicultural. This presents an important challenge, and perhaps an opportunity, for human resource management (HRM) practitioners. Drawing on cognitive dissonance theory, we propose key outcomes associated with newcomers’ acculturation strategy. Our typology suggests that cultural identity salience (CIS) can explain varying levels of psychological well-being for individuals who assimilate or separate. Individuals who integrate or marginalize, however, will experience consistent levels of psychological well-being irrespective of CIS. Moreover, individuals who integrate, rather than assimilate, separate, or marginalize, will tend to develop the most diverse range of contacts and achieve the most favorable job search and employability outcomes. In light of this, HRM practices should be designed to encourage integration by fostering an environment that embraces diversity. We discuss theoretical and practical contributions and offer directions for future research.  相似文献   

目前,随着全球经济一体化进程加快,越来越多的企业实现跨区域发展,传统人力资源管理模式难以适应大型企业的发展,而人力资源共享服务中心这一新型管理模式正符合当前社会的需求。文章阐述了人力资源共享服务中心的概念及其运作机制,并提出构建这一新型模式的具体措施,以期对我国大型企业的人力资源管理发展有所裨益。  相似文献   

This paper serves as an introduction to this special issue on strategic agility and human resource management. The paper starts with a summary review of the current state of the strategic agility literature followed by introduction of the five articles in the special issue. The paper also highlights the implications of the findings for academics and practitioners.  相似文献   

The new economics of personnel and human resource management is analysed, including its current prominence as well as its historical antecedents. The economic paradigm as applied to personnel and human resource economics is illustrated through a variety of examples in the personnel area. These involve economic phenomenon (e.g., fixed hiring costs, asymmetric information, option values) highlighting their implications for personnel issues, as well as personnel phenomenon (e.g., deferred compensation, pensions, mandatory retirement) highlighting their economic rationale. Other phenomenon that otherwise seem difficult to explain or paradoxical are analysed including: superstar salaries; long-hours and overtime coexisting with unemployment and underemployment often within the same organisation; the reluctance of seemingly risk averse workers to accept small wage cuts to avoid the possibility of a layoff; the payment of fringe benefits that may not be valued by many employees; the “regular” hiring of temporary workers when permanent workers are available; egalitarian pay structures and fairness in compensation; the persistent reporting of vacancies on the part of firms but a reluctance to raise wages to fill those vacancies; the use of piece rates in some jobs and salary structures that are based on relative ranking of workers in other jobs; and tenure or “up-or-out” rules where people who are not promoted are required to leave rather than work for lower pay. The concluding section focuses on elements that are common across these applications.  相似文献   

陈立  接晋 《企业技术开发》2010,29(2):139-140
我国村级企业尚处于刚起步状态,主要表现在观念差异,信息滞后和制度不完善等方面。对于如何加强村级企业中的人力资源管理,文章将对这个问题进行初步的探讨。  相似文献   

陈立  接晋 《企业技术开发》2010,29(3):139-140
我国村级企业尚处于刚起步状态,主要表现在观念差异,信息滞后和制度不完善等方面。对于如何加强村级企业中的人力资源管理,文章将对这个问题进行初步的探讨。  相似文献   

C. Brewster and S. Tyson (eds) (1991) International Comparisons in Human Resource Management. London: Pitman.

P. J. Dowling and R. S. Schuler (1990) International Dimensions of Human Resource Management. Boston, MA: PWS-Kent.

R Pieper (ed.) (1990) Human Resource Management: An International Comparison. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.

This review article assesses three major recent works in international human resource management. The author argues that the international character of human resource management can be said to rest on three things: (1) the increasing internationalization of business, which brings organizations into contact with different national cultures and promotes the spread of management practices across national boundaries, (2) underlying economic and technological trends, arising in part from the activity of multinational firms but mediated also by international institutions, which may produce similar patterns of adjustment in the organization and management of employment at the national, sectoral and firm level, and (3) the processes whereby businesses become progressively international. After critically reviewing the books listed above the author argues that the validation of an international model(s) would benefit from cross-national comparisons of a number of features identified in the internationalization process.  相似文献   


Human capital is an important construct in a variety of fields spanning from micro scholarship in psychology to macro scholarship in economics. Within the various disciplinary perspectives, research focuses on slightly different aspects and levels of human capital within organizations, which may give opportunities for integration. The current paper aims to increase knowledge about human capital within organizations by integrating two streams of research which focus directly on human capital, but have approached human capital in different ways: strategic human capital (SHC), and strategic HRM. We describe both SHC and strategic HRM research streams and propose areas of integration, and directions for future research on human capital in organizations.  相似文献   

文章介绍了新木桶原理及在人力资源管理方面的应用,分析了该原理运用于人力资源管理过程中存在的典型误区,并指出应该将提升人力资源管理水平视为一项系统工程,执行中要主要操作的艺术性,并灵活地与新木桶原理相结合。  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between high‐commitment human resources (HCHR) practices and chief executive officer (CEO) charismatic leadership on voluntary employee turnover and relative performance to peers in a sample of 281 small firms. In this study, we expand upon prior conceptualizations of fit within the literature on strategic human resources (HR) to include the fit of HCHR with other aspects of the people management system. Specifically, we hypothesize a variety of relationships that may occur (e.g., positive synergistic, deadly combination, or substitution) and find that when a firm uses a system of HCHR practices and has a charismatic leader, performance is highest and turnover lowest. Conversely, when a firm does not invest in either, performance is lowest and turnover highest. We also found some support for a substitution effect as our data showed that when there is a mismatch between a firm's HR system and the leadership characteristics of the CEO, turnover is higher and performance lower than the high‐investment people management system (high HCHR and high‐charismatic leadership), but turnover is lower and performance higher than the low‐investment (low HCHR and low‐charismatic leadership) people management system.  相似文献   

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