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Although empirical research has shown that some capital structure differences can be explained by modern capital structure theory in mature market economies, the forces behind capital structure decisions in emerging European economies remain a puzzle. We assume that, in these countries, the change in economic system, and therefore corporate governance, has been only gradual; other forces must be at work when firms decide on their capital structures compared to those of mature market economies. After identifying possible relevant factors in Slovenian firms, we show that throughout the period from 1999 to 2006, these factors explained the greatest part of capital structure differences. However, the explanatory power of the proposed factors is changing, which implies changing corporate governance and financial behavior of Slovenian firms during transition.  相似文献   

We examine the role of national culture—an important informal institution—in the profit reinvestment decisions of small firms in emerging markets. Prior economic development literature focuses on formal institutions as determinants of growth. However, in emerging markets where formal institutions are less developed, informal institutions should have more of a direct versus indirect impact through formal institutions. We find that Schwartz's cultural dimensions of Embeddedness and Hierarchy negatively affect profit reinvestment, and that access to external financing (strength of property rights) is more important for reinvestment decisions in countries with low (high) Embeddedness and Hierarchy.  相似文献   

This article argues whether and how investment promotion agencies (IPAs) efficiently influence investment promotion in the cases of the following selected variables: resources (experience, total staff, and overseas staff), service functions (combined promotion service of inward investment and trade, and inward and outward investment), and organizational structure (autonomous status of private/upper ministry-level IPAs). The results reveal a positive relationship between IPA’s performance and longer experience, larger staff, larger overseas IPA staff members, autonomous private agency types, and upper ministry-level IPAs. However, an IPA’s performance was negatively associated with the combined promotional service of inward investment and trade, and inward and outward investment. The results suggest that an IPA’s performance can be enhanced by adjusting the service functions and restructuring the governance and structure in addition to improving the IPA’s resources and the country’s investment climate.  相似文献   

Emerging economies display considerable inequality in monetary asset holdings, rendering the recent disinflation nontrivial. Using a small open‐economy model with uninsurable idiosyncratic risk, this paper shows that a gradual decline of 12% in the quarterly inflation rate leads to an aggregate welfare gain of 0.40% in consumption equivalent terms. The poor gain less than the economy on aggregate, despite holding a more inflation‐prone financial portfolio. This is because unequal cash holdings make inflation tax payments of the poor much smaller than those of the rich. When inflation tax revenues finance redistributive transfers that provide insurance, cross‐sectional gains become even more dispersed.  相似文献   

Valuing Mortgage Insurance Contracts in Emerging Market Economies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We develop a new option-based method for the valuation of mortgage insurance contracts in closed form in an economy where agents are risk neutral. While the proposed valuation method is general and can be used in any market, it may be particularly useful in emerging market economies where other existing methods may be either inappropriate or are too difficult to implement because of the lack of relevant data. As an application, we price a typical Serbian government-backed mortgage insurance contract.  相似文献   

随着金融全球化日益深化,新兴市场国家融入国际金融市场的程度不断加深,新兴市场国应当警惕资本流动给货币政策带来的挑战,重视由资本项目开放程度加大而引发的现象,如资本流动的强顺周期性、资本逆转、债务美元化等,给新兴市场国的货币政策选择带来的困难和约束.如何结合这些特有的经济现象来研究新兴市场国的货币政策问题,这已经超出了传统货币政策理论的能力范围,要求有更为合适的货币政策分析框架的构建和运用.本文提出新近出现的开放经济的金融加速器模型是新兴市场国货币政策框架的合适选择,并提出了运用此框架所应当注意的问题.  相似文献   

This article presents a systematic analysis of the availability and use of fiscal space in emerging and developing economies. We report two major results. First, emerging and developing economies built fiscal space in the run-up to the Great Recession of 2008–2009, which was then used for stimulus. Since then, fiscal space has shrunk and remains narrow as these economies have taken advantage of historically low interest rates. Second, fiscal policy in emerging and developing economies has become countercyclical (or less procyclical), i.e., “graduated,” since the 1980s, as most clearly demonstrated during the Great Recession. The move towards graduation is most pronounced for those economies with greater fiscal space, which suggests that fiscal space matters for a government’s ability to implement countercyclical fiscal policy.  相似文献   

阙光辉 《银行家》2003,(2):135-135
在拉斯维加斯,每天都有新的企业出现--他们并不是新的娱乐赌场或者结婚教堂.他们是小企业.根据小企业管理局(SBA)内华达州办公室的数据,在拉斯维加斯,向小企业提供的贷款笔数在今年剧增了20%--他们发放了超过500笔SBA贷款.在全国范围内,SBA发放的贷款数目由2001年的43700笔增至2002年的5.16万笔.  相似文献   

The rich dynamics of capital flows is an important characteristic of business cycles in emerging market economies. In the data external debt is always procyclical, while FDI is procyclical only in normal times. We provide a microfounded rationale for this pattern by linking financial shocks to capital flows. For this purpose, we build a small open economy model in which firms are subject to borrowing constraints, and are either owned domestically or by foreign investors who purchase firms through FDI. During a financial crisis, the valuation gap per unit net worth between foreign and domestic investors widens, which triggers more FDI inflow. Our model produces business cycle moments consistent with empirical observations.  相似文献   

在审计实务中,注册会计师经常遇到时间紧任务重的情况,要求注册会计师在最短时间里作出审还是不审的决定;如果能审的话,还应以最短的时间按照《独立审计准则》和《小规模企业审计(试行)指南》规定审计。客观上存在着为了规避因时间紧迫,而造成不应有的审计风险。本文拟就此做些探讨。正确处理审计证据的实质与形式的关系审计证据多种多样,但归纳起来大致上也可分形式上和实质性的两大类。如会计报表、会计账簿、自制凭证、内控制度、购销合同等内部资料,在审计前属于形式上的资料;而外来发票、运单、银行收付款结算凭证等外部资料属于实质性…  相似文献   

分析性程序在审计过程中应用较广,在小规模企业审计中,出于成本效益原则,更被广泛应用。下面是分析性程序在小规模企业审计中应用实例。某村办电器厂1987年成立,注册资本200万元,固定资产原值300多万元,职工人数70多人,生产某系列电器产品,年销售收入近1000万元。2000年该村村委会决定将该厂出售给该厂厂长。在净资产作价问题上,该村村民认为村委会作价太低,严重损害了村民的利益。为此,当地乡政府决定委托中介机构对该厂进行审计和资产评估。某会计师事务所接受乡政府的审计委托,根据乡政府委托审计内容和范围,决定对该厂截止2000年6月末的…  相似文献   

We investigate determinants of foreign ownership in newly privatized firms. We analyze data on privatized Czech firms to address two related general questions. First, what characteristics distinguish transition firms that attract a foreign investor? Second, how do firm‐specific characteristics influence the size of the foreign equity stake? Our results suggest that foreign investors i) seek safe, profitable firms in which they can exert unchallenged influence on corporate governance and then ii) structure their equity stakes to mitigate agency costs and political risk.  相似文献   

刘新海  杜梦珍  张雪楠 《征信》2016,(12):59-63
小微企业融资难、融资贵是一个世界性难题,征信系统对小微企业的覆盖程度和服务水平会影响到小微企业融资状况.美国征信体系相对比较完善,其中小微企业金融数据平台(SBFE)模式的建立对小微企业征信体系运行的完整通畅起到了重要的作用.通过对美国小微企业金融数据平台的基本情况、特征和运行原理,数据应用与相关机构合作对外提供征信服务情况进行分析,结合我国小微企业信贷的现状,认为美国小微企业征信在信息共享机制、征信产业链的分工和技术实现等方面对国内还在不断完善的征信体系有很好的启示作用.  相似文献   

Studies in various locations have indicated that practising accountants are an important source of advice and information to the small business sector. However, prior research has concentrated on establishing a relationship between the two parties and in ascertaining the extent of services provided. This paper highlights the limited acquisition or preparation of detailed accounting information by Australian small business owner/managers. Operating and environmental variables which influence the preparation or acquisition of detailed accounting information are established and logistic regression techniques used to estimate an appropriate explanatory model, from which estimates of the probability that a firm, with particular attributes which are reflected in the explanatory variables in the model, will prepare or acquire a given level of accounting information.  相似文献   

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