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唐皇凤 《开放时代》2007,2(3):115-129
本文以转型中国社会治安治理中的“严打”政策为研究对象,具体考察了1983年、1996年和2001年全国范围内三次“严打”斗争的发动背景、打击对象、主要做法和治理绩效。本文认为集中有限的国家治理资源解决突出的社会治安问题是执政党与政府在“实用理性”主导下、面临资源瓶颈问题的理性选择。通过运动式治理实现国家权力的再生产与再扩充,确保政治秩序合法性的延续与维系是国家治理资源贫弱的转型中国国家治理的内在逻辑。  相似文献   

冼岩 《资本市场》2005,(1):94-95
<正>近在咫尺的俄罗斯政治经济转 型,为中国改革提供了最佳参照。不 但很多构思中的改革替代方案,都可 以从俄罗斯的转型实践中直接观察 其效果,通过两种不同道路的实践比 较,也更能够明了转型中所涉及的诸 如民主、市场、私有化等等概念的实 际含义。 要从这种参照和比较中获益,最 佳方式是同时亲历两种转型过程。除 此之外,就只能借鉴各种间接经验。 美国《华盛顿邮报》记者霍夫曼,凭借 其在俄罗斯转型时期关键六年中所 获取的大量第一手资料,在《寡头:新 俄罗斯的财富与权力》一书中为读者  相似文献   

国家治理逻辑与中国官僚体制:一个韦伯理论视角   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国官僚体制是国家权力与民众间的稳定纽带,提供了国家治理的组织基础。韦伯意义上的国家支配方式塑造了国家权力、官僚体制、民众三者之间的关系,其中蕴含着国家治理逻辑的密码。本文借用韦伯"权威类型—支配方式—合法性基础"三位一体的理论思路和概念工具,在中国大历史的背景下,探究国家支配方式及其合法性基础的历史演变和现状,并着重分析中国官僚体制在这一支配方式中的位置角色、制度设施、历史渊源和由此产生的行为特征。依这一理论逻辑解读国家支配方式所塑造的国家权力、官僚体制与民众之间的关系和内在张力,以及在转型时期所面临的困难与挑战。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代末、90年代初以来,转型国家这个群体开始出现并活跃在国际政治经济舞台上。25年来,转型国家在政治、经济和社会等方面的改革与发展已受到社会各界的高度关注。"转型国家经济:发展与比较"学术研讨会于2014年8月28日在复旦大学经济学院举行。研讨会围绕四个方面问题展开讨论,它们是:转型国家经济发展模式的比较、转型国家外部环境的变化与经济发展、转型国家经济开放与合作,以及丝绸之路经济带与我国对外开放。  相似文献   

作为实现经济社会成功转型和民主政治发展的重要内容和切入点,积极推进和深化预算制度改革是社会主义公共财政和民主政治建设的重大实践命题.预算作为一种以有限财政资源满足社会公共需求的政治过程,其实质在于通过预算的权力控制实现政府对公民委托责任的制度安排.当前,我国预算改革的根本目标是实现预算从政府管理功能向公民控制政府功能的根本转换,重点方向是实现预算权力结构的民主化和理性化.在历时性与共时性彼此交织、后发优势与后发劣势相互叠加以及政党-国家体制等复杂的环境下,预算改革必须紧密结合当前经济转轨的阶段性要求、既有改革的经验路径以及改革过程的约束条件,寻求指导改革的实践路径和政策举措.  相似文献   

现代政党是民主政治的产物。政党的存在,都是以取得和控制公共权力为目的。政党在民主政治中的作用表现在两个方面:一、政党是民众政治参与的工具;二、政党是民众控制政府之手的延伸。  相似文献   

在众多劳动市场制度类型中,欧洲模式堪称典范。东欧转型国家的劳动市场制度改革即以此为目标,其改革效果为我们学习欧洲模式提供了前车之鉴。从形式上看,转型国家在就业保护、劳动财税和工会制度等方面已经与欧洲模式非常相似,但实际效果却大相径庭,劳动力市场出现了与欧洲相反的变化,劳动力管理模式也出现了前东欧模式和前苏联模式的分化。其中的原因是双方的经济基础不同、制度背景各异。中国的劳动市场制度改革应当因地制宜,兼顾安全性与灵活性的平衡,避免重蹈转型国家的覆辙。  相似文献   

制度安排与辽宁建筑业国企的转型之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国企曾经是建筑业的主力军,然而改革开放三十年后建筑业已经成为非公有制企业的天下,本课题通过对辽宁建筑业国企转型过程的分析,再现了中国梯度发展格局形成的不同所有制企业的不同的发展道路,并且揭示了国家权力在建筑国企转型过程中的支配作用。  相似文献   

公共预算的本质属性是政治性,它体现了利益权威分配的政治过程。作为反映预算改革进程的一面镜子,《预算法》修订浸透着错综复杂的权力博弈和决策选择。从预算改革的政治学角度看,《预算法》修订不仅是技术问题,更是一个政治问题。因为预算是"国家的钱袋子",而掌控这个钱袋子的权力,是政治权力的核心,因此《预算法》修订与政治过程紧密相连。作为分配利益的工具,预算在国家治理中发挥着重要作用,全面深化改革推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化必须修改和完善《预算法》,但是政治改革是一个渐进调整的过程,在注重政治过程预算权力配置改革的同时,推进技术性项目改革是《预算法》完善的必由之路。  相似文献   

开放与封闭:中国社会阶层结构发展趋势探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
苗兴状 《开放时代》2001,(5):93-100
本文通过时间上的动态分析和不同地区的比较,探索中国特殊社会背景下的社会阶层结构的发展趋势,即探索在政治体制改革相对滞后、对权力缺乏有效制约机制的背景下,经济的市场转型过程中社会阶层的分化规律,包括阶层开放程度的变化、权力地位与经济地位的重叠程度和阶层意识状况,这三个因素直接关系到社会的稳定。  相似文献   

We examine the choice of economic reforms when policymakers have present-biased preferences and can choose to discard information (maintain confidence) to mitigate distortions from excess discounting. The decisions of policymakers and firms are shown to be interdependent. Confident policymakers carry out welfare-improving reforms more often, which increases the probability that firms will invest in restructuring. While policymakers in different countries can be equally irrational, the consequences of bounded rationality are less severe in economies with beneficial initial conditions. We also examine how present-biased preferences influence the choice between big bang versus gradualist reform strategies. Our findings help explain differences in economic reform success in various countries.  相似文献   

近年来,行政改革与政府改革已成为中国面临的迫切任务.本文以行政改革为视角,考察了德国在提高地方层面公民参与和公共服务提供这两个领域的改革,并介绍了几种公民参与形式以及促进公民参与的机制.本文对德国近10年来行政改革经验的总结,于当下中国的行政改革或许有所借鉴.  相似文献   

Electricity Market Restructuring: Reforms of Reforms   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
Electricity systems present complicated challenges for public policy. In many respects these challenges are similar to those in other network industries in providing a balance between regulation and markets, public investment and private risk taking, coordination and competition. As with other such industries, naturally monopoly elements interact with potentially competitive services, but electricity has some unusual features that defy simple analogy to other network industries. Following a reversal of a long-term decline in real electricity prices, the last two decades of the twentieth century were for the United States a time of reform, reaction, and reforms of reforms in electricity systems, moving slowly towards greater reliance on competition and markets. Changing technology, new entrants in the generation market, and a legislative mandate to provide access to the essential transmission facility accelerated a process that required major innovations in institutions and operations. Complete laissez faire competition is not possible, and the details of an efficient competitive electricity market are neither obvious nor easy to put in place. The benefits of reform may be substantial, but they require careful attention to market design. A review of the past identifies some choices on the road ahead.  相似文献   

We analyze the evolvement of education inequality and the gender gap in Ghana before and after two major education reforms. Using different measures of inequality, our findings suggest that the gender gap at the basic school level has closed following the introduction of the education expansion policies, but inequalities persist at the postbasic school levels and across regions. We further demonstrate that the educational expansion–schooling inequality nexus is best illustrated by an inverted U-shaped Kuznets curve. We find that after an average of 6 years of schooling has been reached, inequality starts to decline, and gender equality can be achieved when the average years of schooling reach 9.  相似文献   

改革顺序的选择问题是多年争论的焦点。1990年代早期,许多西方顾问从市场制度将随民营化自然确立的假设出发,极力鼓动东欧国家和前苏联迅速推进民营化。随后,人们才认识到并强调在民营化之前先行确立能促进竞争的制度框架的重要性。直到现在,对这场争论的经验性分析尚付阙如。本文试图通过电信行业改革顺序效果的检验来填补这一空缺,允其是检验了先于原垄断企业民营化之前建立监管机构这种做法的实际效果。文章从中得出了与目前流行的观点相一致的结论,即在那些先于民营化分别确立监管机构权威的国家里,电信行业的投资、安装电话的透明度、移动电话普及率等方面都有明显的增长。在比较中,作者进一步发现,投资者也更愿意把资金投向那些确立了规制权威的国家的电信企业,这种投资意愿的增长与投资者在管制规则不确定的国家中的投资需要额外的风险补偿是一致的。  相似文献   

Telecommunications Reforms In Malaysia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The article examines the range and scope of physical and structural changes that have taken place in the telecommunications sector in Malaysia in the past 15 years. It reviews the main policy reforms that have shaped the sector, including corporatization and privatization, and liberalization in fixed line and cellular services. The article documents the increase in competition, particularly in the cellular phone service market. Major regulatory reforms were introduced in the 1990s with the passage of the Communications and Multimedia Act and the establishment of the Malaysia Communications and Multimedia Commission. The key principles for regulating the sector are reviewed, including those directed towards economic regulation and consumer protection. With the absence of a formal competition law in Malaysia, the onus for addressing competition issues in the telecommunications sector rests with the sectoral regulator.  相似文献   

Limits to Institutional Reforms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The essay draws on the theory of (macro)economic policy, as it has evolved, to discuss implicit policy determinism in the new economics of institutions. The extension of rational-choice methods to new levels of analysis, such as micropolitics, macropolitics, political macroeconomics, and microfoundations of cooperation, has apparently reduced the policy choice set and diminished the role of experts. All outcomes reflect constrained maximization by rational agents. The essay argues, however, that scarcity of knowledge leads to incomplete and variable policy models, and that competition among policy models creates a role for experts in social change.  相似文献   

Abstract. We aim to give a brief overview of some important reforms to the school system in the UK and existing evidence on their consequences. These reforms include a change in the type of secondary school open to pupils – from a selective to comprehensive system; a change in the examination system; quasi-market reforms; area-based initiatives; reforms to the content and structure of teaching; payments to encourage the pursuit of education beyond compulsory schooling.  相似文献   

We analyze the implications of labor market reforms for an open economy's human capital investment and future production. A stylized model shows that labor market deregulation can imply more positive current‐account balances if financial markets are imperfect and labor market institutions not only distort labor allocation, but also smooth income. Empirically, in Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development (OECD) country‐level panel data, we find that labor market deregulation has been positively related to current‐account surpluses on average and more strongly so when and where financial market access was more limited. These results are robust to inclusion of standard determinants of current‐account imbalances, and do not appear to be driven by cyclical phenomena.  相似文献   

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