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超市的迅速发展在给百姓生活带来方便的同时,彼此之间的竞争也日益激烈.为了扩大销售额,吸引更多的消费者前来购物,各超市纷纷使出浑身解数,采取各种营销手段,而促销恰恰是各种营销手段中不可缺少的,促销管理也就成为超市营销管理的重要部分.  相似文献   

This paper explores the factors that influence individuals' decisions to jointly shop. Drawing from qualitative interviews and relevant theories, the researchers present a model of couple's likelihood of joint shopping. The model includes utilitarian motives (product purchase relevance and perceived financial risk), hedonic motives (expected shopping pleasure with one's partner), and a situational motive (time availability), along with two moderators (gender and relationship length). Online survey respondents answer questions relative to an experimental scenario involving the purchase of furniture or electronics. Results indicate that while all variables studied are influential, expected shopping pleasure and relevance of the purchase to both parties are the most influential aspects in the decision to shop together. Additionally, for males perceived financial risk has a stronger effect on their decision to jointly shop than it does for females.  相似文献   

In recent years, manufacturers of consumer and industrial goods as well as service firms have been increasingly thinking in global terms and paying more attention to sales promotion in their overall promotional programmes and strategies. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the consumer sales promotion practices of consumer goods producing companies in the advanced developing country of Turkey. It was discovered that sales promotion activities are gaining importance in overall promotional practices of Turkish companies, though there are differences in its use by type of industry, size of company, area of business and locus of decision-making within the firm. Furthermore, differences were detected between companies using sales promotions versus other forms of promotional techniques such as mass media advertising, personal selling and publicity. Study findings may be applicable to other developing countries that are at a similar level of socio-economic, market and technological development as Turkey.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper was to examine the co‐shopping practices of children and parents in supermarkets, i.e. the practical enactment of grocery shopping. Our special focus is on how informal consumer training occurs during parent–child interaction. We use observational data collected in spring 2008 in different Estonian supermarkets, post‐shopping interviews with parents and focus group interviews with their children. Our analysis is informed by practice theory, which helps to look in detail at how the activities in a particular situation are coordinated by understandings and procedures, and are guided by the engagement in a particular shopping trip. Co‐shopping interactions mostly revolve around particular material objects, although not exclusively. Product choice is a deeply contested area, where both parents and children face numerous pressures in this situation of two‐way socialization. There are implications for consumer education more broadly. To accomplish lasting and meaningful effects on the everyday lives of families, there has to be a wider range of actors – supermarkets, producers, governmental bodies, schools and families – who care about both formal and informal consumer education.  相似文献   

伴随着在线零售的迅速发展,在线购物体验及其衍生的购物体验价值日益受到学术界和实务人士的重视。基于消费者体验视角,本文考察了在线购物体验的四个维度,即感官体验、实用体验、认知体验与关系体验,识别出在线购物体验价值的四种类型,包括经济性价值、社会性价值、享乐性价值以及利他性价值——本研究证实的一种新的购物体验价值,发现消费者感知的在线购物体验会正向影响购物体验价值,后者又会对在线购物意向产生正向影响。研究还发现,性别、互联网经验、网购年龄及网购频率会影响消费者的在线购物体验及体验价值感知。  相似文献   

有关超市进场费的经济学思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
超市的进场费、货架费、节庆费等各种费用似乎已处于一种失控的状态,于是为了保证市场有秩序地发展、各交易方的公平竞争,国家经贸委下令调查各种费用状况,并即将下发各种规章制度约束、规范收费情况.  相似文献   

所谓进场费,一般指零售商向供应商收取一定数额的费用,如进店费、上架费、促销费及供应商返利。作为对供应商提供商品销售相关服务而获取的报酬。而超市向供应商收取的进场费大致分三类:一是进店费。一般分为通道费、新品推广费、条码费、信息费、一次性赞助费等;二是促销费。一般分为DM广告费(邮报)、堆头费、(团购)配销费、节假日及店庆促销费等;  相似文献   

Earlier researchers have observed that an individual consumer's mood plays a significant role in increasing the impulsiveness, which leads to impulsive buying. The literature on shoppers' motivational traits has profoundly acknowledged the impact of these traits and mood regulation constructs on individual shopping values. The present study is a pioneer attempt proposing a comprehensive model, which incorporates three main antecedents (motivation, mood and value) of buying behaviour that influence the consumer purchasing decision. The paper empirically explores the liaison between the regulatory focus (promotion-focused and prevention-focused motivations), mood regulation (mood monitoring, mood clarity and mood repair), shopping values (hedonic and utilitarian), and impulsive buying behaviour. The outcomes suggest that two regulatory focus motives influence mood clarity. Mood repairing and mood monitoring impact hedonic shopping values, which has a substantial impact on consumers' impulsive buying tendency. The paper closes with theoretical and practical inferences, limitations, and discussion on the potential scope for future research.  相似文献   

The market for organic food products in industrial countries has changed significantly. Conventional grocery stores have entered this market in recent years and now present an alternative point of purchase to farmers’ markets and specialized health food shops. In Germany, the main newcomers in this field are the discount supermarkets. The question is whether the increased supply of organic food products leads to sustained effects on consumer behaviour. In other words, can a first‐time purchase of organic products at a discounter act as an ‘icebreaker’ and induce further purchases? This question is addressed here. A consumer survey (n = 231) indicates that an initial purchase of organic food in a discount store is indeed very likely to lead to follow‐up purchases. The link shown is statistically significant. Furthermore, customers are very interested in the availability of locally grown products, reliable information and easy comparison with non‐organic products. Important recommendations concerning organic product range, display and information, especially for retailers, can be deducted.  相似文献   

Obesity rates are increasing worldwide, with an alarming number of associated co-morbidities and deaths. Evolutionary psychology explains this development with an inherent preference for fatty and sweet foods. Recent evidence shows that consumers with a low socioeconomic status are more prone to being obese, but also that consumers with few resources respond more to scarcity signals. Based on this background, this paper investigates whether overweight individuals with a low income respond more to scarcity signaling in terms of sales promotions than others.To this end, a large-scale online survey was conducted across four food product categories in the setting of an online supermarket. Results show that overweight or obese individuals with low income levels responded more strongly to scarcity signaling. The findings inform researchers in terms of explaining different responses to sales promotions and support practitioners in aligning sales promotions to target group-specific behavior.  相似文献   

我国发展旅游购物的模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾忠禄  张冬梅 《商业研究》2007,6(8):143-148
美国等西方国家的旅游购物约占游客整个旅游支出的30%-36%,而我国游客的国内旅游中的购物支出仅占旅客整个旅游支出的20%。因此国内旅游购物还有很大的潜力可挖。根据在美国的考察和海外有关文献的研究,论证游客的购物需求、吸引游客购物的条件以及不同类型的游客对购物条件要求的差异,并在上述基础上提出我国发展旅游购物的几种模式。  相似文献   

Hospital waiting lists and times have become the public measure of government success or failure. This research examined existing hospital outpatient capacity and considered the age‐old problem of patients who fail to attend their appointment. A reduction in did‐not‐attend (DNA) rates would maximize utilization of capacity, ensure early diagnosis and drive down waiting times. The research was designed to determine whether the introduction of outpatient letters, which included the need for positive confirmation of attendance, decreased the incidence of patient non‐attendance. Utilizing an experimental design, data gathered at two Plastic Surgery clinics were compared over two three‐month periods, pre‐ and post‐implementation. Total attendance and non‐attendance were examined in terms of new and review patients, gender and age profile. The research concludes that the intervention tested in this form can now be discounted thus allowing the exploration of subtler solutions.  相似文献   

超市消防之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,公共场所火灾频频发生.2000年12月25日,河南省洛阳市东都商厦因焊工违章操作,造成火灾,大火使整个商厦毁于一旦,当场死亡309人,损失惨重;1999年12月28日,广东省梅州市侨特商场因电气线路漏电引起火灾,大火殃及店铺12家,直接经济损失达125万元……无论是洛阳东都商厦的惨痛教训,还是梅州侨特商场的重大损失,无不证明,公共场所的消防安全,"责任重于泰山".  相似文献   

我原来是个服装代理商,前几年做得不算差,手头也确实攒了些钱。这两年看别人开超市挺红火,我心里怪痒痒的,可就像丈二和尚摸不着头脑,不知该如何操作。不知道在这样一个30多万人口的城市里,怎样开超市才好。解答台:太阳帆策划公司首席顾问陈玉明  相似文献   

基于购物网站的竞争情报分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了购物网站的概念、分类标准与发展现状,竞争情报的基本概念与网络环境下的特点。围绕购物网站竞争情报分析活动中对竞争环境、竞争对手与竞争策略的分析进行具体的展开。从电子商务角度讨论企业外部环境和自身内部环境,分析竞争对手的步骤与方法,提出适用于购物网站的竞争策略,目的是为企业掌握竞争环境和提高核心竞争力起一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

装船前检验是国际贸易中常见的一种检验,是进口国或买方为了保护自身的利益,防患于未然,委托独立的第三方检验机构,对进口商品在出口国进行发货前的检验活动.  相似文献   

基于主成分分析的国内超市上市公司财务评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用主成分分析法,构建主成分综合模型,以2008年国内超市上市企业的财务数据为基础,进行分析影响超市企业经营和财务状况的主要成分发现,我国超市行业上市企业中,综合排名靠前的,在某个单项的排名上却不理想,如偿债能力或资产管理效率等;在某个单项排名靠前的,则在综合排名时靠后。说明了我国上市企业要全面提升竞争能力,就必须注重长短期偿债能力、盈利能力、成长能力和资产管理效率等各方面因素。这一科学客观的评价方法,解决了传统财务分析方法的重复评价和主观赋权问题,在当今信息时代起着越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

The authors introduce cognitive continuum theory (CCT) as a theoretical framework to examine the effect of consumer shopping tasks and retail information display properties on consumer perceptions of experiential value. In this empirical investigation, the nature of a consumer’s shopping task is found to exert a direct influence on consumer perceptions of efficiency, economic value, and shopping enjoyment, all active dimensions of value. In addition, congruent interactions between shopping task and retail information display properties exert an enhancing effect on the reactive dimensions of value, as evidenced by perceptions of visual appeal, entertainment value, and service excellence. Future application of CCT is outlined and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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