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Reinhard Neck 《Atlantic Economic Journal》2014,42(3):217-227
This paper gives an overview of the work of Carl Menger, the founding father of the Austrian School of Economics. Menger’s theoretical and methodological positions are compared and contrasted with those of contemporary Austrian Economics. The idea of the unintended consequences of individual purposive actions is seen as a key to Menger’s economics. Although many elements of contemporary Austrian Economics can be found already in the work of Menger, we argue that there are some differences with respect to economic theorizing and economic policy recommendations. We propose to bring Austrian Economics closer to mainstream economics, especially with respect to the analytical tools to be used. 相似文献
Peter G. Klein 《Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics》2008,11(3-4):165-187
The Austrian School of economics—the causal-realist, marginalist, subjectivist tradition established by Carl Menger in 1871—has experienced a remarkable renaissance over the last five decades. It is not always clear, however, exactly what distinguishes the Austrian School from other traditions, schools of thought, approaches, or movements within economics and its sister disciplines. This paper argues that Austrian economics, while part of a broader tradition emphasizing the coordination of the market order, is nonetheless a distinct kind of economic analysis, and that its essence is not subjectivism, the market process, or spontaneous order, but what I call “mundane economics”—price theory, capital theory, monetary theory, business-cycle theory, and the theory of interventionism. Call this the “hard core” of Austrian economics. I argue that this hard core is (1) distinct, and not merely a verbal rendition of mid-twentieth-century neoclassical economics; (2) the unique foundation for applied Austrian analysis (political economy, social theory, business administration, and the like); and (3) a living, evolving body of knowledge, rooted in classic contributions of the past but not bound by them. Most Austrian economists from Menger to Rothbard devoted their energies to developing and communicating the principles of mundane economics, not because they failed to grasp the importance of time, uncertainty, knowledge, expectations, institutions, and market processes, but because they regarded these issues as subordinate to the main task of economic science, namely the construction of a more satisfactory theory of value, production, exchange, price, money, capital, and intervention. 相似文献
奥地利经济学派在历史上是特色鲜明,影响深远的一流学派.2008年金融危机后,奥地利学派思想再次引起各界关注.本文梳理了奥地利学派的历史发展脉络和奥地利学派在我国的发展情况.总结了奥地利学派的主要理论观点,对我国影响主要体现在充分发挥市场在资源配置中的决定性作用等价值意义,为我国经济发展、 改革提供新思路. 相似文献
The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics - 相似文献
每个城市都是一种产品,是可以营销的. 就像同一产业的许多产品一样,有的是人皆向往的知名品牌,价值不菲;有的则是寂寂无名,在众多兄弟产品中失去了自己的个性和特色. 相似文献
2006年世界杯曲终人散。虽然东道主德国队只取得季军,但德国却成为最大的赢家。本届世界杯的举办极为成功,联合国秘书长安南评价说,“德国赢了,因为德国主办了历来最好的世界杯,也由于整个国家在这件盛事中团结起来。” 相似文献
历史总是用某些巧合来吸引人们的目光。 100年前,瑞典探险家斯文·赫定发现了丝绸之路上的神秘王国——楼兰;随后各国探险家纷至沓来,在国际上掀起一股“楼兰热”; 100年后的今天,新疆某报一篇“楼兰王陵被盗”的报道之后,全国乃至世界媒体争相报道,楼兰再度引起世人的高度关注。虽然经专家判断被盗墓并非楼兰王陵,但是楼兰地区古墓葬被盗掘情况极为严重,也是不争的事实。日前,记者随新疆文物考古研究所专家进入罗布泊,目睹楼兰地区古墓被盗惨状,用“触目惊心,惨不忍睹”来形容,并不为过。我拿什么保护你,楼兰? 相似文献
3月25日起,因受郑西高铁冲击,“郑州-西安”航线所有航班全部停飞。而郑西高铁的运能刚仅发挥了十分之一左右。“郑州-西安”航线的停飞距郑西铁路客运专线的开通不到50天。 相似文献
Pieter Bottelier 《中国与世界经济(英文版)》2007,15(3):52-69
A partial convergence of the Indian and Chinese growth models is likely. Judging from China's experience, sustaining India's impressive economic performance of recent years will require a significant further opening of its economy (externally and internally), higher savings and investments, especially in physical infrastructure and social services, and stronger labor absorption in the modern sectors. The base of India's current economic boom - software, IT-related services and high-end manufacturing - is narrow compared to China's. Poor performance in agriculture is responsible for still significant poverty in many parts of rural India. Bilateral India-China ties, including trade and investment, are increasing rapidly and could help to bring about the structural economic changes India needs. Through its exports to China, India is becoming linked to global supply chains centered on China. The notion that India-China relations are, or are bound to become, fundamentally antagonistic, held by many in the USA, is mistaken and potentially dangerous. 相似文献
2007年8月15日起,利息税调减为5%。一年期存款的税后利率已提高至3.1635%,相比寿险利率2.5%整整高出了0.6635%。这让不少投保长期寿险的市民产生"保费越缴越多,收益 相似文献
有人说,在潮起浪涌的浩瀚太平洋,APEC的魅力几乎无可比拟。 1997年6月,第二届APEC国际贸易博览会,当时拥有18个成员的APEC大家族全部汇聚烟台。 1998年金秋10月,第二届APEC中小企业技术交流暨展览会,已发展成21个成员和准成员的APEC大家族再次相聚烟台。 2001年,新世纪的第一个绚烂而热情的6月,第二届APEC投资博览会又在港城烟台举行。距离开会还有两个多月的时间,大会组委会便传出消息,APEC组织的21个成员全部确定参加盛会。 一次次盛会,吸引着每一个成员的目光,牵动着每一个成员的心,令他们从不同的国度汇聚到同一个地方,APEC不仅仅镌刻在中国人、烟台人的心中,更镌刻在辽远的太平洋的涛声里。因为人们坚信,地区间这一更密切更有效的合作已是别无选择,满怀希望来,定会满载收获归。 相似文献
几百年前,现代化从西欧发轫,然后如波浪般一圈圈向外扩张,波及之处,各国纷纷被卷入这一大潮,有的乘势而起,有的动荡飘摇……横跨欧亚的土耳其,因地处要冲,所以"首当其冲",比多数东方国家受现代化冲击要早得多,而且它的现代化历程十分曲折,因此对"后发"国家具有非常重要的启发和借鉴意义. 相似文献
Dr.Reddy’S Laboratories是印度著名的制药企业。1984年Dr.Anji Reddy离开其成功合伙创办的Standard Organics Limited公司,带着4万美元现金和12万美元的银行贷款开始创办Reddy公司。经过20多年的发展,Reddy公司2006年收入已经达到15.1亿美元,成为印度的第一大制药企业,已在全球100多个国家开展业务,生产和销售API、制剂和生物技术药品,提供医药研发生产外包等服务, 相似文献
This paper surveys the literature that uses two-country models to analyze monetary and fiscal policy issues faced in interdependent economies. We discuss sources of structural interdependence that researchers typically include in these models. We describe many of the types of policy interactions that researchers have considered and summarize the key results that they have obtained. Finally, we briefly explain the limitations of two-country models and outline directions that this literature might usefully be extended. 相似文献
一位投资分析家写道:"也许每天清晨您都要穿上Champion牌的毛衣,戴上Nike护腕,听着Sony随身听出去晨跑;也许你的GE牌冰箱或DELL计算机贴着MMM的即时贴,提醒你将Rubbermaid垃圾罐带走或在回家的路上去看一下B1ockbuster录像;也许你曾经一边开着Ford Explorer,一边用Motorola电话通过AT&T系统打电话;也许你曾经向爆米花中加些Moron食盐,拿着百事可乐走进电影院去看Disney的动画片……你的钱都每天会构成这些蓝筹股公司利润的一部分." 相似文献
日本有机农业的发展与启示 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
有机农业代表了当今国际农业发展的新趋势。日本是世界上主要的有机农业发展地区和有机食品消费地区之一。从20世纪六七十年代起,日本就本着兼顾“食”与“绿”,即提高农产品自给率与环境保护并举的原则,制定了一系列的政策制度,致力于发展有机农业,并取得了显著效果。中国作为世界农业大国,学习借鉴日本的成功经验,发展适合本国国情的绿色有机农业,很有必要。 相似文献