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This paper considers the nature and role of monetary policywhen money is modelled as credit money endogenously createdwithin the private sector. There are currently two schools ofthought that view money as endogenous: one has been labelledthe ‘new consensus’ in macroeconomics, and the otheris the Keynesian endogenous (bank) money approach. The paperfirst explores the analysis of monetary policy in the ‘newconsensus’ macroeconomic model, followed by an examinationof the effectiveness of monetary policy in that analysis. TheKeynesian view of endogenous money is discussed, and the rolefor monetary policy in a Keynesian endogenous monetary policyanalysis is considered, including discussion of the objectivesand instruments of monetary policy.  相似文献   

Hicks was never tired of saying that monetary theory is in history.What he meant was that monetary theory is intrinsically relatedto real events, and more importantly that monetary issues needto be analysed in a dynamic sequential context in which timeplays an essential part. He went on developing a particularsequential analysis: the study of what happens within a singleperiod (‘single-period theory’) and the study ofthe linkages between a succession of those periods (‘continuationtheory’). It is suggested that this distinction providesa useful lesson for modern endogenous money theorists.  相似文献   

This essay analyses early reactions put forward by Cambridgeeconomists David Champernowne and Joan Robinson to J. M. Keynes'streatment of the labour market in The General Theory. Champernowne'sand Robinson's critical reactions represented attempts to fillthe gap of the determinants of changes in money-wages, whichthey both identified as a weak spot in the argument of the book.They rejected, albeit for different reasons, Keynes's notionof the point of full employment as an upper limit defined bythe equality between the real wage rate and the marginal disutilityof employment. Instead of Keynes's taxonomy of types of unemployment,Champernowne and Robinson introduced, respectively, the conceptsof ‘monetary employment’ and ‘monetary unemployment’,and of ‘critical levels’ of employment.  相似文献   

Translator's note: In this article Robert Bayer introduces thenotion ‘regulation’ as a key concept in analysesof the labour market. The term refers to the balance of social,institutional and economic forces which characte rise at a particulartime the economic system as a whole or particular parts of it.I considered translating ‘regulation’ as ‘order’,‘regime’, ‘system’ or ‘formation’;but these terms are either too static or already bear inappropriateconnotations. It was therefore decided to retain the Frenchexpression in the English text.  相似文献   

The natural rate of interest plays a key role in Wicksell's‘cumulative process’ as well as in modern monetaryequilibrium models of the business cycle. It constitutes a usefulconcept for the theoretical analysis of the interdependenceof monetary policy and economic fluctuations. However, the usefulnessof this concept for the practice of monetary policy is limited—especiallyowing to the fact that the natural real rate of interest andits law of motion cannot be measured with satisfying precision.  相似文献   

With full stock/flow accounting respected, the two-country openeconomy portfolio balance model has just two independent equationsfor asset market clearing. It can determine home and foreigninterest rates but not the exchange rate. If asset market equilibriavary smoothly over time, the balance of payments equation inthe Mundell–Fleming model is not independent and cannotset the exchange rate either. The familiar fixed reserves/‘floatingrate’ vs endogenous reserves/‘fixed rate’dichotomy does not exist, and ‘fundamentals-based’econometric models of the exchange rate are bound to fail. Analternative is a two-country IS/LM model with exchange ratedynamics added. Its dynamic properties under uncovered interestrate parity are briefly explored.  相似文献   

This paper presents a Keynesian model which describes threecountries trading merchandise and financial assets with oneanother. It is initially assumed that all three countries haveindependent fiscal policies but that two of the countries sharea currency, hence the model can be used to make a preliminaryanalysis of the conduct of economic policy in ‘the eurozone’vis-à-vis the rest of the world—‘the USA’.The main conclusion will be that, if all three countries doindeed operate independent fiscal policies, the system willwork under a floating currency regime, but only so long as theEuropean central bank is prepared to modify the structure ofits assets by accumulating an ever rising proportion of billsissued by any ‘weak’ euro country.  相似文献   

The latter half of the 1990s saw a new international agendadevelop: the ‘strengthening of the international financialsystem’ through the globalisation of standards and codesof ‘best practice’. The author calls for criticalreflection on this normalisation of ‘free market’capitalism and its global enforcement through a comprehensivesystem of economic standardisation and surveillance. To thisend, Michel Foucault's analysis of liberalism is shown to behighly relevant.  相似文献   

This paper examines three approaches to the process of accumulationwhich are based on the ‘Keynesian premise’: the‘neo-Keynesian’, the ‘Kaleckian’ andthe ‘Sraffian’. Making some criticisms of the firsttwo from the viewpoint of the third and from a certain formal/conceptualperspective, we propose a synthetic model which is free fromthese criticisms and in which the adjustment of savings to investmentin the long period is achieved through all the three routesemphasised separately by these approaches: changes in the long-perioddegree of utilisation; changes in the ‘normal’ distributionof income; and variations in the size of productive capacity.The key to the synthesis is the hypothesis that, in the longperiod, the ‘normal’ degree of utilisation is endogenouslydetermined to coincide with the average level through mutualinfluence effected by investment in the short period. Our syntheticmodel, like the first two approaches, is in the line of steady-stateanalysis, but in a way compatible with the ‘Keynesianpremise’.  相似文献   

Alan Greenspan claims that modern financial innovations, especiallyfinancial derivatives, were major contributors to a Schumpeterianprocess of ‘creative destruction’ which produceda high-growth ‘New Economy’ and opposes their regulation.A different perspective emerges when it is recognised that the‘New Economy’ followed the general contours of aSchumpeterian business cycle, and the role of modern financialinnovations is examined in that context. The authors argue thatthe primary role of financial derivatives has been in contributingto ‘reckless finance’ and speculative excesses inthe second phase of that cycle, and that Schumpeter would favoursubjecting the use of derivatives to more regulation.  相似文献   

This article explores the concept of convention in the socialsciences. It presents the two major neo-Humean philosophicalapproaches to convention and challenges their intuitive appealand research implications. The weaknesses of these approachesare examined and a new direction is suggested for the studyof convention. The paper goes on to develop a framework forthe analysis of conventions, using the notion of ‘theexemplar’ introduced by Thomas Kuhn. An illustration ofthis alternative approach is provided using the example of the‘wage relation’.  相似文献   

The Netherlands experienced employment growth higher than thatin the US and achieved an unemployment rate of less than 3%,but Germany's unemployment rate remained at high levels. A widelyheld view regards a distorted incentive structure in welfarestates as the ‘root of the European unemployment problem’,but welfare state institutions in the Netherlands are more generousthan the German ones. Therefore, differences in the incentivestructures between the two economies cannot explain the differencesin employment success. The reasons for this seem instead tobe rooted in coordinated monetary, wage and fiscal policiesin the Netherlands while these are incompatible policies inGermany.  相似文献   

This paper provides a short account of Stephen Hymer's lifeand (its link to) his contribution to the theory of the multinationalenterprise (MNE), but mainly the political economy of multinationalcorporate capital. It suggests that as concerns the theory ofthe MNE, Hymer's contribution has in effect predated most currentextant theory. His contribution to the political economy ofmultinational capital, the focus here, is less known, yet ofextraordinary insight and foresight. Hymer predates most importantdebates on what today is called ‘globalisation’and came up with analysis of the highest quality and predictionswhich in the main have stood the test of time. The chief limitationin Hymer's work stems from a tendency to emphasise the monopolyattributes of large MNEs, and the inefficiency and inequityof ‘multinational corporate capital’. In part becauseof this tendency, some of his later work involved predictionsthat did not necessarily and/or fully follow from his analyticalframework, were shaped by ‘ideology’ and were ofvarying agrees of accuracy. Despite limitations, Hymer's overallcontribution and impact fully deserves the almost ‘cult’status he has acquired in the history of economic thought andinternational business scholarship.  相似文献   

This paper studies whether intra-developing country price competitionhas significant effects on the short-run growth of output indeveloping countries that are specialised in manufactured exports.Regression estimates using the generalised method of momentsapplied to annual panel data for 17 semi-industrialised countriesin 1983–2004 show that these countries exhibit a ‘fallacyof composition’, in the sense that a real depreciationrelative to competing developing country exporters increasesthe home country's growth rate at the expense of its competitors'growth. The results also suggest that real depreciations forthese developing countries relative to the industrialised countriesare contractionary.  相似文献   

Keynes was adamant that the assumption of homogeneous outputand capital in macroeconomic theory is inadmissable. His aggregatesupply or Z function is a generalisation of Marshall's ordinarysupply function to take account of heterogeneous output, andis an essential element of the principle of effective demand.The ‘linear Z curve’ controversy can be attributedto Keynes's desire to demonstrate how his general monetary theoryof value and output encompasses the special case of Classicaltheory, including the marginal productivity theorem. The infamoussecond footnote on pages 55–6 of The General Theory canthereby be fully resolved.  相似文献   

A ‘disequilibrium’ between saving and investmentdecisions determines a maladjustment in production, the disruptionof capital, and a downturn in economic activity, according tothe ‘Austrian’ approach. By contrast, the ‘Dynamists’argue that it may lead to economic growth, as disequilibriummay well be instrumental to capital accumulation. What explainsthese different predictions in otherwise similar models? Thekey is in the interplay between the analytical features andthe ideological options underlying each of these approaches:alternative lines of thought, entirely compatible with theiranalytical models, were abandoned by some of these authors whenthey conflicted with their pre-analytical views. This paperillustrates the argument by exploring the models of two ‘fathers’,von Mises and Robertson.  相似文献   

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