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This study applies a simple and powerful nonlinear rank test, proposed by Breitung (2001) to test the validity of long-run Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) in a sample of East Asian countries over the period March 1985–September 2008. The empirical results indicate that PPP holds for all of East Asian countries studied and the nominal exchange rate, domestic Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the US CPI are all linearly interrelated with the exception of China. Our results have important policy implications for these East Asian countries under study.  相似文献   

《Applied economics letters》2012,19(11):1083-1087
The primary aim of this study is an attempt to determine whether the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) hypothesis holds for those countries that have collectively come to be known as ‘BRICs’, namely, Brazil, Russia, India and China. We use the momentum threshold cointegration tests (advanced by Enders and Siklos, 2001 Enders, W. and Siklos, P. L. 2001. Cointegration and threshold adjustment. Journal of Business Economics and Statistics, 19: 16676. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) to investigate whether any asymmetric adjustment is discernible for BRICs, and show that whilst the Engle–Granger test (which assumes only symmetric adjustment) fails to reveal any cointegrational relationship for BRICs, the threshold cointegration test (with asymmetric adjustment) provides clear evidence of long-run PPP for BRICs, with the notable exception of China. We conclude that asymmetric adjustment of nominal exchange rates plays an important role in eliminating deviations from long-run PPP.  相似文献   

In this study, we applied a threshold cointegration test to investigate the properties of asymmetric adjustment on long-run purchasing power parity (PPP) in nine transition countries between January 1995 and December 2008. Although there was strong evidence of long-run PPP for these nine transition countries (i.e., Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, and Russia), the adjustment mechanism was asymmetric. These results have important policy implications for the nine transition countries included in the study.  相似文献   

This study applies Panel Seemingly Unrelated Regressions (SUR) Kapetanios et al. (Kapetanios–Shin–Snell (KSS), SURKSS) tests, proposed by Wu and Lee (2009), to investigate the properties of long-run Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) in 15 African countries. The empirical results from the univariate unit root and panel based unit root tests indicate that PPP does not hold for these 15 countries under study. However, Panel SURKSS tests indicate that PPP is valid for four of these 15 countries. These results have important policy implications for these 15 African countries under study.  相似文献   

The paper uses a threshold cointegration methodology to explore the properties of long-run purchasing power parity (PPP) in the Pacific nations. Using Japan and the USA as base countries, it is shown that long-run PPP holds for most Asian countries but that the adjustment mechanism is asymmetric. In contrast to symmetric error-correction models, it is found that asymmetric adjustments of nominal exchange rates play an important role in eliminating deviations from long-run PPP.  相似文献   

We build a model in which corporate governance allows for the adoption of an institution acting as a mechanism to control agency problems. Our model predicts that the incentive to adopt such an institution is decreasing in ownership concentration and increasing in free cash flow. Testing our theoretical model by means of a sample of 157 Italian listed companies over the period 2004–2007, we find that board composition favours independent members in firms with a large free cash flow, and executive members in firms with high ownership concentration, supporting the view of governance as a way to limit agency costs.  相似文献   

The existence of long-run purchasing power parity (PPP) implies that a cointegration vector of nominal exchange rate, domestic price, and foreign price is expected regardless of using the Engle-Granger two-step method or Johansen maximum likelihood approach. However, this paper has found conflicting results: the Engle-Granger technique tends to reject the long-run PPP hypothesis whereas the Johansen method is generally supportive of long-run PPP. Via Monte Carlo simulations, the present paper finds that the Johansen approach has a bias toward supporting long-run PPP especially under the circumstances in which the assumption of normally or/and independently and identically distributed disturbance terms is violated.  相似文献   

This study revisits purchasing power parity (PPP) for the G6 countries (i.e., Canada, Italy, Japan, France, Germany, the UK) using smooth time-varying cointegrating approach, proposed by Park and Hahn (Econom Theory 15:664–703, 1999). Using monthly data over the 1971M1–2013M12 period, our empirical results indicate that PPP holds in two out of six countries (i.e., France and Germany).  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to test the validity of the purchasing power parity (PPP) in Africa in the context of a multivariate error-correction model. This approach allows for the consideration of long-run elasticities as well as the dynamics of the short-run adjustment of exchange rates to changes in domestic and foreign prices. Monthly data for fourteen African countries are used, and the period examined is 1973:4 through 2007:7 (i.e., 412 observations). Results from long-run cointegration analysis, short-run error correction models, persistence profile analysis and variance decomposition all confirm the validity of PPP in these moderate-to-high inflation countries, where estimates of half-life deviations from PPP are found to be outside the range suggested by Rogoff (1996).  相似文献   

This paper tests the purchasing power parity (PPP) hypothesis for five industrial countries using cointegration and error-correction modeling. The cointegration test indicated that for all countries the PPP hypothesis holds in the long run but not in the short run. Further, the errorcorrection models suggested that deviations of the actual exchange rate from its long-run PPP value were corrected in subsequent periods. Finally, the high frequency monthly data models did a better job of tracking the turning points of the actual data than the low-frequency quarterly and yearly models.  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical analysis of long-run purchasing power parity (PPP) for five major exchange rates using recently developed econometric techniques on the cointegration of economic time series. Our empirical results are extremely unfavourable to the PPP hypothesis as a long-run equilibrium condition, even with an allowance made for measurement error and/or tranportation costs. In particular, we are unable to reject the hypothesis of non-cointegration of the exchange rate and relative prices for any of the countries concerned. Far from finding a stable, long-run proportionality between exchange rates and relative prices, our results therefore suggest that they tend to drift apart without bound.  相似文献   

《Applied economics letters》2012,19(11):1119-1123
In this study, we apply nonlinear panel unit-root test to assess the nonstationary properties of the real exchange rate for seven major Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). We find that nonlinear panel unit-root test has higher power than linear method suggested by Breuer et al. (2001 Breuer, J. B., McNown, R. and Wallace, M. S. 2001. Misleading inferences from panel unit-root tests with an illustration from purchasing power parity. Review of International Economics, 9: 48293. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]) if the true data generating process of exchange rate is in fact a stationary nonlinear process. We re-examine the validity of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) from the panel nonlinear point of view and provide robust evidence clearly indicating that PPP holds true for four countries, namely Angola, Indonesia, Iran and Saudi Arabia. Our findings point out their exchange rate adjustment is mean reversion towards PPP equilibrium values in a nonlinear way.  相似文献   

This study applies stationary test with a Fourier function proposed by Enders and Lee (2004 Enders, W and Lee, J. 2004. Testing for a unit root with a nonlinear Fourier function, Tuscaloosa, AL, , USA: Working Paper, Department of Economics, Finance and Legal Studies, University of Alabama.  [Google Scholar], 2009 Enders, W and Lee, J. 2009. The flexible Fourier form and testing for unit roots: an example of the term structure of interest rates, Tuscaloosa, AL, , USA: Working Paper, Department of Economics, Finance and Legal Studies, University of Alabama.  [Google Scholar]) to test the validity of long run Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) to assess the nonstationary properties of the real exchange rate for 20 African countries. We find that our approximation has higher power to detect U shaped breaks and smooth breaks than linear method if the true data generating process of exchange rate is in fact a stationary nonlinear process. We examine the validity of PPP from the nonlinear point of view and provide robust evidence clearly indicate that PPP holds true for almost African countries. Our findings point out their exchange rate adjustment is mean reversion towards PPP equilibrium values in a nonlinear way.  相似文献   

《Applied economics letters》2012,19(12):1223-1228
In this study, the panel Seemingly Unrelated Regressions Augmented Dickey–Fuller (SURADF) tests advanced by Breuer et al. (2001 Breuer, J. B., McNown, R. and Wallace, M. S. 2001. Misleading inferences from panel unit-root tests with an illustration from purchasing power parity. Review of International Economics, 9: 48293. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]) are used to test the validity of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) for G-7 countries over the period 1980M1 to 2008M5. The empirical results from several panel-based unit root tests indicate that PPP does not hold for G-7 countries under study; however, Breuer et al.'s (2001 Breuer, J. B., McNown, R. and Wallace, M. S. 2001. Misleading inferences from panel unit-root tests with an illustration from purchasing power parity. Review of International Economics, 9: 48293. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]) panel SURADF tests unequivocally indicate that PPP is valid for half of the G-7 countries.  相似文献   

The economies of Southeast Asia have undergone several structural changes, including the Asian currency crisis, during the post-Bretton Woods era. We use a time-varying coefficient cointegration model to test for purchasing power parity (PPP) of Southeast Asian currencies and to track changes in purchasing power relationships over time. The main empirical findings are as follows. First, the stability of the relationship between exchange rates and price differentials is strongly rejected. Second, a major structural change occurs at the outbreak of the Asian currency crisis in 1997. Third, when the cointegration vector is allowed to vary with time, we find evidence of a cointegration relationship for four countries in terms of the US dollar and for four countries in terms of the Japanese yen. Therefore, it seems unlikely that Southeast Asian currencies form a “yen bloc.”  相似文献   

According to the theory of purchasing power parity (PPP), there is a tendency toward equalization of different countries' price levels in common-currency terms. However, even assuming that a long-run PPP relationship exists, its relevance for policy makers in less developed countries (LDCs) will depend not only on the average speed of adjustment toward this relationship but also on the variability of such short-run adjustments. We present evidence of extreme volatility in adjustments toward PPP for four Latin American countries, based on time-varying-parameter estimates of error-correction models.  相似文献   

This study analyses the process of mean reversion towards purchasing power parity (PPP) for a sample of Asian countries around the 1997 crisis. It is found that appreciation relative to PPP is evident prior to the 1997 crash period. Correction occurs from 1997 onwards, a period marked by extreme movements in exchange rates with both appreciation and depreciation relative to the PPP rate over relatively short periods. The key result of this paper is that although reversion towards PPP is apparent for mean, though not statistically significant, it is clear that there is a substantial, statistically significant change in variance from 1997 onwards. This result has implications both for economic modelling of crash periods and for appropriate choice of statistical tests.  相似文献   

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