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After more than a decade of cooperation between the European Union and the formerly socialist Balkan countries, the latter—in stark contrast to a number of other ex-socialist countries—are characterised by severe transition problems, poor economic conditions, political instability and proneness to military conflict. Against this background, our author evaluates the EU's past and present Balkan development policies, concluding with some suggestions towards a new strategy of cooperation.  相似文献   

The European Union (EU)'s aging population is leading to a workforce that is rapidly aging and gradually beginning to shrink. Businesses will have to prepare for an older workforce that will have different priorities compared to the historically younger workforce. In this article, we examine the aging population of the EU and analyze how organizations can best manage the transition to a workforce that is rapidly aging. We explain how the changing demographic outlook translates into challenges for acquiring and retaining talent, and how employers can best manage this transition. We provide examples of organizations that have implemented human resource policies to make their workplaces more elderly friendly and their workforces more efficient. We conclude by pointing out some steps that organizations can take to better integrate older workers and help make their aging workforces more productive.  相似文献   

This article analyses the effects that EU Eastern enlargement will have on the Spanish economy. As opposed to the widespread belief that the major impact on Spain will stem from the reduction of Community funds received, the impact on two real variables is also analysed here, namely trade and foreign direct investment, and evidence is offered of the restructuring of economic activity in the enlarged Europe and its effects on the Spanish economy. In addition, the competition for Spain of the new partners in the Community market is also examined. One of the most noteworthy results is that the competition of the new members of the European market is becoming stronger, as they have a commercial structure that is becoming more and more similar to Spain's and with a greater technological content. This phenomenon appears to be the outcome of the activity of the multinationals, which are re‐organising their activity and transferring part of their production to Central Europe to capitalise on the cost advantages of the new members and their more strategic geographical situation. Furthermore, evidence is put forward that, if the criteria for eligibility for the Structural and Cohesion Funds are not altered, Spain will be one of the countries in which the budgetary situation will deteriorate most in the post‐enlargement EU.  相似文献   

This article examines the role played by the European Commission in the development of the European Union’s (EU) state aid policy. It does so through the prism of a “dilemma” that exists at the nexus of the Commission’s delegated authority to administer EU treaty state aid provisions, the discretion conferred on Commission authorities by the imprecise language in which those provisions are written, and the political and institutional control mechanisms EU member governments use to influence the exercise of that discretion. Examining Commission efforts to manage this dilemma over the history of the EU, we provide evidence to illustrate how the Commission’s approach adapted to shifting economic and political conditions.  相似文献   

The "Lisbon Treaty" was approved and signed by the European Union's heads of state on December 13th, 2007 and then handed over to the various E,U. members for ratification. In January 2009, the "Lisbon Treaty" entered into force, despite the many political and economic difficulties in the ratification process that all member countries were experiencing. On November 3rd, the Czech Presi- dent announced that he had signed the "Lisbon Treaty", becoming the last of the 27 member signatories, now all 27 European Union member states have officially ratified the treaty.  相似文献   

This paper estimates a theoretically‐motivated gravity model to examine the effect of the European Union (EU) on trade and whether the order of entry has affected the trade performance of member countries. Additionally, we analyse the impact of the different phases of EU integration on trade. The results show that both original countries and successive enlargements boost intra‐bloc trade. Moreover, the results suggest that the deepening in the integration process has led to more trade creation among members. Finally, only the latter phase of the European integration process (the single currency) has increased trade with non‐members.  相似文献   

In the debate about the Stability and Growth Pact the focus is mainly on the stability part of the Pact. However, in many European economies, economic growth is a far more important issue. How can economic growth be stimulated by a coordinated European fiscal policy?   相似文献   

The European Neighbourhood Policy aims at creating a ring of stable, friendly and democratic countries surrounding the European Union. While this aim is generally accepted across the Union, major differences persist as to how it should be achieved. Where does the ENP stand today? What is its profile, potential and perspective?  相似文献   

There is now almost universal agreement that climate change, with potentially disastrous consequences, is happening and that it is contributed to by human activities. This Forum is dedicated to the discussion of various aspects of the European Union's climate policy, e.g. the EU's future role in the global effort to combat global warming, the efficiency of its climate strategy, the design of a new rule for sharing the corresponding burdens fairly among member states, and the interrelationships between the Union's climate policies, on the one hand, and its energy and transport policies, on the other. * and member of the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU). The author wishes to thank Helen Bicknell (Mainz University of Applied Sciences), Oliver Deke (WBGU) and Jürgen Schmid (ISET, Department of Efficient Energy Conversion at the University of Kassel) for their helpful comments. ** This contribution is based on a Jean Monnet Lecture held at Aarhus University on 19 March 2007. The author would like to thank Harri Kalimo for valuable comments.  相似文献   

The information technology sector in Europe, comprising the production of computer hardware and software, is disproportionately located on the continent's western periphery. The vast bulk of computers sold in Europe in the 1990s were assembled either in Ireland or Scotland, while Ireland also accounted for over 40 per cent of all packaged software and 60 per cent of all business software sold in Europe. As the sector in both these locations is largely foreign owned, the question arises as to whether EU enlargement might impact on the geography of the sector by diverting information technology FDI from the western to the new eastern periphery. This issue is explored in the present paper by analysis of five individual sub‐segments: computer assembly and electronic components, R&D, mass‐market packaged software and the remainder of the software sector. The paper deems it likely that computer assembly operations will continue the shift seen in recent years from Ireland and Scotland to Central and Eastern Europe. The production of electronic components such as microchips represents a growing share of activity in most EU locations as well as in the CEE countries. Analysis suggests that this pattern of geographically‐dispersed growth will resume once the consequences of the collapse of the high‐tech bubble are played out. The distribution of R&D activity across Europe and globally is also considered unlikely to be much affected by enlargement. As for software, as long as localisation activities remain important, Ireland – the EU location in which most of this activity is carried out – seems set to be able to compete strongly, given the attractiveness of its English‐language environment and other attributes to the young continental Europeans upon which this activity relies. Most software services remain largely non‐tradable however. This sector will grow in the accession states as computer penetration rates converge on the EU average, but without displacing activity from the incumbent EU member states. For firms already competing in the tradable niche software segment, on the other hand, enlargement cannot but be beneficial because of its impact on the size of the market into which they sell.  相似文献   

In January 2004, the euro celebrated its fifth anniversary. How did the communication work of the European Central Bank (ECB) perform in these first five years? What could still be done to improve acceptance of the euro?

Britta Kuhn, Professor of Economics, University of Applied Sciences, Wiesbaden, Germany. Financial support by the Deutsche Bundesbank, Hauptverwaltung Frankfurt, is gratefully acknowledged. The author would also like to thank Lars Kerkmann, Sascha Riedel, Karsten Stieler and Julia Waldorf for their extensive research which made this article possible. She is also grateful to Jasmin Smalls and Tam Ngyen for their first draft translation. The usual disclaimer applies.  相似文献   

欧盟对华出口产品反倾销调查的统计分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国出口产品出口速度过快、出口价格相对过低、出口企业市场经济地位的难以获得是我国出口产品频遭欧盟反倾销调查的原因。因此,控制出口速度、调整出口产品的价格、争取市场经济地位待遇是我国出口企业避免反倾销风险的有效策略。  相似文献   

近年来,房价持续上涨给居民生活带来极大压力,严重影响了住有所居住房保障政策目标的实现.针对当前高房价困局,在厘清房价影响因素的基础上,分析了房价持续快速上涨或快速下跌可能引发的后果,指出了近年来房价调控政策存在的误区,并提出相关房价调控政策建议.  相似文献   

Agriculture is undoubtedly the most important and controversial topic in the ongoing Uruguay Round of the GATT. Can a compromise between the divergent positions of the EC and the USA on agricultural trade be found? Does the Uruguay Round mark a turning point for the EC’s Common Agricultural Policy?  相似文献   

在中国养老保险制度建立与完善过程中,其主要矛盾仍然是如何筹资和如何给付的问题.社会统筹主要通过提高缴费率和扩大覆盖面两条途径来增加基金供给,而现行制度却面临着养老金供给的两难困境.一是提高缴费率增加了基金收入,但不利于经济增长与扩大覆盖面;二是不同群体实行差别费率有利于扩大覆盖面,但加剧了养老金收支的失衡.经数理模型与实证分析,社会统筹缴费率应该保持适度水平,同时应该对不同群体实行差别费率的政策进行调整,以建立养老保障的长效机制.  相似文献   

在中国养老保险制度建立与完善过程中,其主要矛盾仍然是如何筹资和如何给付的问题。社会统筹主要通过提高缴费率和扩大覆盖面两条途径来增加基金供给,而现行制度却面临着养老金供给的两难困境。一是提高缴费率增加了基金收入,但不利于经济增长与扩大覆盖面;二是不同群体实行差别费率有利于扩大覆盖面,但加剧了养老金收支的失衡。经数理模型与实证分析,社会统筹缴费率应该保持适度水平,同时应该对不同群体实行差别费率的政策进行调整,以建立养老保障的长效机制。  相似文献   

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