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入世后,我国的农业支持制度极大地促进了农业的发展,但是仍然存在资金投入低、结构不合理等问题,使得国内支持制度在促进我国农业发展方面仍然存在一定的限制。因此,要建立WTO框架下的农业国内支持政策体系,应协调好对特定农产品的保护度;加大农业利用外资的力度;改革农业管理体制;对重要农产品实行最低保护价制度。  相似文献   

Most studies on the impact of WTO agreements on policies are ex ante simulations or focus on trade effects. We estimate ex post the impact of the WTO on agricultural policies, including both the total transfers by the policies and the policy instruments used, in particular their market distortions. We use OECD data on total support and instrument choice in agricultural policy. Our empirical analysis provides evidence that the WTO did not cause a significant reduction in the total amount of support to agriculture but that it caused a significant shift from distortionary to less distortionary instruments.  相似文献   

twilight… partial darkness; (fig.) gradual decay or destruction of something once glorious …t. state hysterical state of unawareness of external realities i —Annual Report, Bank for International Settlements, Basle, June 1981, p. 25 —World Economic Outlook, International Monetary Fund, Washington, June 1981, pp. 8–9 —OECD Observer, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, July 1981, p. 13  相似文献   

通过对我国目前的产(商)品质量的状况与经济发展要求,提出入世后我国质量技术监督工作的一些新思路,并提出建立和完善市场制度、开展打假斗争、加强基础工作、为企业服务、加强法制建设等具体对策,使产(商)品质量技术监督工作能更加有为、有效、有威和有位。  相似文献   

国内透明与WTO多边贸易体制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
<正> 保持贸易政策透明是 WTO 多边贸易体制的一项基本原则,也是实现 WTO 宗旨和目标的重要手段。但从 GATT 到WTO,其透明原则实际上是一种国际透明,即一成员必须使其贸易政策为其它成员所了解和知悉,而并没有要求其贸易政策也为其国内的组织和公民所知悉。近二十年多年来,人们逐渐认识到,保持贸易政策的国内透明也是防止和消除贸易保护主义的重要手段。在一些国家已建立了专门的国内贸易  相似文献   

WTO框架下贸易政策与竞争政策的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贸易政策和竞争政策的关系是复杂的,表现为互补性、不一致性和替代性:两项政策之间的关系是WTO“贸易与竞争”议题的逻辑起点,而“贸易与竞争”议题可能导致世界贸易体制的重大发展,因此全面了解它们具有重要意义。  相似文献   

WTO与UNEP联合报告:《贸易与气候变化》   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2009年6月26日,世贸组织(WTO)与联合国环境规划署(UNEP)共同发表了一份报告:《贸易和气候变化》——首次阐释自由贸易与气候变化的关系。报告主要通过文献研究和调查各国政策的研究方法分析了贸易和气候变化的联系。报告从四个层面分析了相互交织的贸易和气候变化问题,包括"当前气候变化的科学体系"、"贸易与气候变化的理论与证据"、"应对气候变化的多边协作"、"减缓与适应国家气候变化政策及其对多边贸易的影响"。WTO和UNEP一直寻求在实现可持续发展问题上建立合作伙伴关系,该报告正是双方合作的重要研究成果。  相似文献   

The EU’s Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28) requires that by 2020, biofuels should account for at least 10 per cent of transport fuel consumption. EU legislation sets out sustainability criteria for biofuels to qualify for this target and procedures for verifying that they are met. Using the AGLINK‐COSIMO model, we investigate the impacts of the biofuel target on global trade flows and land use, both under the current biofuel tariff regime and assuming zero EU tariffs for biofuels. The EU’s 2020 transport fuel target increases the global area of agricultural crops by 0.9 per cent. With zero tariffs, the extra global land requirement is 21 per cent smaller, but a larger share of it falls outside the EU. This outcome sharpens the issue of how the EU’s unilateral sustainability criteria can be implemented given current international trade rules.  相似文献   

新一轮多边贸易谈判即将拉开帷幕。本文着重探讨发展中国家在世界贸易组织新一轮谈判贸易与环境议题上的基本立场和具体谈判策略,以期对我国入世后参加世贸组织新一轮谈判有所裨益。  相似文献   

入世后,我国现行外资政策法规与WTO规则仍存在一些不相容的地方。为了适应入世需要,必须根除错误观念,优化投资环境,转变政府职能,认真研究WTO规则及其例外,为内外资企业竞争构造统一平台。  相似文献   

农业的弱质性和多功能性为农业国内支持政策提供理论依据,各国普遍对农业实施农业国内支持政策。由于OECD成员国在基期国内支持水平很高以及WTO农业协议与新一轮WTO谈判的约束,国外普遍利用定量的方法研究农业支持的消减、农业谈判、欧盟扩大和农业补贴的效率等国内支持相关问题;国内有关农业国内支持的研究一般停留在定性方面,农业国内支持的定量研究尤其是优化研究很少。因此,研究如何不断提高我国农业国内支持水平,优化国内支持结构,建立合理的农业国内支持政策体系,具有一定的理论意义与实践价值。  相似文献   

加入WTO后促进企业出口的财税对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
财税政策在促进企业的出口方面一直发挥着重要的作用.加入WTO后,制定政策的制度环境发生了变化.本文考察了与企业出口有关的五个方面.它们分别是:反倾销、出口退税、开拓国际市场、研发与技术创新,及绿色贸易等.对每一个方面,我们在分析其现状、国际经验和WTO规则的基础上提出了相应的财税政策建议.  相似文献   

Though developed countries have contributed the lion's share of greenhouse gases to date, developing countries are rapidly catching up – and seem unlikely to adopt meaningful GHG controls in the near term. This prospect concerns major developed countries, since their own GHG controls could cause carbon-intensive production to migrate to unregulated countries, a phenomenon called “carbon leakage.” This article surveys progress in international negotiations to date. It argues that, given the slow pace of efforts to create a global GHG control framework, carbon tariffs and other border measures are likely to be invoked as an alternative means of preventing carbon leakage. The article illustrates the legal and economic pitfalls of border adjustments and urges major emitting countries to suspend the imposition of border measures for a limited time while negotiating a “Code of Good Practice” to guide their trade-related climate measures going forward. The Code that we describe would constrain the scope of border measures and sharply limit their negative consequences.  相似文献   

中美应对气候变化的政策比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对中美两国在对"共同但有区别的责任"原则理解、减排目标、技术转让问题等方面的分岐,应对气候变化的合作要真正成为现实,还需要经过双方艰苦的努力,特别是需要具有战略眼光的两国高层领导人的大力支持和推动.双方合作应建立战略互信的新平台,在优先领域率先开展合作,努力创造若干成功的典范,以吸引更多机构和企业等市场主体的参与,以便形成良好的投资环境,再进行由易到难的深层次的合作,取得长期效应.  相似文献   

<正>一、WTO框架下的补贴与反补贴规则为了维护非歧视、自由、透明和公平竞争的国际贸易秩序,WTO专门制定了《补贴与反补贴措施协议》(简称ASCM),旨在规范和统一各国的财政补贴政策及其行为。  相似文献   

WTO规则与国内市场统一性要求的衔接   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立开放、竞争、有序的统一市场是WTO的宗旨所在,也是我国加入 WTO的一个期盼。当前,我国国内市场仍存在地方市场分割等问题,与WTO的要求有很大一段差距,我们要在融入经济全球化并迎接经济全球化的挑战中,以WTO规则、机制推动国内市场统一。在具体分析WTO规则对市场统一的要求及其二者关系时,提出了相应对策与建议。  相似文献   

Trade liberalisation of environmental services, and water services in particular, under the current WTO General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), has been widely advocated as a means of increasing private sector participation in the water sector in developing countries. Recognising that effective regulation is needed to ensure that the potential gains from private sector involvement are fully realised, the paper considers the relationship between national regulatory autonomy and GATS liberalisation in water services. The empirical evidence on the impact of private sector involvement in the provision of water services in developing countries is reviewed, and a number of reasons why water privatisation has been problematic in lower‐income countries are identified, including transaction costs and regulatory weaknesses. The study concludes that developing countries with limited regulatory resources should adopt a cautious approach to services liberalisation, by sequencing market liberalisation measures to match the development of their regulatory institutional capacity.  相似文献   

经济危机使全球贸易保护主义迅速抬头。负有量化减排义务的发达国家越来越多地以应对气候变化、防止碳泄露为由,试图通过贸易限制手段维持自身的竞争力不因减排所导致的成本上升而下降,碳贸易保护初露端倪。贸易与气候变化的关系成为WTO不得不面对的问题,其在应对气候变化全球合作中的特定作用日益显现。  相似文献   

本文基于价格影响机制理论分析,通过构建VAR模型,分别进行ADF检验、协整检验、格兰杰因果检验、模型的平稳性检验及脉冲响应分析,探讨国内外货币政策对我国有色金属价格影响的显著性.研究表明:国内外货币政策对我国有色金属价格的影响都具有显著性,国内货币政策影响较大;SHIBOR利率对有色金属价格影响显著性要强于货币供应量M...  相似文献   

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