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建设全国性的物流公共信息平台是我国物流行业进入现代化的重要标志之一。本文主要对物流公共信息平台功能需求、平台架构、实施模式、运营模式等内容进行初步的探讨。  相似文献   

建立基于互联网的物流公共管理信息平台和物流业务信息交互平台,可以全面提高物流企业、物流活动的信息化水平。从公共物流信息平台建设的角度出发,提出现阶段该平台建设在提高快递业的服务质量方面存在的问题和解决的对策。  相似文献   

大数据背景下物流企业面临数据处理量大,数据碎片化与客户个性化需求越来越多的困境,CRM(客户关系管理)系统是一类整合企业内部客户资源,挖掘客户价值的综合性工具。本文构建了一个分析型CRM系统智能推荐算法,揭示CRM系统在物流企业中的应用价值,并就算法做了一个简易的算例分析。  相似文献   

由于近年来,不断发展的经济社会对物流行业提出的要求越来越严峻,国家对物流行业的支持力度的增大,各地物流公共信息平台如雨后春笋般拔地而起,然而,物流公共信息平台的未来在哪里?如何让物流公共信息平台能在实际的物流业务中落地,成为我们必须思考的急迫问题.  相似文献   

大数据的诞生与发展是时代进步的必然产物,随着物质生活水平的提升,人们对于物流效率以及服务质量的要求越来越高,物流企业利用大数据信息的优势,开展供应链管理已成为必然趋势。文章论述物流企业供应链管理的重要性、运作模式等,分析大数据时代物流企业供应链管理存在的问题,并提出相应优化路径,以期为企业产品质量、管理结构的优化升级等,提供一定参考。  相似文献   

物流业从最初时期简单实物交换和运输发展至今,开始主要依托现代互联网技术及发达的交通运输方式逐渐走向正规。但总体而言,我国物流业现今发展程度始终较低,其中很大一部分成因是由于物流行业的信息失灵及信息不对称所引起的。在这种情况下,2009年国务院下发的《物流业调整与振兴规划》中就将"物流公共信息平台工程"作为九项重点工程之一进行推进。本文通过以交通运输业为例,研究物流公共信息平台建设及其对企业的影响。  相似文献   

在物流公共信息平台的运行中,借助物流信息技术RFID实现物流信息的非接触自动采集,实现物流信息的查询、共享,实现物流公共信息平台的运输管理、监控、配送及配送路径优化、追踪定位功能预测分析等功能.快捷高效的整合配送和整个生产、物流过程的,就能实现物流过程的优化,从而大大降低交易成本.  相似文献   

由于近年来,不断发展的经济社会对物流行业提出的要求越来越严峻,国家对物流行业的支持力度的增大,各地物流公共信息平台如雨后春笋般拔地而起,然而,物流公共信息平台的未来在哪里?如何让物流公共信息平台能在实际的物流业务中落地,成为我们必须思考的急迫问题,  相似文献   

随着我国经济的发展,社会的进步,大数据时代已然到来,对物流企业供应链管理的相关问题进行研究具有一定程度上的必要性。我国物流企业供应链管理水平近几年来已经有所提升,但仍然还存在着极大的发展潜力,相关人士需要加强对问题的研究,为物流企业供应链管理水平的提升提供理论依据。据此,本文对相关问题进行分析,希望能对现实有所裨益。  相似文献   

小微企业发展的要素瓶颈及其突破   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近几年来,缺资金、缺人才、缺土地等几乎是小微企业共同面临的要素瓶颈,这些瓶颈严重影响小微企业的发展后劲。小微企业面临要素瓶颈,既与企业自身有关,也与地方政府有关,还与制度环境有关。为了突破小微企业发展的要素瓶颈,就必须借助内强外联提升小微企业要素获取力,着力构建面向小微企业的要素保障体系,优化小微企业制度环境以实现公平竞争。  相似文献   

通过调研红领集团工业化与信息化两化融合方面的新思路、新做法、新经验,对检验检疫部门的内部管理和检验监管模式进行了分析,以期为新形势下检验检疫的业务改革提供思考、启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

Information and communication systems (ICS) impact their organizational environment in significant ways; hence, the design, implementation, and use of ICS are inseparably linked to fundamental issues of organizational design and behavior. Current research in the field of business and information systems engineering (BISE), however, is primarily technology- or practice-oriented and concerned with the construction and validation of prototypes, whereas little attention is paid to theoretical insights into organizational phenomena and relationships. In this paper, we argue that paying more attention to organization theory would provide valuable guidance in addressing the close links between ICS on the one hand, and organizational systems on the other. To support our argument, we refer to selected theoretical perspectives and highlight their potential relevance to the BISE field.
Oliver Baumann (Corresponding author)Email:

This article discusses the alleged anti-corruption effects of procurement reforms by presenting the European Act on Public Procurement and the increasing number of appeals filed by suppliers due to perceived misevaluations of tenders and perceived impairments of transparency. The delays and costs that arise from this right to appeal are studied in the Swedish context with the aim of contributing to the debate on corruption in two ways. First, instead of using the modern definition of corruption, the ancient definition is introduced to explain anti-corruption efforts, focusing on corruption as deviations from a pristine standard as opposed to corruption as the abuse of public power for private gain. Second, it will be argued that the fight against corruption in the practical implementation of the European Act on Public Procurement jeopardizes efficiency and might devaluate competence. However, striving for the total elimination of corruption–an evil that has to be fought disregarding the consequences–is integral in the war against it. Thomas Taro Lennerfors is a doctoral researcher in Industrial Economics and Management at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden (KTH). He is specialised in managerial aspects of corruption.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2018,61(6):845-854
The Economist recently declared that digital information has overtaken oil as the world’s most valuable commodity. Big data technology is inherently global and borderless, yet little international consensus exists over what standards should govern its use. One source of global standards benefitting from considerable international consensus might be used to fill the gap: international human rights law. This article considers the extent to which international human rights law operates as a legal or ethical constraint on global commercial use of big data technologies. By providing clear baseline standards that apply worldwide, human rights can help shape cultural norms—implemented as ethical practices and global policies and procedures—about what businesses should do with their information technologies. In this way, human rights could play a broad and important role in shaping business thinking about the proper handling of this increasingly valuable commodity in the modern global society.  相似文献   

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