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马丽娜 《商》2014,(16):196+179-196
庐隐的一生,无论是爱情还是事业,都遭际坎坷,可谓命途多舛,然而,这短暂而曲折的生命旅程,却因为她在现代中国文学史上的风格特异的作品而显得弥足珍贵,她的光艳的才华和悲苦的命运,在当时文坛上备受瞩目,她所创作的反映"五四"时期知识女性的苦闷彷徨的作品,翻开了中国女性新文学新的一页,时至今日,仍不减其色。庐隐作为"五四"时期自叙传抒情小说的代表作家,她的作品,充溢着浓郁的自我色彩,其中富有个性的女性形象亦成为文坛备受关注的对象。  相似文献   

自我决定理论认为人的行为基于三种心理需要:胜任需要、关系需要以及自主需要。现在越来越多的大学生被手机依赖症困扰,由该理论分析,是由于个体在操作手机的情景中产生满足三种需要的因素,从而促进幸福感。文章将这个现象与高职学生所处的环境结合,来对智能机依赖症进行行为解读。  相似文献   

现代社会工作的外在环境正发生巨大变化,这对员工工作提出了更高的要求。本文阐述了三种不同的工作幸福感——工作狂、工作投入和工作倦怠的定义、特征和影响,并从自我决定理论(SDT)角度分析动机与三种工作幸福感的关系,最后对组织提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

张琦 《中国电子商务》2013,(22):264-264
《儿子的否决权》是英国批判现实主义作家托马斯·哈代的一篇短篇小说,作家用细腻的笔触刻画了人物的内心世界,表现了女主人公索菲凄楚动人的一生。本文从拉康的锌像理论来解读小说,试图解析他者对女主人公自我塑造过程中所施加的影响,从而挖掘其与拉康的精神分析理论的契合点,探究主人公悲剧命运的根源。  相似文献   

两宋时期佛教史学人才辈出,著述颇丰。这些文献著录了许多唐五代史事,是研究唐史的又一个史料宝库。它大大补充了唐五代佛教史研究的史料来源,是研究唐五代佛教发展的重要依据之一。另一方面,宋代佛教史籍也是研究唐代世俗史的重要史料之一。诸如社会变迁、唐代士大夫政治斗争、宦官与佛教之间关系、民间社会生活状况等问题在宋代佛教史籍中都有不同程度的反映。  相似文献   

唐宋时期发生的社会变化是中国古代史研究的重要问题,城市变化是这种深刻变化的一个集中表现.城市修建和扩建是古代社会经常进行的国家工程.从唐初到北宋初以都城为主的中心城市修建扩建的阶段性,政治中心东移与经济重心东南移过程中城市建造的对应,南北地区城市的不同特点,以及当时人透漏出的值得引起我们重视的有关城市发展的新信息等等,都向我们展示了城市历史发展和演变丰富的内涵.  相似文献   

组织内部员工的工作内容主要围绕同事展开,组织一般对其无明确的情绪表达要求,因而他们有表达自我真实情绪的自由。但出于人际交往和工作沟通的需要,组织内会存在多种形式的情绪表达潜规则约束。为了揭示情绪表达潜规则导致内部员工情绪耗竭的作用路径,文章以资源保存、认知失调和自我损耗理论为基础构建了组织内情绪劳动者的“情绪表达潜规则—情绪表达策略—情绪耗竭”的理论模型。通过问卷调研和数据分析,证实了积极情绪潜规则可推动员工采用深层扮演策略,使内心感受和外在情绪保持一致,减少了情绪耗竭。而消极情绪潜规则会抑制员工情绪的深层扮演,并助长表层扮演来伪装情绪,造成情绪资源流失,最终导致情绪耗竭。研究还证实了组织内的情绪劳动者在表达情绪时,虽然可同时采用深层与表层扮演两种策略,但由于情绪资源有限,他们对两种策略的选择偏好显著负相关。  相似文献   

Emotional attachment (EA)—the emotional bond connecting an individual with a specific target—has been identified as an important construct within the marketing domain. Despite all the research, there is no consensus on how the construct should be measured. A major factor contributing to this confusion is that current definitions and, consequently, scales of EA focus on describing reactions toward specific referents of attachment rather than on capturing the extent of emotion an individual feels; hence, hindering construct validity. In this article, the authors scrutinized the concept validity of EA. After defining the construct, scale development procedures were followed to propose an alternative one‐dimensional scale that reflects the abstract nature of EA. Three studies support the scale's reliability as well as the discriminant, convergent, criterion, and nomological validity of the measure. The studies tested the scale under different marketing contexts. Moreover, by employing the new measure, the findings showed that EA and self‐concept maintenance (SCM) are related, yet different constructs. Specifically, the results showed that these constructs interact to predict willingness to pay (WTP) for a brand such that when SCM is low, WTP is predicted by EA. However, when self‐concept is high, the effect of EA on WTP is not that strong. This new scale will help researchers extend research on EA to a broader set of contexts, explore the relationship between EA and related constructs, develop nomological networks, and prevent the confounding of terms.  相似文献   

There are a number of misconceptions about the ongoing Eurozone crisis. One is that it is a debt crisis: in fact many countries that are considered to be reasonably sound have bigger long-term fiscal deficit problems than even the weakest Eurozone countries. The crisis partly reflects the pain of frontloaded fiscal repair. But even more so, the crisis has turned into a step-by-step attempt to forge a stronger and more coherent Europe. The reluctance of the European Central Bank to defuse the tensions which this process creates makes the region vulnerable to bouts of market turmoil. This paper outlines the course of the crisis, the policy responses to date, and the actions that are necessary to resolve it.  相似文献   

“三言”情爱故事的书写原则集中表现为形象对称、伦理优先与完美,书写者之所以遵循这样的原则,实际上是为了满足市民追求身份提升的欲望,呼应市民崇尚家族伦理,投合市民审美情趣,进而为评弹说唱吸引客源。可以说,“三言%隋爱故事书写原则的确立既是中国古典小说写作技巧的重要尝试,更是明代市民娱乐消费市场的产物。  相似文献   

In the past 10 years Iran has been emerging as a major car producer in the world. However, due to delays in economic reforms, Iranian car exports have not increased as much as production. This paper presents a first estimation of the Iranian export potential in the car industry. Based on new theoretical developments of the gravity equation, an empirical bilateral trade model is proposed. It includes sectoral variables (car production, import tariffs), as well as other original variables, such as expectations and hysteresis. We then develop a dataset which includes the 40 major car‐exporting countries in the world, 34 importing countries, a 10‐year time period as well as four car production groups. The model is then estimated by using alternative panel data estimators, such as those of Hausman and Taylor and dynamic estimators as well as transformed variables estimators. Export potential is finally calculated from the residuals of the model. Results show that Iranian current car exports are about 100 times less than their fitted values. This indicates that there is a significant export potential for Iran, especially toward India, China, Russia, as well as smaller neighbours (Turkey, Pakistan, Central Asian countries). As a result, Iran could become the major auto supplier in the Middle East. However, this requires the completion and success of ongoing economic reforms.  相似文献   

Chu  Irene  Vu  Mai Chi 《Journal of Business Ethics》2022,180(1):245-262

The concept of the self and its relation to moral action is complex and subject to varying interpretations, not only between different academic disciplines but also across time and space. This paper presents empirical evidence from a cross-cultural study on the Buddhist and Confucian notions of self in SMEs in Vietnam and Taiwan. The study employs Hwang’s Mandala Model of the Self, and its extension into Shiah’s non-self-model, to interpret how these two Eastern philosophical representations of the self, the Confucian relational self and Buddhist non-self, can lead to moral action. By demonstrating the strengths of the model, emphasizing how social and cultural influences constrain the individual self and promote the social person leading to moral action, the paper extends understanding of the self with empirical evidence of the mechanisms involved in organizational contexts.


当今世界经济危机根源于市场经济中的供求不对称性质,而市场经济中长期普遍存在的供大于求不对称现象。其内因是需求动力弱而供给动力强。这可用两种新论点来解释:一是在货币“价格”不变的条件下.物品专用性边际效用递减较快,同货币通用性边际效用递减较慢之间产生矛盾所致;二是将历来分开研究的供求关系和公私产权性质结合起来研究发现,不同的产权性质由于产生不同的交易价格而同供求动力的强弱存在密切关联。只有不断地产业创新。才能克服上述不断出现的供求不对称矛盾以及专用性物品边际效用递减的趋势。  相似文献   

周永健 《中国市场》2008,(23):82-83
货物在托运时,由于快递公司工作人员的失误致使货物丢失,在未办理保价运输的情形下如何赔付,相关的法律适用差异较大,本文通过对一二审法院的判决进行对比,认为在快递公司构成故意或重大过失的情形,利益受损方应该能够通过行使选择权获得赔偿。  相似文献   

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