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分析了大学生考试作弊行为的基本动机,并利用博弈论这一分析工具,建立了作弊查处博弈模型,该博弈不存在纯战略纳什均衡,只存在混合战略纳什均衡。求解出了大学生和监考教师行为选择的混合策略纳什均衡点,并得出了相关结论。最后基于大学生考试作弊的动机以及博弈分析的结论,提出治理大学生考试作弊行为的可操作性对策。  相似文献   

近几年,随着高校办学规模的不断扩大,高等教育已逐渐由精英式教育向大众化教育转化,日益普遍的考试作弊现象逐渐引起人们的关注。作弊手段、作弊工具不断更新,由过去夹带小抄发展到找人替考、利用高科技手段作弊,甚至出现了以营利为目的的有组织的"职业枪手"。这些都严重影响着高校的校风、学风、考风。虽然高校普遍加强了考风考纪教育,加大了对考试作弊的处罚力度,但似乎收效并不大。  相似文献   

刘丽英 《商》2014,(24):250-250
大学生考试作弊现象屡禁不止。本文从博弈论的角度建立了学生与学生之间、学生与老师之间的博弈均衡模型,来解释考试过程中的学生作弊、教师监管的博弈现象。提出学校在学生考试及老师监考方面的应采取的对策。  相似文献   

大学生考试作弊行为严重危害高校教育活动有序开展。为有针对性地解决该难题,基于计划行为理论的考试作弊意向量表对440名大学生进行问卷调查,共获取了355份有效数据,从行为态度、主观规范、知觉行为控制三个方面来研究大学生考试作弊行为的影响因素。结果显示:大学生考试作弊行为与其所在年级、所学专业类别以及性别有所联系;考试作弊行为和计划行为理论模型有相关关系。结论:大学生考试作弊现象必须引起高度重视,计划行为理论模型可以比较有效地评估考试作弊意向及预测作弊行为。  相似文献   

导致学生作弊的原因是多方面的.考试作弊行为的存在,既影响了教学质量评估的可靠性,也破坏了考试成绩的公平性和公正性,阻碍了教育目标的实现.要想压住作弊风,需要教育系统的各部门和人员从加强考试的诚信教育和校纪校规教育,加深对作弊危害性的认识,完善规章制度、强化监考力度等多方面共同作出努力.  相似文献   

张照玉 《北方经贸》2010,(10):145-146
近些年来,考试作弊已成为大学校园里屡见不鲜的现象,它威胁着考试的公正性和严肃性,败坏了学风,影响了人才培养的质量。教师在预防大学生考试作弊方面发挥着重要作用。教师可分为三类角色:任课教师、德育教师和监考教师,不同角色的教师在不同的教学活动环节发挥着不同的作用。  相似文献   

季解 《商》2013,(21):360-360,294
高校考试作弊现象屡禁不止,本文就考试作弊从社会、家庭、学生三方面分析其原因,进而提出了遏制大学生考试作弊的一些对策的思考。  相似文献   

近年来越来越多的大学生毕业生面临就业问题,要打破大学生毕业即失业这一魔咒,无疑高校的学风建设起着重要作用。优良的学风是一所高校可持续发展的核心竞争力,学风建设对学生的思想境界、道德情操、价值观念、行为方式、个性修养等起着潜移默化的作用。但是如今高校的学风建设存在诸多问题。清醒认识并合理分析学风建设中的问题和不足,及时采取有效措施予以解决,对学校及学生发展都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

高欣  辛立秋 《消费导刊》2014,(6):253-253
高校良好的学风是学生在高校内提升自身综合素质的保证。受大学教育普适化、大学生就业率下降以及社会拜金主义盛行等因素的影响,一些高校的学风恶化,大学生对待学业的严肃感下降。本文通过对某高校学风情况的调查,分析影响学风建设的主要问题,并提出加强高校学风建设的对策。  相似文献   

近几年,大学生考试作弊现象严重,败坏了高等学校的校风,影响了学生的全面发展,损害了教育的形象。其原因是多方面的,只有社会、家庭、学校都高度重视,采取切实有效的措施,形成各方面的教育合力,才能促进高校的考风、考纪建设。  相似文献   

传统的先进性教育重在从党员的思想性着手,即加强入党积极分子、发展对象、预备党员的培养考察,重在教育,重在”务虚”。本文提出在加强传统教育的同时,适时地引入实体建设,创新工作平台,实现“务实”,在实际工作中体现党员先进性,达到虚实结合。目前,我校基本实现了学生按照学院相对集中住宿管理,学生公寓越来越成为学生成长成才的关键阵地,本文提出把学生公寓作为加强党员先进性教育的“平台”,通过建立党员工作站这一载体,对党员进行全方位的管理,充分发挥其先进性。以党风促学风、校风,实现党员先锋模范作用的可持续发挥,发挥其培养社会主义事业可靠接班人和合格劳动者的重要作用。  相似文献   

中共十六届五中全会提出建设社会主义新农村的发展蓝图,作为高校大学生,对新农村建设的认知度和参与意愿如何呢?通过对南京市在校大学生的抽样调查,实证分析表明:大学生对新农村建设的关注度并不高,在认知上体现“以人为本”的精神;大学生对新农村建设的参与意愿中尚存亟待解决的问题;大学生所处的年级和所学专业对其认知度产生一定的影响;学校、政府和社会需采取相应的措施引导大学生积极投身于新农村建设。  相似文献   

大学生社团是高校大学生自发组织起来的学生群众性组织,是学校对大学生进行思想政治教育、学风建设和校园文化建设的重要载体和有效途径。目前高校社团普遍存在发展不平衡、物质基础差等问题,如何突破这一瓶颈,成都理工大学在管理上采取以人为本,进一步完善社团的制度管理;打造社团活动品牌;改善硬软环境条件等措施,使学生能够在社团中真正进行自我塑造、自我管理、自我服务.得到全面发展,最终实现学校文化的和谐发展。  相似文献   

This research examines the association between attitudes on cheating and cognitive moral development. In this research, we use Rest's (1979a) Defining Issues Test, the Attitudes on Honesty Scale (Authors) and Academic Integrity Index (Authors); the last two are adaptations of the DIT. A total of 220 students from three universities participated in the study (66 psychology majors and 154 business majors). The data indicate that 66.4 percent of the students reported that they cheated in high school, college, or both high school and college. Psychology majors scored higher than business majors on both the Defining Issues Test (Rest, 1979a) and the Attitudes on Honesty Scale (AHS, Authors). Using factor analysis, we found significant associations between students' ratings of the importance considerations present in the three cheating scenarios and their estimates of whether cheating would occur (i.e., the Academic Integrity Index). Finally, using logistic regression, we found that the scores on the Attitudes on Honesty Scale and Academic Integrity Index associate with the self-reported cheating behavior of college students.  相似文献   

张滨 《中国市场》2009,(32):78-79
为了适应现代物流产业的大力发展,吉林大学珠海学院为了满足企业的实用人才需求,我系制定出满足社会物流人才需求的"物流专业人才培养方案",从而开创了学校育人、学生增长实用才干、满足企业人才需求的三赢局面。  相似文献   

When it comes to cheating in higher education, business school students have often been accused of being the worst offenders; if true, this may be a contributing factor in the kinds of fraud that have plagued the business community in recent years. We examined the issue of cheating in the business school by surveying 268 students in business and other professional schools on their attitudes about, and experiences with, cheating. We found that while business school students actually cheated no more or less than students in other professional schools, their attitudes on what constitutes cheating are more lax than those of other professional school students. Additionally, we found that serious cheaters across all professional schools were more likely to be younger and have a lower grade point average. Helen A. Klein is an assistant professor in the Management Department at Grand Valley State University. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in Computer and Information Systems and is interested in Object Oriented Software development, business process redesign and the use of ERP as a tool for learning in higher education. Nancy M. Levenburg is an associate professor in the Management Department at Grand Valley State University. She received her Ph.D. degree from Union Institute & University, and has done post-graduate study at Harvard University and UCLA. Her primary research interests include electronic commerce and strategic applications of information technologies. Marie McKendall is a professor in the Management Department at Grand Valley State University. She received her Ph.D. in Management from Michigan State University. Her primary research interest is organizational illegality. William M. Mothersell is an assistant professor in the Management Department at Grand Valley State University. He received his Ph.D. from Michigan State University in Labor and Industrial Relations. His research interests include strategic human resource management, organizational behavior and development, and lean transformation.  相似文献   

College cheating represents a major ethical problem facing students and educators, especially in colleges of business. The current study surveys 666 business students in three universities to examine potential determinants of cheating perceptions. Anti-intellectualism refers to a student’s negative view of the value and importance of intellectual pursuits and critical thinking. Academic self-efficacy refers to a student’s belief in one’s ability to accomplish an academic task. As hypothesized, students high in anti-intellectualism attitudes and those with low academic self-efficacy were least likely to perceive college cheating as unethical. Considering that college cheating has been found as a predictor of workplace cheating, the results urge business instructors to reduce anti-intellectualism among students and to encourage them to put forth their best efforts. The results also serve employers by focusing attention on these two psychological variables during the hiring and promotion processes.
Rafik Z. EliasEmail:

《高频电子线路》内容抽象枯燥,实践性强,对于目前高职层次学生来讲,学生在学习过程中普遍存在畏惧情绪,传统的教学方法越发凸显出它的不足,结合多年的教学实践和体会,利用现代多媒体教学技术,建设网络共享资源库,使枯燥的理论生动有趣,寓教于学,让学生能方便地通过网络自主学习,并且也让更多的人实现资源共享。  相似文献   

通过对资源勘探工程专业(石油方向)实践教学环节的现状分析.提出了构建资源勘察工程专业实践教学体系,制定详实实践教学大纲与内容。把实践教学规范化、制度化;建设完善资源勘查工程教学实验标本库、完善教学实验项目.充分利用“油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室”与能源学院石油地质及工程专业实验室仪器资源构建综合实践教学体系。以校外专家与校内师资(专业教师与实验老师)以及研究生辅助教学相结合的形式。加强实验教学师资力量。对学生采用基本教育与重点教育相结合的方式.在完成大纲规定的实践教学基本内容基础上,为“学术型”与“领导型”潜质的学生提供实践训练平台。  相似文献   

高校学校工作坚持“以学生为本”思想,就是把学生看作学校的主体,充分考虑学生的个体差异,运用学生自身力量进行自我教育、自我管理和自我服务。作者认为:高校贫困生作为一个特殊的群体,坚持“以人为本”的思想是做好高校贫困生教育的首要前提,建立“以人为本”为特征、以提高贫困生自我管理能力、学习能力和适应能力为目的的助困措施体系是做好高校贫困生教育的基本保障。  相似文献   

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