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张宁云 《现代商业》2007,(17):239-240
民事案件事实的查明责任与证明责任是从不同的诉讼主体的角度对案件的法律事实查明的认识。文章针对我国目前民事诉讼证据规则中存在的四方面问题,提出分析意见,以及区分不同民事诉讼活动角色在民事诉讼案件法律事实的证明作用,并进一步提出重新架构民事诉讼案件事实查明和证明程序的新思路。  相似文献   

民事案件事实的查明责任与证明责任是从不同的诉讼主体的角度对案件的法律事实查明的认识.文章针对我国目前民事诉讼证据规则中存在的四方面问题,提出分析意见,以及区分不同民事诉讼活动角色在民事诉讼案件法律事实的证明作用,并进一步提出重新架构民事诉讼案件事实查明和证明程序的新思路.  相似文献   

赵文婧 《商》2014,(6):195-195
在民事诉讼实务中,一方当事人或诉讼外第三人妨碍对方当事人提出证据证明其事实主张的行为时有发生。对此,我们有必要对证明妨碍行为的内涵特征、法理依据、构成要件及法律效果等相关问题进行分析和探索,以便尽快构建和完善我国的民事诉讼证明妨碍制度。  相似文献   

法务会计是一门新兴学科,其主要职能是舞弊调查与诉讼支持。法务会计在不同诉讼中所提供的支持是不同的,在同一诉讼的不同阶段所起的作用也是不同的。法务会计在民事诉讼中证据收集时必须注意客观性、必要性及时性问题。目前,我国在民事诉讼制度方面缺乏系统的理论研究,现行的一些规定和作法基本建立在自发的传统习惯之上,已远远背离了社会发展现实的需要。法务会计在民事诉讼支持中,应提高法务会计诉讼支持的认知度、推进法务会计诉讼的理论研究、增强法务会计专家支持诉讼的能力、拓宽法务会计诉讼支持的业务领域、统一法务会计技术鉴定标准、明确执行诉讼支持业务的法务会计专家的法律责任、构建法务会计专家证人制度。  相似文献   

相比较于英美法系和大陆法系的国家,我国的自认制度起步较晚,没有相对完备的理论基础和实践基础。在自认制度形成之后,我国因对其缺乏完备的理论研究,导致在司法实践中对该制度的运用相对落后于两大法系。而对一项制度的研究,免不了要深入研究其构成要件,因此,我们期望于通过充分研究自认制度的构成要件来深入了解自认制度,使其发挥出降低诉讼成本、提高诉讼效率等作用。本文就从主体要件、时间要件、对象要件、方式要件等对自认的构成要件加以了研究,以期能够充分了解自认制度。  相似文献   

我国诉的变更制度的是为更好的保障司法效果和当事人权利的最大化,诉的变更分类、诉的变更四要件及对我国立法上的建议和完善研习,在保持诉讼连续性上给予原告变更权,提高诉讼效率。  相似文献   

反诉是由罗马法中的“抵消抗辩”演化而来的诉讼制度,与其他一些大陆法系国家相比,我国反诉制度的立法比较薄弱,存在着重大的缺陷和不足,也给审判实践造成了混乱状态。基于此,笔者拟就该制度的概念、立法意义和目的,反诉与反驳、抗辩之间的界限,反诉的类型,反诉的特殊要件,反诉的审理等若干问题加以分析、探讨,以期更进一步完善我国的民事诉讼理论和立法。  相似文献   

姚晓 《致富时代》2011,(11):193-193
即彭宇案引发社会的广泛关注和法学界的激烈讨论后,许云鹤案将这股热潮延续了下去。许云鹤、彭宁案反映了我国民事诉讼中普遍存在的很多问题,但我们不难发现法官在案件事实不明时事实推定的适用成为了争论的核心。作为一种不可或缺的证据规则,事实推定在我国民事诉讼中起到至关重要的作用,但本案中的事实推定并没有发挥应有的作用,司法实践中滥用、乱用事实推定的现象也屡见不鲜,该文通过对许云鹤案的分析,探讨存在的问题,提出完善的建议。  相似文献   

我国民事诉讼构造的趋势为协同主义,证据契约的研究应于此前提下展开。协同主义要求诉讼各方协同发现事实,合理分配诉讼权限。因此,证据契约应囊括三方主体,除却当事人外,还应列裁判法官为监督、审查及阐明主体;证据契约的效力应以权限划分合理与否为标准,排除牵涉证明标准、证明力、证明责任等因素的合意之效力。惟有如此,证据契约制度方与法制体系相契合。  相似文献   

何浩  陈红光 《商》2014,(9):154-155
民事诉讼证据是指能够证明民事案件真实情况的客观事实材料,民事诉讼制度离不开证据制度,民事证据制度是民事制度的核心和灵魂,但是目前我国尚未形成完整的民事诉讼证据制度体系,这就需要人民法官在民事审判中充分行使法律赋予的自由裁量权。本文结合我国民事证据制度的现状,从民事举证时限、事实认定及举证责任分配等角度分析法官自由裁量权存在的必然性、体现方式以及探讨如何行使和完善法官的自由裁量权。  相似文献   

This paper is analysising the present of the Chinese civil action sue mainly and finding the specific method. Establishes the litigant principle the lawsuit pattern; Strengthens the related legislation and introducing legal precedent properly; Standard legal procedure. The fact evidents that the better we solve these problems the closer we go to the harmonious society for the problem which the Chinese civil action sues faced.  相似文献   

This paper is analysising the present of the Chinese civil action sue mainly and finding the specific method.Establishes the litigant principle the lawsuit pattern;Strengthens the related legislation and introducing legal precednt properly;Standard legal procedure,The fact evidents that the bette we solve these problems the closer we go to the harmonious society for the problem which the chinese civil action sues faced.  相似文献   

诉讼标的是民事诉讼法学者必须经过的一座桥,然这一重要概念却长期处于不休的学说论争中,这给民事诉讼理论体系的安定性带来了不小的冲击。因此,诉讼标的理论需要在长期的学说论争中妥协,从而寻获一条相对合理的解释路径。对于诉讼标的的认识应正本清源,从其设定本旨出发去探寻和了解其真意,进而合理择定其识别基准。同时,诉讼标的的识别基准还应辅以虑及一国之民事司法环境。在这样的前提下,旧实体法说是一种相对合理且适切的选择。虽然旧实体法说有其固有缺陷,但可以通过程序法和实体法的互动与协作,以制度联动的方式帮助旧实体法说理论脱困,使其在理论阐释和司法实践中发挥着双重功效与机能。  相似文献   

There is considerable consensus on the idea that Aristotelian virtue ethics advocates moral realism. In numerous works, the well-known business ethicist Edwin Hartman grapples with reconciling the unitary vision of life that a particular kind of moral realism advocates and the pluralist respect for diverse cultures and belief systems that comprise our world. This paper closely follows Hartman's efforts to reconcile his liberal values with his guarded support for Aristotelian moral realism. We argue that the realist interpretation of Aristotle's function argument can be employed to strengthen Hartman's critique of the concept of Homo economicus, which is often posited by its proponents and critics alike as the only viable position for a business manager. Drawing from Aristotle, the paper posits a novel notion of species-excellence as the ultimate telos of human life and an objective basis for a critique of Homo economicus.  相似文献   

Although the courts have ruled that companies are legal persons, they have not yet made clear the extent to which political free speech for corporations is limited by the strictures legitimately placed upon corporate commercial speech. I explore the question of whether or not companies can properly be said to have the right to civil free speech or whether corporate speech is always de facto commercial speech not subject to the same sorts of legal protections as is the right to civil free speech. In the absence of clearly defined legal precedent, I emphasize moral reasons for determining the appropriate limits of corporate civil free speech. Appealing to arguments typically used to justify individual rights to civil free speech, I examine the extent to which this sort of justification may or may not be legitimately extended to corporations. I conclude that corporate rights to civil free speech must be restricted because granting rights of free speech to institutions may, in practice, undermine the moral rationale and practical feasibility of guaranteeing rights of civil free speech to individuals. Furthermore, I argue that granting corporations full rights to civil free speech will undercut attempts to develop good moral character in corporate institutions by undermining the efforts of watchdog organizations.  相似文献   

论证券欺诈民事责任的法律性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
证券欺诈行为人因从事欺诈行为给其他投资者造成损失的,应当承担民事责任,但对于证券欺诈民事责任性质的认定,学说界却存在一定的分歧,大体有三种观点,即契约责任说、侵权责任说和独立责任说。文章认为将证券欺诈民事责任定性为侵权责任才能够更好地保护广大投资者的合法权益。  相似文献   

"Friendship", for Aristotle, is a term with "focal meaning" which denominates relationships as casual as “fellow travelers on a voyage”, as permanent as spouses, and whose motives are as various as the commercial, military, religious, sexual, political and the virtuous. What can be said of all these relationships is that they involve a solidarity, a concordat, a reciprocity, which has its foundation in a common field between the parties and which produces common actions or exchanges. All friendships tend to equality in the sense that they do not insist on ‘what is due’ as an ultimate end; friendship, like equity, surpasses justice in the fulfillment of what is owed. Because friendship fosters solidarity and justice it is politically important as a virtue-context, according to Aristotle. Is it possible that friendship can function as a virtue-context within economic life as well? Aristotle's notion of a type of useful friendship which functions through expectation of moral behavior will be shown to provide both motive and context for the performance of acts of virtue in a business setting.  相似文献   

作为一种新的经济形态,创意经济已成为英美等西方发达国家经济增长的新引擎。从创意经济的内涵和理论渊源入手对现有研究成果进行梳理、归纳,发现创意经济不仅是单纯的产业问题,而且是一种新的经济形态,它籍由创意为产品或服务附加了文化价值,进一步提升了产品的最终价值。在创意经济时代,创意已经取代资本等要素成为推动经济增长的主要动力。创意经济理论根植于新经济增长理论,其实质是对新经济增长理论的补充和发展。  相似文献   

证券普遍采取无纸化形式之后,权利人失去了纸质的权利凭证,对证券持有人的判断只能以证券登记机构电子簿记系统内的电子记录为准,登记成为了证券权利的存在形态。因此,在证券无纸化的背景下,不能将传统民法上的登记制度直接套用于无纸化证券,而应建立起以证券持有账户为基础,适应集中交易要求和中国国情的无纸化证券登记结算法律制度。  相似文献   

适航是我国民机CNS(Communication,Navigation and Surveillance)系统发展的关键。以适航为目标,首先分析并确定了CNS系统验证的需求,然后通过分析适航标准提出了满足适航要求的CNS系统验证方法,即按照验证方法、验证级别、测试环境方案以及验证实施追溯过程为线进行验证分析。该方法还可适用于民机其他航电系统。  相似文献   

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