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商业银行的核心竞争力本质就是商业银行本身能力的体现,而核心竞争力分析趋向于商业银行能力品质及商业银行借助动态能力取得可持续的核心竞争力优势。商业银行可持续竞争优势的取得,是依赖于对商业银行动态能力的管理实现的,商业银行推动核心竞争力促成动态演化,使之获取胜过竞争方的竞争能力。本文结合商业银行的特征,通过对商业银行企业文化的内涵等基本问题的研究,同时对商业银行核心竞争力及商业银行文化建设提升之间的关系进行浅析,阐明了强化商业银行文化建设是增强和提高核心竞争力的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

黄茂开 《消费导刊》2009,(13):42-44
企业动态动态竞争力是企业处在动态复杂环境中赢得竞争优势的关键。本文通过对相关文献整理总结出一套企业动态竞争力评价的指标体系,并运用模糊综合评价法对如何评价企业动态竞争力作了进一步探讨,从而为我国企业对自身动态竞争力进行评价和培育提供理论基础。  相似文献   

刘霞  窦祥 《江苏商论》2014,(1):28-30
软件产业具有第二产业与第三产业之间的"中间产业"特征,由此在长三角地区,上海软件产业的外迁存在着必然性。本文通过对南京和苏州两市软件产业生态环境进行指标评价,并对产业政策环境进行比较分析,给出提升苏州市软件产业发展竞争力的相应建议。  相似文献   

以我国21个主要中心城市为研究对象,建立评价指标体系并应用主成份分析法进行竞争力评价,结果表明:中心城市间呈现出两级分化现象,深圳、上海、北京、广州四个竞争力较强的城市与其他城市间差异较为显著;其他城市之间差距较小,城市竞争力缺乏梯度分布;竞争力相对较差的8个城市,其基础竞争力、核心竞争力、环境竞争力都表现出较大的波动性,发展资源配置往往过于侧重某一方面,需要注意结构调整,最终实现经济社会与生态环境、硬实力与软实力的协调发展。  相似文献   

物流企业的竞争力表现为企业文化能力、人力资源能力、服务能力、市场能力、环境协调能力及创新能力等多个方面。其中企业文化是企业竞争力的一部分,是企业发展的内在动力,也是保持企业独特形象的关键环节。企业文化通过导向、规范、凝聚、激励、整合及辐射等功能,与物流企业其他竞争力之间有着紧密联系,影响着物流企业整体竞争力的形成和提升。  相似文献   

李全  周赛 《商》2014,(40):159-160
财竞争力对企业的作用在于用动态整合的资源,提供与企业环境变化相适应的能力。本文在我国银行业竞争力研究的基础上,将研究重点倾向于企业的财务领域,主要通过结合财务管理理论和竞争力理论对我国银行业上市公司的财务竞争能力进行分析研究。本文从上市银行资产状况、资产结构等指标纳入一个整体之中,采用比较分析法对上市银行的财务数据进行综合分析,评价和判断我国银行业主要上市公司的财务竞争力水平,研究得出影响上市银行财务竞争力的综合类指标。发现其中存在的问题,提出有助于提高上市银行财务竞争力的建议。  相似文献   

人才和其生存的环境存在着相互制约和相互促进的关系。一方面,人才创造性的劳动,提高了生产力,推动着一个地区或是一个国家的社会进步,从而改造一个地区的人才环境;另一方面,优秀的环境吸引了优秀的人才,培养了优秀的人才,也为人才改造环境创造了更好的条件。所以,要想吸引优秀人才,注重对人才生态环境竞争力的提升就显得举足轻重。而要想提升人才生态环境竞争力,就必须清楚人才生态环境的组成部分——人才硬环境与人才软环境。  相似文献   

商业银行竞争力是银行综合能力的体现,是在市场经济环境中相对于其竞争对手所表现出来的生存能力和持续发展能力的总和,决定了银行的长期发展趋势和竞争优势。本文构建了上市商业银行竞争力的财务评价指标体系,在对2009年年报数据进行财务分析的基础上得出我国14家上市商业银行的综合竞争力排名,通过比较对上市商业银行在安全性、流动性、盈利性和资本充足度方面存在的问题进行分析。  相似文献   

黄生贵 《商场现代化》2007,(30):273-274
环境是各自然因子组成及相互作用的综合体。其所包含的各种环境因子,都以资源的形式与经济发生关系,人类的经济活动是须臾也离不开环境,环境的经济价值就主要体现在它对经济的功能上面。本文对环境经济价值的表现及其内在的辩证性和评价的复杂性特点作了比较细致的分析。  相似文献   

已有的研究文献中对地区中小企业竞争力的评价主要是静态的评价,其实竞争力应该是一个动态的、相对的概念,对地区中小企业竞争力进行动态评价更有必要。通过构建一套度量中小企业区域竞争力的评价体系,并对中部地区6个省中小企业竞争力进行了动态评价。  相似文献   

传统的单向度、一元价值创造的企业社会责任研究范式需要向多向度、多元价值创造的企业社会责任研究范式演进和发展。文章在企业生态系统与企业社会责任的理论契合的基础上,提出和探究了企业生态系统社会责任互动的涵蕴与合理性表征,并提出企业生态系统社会责任互动的管理变革思路。企业生态系统社会责任互动的合理性表征为系统关联、复杂非线性、超系统的构建,其影响效应体现在缓解共生伙伴间的个体差异性冲突、降低信息不对称风险、更好地创造顾客价值、共创系统价值。互动视角下的企业生态系统社会责任研究会带来一场企业社会责任的管理变革,主要体现在生态共生、交互控制、价值拓展、互惠共赢、价值合一这五个方面。文章研究了拓展企业社会责任理论的研究领域和层面,有助于企业经营管理者摆脱战略近视,引导企业自觉地以生态学观点为指导去处理同其他企业与环境的社会责任关系,提升适应环境和改造环境的能力并实现企业可持续发展。  相似文献   

区域经贸合作与生态环境协调发展是目前我国承接国际产业转移中的焦点问题。青岛作为东亚经贸合作代表性城市,其参与区域经贸合作过程关于生态环境的治理对于我国其他城市具有重要借鉴价值。通过实证考察区域经贸合作对青岛生态环境的影响,理性分析生态环境因素与青岛经贸可持续发展的经济学内涵,发现区域经贸合作与青岛生态环保是可以协调并相互促进的。研究青岛环保投资及生态治理的经验及存在问题,针对性地明确了青岛参与区域经贸合作的优化路径及政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper develops an environmental extension of a Lewis dual economy model, in which the interaction between environmental quality and economic growth, in one of its several dimensions, is explicitly modeled to explore long-run effects of a pollution abatement rule in developing economies. The government requires the modern sector to dedicate a fraction of its output to pollution abatement, with such profitability-reducing fraction being endogenous to the level of environmental quality. Meanwhile, the level of environmental quality positively affects labor productivity, profits and, therefore, savings, which has a positive impact on capital accumulation. It is shown that this pollution abatement requirement, by affecting profitability in the modern sector both negatively and positively, makes for the emergence of an ecological development trap from which a developing dual economy, if left to the free play of its structural forces, never escapes. Fortunately, however, this economy can be released from such a trap not only through a standard Big Push, in the spirit of Rosenstein-Rodan, but also by means of what we call an Environmental Big Push.  相似文献   

The measurement of social and psychological phenomena has been advanced by recent progress in the fields of behavioural economics and hedonic psychology. In addition, the increased interest in understanding how individuals perceive their own quality of life, has led to investigating the relations between various macro and individual level variables, generically subsumed as happiness. For many “happiness is considered to be an ultimate goal in life” and it plays an important role in the way people perceive the overall society they live in. Therefore, social scientists and behavioural economists are now stressing the importance of well-being measures, related to people’s evaluations of their quality of life in addition to economic indicators. In the transport sector, project evaluation is mainly based on cost–benefit analyses using economic indicators. However, any provided transportation project/service impacts the quality of the travel experience, the well-being of travellers and their travel behaviour. Competitiveness of modes may be also affected by the promotion of derived or experienced travellers’ well-being. Thus, existing behavioural travel choice models should be enhanced with regards to their behavioural validity incorporating the impacts of travelling happiness/ satisfaction. This study aims to understand and model the impact of stated (anticipated) happiness in the decision choice between a private transport mode—car, and a public transport mode—metro.  相似文献   

Economic growth and development remain embedded in the very core of our current international economic system and the so called “material economy”. However, depleting natural resources and environmental degradation, which now threaten the well-being of future generations, has challenged this premise, and placed sustainable development as a necessary objective of business activity and expansion. Environmental impact assessments (EIAs) have emerged as a key tool for governments, businesses, and NGOs to manage the negative impact of their activities on the environment. Businesses in particular play a key role in averting or mitigating current environmental trends given that the economic growth they have stimulated has serious consequences for both the environment and social well-being. However, research on the use of EIAs has been conducted mostly from a governmental perspective producing a clear gap between research development and business (corporate) practice. To bridge this gap in knowledge, we develop a new EIA process tailored to real world business constraints and provide a range of propositions which we hope will stimulate future research efforts toward understanding and guiding how businesses integrate environmental issues into their decision-making processes.  相似文献   

Current conceptualizations of environmental responsibility follow a human-centered approach wherein the natural environment is seen as instrumental to human ends. Environmental responsibility, in this context, emerges primarily as the preservation and sustenance of nature in a manner that would limit waste, enhance the aesthetic and spiritual value of nature, and confer psychological and economic rewards upon individuals and businesses that follow a sustainable course of interaction with nature. In contrast, this paper advances an ecocentric approach to sustainable living that ensures the dialectic between human systems and natural and technical systems by explicitly recognizing nature as central to survival and progress. Environmental responsibility within this approach is viewed to be multilateral and institutional rather than merely as moral responsibility of business or of governments.  相似文献   

目前,在我国快速发展的城镇化进程中,在带给人们生活质量提高的同时,也给环境保护带来了不可忽视的负面影响。通过对经济增长方式、资源产权、环境主体等方面的分析,我国在推进城镇化进程中,应采取有效的环境治理政策;牢固确立生态意识;按照"十八大"精神加快转变发展方式;对资源进行合理定价。以保障城镇化进程与生态环境、社会经济环境和谐互动。  相似文献   

人类群体对于所处的生态环境的切身体会以及对生态环境的磨合适应,即是民俗生成的生态本源。许多山村民俗带有明显的生态意识,体现出当地居民朴素的和谐理念。以生态学的视角来重新审视山村民俗,从单纯的民俗事象研究,转向在历史与文化语境中研究民俗,强调环境调查,尤其强调在社会环境中观察生产民俗、生活民俗的情境与在此之间的人际互动,可以帮助我们发现社会生活、社会关系、文化传统与所处自然环境之间的联系与契合。  相似文献   

哈尔滨市可持续发展的生态足迹测度与分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生态足迹的理论与方法是定量测度可持续发展水平的实用方法,它反映了区域内人类的经济社会活动对生态系统的压力。哈尔滨市生态赤字为其生态承载能力的1.1倍,这表明哈尔滨市的资源供给能力已经不能支持当前高水平资源消耗的粗放型经济增长方式。因此,必须依靠科技进步,提高资源的利用效率和保护生态环境,从根本上转变经济增长方式,才能使哈尔滨市在新兴工业化道路中实现资源和环境的可持续发展。  相似文献   

生态环境与产业结构的协调发展是经济社会发展的内在要求。运用动态耦合模型,对广东2005—2018年间产业结构与生态环境的协调发展动态耦合规律进行综合评价。结果表明:2005—2008年间,生态环境的改善速度大于产业结构的优化速度,产业结构的发展尚未对生态环境产生负面影响;2009—2014年间,生产活动对资源的消耗不断加快,产业结构的调整受到生态环境的制约;2015—2018年间产业结构与生态环境的处于协调发展阶段,且协调耦合度呈向好趋势。  相似文献   

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