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中小物流企业融资障碍及对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中小物流企业信用资源的不足、信贷机制的制约、银企信息不对称和银行的不利选择等,是我国当前中小企业融资的主要障碍,应从完善资本市场、调整信贷结构、建立和健全对中小物流企业融资的信用担保体系,以及提升中小物流企业的信用等方面改善中小物流企业融资,拓宽其融资渠道。  相似文献   

受经济增速下滑和结构性去杠杆政策的影响,银行信贷顺周期收缩导致企业对商业信用融资的依赖度上升。本文利用2006-2017年非金融上市公司数据,考察商业信用与银行信贷对于不同融资约束企业在不同经济周期下的关系演变,并以商业信用对企业破产风险的影响来检验商业信用增加的实际功效。实证结果发现:在经济下行周期,商业信用融资约束会随着银行信贷的收紧而收紧,商业信用对银行信贷的替代效应顺周期下降,市场整体流动性风险上升。非融资约束型企业会在经济下行周期减少商业信用的使用量,而融资约束型企业的商业信用的替代效应则不受经济环境的影响。但是,对于融资约束型企业来说,这一替代效应更多的是"虚假替代",即企业并未获得有效的商业信用补充,而是企业财务状况恶化导致的商业信用被动增长,是信用风险上升的信号。  相似文献   

银行经营状况的风险度和信贷市场环境之间存在怎样的关系?我们通过研究发现:在不同的经济周期中,银行风险度以不对称的方式反映了信贷环境的变化,当信贷市场环境出现恶化时,资本充足率和功能分散化程度较高的银行表现出较低的敏感度。这一结论对我国银行业的改革发展有着重要启示。  相似文献   

在“银行主导型”金融体系下,银行贷款是中国企业创新融资的主要渠道。如何引导银行资金更多地流向科技创新领域是高质量发展阶段有待研究的重要问题。银企因股东重合而形成的共同持股为企业融资和创新提供可能便利。本文使用2007—2019年中国A股上市公司与银行借贷关系微观数据,实证研究上市公司与其贷款银行间因股东重合而形成的银企共同持股如何影响企业创新行为。结果发现,银企共同持股显著提升了企业研发创新水平,在使用2015年“股灾”引发的政府救市这一外生冲击作为工具变量识别因果关系后,这一结果保持稳健。进一步地,影响机制检验表明,银企共同持股通过提升企业贷款规模而促进创新;同时,在非国有企业、外部融资依赖度更高、信息不对称程度更高的企业中,银企共同持股对创新的促进作用更显著,验证了银企共同持股通过缓解融资约束与降低信息不对称程度两种渠道促进创新。本文的研究为理解银行在高质量发展中的作用提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

从非对称信息理论看我国企业债务融资选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业债务融资一般包括直接融资中的债权融资和银行间接融资。文章以直接债权融资和银行间接融资为代表,由非对称信息所导致的“道德风险”和“逆向选择”来分析企业不同债务融资选择的经济学含义,指出在我国企业债务融资选择中存在内源融资和外源融资的结构失衡;直接融资与间接融资的结构失衡;与资本市场债务融资相比。货币市场债务融资发展失衡;债券市场融资结构失衡的问题。提出加快金融体制改革,完善金融市场结构,深化金融企业改革;完善我国企业的法人治理结构,提高企业资信程度,增强企业直接债务融资的信誉度的对策建议。  相似文献   

李坤  娄阳 《江苏商论》2024,(4):69-71+80
由于存在代理和信息不对称等问题,目前并不存在真正完美的资本市场。银行作为企业的信贷融资主体,对信贷风险的控制程度很高,企业在进行信贷融资时会面临很多限制。随着企业发展过程中对资金需求的增加,融资约束逐渐显现并成为制约企业发展成长的一个重要因素。企业在追求自身发展的同时也需要实现社会价值,通过参与精准扶贫,助力乡村振兴战略,能够为企业树立良好形象,降低信息的不对称影响,改善经营状况。本文从精准扶贫的视角,依据信息不对称理论、信号传递理论和委托代理理论,对此进行分析并实证检验。  相似文献   

通过对中小企业融资理论的回顾,从资本结构,企业的治理结构来分析,通过市场的信息对称角度研究银行和中小企业的关系,并探讨其他的融资方式对中小企业的适用性,从制度选择和中国现状上分析这一问题的特殊性.  相似文献   

本文对2007年我国五家上市银行的资本结构总体状况进行分析,主要从股权结构、权益资本、内源融资结构三个方面入手归纳了其资本结构的特点,并指出了股权集中程度较高、流通股的比例有待提高、内源融资的比重较低等存在的主要问题。  相似文献   

对公司融资结构决策中所得税因素的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公司保持最优资本结构的前提,是在融通资金过程中正确地决策融资结构。所得税、财务危机、代理成本、信息不对称等因素对公司融资结构决策有着重大的影响。本文主要探讨所得税对公司融资结构决策的影响。具体分析所得税因素对公司融资结构决策的影响情况,将对公司确定最优资本结构有所裨益。  相似文献   

张鲁光 《中国商论》2023,(7):111-116
ESG与中国式现代化发展理念高度契合,但ESG表现对企业可持续发展特别是资本结构动态调整有无正向作用尚未有明确结论。本文以沪深A股非金融类上市公司为研究样本,实证检验企业ESG表现对资本结构动态调整的影响。研究发现:ESG表现会促进企业资本结构动态调整的速度,且这一作用存在非对称性,相对向上调整的情况,当资本结构向下调整时,ESG表现对资本结构动态调整的促进作用更加明显。机理分析表明,ESG表现对资本结构动态调整的影响是通过缓解企业融资约束渠道实现的,进一步将融资渠道细分为债务融资与权益融资后发现,ESG主要通过降低权益资本成本来提高企业资本结构调整速度。异质性分析发现,ESG表现对资本结构动态调整的促进作用在国有企业中更显著。本文拓展了ESG经济后果的研究,为政府健全企业ESG评估制度及信息披露标准、企业及投资者重视ESG表现具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本文以2000年12月31日前在沪深两地上市的905家公司为研究对象,考察了债务期限结构对公司经营业绩的影响状况。研究结果表明,债务期限结构对上市公司的经营业绩具有显著的正向影响作用。这就意味着,对管理层来说,当前应积极发展长期资金市场,努力降低上市公司进行长期融资的成本,从而使上市公司有更多的长期资金来进行更长远的规划,避免公司投资的短视行为或过度行为,以便从根本上提高其主营业务的盈利能力。  相似文献   

本文提出了公司财务弹性的计量方法,考查了中国上市公司的财务弹性情况,进而根据财务弹性的大小对样本公司进行分类,重点研究了不同财务弹性上市公司的资本结构调整行为差异,研究发现:高财务弹性公司的新增融资取向更有利于财务弹性的提高,其资本结构调整方向与目标方向更为一致,低财务弹性公司存在更严重的资本结构调整过度问题.  相似文献   

Institutional investors supply the bulk of the funds which are used by venture capital investment firms in financing emerging growth companies. These investors typically place their funds in a number of venture capital firms, thus achieving diversification across a range of investment philosophy, geography, management, industry, investment life cycle stage and type of security. Essentially, each institutional investor manages a “fund of funds,” attempting through the principles of portfolio theory to reduce the risk of participating in the venture capital business while retaining the up-side potential which was the original source of attraction to the business. Because most venture capital investment firms are privately held limited partnerships, it is very difficult to measure risk adjusted rates of return on these funds on a continuous basis.In this paper, we use the set of twelve publicly traded venture capital firms as a proxy to develop insight regarding the risk reduction effect of investment in a portfolio of venture capital funds, i.e., a fund of funds. Measurements of weekly total returns for the shares of these funds are compared with similar returns on a set of comparably sized “maximum capital gain” mutual funds and the daily return of the S&P 500 Index. A comparison of returns on an individual fund basis, as well as a correlation of daily returns of these individual funds, were made. In order to adjust for any systematic bias resulting from the “thin market” characteristic of the securities of the firms being observed, the Scholes-Williams beta estimation technique was used to reduce the effects of nonsynchronous trading.The results indicate that superior returns are realized on such portfolios when compared with portfolios of growth-oriented mutual funds and with the S&P 500 Index. This is the case whether the portfolios are equally weighted (i.e., “naive”) or constructed to be mean-variant efficient, ex ante, according to the capital asset pricing model. When compared individually, more of the venture funds dominated the S&P Market Index than did the mutual funds and by much larger margins. When combined in portfolios, the venture capital funds demonstrated very low beta coefficients and very low covariance of returns among portfolio components when compared with portfolios of mutual funds. To aid in interpreting these results, we analyzed the discounts and premia from net asset value on the funds involved and compared them to Thompson's findings regarding the contribution of such differences to abnormal returns. We found that observed excess returns greatly exceed the level which would be explained by these differences.The implications of these results for the practitioner are significant. They essentially tell us that, while investment in individual venture capital deals is considered to have high risk relative to potential return, combinations of deals (i.e., venture capital portfolios) were shown to produce superior risk adjusted returns in the market place. Further, these results show that further combining these portfolios into larger portfolios (i.e., “funds of funds”) provides even greater excess returns over the market index, thus plausibly explaining the “fund of funds” approach to venture capital investment taken by many institutional investors.While the funds studied are relatively small and are either small business investment companies or business development companies, they serve as a useful proxy for the organized venture capital industry, despite the fact that the bulk of the funds in the industry are institutionally funded, private, closely held limited partnerships which do not trade continuously in an open market. These results demonstrate to investors the magnitude of the differences in risk adjusted total return between publicly traded venture capital funds and growth oriented mutual funds on an individual fund basis. They also demonstrate to investors the power of the “fund of funds” approach to institutional involvement in the venture capital business. Because such an approach produces better risk adjusted investment results for the institutional investor, it seems to justify a greater flow of capital into the business from more risk averse institutional investment sources. This may mean greater access to institutional funds for those seeking to form new venture capital funds. For entrepreneurs seeking venture capital funds for their young companies, it may also mean a lower potential cost of capital for the financing of business venturing. From the viewpoint of public policy makers interested in facilitating the funding of business venturing, it may provide insight regarding regulatory issues surrounding taxation and the barriers and incentives which affect venture capital investment.  相似文献   

封文丽  岳国震 《商业研究》2003,(19):105-108
以安然和世界通信公司为代表的美国一系列上市公司假账丑闻使以市场导向为特征的美国公司治理模式开始受到质疑。内部治理结构的失衡与外部监控机制的弱化为上市公司连假大开方便之门。为重建投资者信心,美国政府采取了包括出台公司改革法案在内的一揽子举措。我国公司治理应从财经丑闻中吸取教训并借鉴华尔街灵敏及时的纠错机制。  相似文献   


We examine the impact of the economic reform programme on the financing choices of Zimbabwean listed companies. Using the published accounts of a sample of companies, we show that listed firms rely heavily on external finance, especially short-term bank financing. We estimate an eclectic econometric model of firms' capital structure based on key predictions from the theory of finance, augmented by variables aimed at capturing the impact of Zimbabwe's reform programme. The analysis shows that an orthodox model has little explanatory power over firms' capital structure in the pre-reform period, but in the post-reform period it does better. The differences between the pre-reform and post-reform era suggest that the reforms achieved partial success in opening up the capital markets and improving the transparency of firm financing behaviour.  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between the role of trade finance availability and the export intensity of foreign subsidiaries of multinational enterprises (MNEs). In developing our hypotheses, we draw upon insights derived from “new” internalisation theory (international business literature) and international trade finance (international economics literature). We empirically test these hypotheses using survey data compiled from subsidiary managers in six ASEAN countries, supplemented with host-country level data. We conceptualise, empirically test, and establish that the subsidiary-level capability in combining and utilising internal and external debts is an important subsidiary-specific advantage to support export intensity. We find that subsidiaries employ intra-firm loans from MNE internal capital markets and, to some extent, bank loans from external financial institutions to boost their export intensity. Subsidiaries may have concerns about foreign exchange risks, but the use of appropriate foreign exchange risk management is positively associated with export intensity. We discuss the implications of our findings for theory and practice.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the human capital of first-time venture capital fund management teams can predict fund performance and finds that it can. I find that fund management teams with more task-specific human capital, as measured by more managers having past experience as venture capitalists and by more managers having past experience as executives at start-up companies, manage funds with greater fractions of portfolio company exits. I also find that fund management teams with more industry-specific human capital in strategy and management consulting and, to a lesser extent, engineering and non-venture finance manage funds with greater fractions of portfolio company exits. Perhaps counter-intuitively, I find that fund management teams that have more general human capital in business administration, as measured by more managers having MBAs, manage funds with lower fractions of portfolio company exits. Overall, measures of task- and industry-specific human capital are stronger predictors of fund performance than are measures of general human capital.  相似文献   

The countries of Eastern Europe need to raise considerable finance not only in order to improve their balances of payments but also to adjust the structure of their economies over the long term to changed internal and external conditions. The adjustment measures require capital, but the Eastern European countries have only limited scope to broaden their own capital base. What actual or potential significance does the international Monetary Fund have for overcoming the difficulties of the CMEA countries in question?  相似文献   

目前,我国多元化企业内部资本市场效率低下,管理失控,治理结构不健全,管理层激励方式单一,内部资本市场运作理论体系不健全。对管理层激励对内部资本市场配置效率的影响机制进行分析,从提高内部资本市场效率的层面系统研究我国上市公司管理层激励理论,构建管理层激励和内部资本市场效率的关系模型,对于建立和完善我国内部资本市场资本配置体系,调节和管理企业集团内部不同利益主体的资本需求、促进企业集团健康发展具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the evidence on financing technology-based small firms (TBSFs) in Europe. European TBSFs finance new investments by relying primarily on internal funds, due to capital market failures induced by asymmetric information. European venture capital has caught up with US venture capital, but this is mainly because of the growth in UK venture investments. It is unclear whether European venture capital has been able to certify the quality and enhance the growth of funded companies. Compared with the NASDAQ, there is little development of trading in high-tech stocks in Europe: the so-called New Markets established in the 1990s collapsed in the wake of the Internet bubble crash. Public venture capital and research and development (R&D) tax incentives seem to have positively affected high-tech firms.  相似文献   

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