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陈慧 《科技转让集锦》2011,(8):164-164,167
手舞足蹈,是人类最早的一种情感表现。在人类历史上,艺术教育也是由来已久。当语言学、文字学等未产生之前,人们就已经开始运用肢体语言在生产、生活等方面进行交流了。舞蹈是人类社会最早的教育手段和工具。舞蹈教育,千百年来一直以“润物细无声”的方式传承着人类文明,提升着人类情感,丰富着受教育者的审美体验,愉悦着人们的身心,促进了社会交往,激活了受教育者的想象力和创造力,促进了社会的进步和发展。例如少儿舞蹈具有不同于成人舞蹈的艺术特征,即是童趣性、童知性、童幻性、童乐性等。本文从少儿舞蹈的艺术特征出发,提出在少儿舞蹈的教学中想象力培养的重要性。  相似文献   

王雨崧  沈德坤 《中国市场》2011,(35):116-117
动画电影是一门综合艺术,包含了文学、美术、戏剧、音乐、电影等多种门类的多项艺术元素,这些元素的相互融合形成了动画电影这一独特的艺术形式。由于动画电影脱胎于实拍电影,所以我们主要采用电影美学的方法来分析日本动画电影之美。电影美学是电影审美意识的抽象和升华,它以研究如何按照美的规律从事电影艺术的创作以及创作主体、客体、本体、受体之间的关系和交互作用为基本任务。电影美学研究的对象首先是电影的审美特征、电影艺术的审美规律,尤其是电影语言、电影思维、电影艺术中超越时空的假定性和电影的审美形态。  相似文献   

水彩画是以水为媒介,用水和颜料进行调和进行艺术创作。水彩画以亮丽的色彩、水的独特韵味、特殊的肌理沉淀效果而受到广泛的喜爱,给人们留下深刻的印象。水彩画创作,是画家根据一定的艺术构思和美的原则,运用水彩的语言进行艺术形象的创造过程。是水彩艺术活动中的最高阶段。水彩艺术的美,不仅仅表现在画面的水色之美,更主要的是通过画面的形式反应出画家的审美情趣和综合表现力。  相似文献   

李芃 《商场现代化》2007,(25):208-209
"民间图形"既是生活的语言,又是艺术的语言。分析民间图形创作者的审美心理和审美理想,给我们的启示为:一是形式的借鉴;二是创新的研究,创新是民间图形创作方法和设计思维的集中体现。  相似文献   

封面艺术是人类与世界审美关系的物化形态,存在于对审美意识、审美评价和审美表现这三个要素的把握之中,现代图书封面艺术语言的构成形式主要有对比律式、同一律式、节韵律式、均衡律式等,其表达方法主要有借用、象征,抽象和虚无抽象.在进行图书封面艺术设计时,无论运用哪种手段和方式,都应尽可能地做到内容和形式的和谐,力争表达书刊的内在文化底蕰,使其艺术创造符合读者的审美心理与阅读心理.  相似文献   

陶瓷艺术的民间审美内容是以民间陶瓷生产为基础的,以民间文化为内涵的陶瓷艺术审美内容之一;陶瓷艺术的民间审美是广大群众审美意识在陶瓷生产和应用中的凝聚与集中反映;以陶瓷为媒介,以审美为目标的民间陶瓷艺术,从最为广泛的程度上激活了大众的审美意识。  相似文献   

黄玮 《科技转让集锦》2011,(15):230-230
色彩是意象油画的重要艺术语言,作为审美对象最为直接,是画面的灵魂,有着丰富的文化隐喻。色彩的民族化可以使意象油画更具有民族特色。洋为中用 古为今用 借鉴民间美术,是意象油画色彩民族化的有效途径。  相似文献   

园林植物景观不仅给人以环境舒适、心旷神怡的物境感受,还可使不同审美经验的人产生不同审美心理,不仅可以改善生活环境,为人们提供休息和进行文化娱乐活动的场所,而且还为人们创造游览、观赏的艺术空间。它给人以现实生活美的享受,是自然风景的再现和空间艺术的展示。  相似文献   

今天重新提出从秦汉画像石、画像砖装饰艺术中寻找艺术语言,更具有现实意义。在大量深入的调研中,我们开始逐步感受到秦汉画像石、画像砖装饰艺术具有非常强的审美意义,其装饰艺术有待开发的潜力是巨大的。  相似文献   

彭向超 《中国电子商务》2012,(14):232-232,235
朱自清散文是现代散文美的典范,他的散文素朴填密、清隽沉郁,以语言洗炼,文笔清丽著称,极富有真情实感。其语言的绘画美、音乐美和口语化就是构成他散文语言风格的基本因素,显示出他独特的艺术风格和审美旨趣。  相似文献   

As the e-tail industry continues to grow with increasing competition witnessed, the study of how to entice and retain online customers has never been as important as at present. Our hierarchical model examines how the two dimensions of web aesthetics, aesthetic formality and aesthetic appeal, influence online consumers’ psychological reactions, including perceived service quality, satisfaction, and arousal, and how these psychological changes, in turn, influence online consumers’ conative tendencies. The results indicate: (1) consumers’ cognitive, affective, and conative outcomes can be significantly evoked by aesthetic stimuli; (2) the two dimensions of web aesthetics exhibit dissimilar patterns of influences; and (3) purchase task significantly moderates consumers’ responses in terms of magnitude and direction. The study provides practical guidelines for properly manipulating the two dimensions of web aesthetics based on consumers’ motivational orientations.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of the two dimensions of web aesthetics, aesthetic formality and aesthetic appeal, on consumers' perceived online service quality and satisfaction during service encounter. The findings showed that, between task-oriented and task-free consumers, the patterns of the effects of the two dimensions of web aesthetics on perceived online service quality and satisfaction are dissimilar. However, regardless of the presence or absence of purchase tasks, aesthetic formality significantly influences perceived online service quality, and aesthetic appeal significantly influences satisfaction. In addition, the effect of aesthetic appeal on satisfaction is negative for task-oriented consumers. Managerial implications on how to manipulate web aesthetics to achieve superior online service quality and high consumer satisfaction are offered.  相似文献   

Product aesthetics is a powerful means for achieving competitive advantage. Yet most studies to date have focused on the role of aesthetics in shaping pre-purchase preferences and have failed to consider how product aesthetics affects post-purchase processes and consumers' usage behavior. This research focuses on the relationship between aesthetics and usage behavior in the context of durable products. Studies 1A to 1C provide evidence of a positive effect of product aesthetics on usage intensity using market data from the car and the fashion industries. Study 2 corroborates these findings and shows that the more intensive use of highly aesthetic products may lead to the acquisition of product-specific usage skills that form the basis for a cognitive lock-in. Hence, consumers are less likely to switch away from products with appealing designs, an effect that is labeled as the ‘aesthetic fidelity’ effect. Study 3 addresses an alternative explanation for the ‘aesthetic fidelity effect’ based on mood and motivation but finds that the ‘aesthetic fidelity’ effect is indeed determined by usage intensity. Finally, Study 4 identifies a boundary condition of the positive effect of product aesthetics on product usage, showing that it is limited to durable products. In sum, this research demonstrates that the effects of product aesthetics extend beyond the pre-consumption stage and have an enduring impact on people's consumption experiences.  相似文献   

This article presents a review of recent thinking about consumers’ aesthetic experiences. These experiences are examined within the context of philosophical, psychological, and social science perspectives on aesthetics. A distinction is made between aesthetic products and aesthetic consumption, and these two concepts are discussed in terms of marketing views of their core elements. The review also reflects on the impact of “postmodernism” on aesthetics within marketing. Consideration is given to four philosophical conundrums relating to the aesthetic experience which are relevant to marketing theory: disinterested attention; objective and subjective taste; the nature of the aesthetic encounter; and the relationship of evaluation to preference.  相似文献   

Drawing on data from the Celtic craft sector, this paper uses aesthetics as a critical lens in explaining how small firms develop particular styles of marketing in order to survive and grow. This approach has not previously been adopted in explaining small business marketing behaviour, although there is a growing history of its use in the wider management and organisational arena. Interpretation of qualitative data from the UK and the Republic of Ireland has enabled the construction of a typology of different styles of marketing by craft firm owner/managers which also confirms the heterogeneous nature of the small business sector. Aesthetic profiling helps explain why some craft firms follow market demand, while others pursue market creation activities. A key outcome is the need to acknowledge the impact of aesthetic processes on small business marketing decision making. Investigation of the Celtic aesthetic informs how these processes are shaped through the development of a particular type of marketing grounded in creativity, intuition and opportunity recognition. Wider consumption, markets and cultural implications are also evaluated in terms of decision and meaning making in the cultural production process; the connections between critical marketing and aesthetics as ways of challenging marketing concepts and practices; how aesthetics contributes to entrepreneurial marketing; and finally how craft and the Celtic lens uncover wider connections with cultural production.  相似文献   

Advertising increasingly uses discrepant imagery featuring unsettling portrayals rather than traditional imagery featuring aspirational models, products, and settings. Thus, the need for more valid and reliable measures has limited much research investigating advertising aesthetics to conceptual or qualitative approaches. To meet this need, the current research applies art and aesthetic theory in developing scales that measure aesthetic dimensions and reactions of advertising visuals. First, it develops and validates measures for the aesthetic dimensions of ideal beauty and the antithetical aesthetic as well as aesthetic reactions of transgression and artistic quality. Then, it demonstrates predictive validity by testing each dimension's influence on aesthetic reactions, attention, and attitudes toward the ad and brand.  相似文献   

在审美文化主潮由自律性精英艺术向市场化大众文化产生位移的历史情境中,美学知识的当下传授与新近讲述,应该摆脱本质主义之单一论述的话语宰制,既要突破横向移植社会学原理的言说桎梏,更要超越实体性审美本质主义的理论迷思,进而图绘出主体问性交往对话的复调话语。惟其如此,大学美育才能避免自说自话的画地为牢,在更高维面上介入渐次审美化的日常生活,重建其与公共空间的积极关联。  相似文献   


Mostly aesthetics are treated as a quality among others, characterising an object whether it is seen as an essential object-feature or a dimension in the observation and construction of "the object". In this article, we elaborate on a more radical conceptualisation, where aesthetics are seen as desire and force, as an essential feature of expressivity, and as the actual it is born in the motion between language and visibility, between speaking and seeing, but as the substantive, it is always already dissolved by the absolute horizon, that which never actualises, always outside the general, abstract and inaccurate conceptualisation of difference, as difference between the actual and the possible, withhold in the inescapable remnants of virtualitity, its own deferment, as always becoming-other . In this sense, it is an aesthetic which comes into being though the voices of Maurice Blanchot and Gilles Deleuze.  相似文献   

语言的模糊性蕴涵着丰富的审美意蕴。生态学之于模糊语言的审美思考,是时下理论探讨的重要生长点。西方近现代生态理论与中国古代儒道和谐思想一脉相承,为模糊语言的审美实践提供了多维理论视角。借助结构功能主义分析框架,提出模糊语言的生态审美诉求,借鉴社会学的场域理论,站在一个新的关系视角上,以一种整体的价值关怀立场,系统剖析模糊语言的自由审美场和附庸审美场,揭示模糊语言生态审美的生发效应。  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2021,97(3):459-476
Companies often use aesthetics or salient visual attributes to differentiate their products from those of their competitors and to appeal to customers. However, consumers may make unfavorable inferences about highly aesthetic products due to concerns about the products’ functionality. To address the issue of how retailers can most effectively engage in the deployment and promotion of product aesthetics, the present research proposes that consumers will respond more favorably (i.e., enhanced choice of product, enhanced product and advertisement evaluations, and a heightened willingness to pay) to a highly aesthetic product when they are in an abstract, rather than a concrete, mindset. Five studies using multiple product categories and applying various mindset manipulations provide convergent evidence to support the proposed hypothesis. The findings hold true for utilitarian, but not hedonic, products, and the focus of attention on product functionality accounts for the results. With the insight that the mindset consumers are in is critical in determining their response to highly aesthetics products, retailers can capitalize on selected situations in which to promote product aesthetics.  相似文献   

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