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在重化工制造领域,一个新型重化工装备制造企业——云南大为化工装备制造有限公司正在崛起,同时引领云南大型化工装备国产化获得一个又一个重大进展。  相似文献   

近年来,河南省凭借丰富的劳动力资源、素质较高的产业工人、良好的资源成本和交通条件,成为国家纺织服装产业转移的承接热地,也迎来了属于自己发展的最佳时机。如今、位于郑州中原区的郑州纺织服装产业园拔地而起,通过完善地产业链条建设,成为中国新兴纺织产业基地的代表。  相似文献   

尽管已经进入中国快20年,铃木的口碑仍只是在小型车领域传播,出于品牌向上的考虑,它终于推出了自己的B级车。  相似文献   

据相关资料显示:中国汽车业在“十一五”末到“十三五”初将投入1.5万亿元人民币的巨资进行技术改造,其中70%的资金用于购买设备。也就是说在“十二五”期间,中国汽车工业将为设备制造企业提供1万亿元的巨大市场。这个数字令人不得不侧目而视……  相似文献   

当我们说中国制造,也意味着与中国一起制造——这是近日正在国外主流媒体播放的中国制造广告的结束语。从Made in China升级到Made with China,该广告中国  相似文献   

正某种程度上,装备制造业是支撑中国核电发展的脊梁。历届核工展上,装备制造企业都是重要组成部分,而且表现得异常厚重与沉稳。本届展会三菱重工等国际装备巨头企业并未参展,这也让业界关注的焦点更多地集中到了国内装备企业身上。一度受福岛核事故影响而饱尝沉浮之苦的核电装备制造企业,目前的进展如何?随着核电形势的逐渐好转,在坊间乃至业界流传的装备企业产能过剩趋势是否得到缓解?带着这些  相似文献   

中国有句古话:"工欲善其事,必先利其器。"根据"十二五"规划的要求,国家继续把化学需氧量、二氧化硫排放量作为约束性指标,同时又把氮氧化物和氨氮列入了约束性指标,指标的减排幅度是8%~10%。目标确定了,节能减排的技术装备能否跟上?  相似文献   

在那些巴不得将“Made in China”痕迹统统抹掉的汽车生产商看来,长城的做法颇有点搬起石头砸自己脚的意思——自7月始,该品牌在央视黄金时间滚动播出的一条时长15秒的广告片里,特立独行地打出了“中国造,长城车”的大旗。  相似文献   

赵艳丰 《汽车观察》2012,(4):106-109
公共关系与广告的交叉运用是汽车企业持续不断强化新品在消费者心目中品牌印记的有效手段。 汽车厂商都清楚,没有任何一种产品能够长久独领风骚,喜新厌旧的消费者很容易被其他产品所吸引。  相似文献   

一场蒙蒙细雨之后,放晴的扶沟县迎来了号称当地史上规格最高的一次盛会,来自全国纺织服装产业集群地的企业家、集群管理人员、专家、协会领导齐聚一堂,共商服装产业转移大计。中国服装协会专职副会长冯德虎慷慨致辞,  相似文献   

Research summary: This article proposes an approach for modeling competitive interactions that incorporates the costs to firms of changing strategy. The costs associated with strategy modifications, which we term “repositioning costs,” are particularly relevant to competitive interactions involving major changes to business strategies. Repositioning costs can critically affect competitive dynamics and, consequently, the implications of strategic interaction for strategic choice. While the literature broadly recognizes the importance of such costs, game‐theoretic treatments of major strategic change, with very limited exceptions, have not addressed them meaningfully. We advocate greater recognition of repositioning costs and illustrate with two simple models how repositioning costs may facilitate differentiation and affect the value of a firm's capability to reduce repositioning costs through investments in flexibility. Managerial summary: This article illustrates how the decision to make a strategic change is affected by both the cost to the firm of making the various strategy modifications, as well as the cost to its rivals of changing their strategies in response. These “repositioning costs” are important because they shape the responses each competitor would likely make to a move by the other competitor, and should be anticipated when considering an initial change to one's own strategy. The paper shows how repositioning costs can be used strategically to facilitate differentiation, and to assess the value of potential investments in flexibility. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we address the impact of information sharing between firms of a manufacturing network. Firms of the network are selected and scheduled to produce an order based on a price–time evaluation of their bids using an optimal planning model for networked manufacturing. Networking strategies, where business relationships are characterized by different levels of shared information on price and capacity, are classified. An illustrative example sketches the impact of information sharing on networked manufacturing using three different kinds of bidding protocol expressing how firms aggregate their information to conform to networking requirements. Finally, the results show that higher networking flexibility in terms of price–time alternatives can be achieved when firms favor tight partnership relations, offering consequently a better scheduling performance.  相似文献   

The paper explains why the traditional relationship between design and manufacturing needs to be changed and what it should be replaced with. Traditionally, the relationship has been sequential. At the beginning of the innovation process design goes ahead alone, manufacturing's input being largely overlooked. Only after the design has been completed does manufacturing take over responsibility, and only then may it emerge that re-design is necessary to make production feasible. The results can be high costs, late delivery and disappointing performance. The changes that have made this practice less supportable include shortened product lifecycles, Japanese competition, customers becoming increasingly quality-conscious, need to deliver exactly on time, and minimization of inventories. Fortunately, new technologies such as CAD/CAM and FMS have come along that can help to rectify these deficiencies; how far they are taken up and effectively used depends on the sharp distinction between the functions being discarded and replaced by their substantial integration. Possibilities that each enterprise could explore include ensuring continuous communication and cooperation between the functions, joint problem solving, replacement of functional management by project management, supplier involvement, elimination of the status differential between design and manufacturing, design for manufacturability, and better understanding by the design function of the realities of the business world. The author warns that integration may not be a universal cure. In particular, he suggests that the innovations closely linked with scientific advances may need some degree of functional differentiation. Changes in the competitive environment require manufacturing organizations to change their view on the relationship between manufacturing and design, and on the way the interface between these two functions has to be managed. In this paper we will first describe the traditional view. Afterwards we will describe the environmental changes that make us question the effectiveness of this view. Finally in a third part we will describe the characteristics of the new approach.  相似文献   

Over the past 4 years research teams from INSEAD (Fontainebleau), Boston University and Waseda University (Tokyo) have administered a yearly survey on the manufacturing strategy of the large manufacturers of the three industrialized regions of the world. In this paper the results for the 1986 survey are compared. One of the most striking results of that year's survey is the emphasis some of the more advanced manufacturers put on their efforts to overcome the trade-off between flexibility and cost efficiency. In particular for the Japanese respondents these attempts become clear. Europeans and North Americans are not yet seizing the opportunity to cut costs through rapid production and design changes, and are focusing more on traditional cost reduction programmes and the improvement of quality. This might mean that they are preparing the basis on which they can built to obtain added value from flexible automation. If this is the case then the Japanese are clearly ahead.  相似文献   

Available-to-promise (ATP) serves as a significant factor to enhance customer service in order promising. Most research regarding ATP considered only one plant and was not mainly developed under the make-to-order (MTO) or assemble-to-order (ATO) strategy. We constructed a generic three-stage model of multi-site ATP mechanism for ATO manufacturing and experimented on a local TFT-LCD manufacturer. We further tested eight scenarios of ATP allocation plans based on different cost structures in the objective functions to compare the ATP plans and performances. Results showed that we can obtain an appropriate ATP plan with proper cost structure.  相似文献   

The ability to produce goods according to customers' specifications may be an important competitive advantage, but it exposes manufacturers to the risk of customers requesting changes in their specifications during the fulfillment of their orders. Manufacturers often accept these change orders in the name of customer service despite the fact that they incur additional costs. This study uses empirical data and activity-based costing to explore the real values and the accrual mechanisms of change orders' costs. The results show that the total costs are considerable, but the analyses also reveal opportunities for cost savings through the categorization of change orders, time fencing techniques, and improvements in information processing.  相似文献   

From a sample of 203 Spanish plants in all manufacturing sectors empirical results show that integrated manufacturing (IM) has a positive effect on job variety, job autonomy and job interdependence for production workers. It is also found that IM is associated with greater job complexity, this effect being mainly mediated by the three abovementioned job characteristics.  相似文献   

An economic frameword for evaluting flexible integrated circuit manufacturing technologies is developed as an alternative to the capacity races that appear to have played a major role in the decline of the U.S. IC industry. Economic advantages of flexible IC manufacturing technologies (such as cluster tools and multiprocessors) may include reductions in units costs at low output volumes, inexpensive increases in the diversity of IC products manufactured, and acceleration of the speed of new product introduction. The consequences of these developments for semiconductor equipment producers, IC manufacturers, and electronic system producers are examined.  相似文献   

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