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Keleher is an advocate of workfare, whereas my personal predisposition is to be skeptical about telling others what is good for them. Keleher justifies workfare on two grounds: that welfare sustains dependency, and that workfare makes education available which might lead to marketable abilities. Unfortunately, he also argues that workfare should be mandatory. This coupling of education and mandatory participation is a hazardous generalization without more persuasive evidence. The gist of my concerns is that we try to design systems of reducing dependency that are as noncoercive as possible.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether employees’ psychological ownership results in stewardship behavior and whether this relationship is affected by an employee’s perception of the organization’s agency culture. A survey of the financial managers of 129 firms in Germany generally confirms these expectations. In addition, and surprisingly, our findings suggest a negligible effect of an agency culture on the relationship between psychological ownership and stewardship behavior when managers perceive high psychological ownership. Thereby, our study enriches the literature on the consequences of psychological ownership by providing insights into the boundary conditions of such outcomes at the manager level.  相似文献   

福利国家英国的住房政策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文分析了英国住房福利体系的构成与其居民的居住方式。通过对英国住房福利体系的分析和近年来住房制度的改革 ,指出英国住房政策对我国的启示  相似文献   

Neither welfare nor workfare is much of a choice. But workfare leads to real choices, freedom, and autonomy. Welfare represents the state's acceptance of its duties to honor the welfare claim rights of those citizens in real need of temporary public assistance. In contrast, workfare recognizes additional claim-rights, namely, those that enable full agency and autonomy through education for employment, with a view toward ensuring that the dependency period is indeed temporary. Critics of workfare cannot be unaware of the educational resources—especially those of open-access community colleges, open days, evenings and weekends—that taxpayers have put at the disposal of everyone who is at all serious about self-improvement.  相似文献   

Targeting and political support for welfare spending   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates the political support for social assistance policies in a model in which incomes are stochastic (so that welfare policies have an insurance benefit) and unequal ex ante (so that welfare policies have a redistributive effect). With self-interested voting, narrow targeting may so reduce the probability of receiving benefits for the majority that the majority prefers to eliminate benefits altogether, even though the cost of narrowly targeted benefits is close to zero. In contrast, a majority of self-interested voters always supports positive welfare benefits when the policy is targeted sufficiently broadly. If voters are somewhat altruistic, the impact of targeting on political support for welfare spending diminishes but does not disappear. Received: July 1999 / Accepted: May 30, 2000  相似文献   

Despite the growing importance of temporary work agencies, the benefits they bring to temporary agency employees (TAEs) are still disputed, and empirical findings are, by and large, mixed. Using a unique dataset comprising almost 12,000 TAEs on their first and second temporary work assignments, this work aims at disentangling the consequences of temporary agency work on the level of the individual TAE in Germany. We find that temporary agency work assignments act as learning devices for employers about the underlying ability of TAEs. High ability employees can show their qualities and fit with the organization with the time spent on temporary work assignments, albeit at decreasing rates. In addition, we find that if a TAE is assigned to a subsequent project after the first one, it is less likely that the employee transitions into permanent employment. Hence, we conclude that a division exists among TAEs: where the high ability employee may find it a stepping-stone to a desired permanent position, and others get trapped in it and have a hard time transitioning into permanent employment.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2022,46(3):101004
This paper analyses the steady-state effect of business corruption penalties on economic growth, corruption and welfare. To that end, the baseline horizontal R&D growth model is extended to include corruption, which is generated in intermediate goods production. Taxation on corruption depresses profits in production but also wages, leading to labor being reallocated from production to R&D, and, therefore, to a higher economic growth rate. Moreover, it also reduces corruption and increases welfare if preferences towards a corruption-free environment are strong enough. The results are in line with the data observed for 15 EU countries.  相似文献   

文章在对金华市旅行社网站建设进行调研的基础上,提出和分析指出金华市较多的旅行社存在对网站建设不够重视、网站建设水平参差不齐、旅行社网站建设不完善等问题,进而建议各相关者重视旅行社的网站建设、完善旅行社网站建设和注重旅行社网站品牌建设。  相似文献   


This article addresses the big welfare administration reform in Norway. The reform is a merger of the employment and national insurance administrations, combined with more formal collaboration with the local government social services administration. The reform introduced a mandatory partnership model between central and local government. This model is a hybrid of hierarchy and network. A substantial dilemma in the particular partnership model chosen is how to enhance vertical control at the same time as sustaining the autonomy of local government. The partnership model created to solve this dilemma represents a delicate and ambiguous balance between accountability to the central government and to the local council.  相似文献   

Temporary workers in low-skilled roles often experience ‘hard’ HRM practices, for example the use of the Bradford Factor to monitor absence, rather than using incentives to reward attendance. However, this peripheral workforce has become increasingly diverse in the UK since the A8 European Union expansion, which has seen over a million migrants from central and eastern Europe register to work in the UK. Importantly, there is also heterogeneity within this group of workers, for example between those who intend to migrate for a short period of time then return, and those who are more settled and wish to develop a career. By considering the particular case of absence management, this paper examines how these different groups of migrants respond to HRM practices. The key contribution of the paper is to examine how different groups of migrants experience these practices, rather than simply comparing migrant and native workers as two homogeneous groups. The paper presents data from the food manufacturing sector in the UK. In total, 88 semi-structured interviews were conducted with operations managers, HR managers, union convenors and workers on permanent, temporary and agency contracts. In addition, data from informal interviews and observation at five companies are presented.  相似文献   

Many small firms in Sweden are characterized by a lack of equity capital. For several years measures to increase the equity capital have been discussed. In this discussion the private investors' market has received virtually no attention. This study presents some preliminary results of the private investors in Sweden.

The research in small firms financing is characterized by a lack of theoretical framework. One basic assumption in the study is that agency theory can provide an essential framework to explain the interaction between the private investor and entrepreneur. Twenty-five hypotheses generated from agency theory are formulated and tested on 62 small unlisted firms in Sweden. Multiple regression analysis is used for the causal analyses.

The empirical results in the study show inter alia that the geographic distance and the private investor's knowledge about the portfolio firm's transformation process seem to be the most influential factors for determining the private investor's involvement in the portfolio firms. It is also interesting to notice that none of the variables, frequency of contacts and the private investor's operational work in the portfolio firm affect the performance of the firm. Contrary to conventional wisdom, private investors do not add value to their portfolio firms through their interaction with the entrepreneurs.

The theoretical conclusion is that agency theory does not provide any satisfactory framework to explain the private investor - entrepreneur relationship. Some of the basic assumptions in agency theory seem to be invalid. A model for the relationship between private investors and entrepreneurs is developed in which four interaction strategies are identified. The model gives implications on two levels: the portfolio level and the individual case level.  相似文献   

In the agency theory literature, output and behavioral controls have been quite thoroughly explored. However, input control (IC) that emphasizes personnel selection and staffing has only been discussed theoretically. Literature outside the agency theory, nonetheless, corroborates IC when competitions increase. With an empirical approach to strategic human resource management, this study explored the relationships between controls and work performance under the influences of two agency factors: principal–agent relationship and task programmability. Results show that controls are generally associated with work performance but more important are their moderating effects with the two contingent agency factors. Furthermore, hierarchical regression analyses reveal that IC is a vital factor for work performance. These findings suggest that IC deserves more attention under the conditions of increased competition.  相似文献   

通过对德国斯图加特原掷弹兵兵营居住开发项目目标、规划论证、规划编制过程、规划用地布局和规划控制措施的剖析,为了解德国当代福利住房开发的城市规划方法提供了一则详尽的案例,并总结出德国当代福利住宅开发注重社会公平和可持续发展的特点。  相似文献   

文章就空间4R机构中的一个特例,给出了机构输入、输出的运动特征方程、传动比,深入分析了支撑圆弧半径r和间隙σ对手车推进、退出的影响。  相似文献   

We study Pareto efficiency in a setting that involves two kinds of uncertainty: Uncertainty over the possible outcomes is modeled using lotteries whereas uncertainty over the agents’ preferences over lotteries is modeled using sets of plausible utility functions. A lottery is universally Pareto undominated if there is no other lottery that Pareto dominates it for all plausible utility functions. We show that, under fairly general conditions, a lottery is universally Pareto undominated iff it is Pareto efficient for some vector of plausible utility functions, which in turn is equivalent to affine welfare maximization for this vector. In contrast to previous work on linear utility functions, we use the significantly more general framework of skew-symmetric bilinear (SSB) utility functions as introduced by Fishburn (1982). Our main theorem generalizes a theorem by Carroll (2010) and implies the ordinal efficiency welfare theorem. We discuss three natural classes of plausible utility functions, which lead to three notions of ordinal efficiency, including stochastic dominance efficiency, and conclude with a detailed investigation of the geometric and computational properties of these notions.  相似文献   

运用经济学的研究方法对出租车行业的数量管制问题进行了考查。研究发现,由于出租车行业具有很强的竞争性,单纯依靠市场的自发调节就能够实现该行业的资源优化配置;对出租车行业的数量管制,不但影响了出租车行业的自身发展,而且造成了社会福利损失。事实上,管制的重要原因是为了获得管制租金而不是增进社会福利。因此放宽对出租车行业的数量管制才是增进社会福利的有效选择。  相似文献   

Due to the rampant increase in disasters globally, resilience in supply chain and logistics is receiving greater research attention in various parts of the world. This paper considers the role and contribution of social welfare supply chains in providing resilience. This is a causal phenomenon which has been studied through an exploratory research by building a framework from extant literature, a case study on an Indian non-governmental organization and tested through a social network analysis. We show how in the wake of a disaster, these social welfare supply chains become enablers. The paper provides an inkling into how to improve community resilience in times of disaster. Further, we show how these supply chains use social cohesion embedded in the structure to provide efficiency, diversity and adaptability, thereby bringing resilience into the supply system. Another contribution of this study is the use of visualisation and analysis of social media representation tools for social network analysis in operations.  相似文献   

This article explores the relationship between employment status (agency workers vs. permanent employees) and affective and normative job and co-worker commitment. Our study was conducted on employees from four metal companies in the Netherlands. As HRM practices seem to influence employee commitment, we performed 89 interviews across all four companies and included blue-collar workers, their managers (direct supervisors, HR managers and production managers), as well as works council members. To test our hypotheses on commitment differences, we conducted quantitative research within the companies (permanent employees N = 167; agency workers N = 54), all blue-collar workers. Results show that permanent employees and agency workers express similar degrees of commitment to their job and to their co-workers, apart from affective commitment to co-workers, which is lower for agency workers than for permanent workers. We argue that national legislation, as well as managers' attempts to offer HR practices equal to those of permanent staff, play a prominent role in stimulating agency workers' commitment.  相似文献   

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