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新生代农民工就业技能提升是促进其市民化的基础和内在动力,是推动其融入城市社会的重要条件。目前,思想观念障碍、城乡二元结构制约、保障机制不健全、自身需求不足等制约新生代农民工市民化进程中就业技能的提升。政府应明确其主导地位与服务责任,通过破除城乡二元结构障碍、加强农村职业教育和补偿教育、营造制度环境和服务环境、制订激励政策激励以激发需求等措施,促进新生代农民工就业技能提升,推进市民化进程。  相似文献   

农民工金融需求与服务问题是我国城乡二元经济体制下金融体系发展问题的一种体现,是城乡金融资源分配不均的结果。农民工是我国经济建设的重要助推力,但在农民工群体为我国城镇化进程作出重要贡献的同时,现有金融体系未能满足农民工的金融服务需求。农民工金融需求与服务问题亟待解决。  相似文献   

黄路  赵雪 《生产力研究》2023,(10):75-80
“就业优先”战略背景下,乡村农民非农就业是当下重要的经济与社会问题。基于可行能力理论,文章将农民工分为老一代与新生代两类,构建了农民非农就业决策行为的分析框架。通过对乡村创业影响农民非农就业行为决策的逻辑分析显示:(1)乡村创业通过减少就业需求和增加就业供给为农民工提供就业岗位。(2)乡村创业通过价格机制、信任机制和创新机制影响农民非农就业的行为决策。其中,乡村创业提供的就业岗位对农民工的经济条件、透明性担保改善显著。(3)除了追求经济条件,由于新、老农民工的成长经历、个人诉求、文化素质等的差异性,表现出新生代农民工更注重政治参与、社会机会、透明性担保,而老一代农民工更注重防护性保障。文章的主要政策含义有:促进乡村创业可在一定程度上增加农民工的工资性收入。改善农村地域的社会机会是促进新生代农民工回流的重要手段。同时,增强对农民的防护性保障力度,尤其需要关注老一代农民工,这些措施对农民工的自由发展与回流就业起到有益作用。  相似文献   

文章简要回顾了劳动力市场分割的有关观点,在认同中国劳动力市场分割主要表现为城乡分割、行业分割和单位分割三种类型的前提下,对城乡分割、行业分割和单位分割影响农民工就业的机理进行了深入研究。作者认为户籍制度和地理分隔是城乡分割的根源、工资差别是行业分割和单位分割的充要条件,分别从农民工供给和用人单位对农民工需求两个侧面解释了市场分割对农民工就业的不利影响。  相似文献   

农民工培训体系建设与政府角色定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国农民工就业问题的实质是农村青年就业问题。农民工总体文化程度偏低的现状,使得“民工荒”在实质上是局部地区劳动力供求结构的失衡。发挥政府的主导作用和服务职能,走市场化道路,刺激吸引企业和农民工的培训需求是构建可持续发展农民工培训体系的必经之路。加强农民工培训固然重要,但稳定推进农民工培训体系和培训能力建设,则是促进其可持续发展的关键。  相似文献   

本文从需求层次论出发分析指出湖南新生代农民工的就业需求在某种程度上已不满足从低到高的顺序,应通过加强就业培训和指导、建立青年农民工代表制度、加快社会保障改革、丰富精神文化生活等策略提高其就业质量和稳定性.  相似文献   

我国农民工就业问题的实质是农村青年就业问题.农民工总体文化程度偏低的现状,使得"民工荒"在实质上是局部地区劳动力供求结构的失衡.发挥政府的主导作用和服务职能,走市场化道路,刺激吸引企业和农民工的培训需求是构建可持续发展农民工培训体系的必经之路.加强农民工培训固然重要,但稳定推进农民工培训体系和培训能力建设,则是促进其可持续发展的关键.  相似文献   

郭鲜红 《经济师》2011,(12):215-216
农民工就业培训是一种准公共物品,由市场为农民工提供就业培训具有一定的可行性。竞争性的特许经营是市场为农民工提供就业培训的一种有效的方式。政府在农民工就业培训的市场供给中发挥着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

正显然,农民工就业培训服务通过准市场方式来供给,具有显著的比较优势。因此我国在就业培训服务市场中引入市场机制成为理性选择。但准市场机制的运用需要一系列前置条件,关键是构建准市场制度环境。就我国目前情况而言,需要通过一系列的机制制度建设来促进准市场环境的形成,进而实现就业培训服务高效供给。具体而言,我国需要在以下几个方面做出努力:1.进一步转变政府职能。在公共服务供给中引入准市场机制,本质是实现服务供应者与生  相似文献   

面向农民工提供城市公共卫生服务是政府维护农民工健康权益的重要路径,有效推进了农民工的城市融入与社会融合.本文基于2017年全国流动人口动态监测调查数据,使用PSM方法、工具变量的CMP模型,实证分析城市公共卫生服务对农民工就业身份选择的影响,结果表明:获得城市公共卫生服务显著提升了农民工受雇就业质量,也推动了农民工由受雇向自雇转变.进一步研究发现,城市公共卫生服务对不同性别、代际、文化程度农民工群体就业身份选择表现出明显的异质性影响.机制检验表明,城市公共卫生服务通过增强农民工社会融合而对农民工就业身份选择产生影响.本文验证了城市公共卫生服务的择业效应,为政府以公共卫生服务为关键着力点、推动基本公共服务均等化,从而促进农民工融入城市社会、实现更高质量就业创业提供了政策参考.  相似文献   

The paper examines the nature and extent of linkages between industry and services, using an international input-output table for the Pacific Basin countries. Empirical evidence seems to suggest that the manufacturing sector contributes to urban employment creation in developing countries more through its interindustry and intersectoral linkages, as well as its income-induced demand for various types of services, than through its direct employment effects.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model to explain the stylized fact that many countries have a low ratio of migrants in their population while some countries have a high ratio of migrants. Immigration improves the income of the domestic residents, but migrants also increase the congestion of public services. If migrants are unskilled and therefore pay low taxes, and the government does not limit access to these services, then the welfare of the domestic residents decreases with the number of migrants. Visa auctions can lower the cost of immigration control and substitute legal migrants for illegal migrants. If the government decides to limit the access of migrants to public services, immigration control becomes unnecessary and the optimal number of migrants can be very large.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of literature on the employment shift towards services. It follows the three dimensions of structural change: inter-industry productivity differences, the inter-industry division of labor (outsourcing), and shifts in final demand. It concludes that the third dimension gained importance over the last decades although differential productivity growth continued to contribute to the rise of service employment as well. Outsourcing of service tasks from manufacturing industries increased but cannot explain much of the rise in service-industry employment over time. The shift to services is not just a price effect nor is it mainly the effect of the outsourcing of service activities from manufacturing industries. The shift to services is real.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the growth and the structure of employment in the service sector in the Spanish Economy from 1958 to 1989 and to draw comparisons with the trends exhibited by other European countries. In contrast to the explanation offered by the theory of stages, which assumes that growth in services is associated with the pattern of final demand, this research argues that, since the middle of the 1970s, the growth of market service employment is due to an increase in intermediate demand of services. In order to demonstrate this, an intersectoral analysis is applied to input output data which was homogenised for this research. This methodological approach enables employment in the service sector to be connected to the other sectors. Rejecting the idea that services are replacing manufacturing as the new engine of growth, the results show an increased dependence on market services by industrial production. The final part of the paper presents explanations for this trend.  相似文献   

互联网技术推动数字金融快速发展,对于降低融资约束和创业成本,推动我国返乡农民工创业就业,助力乡村振兴战略实现,具有十分重要的意义。本文通过构建理论模型,研究数字金融对返乡农民工再就业的影响,并使用中国数字普惠金融指数和中国劳动力动态调查(CLDS)数据进行实证检验。研究发现:数字金融发展水平每提高一个标准差,促进返乡农民工非农就业概率提高0062个单位~021个单位,并使其农业就业概率降低0071个单位~022个单位。数字金融能够降低融资和创业成本,吸引返乡农民工在农村地区开展机会型创业,由此创造就业岗位,促进收入提升;相比之下,数字金融对进城农民工创业及收入没有显著影响。异质性分析显示,数字金融能够显著促进低物质资本、低人力资本的返乡农民工开展机会型创业,并对高儿童抚养比的返乡农民工有更强的普惠性。本文为返乡农民工等重点人群“稳就业”、推动农村信息化与乡村振兴战略实现,提供经验证据与政策依据。  相似文献   

Free Movement of people is a fundamental principle of the European Union (EU). In a context of strong divergence in employment and working conditions among EU member states, migration can be seen as a way to increase employment opportunities but also to escape from poor working conditions at home. In this article, we focus on the possible influence of employment vulnerability by comparing its individual level among migrants and native workers in EU countries. We implement propensity score matching methods using data from the European Social Survey (2008) and indexes of employment vulnerability proposed by Bazillier et al. (2014). Overall, we show that migrants face the same level of employment vulnerability than natives, all other things being equal. But there are strong differences by skill-level. Low-skilled migrants have a lower level of vulnerability mainly because of a lower level of employer vulnerability while high-skilled migrants face a higher level of vulnerability, because of a higher level of job vulnerability.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how the employment shift from manufacturing toward service sectors affects the rate of economic growth when services play their role both in intermediate and in final demand. Our model includes as a special case both Baumol’s [Baumol, W.J., 1967. Macroeconomics of unbalanced growth: the anatomy of urban crisis. American Economic Review 57 (3), 415–426] model, in which services are produced only for final consumption, and Oulton’s [Oulton, N., 2001. Must the growth rate decline? Baumol’s unbalanced growth revisited. Oxford Economic Papers 53 (4), 605–627] model, in which services are entirely devoted to intermediate demand. We show that, given that the growth rate of productivity in the service sector is lower than that in the manufacturing sector, both the employment share in manufacturing and the rate of economic growth will decline in the long run irrespective of the size of the elasticity of substitution between labor and service input.  相似文献   

Abstract We provide the first firm‐level evidence of the impact of the trade in producer services (‘offshoring’) on the labour market. Using a new data set from the UK that measures trade in services at the firm level, we find no evidence that importing intermediate services is associated with job losses or greater worker turnover. Using regression to control for observable differences between firms that import service inputs and those that do not, we show that firms that start importing intermediate services experience faster employment growth than equivalent firms that do not. This seems likely to be the result of positive demand shocks, which cause a simultaneous increase in employment, output, and use of imported service inputs.  相似文献   

This paper examines the employment response of native and migrant workers over the business cycle in the construction sectors of European countries between 2008 and 2011. Using a dynamic model (Generalized Method of Moments), which accounts for ‘intergroup substitutability’, we observe that differences in the cyclical employment patterns of migrants and natives in the construction sector may be due to a potential selection of EU and non-EU migrants who are disproportionately prone to cyclical fluctuations in temporary jobs or a higher turnover rate.  相似文献   

《Applied economics》2012,44(2):229-251
The fear of massive job losses has prompted a fast-growing literature on offshoring and its impact on employment in advanced economies. This article examines the situation for Belgium. It improves the offshoring intensity measure by computing a volume measure of the share of imported intermediates in output, and it is among the first to address both materials and business services offshoring to high wage and low wage countries. Estimations of static and dynamic industry-level labour demand equations augmented by offshoring intensities do not reveal a significant impact of either materials or business services offshoring on total employment for Belgium between 1995 and 2003. This result holds for both the manufacturing sector and the service sector and it proves robust to splitting the manufacturing sector into high technology and low technology industries.  相似文献   

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