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2011年8月8日-11日,由中信联盟机构主办的首届粤东小商品采购会在广东省汕头市澄海展览中心顺利举行,中信联盟粤东小商品采购中心也由此正式运营,这标志着一个以"产地厂价直销"为优势的第三方贸易服务平台在粤东诞生并初见成效! 相似文献
钱袋网总裁刘宜云的目标是让钱袋网成为领先中国的第三方金融渠道服务平台的运营商.成为行业的领军者。[编者按] 相似文献
玩具作为我国典型的出口型行业,每年约有占总产值85%的玩具出口。但是,近年随着国际玩具市场格局和国内产销环境的变化,玩具营销渠道的问题也越来越为小厂家所关注。目前,我国玩具的分销渠道主要有4种模式,即:1、传统 相似文献
商场内,一位妈妈正在陪自己的小孩在商场里挑选玩具。小孩在玩具堆里钻来钻去,妈妈无奈地在附近逛来逛去的时候,发现在玩具货架不远的地方有一个饰品柜,里面摆放着各种各样比较精致的女人饰品。当小孩抱着自己喜欢的玩具从玩具堆里跑出来的时候,妈妈也挑选了几件自己喜欢的饰品。 相似文献
第三方物流企业服务营销策略探讨 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
目前第三方物流企业普遍存在缺乏服务营销理念、服务营销策略模糊不清、不重视没有充分运用网络和个性化服务需求等营销问题,为此,本文提出网络营销、项目营销、个性化营销和关系营销等新型营销策略来提高第三方物流企业的市场竞争力. 相似文献
基于4Ps的第三方物流营销优势构建 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
随着产业结构的升级与优化,物流业的发展已成为中国经济可持续发展的重要支撑之一.本文基于对中国第三方物流业的发展现状及制约因素进行分析,依据4Ps的营销战略模型,总结出适合第三方物流企业构建相对竞争优势缩短距离的具体实施方案. 相似文献
作者认为,工业品营销渠道模式正在酝酿一场变革,而这种变革有四个大趋势:一是渠道组合多元化;二是渠道功能复合化;三是渠道规范形象化;四是第三方渠道崛起。 相似文献
营销渠道决策,是公司高层管理面临的最重要的决策之一,也是对其他公司的长期承诺。而分销系统是一项关键的外部资源,也代表一系列政策和实践活动的承诺,这些政策和实践将编织成一个巨大的长期的关系网。囚此,营销渠道策略有着强大的惯性:保持现状。但是,公司任进行渠道决策时,既要着眼于现实市场环境,又要考虑未来的市场环境。 相似文献
山不在高,有仙则名,水不在深,有龙则灵!云和这个浙江西南山区的一个偏远小城,如今卧虎藏龙,每次都能给我们带来新的惊喜,这次,我们偶遇一个玩具界少有的完全自发组织的青年俱乐部——浙江云和木头人青年俱乐部。 相似文献
Elten Briggs Author Vitae Timothy D. Landry Author Vitae Patricia J. Daugherty Author Vitae 《Industrial Marketing Management》2010,39(4):640-649
The Third Party Logistics (3PL) service industry is characterized by customer relationships that can extend over several years, involving multiple instances of service delivery. When services are delivered on an ongoing basis, customers are able to not only evaluate positional (current) performance, but also velocity (rate at which the service changes) performance. This research presents findings from an empirical study utilizing an online survey of 3PL customers to examine the influence of these two types of performance on 3PL service satisfaction. Environmental moderators including market turbulence and competitive intensity are also examined, and results indicate that velocity performance is a more important driver of satisfaction when customers operate in industries characterized by high market turbulence. The findings suggest that 3PL service providers should implement velocity performance metrics, especially for customers operating in rapidly changing environments, and use velocity performance information during the sales process and customer negotiations. 相似文献
二)、欧盟与玩具相关的指令:玩具安全指令:×88/378/EEC×93/68/EEC√2009/48/EC1、 相似文献
2012年已然成为历史,在这一年中,国内外的玩具展会繁多,为玩具行业的进步和发展创造了良好的平台,而在2013年,这些精彩依然继续。下面,我们将按照展会举办的先后时间顺序,为您简要介绍"2013上半年国内外玩具十大专业展会"的基本情况,为您提供了解和参考,现排列如下:(一)、第39届香港玩具展(时间:2013年1月7-10日)The 39th Hong Kong toy fair(On January 7th to 10th in 2013) 相似文献
The article develops a novel conceptualisation of labour unrest and trade unionism in the platform economy, extending current understandings in two ways. First, we situate platform work historically, in the longue durée of paid work under capitalism. Secondly, we introduce a consideration of social structure into debates on union practices often framed in terms of agency. Building on Silver and the Webbs, we highlight the importance in platform work of associational power over structural power; legal enactment over collective bargaining; and geographical over workplace unionism. While mainly a theoretical article, we draw on empirical evidence from research into platform work over five years, comprising interviews, case study, observation and documentary analysis. We conclude that platform labour unrest and unionism bear marked similarities with 19th century forms rather than the 20th century models that often dominate industrial relations perspectives. Consequently, unions organising platform workers should consider adapting their approach accordingly. 相似文献
9月16日上午,广东省汕头市澄海区人民政府与中国轻工工艺品进出口商会正式签订共建“中国玩具礼品出口基地”合作协议,并举行简朴的揭牌仪式,双方携手共建“澄海——中国玩具礼品出口基地”。 相似文献
K. J. Blois 《战略管理杂志》1983,4(3):251-261
There is a growing interest in understanding the way in which firms' marketing and manufacturing policies interact. The studies carried out so far have almost entirely concerned themselves with goods-producing organizations. However this paper suggests that these studies also provide useful insights into the problems faced by service firms in organizing themselves efficiently. Furthermore it suggests that a distinctive problem faced by such firms is that adaption of their organizations may have a significant effect upon consumers' perceptions of the service they offer. The paper first outlines some investigators' views of the link between marketing and manufacturing and follows this by discussing the concept of ‘production’, ‘delivery’ and ‘consumption’ of services. A brief consideration of the pressures for change which particularly impinge upon service firms precedes a discussion of the problems, and apparent contradictions, whch are linked with the concepts of standardization and personalization of services. The paper concludes with three examples of the issues discussed. 相似文献