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Hong Kong has planned two visual art exhibitions and a raft of performances including opera, dance and multi-media shows for the upcoming Expo, while Macau has witnessed smooth construction of its pavilions,officials told an Expo consultative conference on December 23.  相似文献   

<正>回归十年,内地的普通居民会如何来看待这样一个历史事件,而在他们的心中,香港又是怎样的一个城市呢?零点研究咨询集团也对这一热门话题展开了调查,结果显示,内地普通居民对香港回归这一历史时刻印象深  相似文献   

A study of a selection of major US corporations was undertaken to determine how advertising budgets are appropriated. The relationship between profit and sales and the size of the advertising budget was examined to see if advertising allocations are being increasingly arrived at using ‘modern’ techniques such as mathematical decision rules or whether simple rules of thumb are still predominant in practice. Budget allocations for 80 companies to six media and their relations to sales and profit were also evaluated. Advertising budgets were examined in three matched categories: for brand advertising, for corporate advertising and for mixed advertising.  相似文献   

The rapid economic growth experienced by the core ASEAN members (comprised of Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Indonesia) since the 70s was generally attributed to openness policies adopted by the respective governments. Despite this contention, however, there is little evidence to suggest that greater openness will eventually lead to a convergence of the member countries, particularly with the present of external shocks. The introduction of ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) in 1992 was also partly an attempt to hedge the region from external shock, while possibly further promoting economic development in the region. This study, therefore, is an attempt at examining in greater detail the impact of AFTA and openness on ASEAN economic growth, in the present of external shock. The results indicate that convergence in ASEAN is conditional upon several control variables taking place, in addition to openness. Additionally, while AFTA has a positive effect on economic growth, its impact on convergence is somewhat ambiguous in the presence of external shocks.  相似文献   

This study examines Northeast Asian consumer cultural dimensions and their differences by using Hong Kong, Japanese, and Korean college students as initial data points. While the cultural dimensions of Northeast Asia cannot be represented fully by this limited analysis, these data points provide preliminary insights toward more thoroughly mapping Northeast Asian culture. Common cultural dimensions of normativeness, communitarianism, conservatism, personality expression, and connectedness were identified in this study. Statistically significant differences were found in communitarianism (p < .01), conservatism (p < .001), and connectedness (p < .001). Specifically, Korea is higher than Japan in communitarianism, and Korea and Hong Kong are higher than Japan in conservatism. For connectedness, Japan and Hong Kong are higher than Korea. Also, differences in consumer culture are found. Japan is lower than Korea and Hong Kong in perceptions of promotion and additional values. Korea is higher than Hong Kong and Japan in emotional advertising.  相似文献   

Ethical development among business students is a perplexing issue when they behave even less ethically than business professionals. A prior study shows that business students in Hong Kong are more reluctant to behave ethically than those in other countries in some occasions. Based on an integrated model of ethical philosophy and cognitive development, the present study attempts to assess the ethical reasoning and Machiavellianism of 470 business students in Hong Kong. It measured ethical reasoning by means of two ethical dilemmas and the result indicated the deficiency of ethical reasoning among the students. With structural equation modeling, the analysis first discerned a factor of ethical reasoning. It then verified that ethical reasoning and Machiavellianism reflected a superordinate factor, termed as ethical predisposition. The modeling further revealed that having studied in college longer contributed to the student's ethical predisposition. However, majoring in marketing was associated with the student's lower ethical predisposition. These results were not susceptible to the confounding of the student's tendency toward acquiescence and social desirability.  相似文献   

The biggest debate about the future of Hong Kong is poised on whether China wil honor the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration or whether it will introduce corruption and over-regulation into Hong Kong's well-functioning Western economy. Fong,an appointee of the Hong Kong government, and Wilson, a longtime resident and employee of Western companies with offices in Hong Kong, briefly tackle both sides of the issue.  相似文献   

Hong Kong is a place with multiple personalities,as a result of being Cantonese Chinese with a long-time British influence. Today,it is a major tourism destination for China's increasingly affluent population. It is also an important hub in the Chinese Diaspora with global connections to many of the world's cities.It is a unique destination that has absorbed people and cultural influences from places as diverse as Vietnam and Vancouver.  相似文献   

In this article, we analyzed the effect of various factors on moral judgment and ethical attitudes of working persons. It was found that the effect of various socio-demographic factors on ethical attitudes varied between the two different categories of ethical issues under study, issues which involve explicit violation of laws vis-à-vis issues which involved social concerns. Our results did not support the implication of Callahan’s hypothesis that males are more sensitive to rule-based ethical issues while women are to issues involving social concerns; it was found that females have a lower acceptability of unethical behaviors related to both categories of issues in Hong Kong, whereas gender effect was not statistically significant in Mainland China. University education also had no significant effect on ethical attitudes. Religion played an important role in affecting ethical attitudes, however, its effect varied with different types of religions; Christianity was found to be most favorable to higher ethical standards, but people of traditional Chinese religion had a higher acceptability of unethical behaviors involving social concerns compared to people with no religion. Our finding also indicated that employees in state-owned enterprises, private employees, employees in foreign-investment firms, and employers in Mainland China all had a higher acceptability of unethical law-breaking behaviors compared to workers in collectives, throwing doubt on the validity of convergence theory in Mainland China. Kit-Chun LAM is Professor in Department of Economics of the Hong Kong Baptist Universty. she is also Guest professor in the Centre for Business Ethics of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, China. She received her Ph.D. degree in economics from Harvard University. Her work has appeared in the Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Labor Economics, Canadian Joural of Economics, Journal of Comparative Economics, Economica and Labour Economics. Guicheng Shi is Assistant Professor in Faculty of Management and Administration of Macau University of Science and Technology  相似文献   

文章运用多变量协整检验方法对两岸三地的利率联系进行了检验。文章对政策性利率和货币市场利率做了区分,用前者分析两岸三地货币政策的趋同程度,用后者分析两岸三地金融市场之间的联系。同时,本文也考虑了美国与日本的货币政策和金融市场对两岸三地可能存在的影响。实证分析结果是:总体上,两岸三地的政策性利率和货币市场利率均存在长期均衡关系;政策性利率相对于区外保持一定的独立性,从长期趋势看,香港与大陆的利率联系比与美国的联系更为紧密,但是台湾地区还没有表现出这样的趋势;货币市场利率对区外经济体仍有较大的依赖性,区内联系相对较弱,尤其大陆与台湾地区之间。  相似文献   

转移支付与我国地区收入差距的收敛分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
转移支付是政府协调区域经济的重要政策手段,本文测算和分析1995年-2004年省区收入的收敛检验,并运用计量方法分析了1994年分税制改革以后转移支付与地区经济收敛的关系,得出的结论是:收入的收敛模式在全国范围内没有绝对收敛,也没有条件收敛,转移支付总体上没有达到缩小地区收入差距的效果,并且突出表现在中部和西部地区。此外本文还试图解释了现行转移支付不能缩小地区收入差距的原因,并给出相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

This study investigates rice-buying behavior in Chinese people living in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Canada and suggests marketing strategies for rice products. Data were collected from a comprehensive Web-based survey and analyzed using grey relational analysis method. In total, we received 445 valid questionnaires. For China-Chinese consumers, we suggest that the rice marketing mix should focus on higher quality, fair price, extra healthfulness, wide distribution channels, and food safety guarantees during promotion. For China-English consumers, the marketing mix should ensure that rice products contain clear educational instructions and also focus on stable price, convenience of locations, and sufficient communication with consumers during promotion. The results suggest employing different marketing mix strategies for Chinese and English-speaking countries.  相似文献   

Hong Kong and the Southwestern French region of Bordeaux on May 25 signed a supplemental memorandum of understanding on cooperation in winerelated businesses, adding new elements to their 2008 deal.  相似文献   

香港服务贸易的演进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据香港服务贸易演进的情况,香港服务贸易可划分为三个不同阶段,分别为自然型服务贸易阶段,知识型服务贸易阶段以及战略型服务贸易阶段.对三个阶段香港服务贸易各服务组别进行定量与定性分析,总结出香港服务贸易发展各阶段发展特点、模式及其成功经验.  相似文献   

债券市场是现代金融体系的重要组成部分,债券市场整合是中国内地与香港开展金融合作的重要方面。文章认为中国内地与香港进行债券市场整合有助于巩固香港的国际金融中心地位,有助于推进人民币国际化和利率市场化进程,有助于促进中国内地债券市场的发展完善和加快亚洲金融一体化步伐。但目前中国内地与香港在进行债券市场整合时会遇到一系列障碍性因素:香港人民币存量有限;人民币尚未实现完全可自由兑换;内地与香港两地的利差带来的投机套利活动会对内地金融体系形成冲击等。在对中国内地与香港债券市场整合的近期、中期和远期模式进行设计展望的基础上,文章提出了推进内地与香港债券市场整合的一系列政策建议。  相似文献   

我国内地与香港服务贸易的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对我国内地与香港服务贸易的特点及原因比较研究后,发现内地与香港在服务贸易方面存在着较大差距,但不乏互补性,从而提出了提高我国服务贸易水平的建设,即充分利用CEPA提供的契机,借香港高度发达的服务业之力,迅速提高内地服务业实力,为3年后对外资服务业进入内地做准备。  相似文献   

本文运用绝对β趋同、σ趋同与收入动态分布方法,对1952-2008年的中国省际区域收入趋同进行实证分析。研究结果发现,改革开放前存在绝对β趋同,改革开放后则不存在;σ趋同变动具有阶段性特征,改革开放后的σ趋同分为三个阶段,即1990年前的趋同阶段、1990-2003年间的趋异阶段以及2003年以后的趋同阶段;核密度估计也显示趋同具有阶段性,并存在显著的俱乐部趋同。  相似文献   

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