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Village banking development model: FINCA Costa Rica   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The village banking institution, Fundacion Integral Campesina (FINCA) in Costa Rica implements an innovative village banking model in its effort to create financially-sustainable solidarity groups. FINCA trains small community groups in a 22-module program to form Community Credit Enterprises (CCE). These small enterprises, or companies, permit members to buy shares as shareholders and generate capital to offer sustainable credit and business models. FINCA has great success with this model locally and regionally and wonders how best to use its gained experience to expand the program in order to continue creating sustainable businesses through training, business and microfinance services.  相似文献   

Given the ecological, economic and social problems around the world, the search is on for a new, alternative concept capable of showing a way out of these global problems. A concept with a claim to have a vital contribution to make, which has been under discussion since the 1980s, is that of sustainable development.  相似文献   

在新的历史时期,强化水运企业的管理力度,提升整体竞争力,做大做强水运企业,成为新时期企业决策者面临的重要课题.本文试从水运企业外部环境和内在因素研析水运企业可持续发展的各种因素,为水运企业略加指路.  相似文献   

可持续发展作为一种新的科学的发展现,已经深入到社会发展的各个领城.要求我们将可持续发展的理念深入到林业建设各个层面,构建一套全新的可持续发展的政策法律体系,从而实现对森林资源的保护和林业的可持续发展.提出了保持林业可持续发展的思想和观点.  相似文献   

文章对城市交通可持续发展规划进行了系统的说明.  相似文献   

物业服务企业要生存和发展,必须在战略思维上进行调整,通过加强企业核心竞争力的建设,实现物业服务企业的可持续发展.而品牌战略、专业化战略、人力资源战略和经营战略的统一,则为企业注入了活力,有利于企业加强核心竞争力.  相似文献   

目前我国城市生态环境脆弱,水资源不足,且分布不均,各种产业的发展已受到了障碍,这一矛盾的办法就是找到一种新的发展方式,开辟一条新的发展道路.可持续发展一直是人类与自然协调的必然选择,然而循环经济的内涵是与可持续发展一致的.因此,循环经济是顺应可持续发展战略形势需要的当代产物,是使人类、社会、经济系统的结构和运行模式与生态系统相协调,促进可持续发展实现的必由路径,我们在实现可持续发展的同时也是发展循环经济.  相似文献   

吴静 《商业时代》2011,(20):51-53
中国经济的快速发展加剧了环境保护的压力和能源安全的威胁,实施低碳经济已经不可逆转。加工贸易在拉动中国经济高速发展的同时污染了环境,完全与当今社会的低碳化发展趋势背道而驰。本文阐述了低碳经济的内涵、核心和我国加工贸易的高碳发展现状后,分析了阻碍我国加工贸易实现低碳发展的因素,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the social economy (SE) as a third major sector between the public economy and the capitalist private economy. It examines the SE concept, compares it with the nonprofit sector and analyzes its microeconomic foundations, functions in the economic system and implications for economic policy. The field of economic analysis needs to be broadened, abandoning the mainstream monism that emphasizes the study of capitalist private enterprises and taking a plural view of the economy. In this approach, other forms of business organization, particularly SE enterprises, become a priority for analysis, opening up new scientific, social and economic vistas.  相似文献   

2010年7月7日,欧莱雅(中国)发布其首份可持续发展报告,这也是欧莱雅集团在其本部以外的首份国别报告。欧莱雅集团对其在海外经营中发布的首份可持续发展报告极为重视,其全球CEO安巩亲自飞临中国参加报告发布会,这对于在华跨国公司发布可持续发展报告来讲应该算是首例。  相似文献   

Sustainable development at both the national and the global level is increasingly acknowledged to be dependent upon the international trade system. The WTO Agreements and the continuing discussion in the WTO Committee on Trade and Environment are therefore examined here in the light of principles put forward by the International Institute for Sustainable Development. The current shortcomings in the WTO are analysed and some possible cornerstones for future WTO development indicated.  相似文献   

环境刑法中最重要的两个原则是可持续发展原则和罪刑法定原则。可持续发展原则是环境法上的核心原则,而罪刑法定原则是刑法上的核心原则,两者共同组成了环境刑法的基本原则。然而,原则并非空谈,需要体现在具体制度设计上和实际行动中,产生相应的立法内容。  相似文献   

文章分析了我国城市规划的现状,针对目前我国城市规划中存在的主要问题,提出了在可持续发展观念下的城市规划新思路.  相似文献   

文章分析了我国城市规划的现状,针对目前我国城市规划中存在的主要问题,提出了在可持续发展观念下的城市规划新思路.  相似文献   

本文通过对平凉市冬小麦生产概况、生产潜势的分析研究,提出了本市冬小麦生产可持续发展的相应对策.  相似文献   

党的十六届五中全会通过的“十一五”计划中提出,要落实科学发展观,重视并大力转变经济增长方式,提高资源利用效率,以促进经济的可持续发展。因此,优化外经贸结构,转变外经贸增长方式,已成为促进黑龙江省外经贸可持续发展的必要条件。  相似文献   

Attentive managers will find that sustainable development presents two distinct challenges depending upon where in the world they are operating. The business of sustainable development is quite different in the industrialized and developing worlds. The industrial north, for example, has a well‐developed and prosperous economic infrastructure that provides its citizens with a level of wealth that was unimaginable a century ago. But those economic gains have come at a high environmental cost. The industrial world's economic system is proving to be ecologically unsustainable and is threatening to undo the planet's biological balance. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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