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China's position as one of the most powerful nations in the world is undisputed. However, in an evolving landscape, China's utilization of a path-dependent business system may hinder the ability of the country's institutions to undergo necessary change, which will have important implications for international business literature. Through business system theory, empirical evidence, and a mixed methods approach, we discuss China's business system explaining how the system may impair sustainable growth and the transformation required by a less dependent industrial society. Our research suggests that the Chinese business system is still very arrested due to its recent past, and the Chinese Communist Party has only partial interest in improving some of the most important bases for the development of modern enterprises, even if fostering a somewhat liberal economic approach. Since similar political (authoritarian) and economic (liberal) approaches are found elsewhere, we theorize on what we called an authoriliberal economic approach.  相似文献   

产业升级是我国国民经济持续发展的重要推动力,是经济发展方式转变的重要内容之一。通过对我国的产业升级进行了定量测度,发现20世纪90年代我国产业结构调整变动幅度最大,而2000年以来中国产业结构调整进程放慢;第二、第三产业出现超前发展态势,产业结构不断高级化。因此,为实现我国产业升级,必须提高自主创新能力,加快发展服务业,强化产业区域布局规划,控制高耗能产业发展。  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(2):1-16
Japanese economic success has been built upon the establishment and development of key manufacturing sectors, and the perspectives of business history can especially reveal that complex interaction of companies, markets, business networks, and state which has over time created a globally competitive industrial system. Long-term economic growth was capped in the 1950s and 1960s by growth rates that were unprecedented in their scale and duration. Similarly, the process of industrial transformation accelerated in the years between 1918 and 1950, important developments finally coalescing during the post-war period into the so-termed ‘Japanese industrial system’. Debates over the timing of economic development in Japan are intertwined with debates on the contribution of a pre-industrial national culture to business success. The historical record suggests that the acquisition of organisational capabilities within Japanese manufacturers has been shaped by the timing of the country's industrialisation and by its consequent development needs. The nature of Japanese management and Japan's industrial system, although influenced by cultural attributes, was shaped by organisational and economic objectives attuned to the circumstances of the country's industrialisation, and competitive advantage followed from the unavoidably nationally specific process by which potential was ultimately matched by capability.  相似文献   

产业集群的发展对于提升经济整体竞争力至关重要。在阐述区位商法的基础上,运用该方法对内蒙古工业中的23个行业的相关数据进行了具体的整理分析。结果表明,内蒙古现有的产业集群主要为传统型产业集群和资源依托型产业集群,这不利于内蒙古经济的可持续发展,为此内蒙古应延伸产业链,发展创新型产业集群。  相似文献   

基于循环经济的区域产业竞争力模型构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
循环经济突出的特点是实现了"人、自然资源、环境与经济"相互协调的发展模式,它的优势是引导一个区域摆脱"末端治理"的发展之路,实现区域可持续发展。而以循环经济为基点的区域产业布局,将会为区域经济竞争力的提升开拓更广阔的空间与潜力。因此,基于循环经济的区域产业竞争力模型的构建就成为区域产业竞争力研究的基础。  相似文献   

黑龙江省能源资源可持续发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑龙江省能源资源丰富,是我国石油、煤炭等能源的重要生产基地,但黑龙江省能源资源能否可持续发展,已成为黑龙江省经济结构转型、老工业基地振兴的重点和难点问题。应通过调整能源产业结构,健全能源资源可持续发展制度环境,提高能效技术、节能技术,改革投融资体制等政策措施,来保证黑龙江省能源资源和经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

产业成长是金融成长的基础,金融成长是产业成长的重要推动力,二者保持合理的匹配关系是一国经济持续、快速发展的重要条件。本文构建的金融成长与产业成长匹配关系模型表明:在产权制度、资源禀赋、制度变迁等条件约束下,在经济发展的不同阶段,金融成长对产业成长的贡献度不同;产业成长的任何变动都会导致资金市场匹配关系的变化,但二者具有长期均衡关系。实证检验表明中国的金融成长滞后于产业成长,中国应实行金融优先发展战略,以金融成长保证和加快产业成长。  相似文献   

第三次工业革命正处于孕育和突破期,将对世界产生革命性影响。面对汹涌而至的第三次工业革命浪潮,我国必须既充分认识加快转变我国经济发展方式的紧迫性,又全面把握我国经济发展方式转变面临的难得机遇,加快推进经济转型升级,全面提升我国经济发展的质量和效益。  相似文献   

This exploratory study uncovers how the economic complexity of local production and global connectivity contribute to a subnational region's competitiveness and sustainable development. Addressing the knowledge generation and exchange processes orchestrated by global value chains, we demonstrate that the composition of a subnational region's product space network does not necessarily replicate the same configuration of the country-level network. By applying social network analysis (SNA) techniques, we analyze the structural features of Quebec's product space network and compare the complexity indices of the province's advantageous sectors with those of Canada. Finally, we conclude with policy insights for sustainable development and suggest future research directions.  相似文献   

The 17th Chinese Communist Party Congress in October 2007 attracted attention within and outside China for the bold development agenda that was placed before delegates. After 30 years of economic reform that has produced a remarkable improvement in living standards and China's reintegration into the world economy, the Party unveiled a programme that would push China to become a world superpower over the next 30 years. China's ambition is to become a technologically innovative state, to make China a ‘moderately prosperous’ and ‘harmonious society’ with a ‘scientific outlook on development’, and to achieve full industrialisation and sustainable prosperity. Whether China is able to attain its objectives will critically depend on the Party's ability to implement the new economic policies and address the social and political challenges that economic growth has created. The aim of the paper is to examine the policies, motivations and constraints that China faces in achieving the objectives laid out at the Party Congress.  相似文献   

目前我国不合理的用水方式给生态环境造成了严重的污染与影响,不利于经济的长远发展。虚拟水贸易加剧了缺水地区的用水压力;水资源过度开采,造成地下水漏斗,海水倒灌;影响土地的利用结构,导致土地沙漠化;挤占生态用水,影响生物多样性。生态环境保护目标下虚拟水贸易发展的对策是:促进产业结构优化;坚持可持续发展政策,保护地下水资源;继续推进退耕还林、还草工程;控制人口增长,调整饮食结构和消费模式。  相似文献   

中共十八大报告指出,我国已进入了以创新能力及创新水平为主要动力的驱动发展阶段,国家应实施创新驱动发展战略促进经济的再增长。服务业作为新世纪产业发展的主力,其可持续的发展对提升国家的综合实力非常关键,服务创新在其中将起到决定性的作用。主要就当下物流服务业的经营管理创新进行详细分析研究,并构建了物流服务供应链的结构模型,一定程度上提高了大家对创新驱动战略下物流服务业创新运作模式的了解。  相似文献   

乔颖 《商业研究》2006,(2):16-18
在可持续发展经济条件下,需要明确可持续发展经济学的基本逻辑起点是什么、在可持续发展经济中如何界定人类与自然的关系、经济可持续增长与可持续发展有何区别。并且在这种新的经济发展模式下,需要重新审视定位和充分发挥政府的功能,政府应在提高公众的可持续发展意识与理念、建立绿色GDP体系以及完善有利于经济可持续发展的产权制度、产业政策和法律法规体系等方面大有作为。  相似文献   

At the end of the 1970s there occurred a re-orientation of development policy in the People's Republic of China. Changes were introduced in the sectoral development priorities, the guiding principles of the State's incomes and foreign trade policies and in the organization of agricultural production. Above all, initial steps were taken to realign the administrative control system in the industrial sector more towards a market-oriented economic system. This article examines the guiding ideas behind the reform of the industrial sector and the measures taken so far. Emphasis is placed on the introduction of taxation on enterprises' profits which was recently decided and had long been a subject of dispute.  相似文献   

The Nigerian political economy was placed on the path of economic and political liberalization from the mid-1980s. About a decade later, both processes had experienced great reversals. This article examines the social forces that are arrayed against the reform processes. It focuses on recent political and economic developments in Nigeria with a view to understanding the nature of the emerging business environment for the purpose of potential investors, international managers, aid agencies, and donor countries in Africa's most populous country. While noting the inevitability of a modicum of regulation in the nation's economic adjustment program, this study contends that the regulatory measures contained in the 1994 budget prepared by the new military junta in Nigeria is stifling investment, and can neither lay the basis for the recovery of, nor engender sustainable development in the nation's economy. A more appropriate management of the exchange and interest rate regimes, and the democratization of the political processes as the minimum prerequisite for stability, growth, and development in the Nigerian political economy is recommended. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The Brazilian economy indicates great potential for future economic growth. An increasing and affluent middle class, expanding exports, and foreign reserves are testimonies of Brazil's recent accomplishments. The country, however, still faces a number of challenges that may compromise its sustainable long‐term economic goals and objectives. This article focuses on the Luiz Inacio “Lula” da Silva government's economic performance. The article's main findings show increasing bottlenecks being created as a result of the Lula government's eight years of low economic growth rates, which have penalized the country's competitiveness. The newly elected president, Dilma Rousseff, will inherit a substantial investment deficit in the areas of infrastructure, education, health care, research and development (R&D), and innovation, as well as Brazil's worst public debt/gross domestic product (GDP) ratio in the past 100 years. These conditions will prevent Brazil from growing and developing at faster rates. This article also elaborates on Dilma Rousseff's most recent statements and discusses likely future paths for the Brazilian economy. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(5):595-624
The seminal work of Alfred Chandler was based on observations relating to the so-called second industrial revolution. They concerned the development of the large modern manufacturing company and the paths of that development. This article attempts to apply the framework to a failed Danish slaughterhouse merger in 1890/91 between the established private slaughterhouses and the rising co-operative ones. The article deals with the question of the relevance of Chandler's concepts to the negotiation process and with that of the limits to the explanatory power of the framework. In order to answer these questions, the motives of both parties as well as the negotiation process are investigated in some depth. The analysis provides evidence that both sides made considerable use of arguments in line with Chandler's concepts and serving as a vehicle for creating mutual understanding of the economic rationale behind the merger. The article presents and discusses a number of factors and aspects that stalled the process and eventually caused the failure. These factors are all outside Chandler's universe, the corollary being that while ‘economic’ arguments unequivocally favoured the merger, ‘extra-economic’ factors were powerful enough to nullify the economic rationale. Technological and economic arguments were overpowered by political and social ones.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to discuss the Brazilian innovation environment. It addresses the challenges, promises, bottlenecks, and opportunities by examining the country's quest to bridge the innovation divide. In addition, it applies the main dimensions of the “innovation diamond model” to assess how the country is faring in its journey toward competitiveness. The article analyzes Brazil's main innovation policies and agencies. Its companies and policymakers have recently understood that, without a dynamic and rich innovation environment, it will not be able to design long‐term economic development strategies and engage in long‐term sustainable growth. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

产业集群是一种世界性的经济现象,其有利于促进企业的创新,能够产生创新效应;有利于提高产业的整体竞争能力,加强集群内企业间的有效合作;有利于形成“区域品牌”,保持产业集群区位的持续发展。  相似文献   

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