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We consider an economy where trade is decentralized and agents have incomplete information with respect to the value of money. Agents’ learning evolves from private experiences and we explore how the formation of prices interacts with learning. We show that multiple equilibria arise, and equilibria with price dispersion entail more learning than equilibria with one price. Price dispersion increases communication about private histories, which in turn increases the overall amount of information in the economy. We also compare ex ante welfare under price dispersion and one price. Our results show that, despite the existence of some meetings where no trade takes place, ex ante welfare under price dispersion may be higher than under one price.  相似文献   

We analyze security price formation in a dynamic setting in which long-lived dealers repeatedly compete for the opportunity to trade with short-lived retail traders. We characterize equilibria in which dealers’ pricing strategies are optimal irrespective of the private information that each dealer may possess. Thus, our model’s predictions are robust to different specifications of the dealers’ information structure. These equilibria reconcile, in a unified and parsimonious framework, price dynamics that are reminiscent of well-known stylized facts: excess price volatility, price to trading flow correlation, stochastic volatility and inventory-related trading.  相似文献   

本文在Masson的多重均衡理论基础上,根据贸易联系传染金融危机的理论假说,以中国为中心,以其在本次次贷危机中受到严重影响的贸易伙伴(美国、加拿大、德国、日本和英国)为外围,选取2007年2月至2010年3月的月度数据,从直接贸易与间接贸易两个角度构建冲击变量,利用边限检验方法,检验金融危机通过两种贸易渠道从外围国传染给中心国的途径,基于ARDL模型及VAR系统,探究中国在由美国次贷危机引发的全球金融危机中受传染的情况。  相似文献   

服务贸易正成为全球经济竞争的重点。本文分析了金融和贸易的相互影响机制,运用协整和格兰杰因果检验方法,研究了我国金融发展和服务贸易的关系,结论表明:二者间存在长期均衡的稳定关系,金融发展效率对服务贸易的发展起到了促进作用;仅服务贸易是金融发展的Granger原因。最后从金融支持产业结构升级的角度,提出金融发展促进服务贸易的政策建议。  相似文献   

A number of recent US. studies have examined the price impact of large (block) trades using intraday data. A major finding is that the price movement following block trades continues upwards following purchases but reverses following sales. This asymmetry in price behaviour, which suggests that block sellers pay a liquidity premium while block buyers do not, has been described as 'intriguing' and a 'key puzzle'. The purpose of this note is to determine whether the phenomenon exists on the Australian Stock Exchange. Evidence consistent with the 'puzzling' asymmetry is shown to exist when returns are measured from the block trade until the close of trade. Contrary to US. findings, which have shown that prices appear to reverse following both block purchases and sales in transaction time analysis, the asymmetry in price behaviour is also demonstrated to exist in transaction returns for the ASX. All results are found to be robust to a number of research design innovations and data partitions.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the volume of trade in a multiperiod noisyrational expectations model. When traders receive private signalsat the first trading date and are allowed a second round oftrade, two type of equilibria exist. In the first, traders donot learn about the average private signal from the second roundof trade, and all trade takes place at the first date. In thesecond, traders do learn from the second round, and trade thustakes places at both the first and second dates. The articlecharacterizes volume when a public signal is disclosed at thesecond date.  相似文献   

Stock price volatility in a multiple security overlapping generations model   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A number of empirical studies have reached the conclusion thatstock price volatility cannot be fully explained within thestandard dividend discount model. This article proposes a resolutionbased upon a model that contains both a random supply of riskyassets and finitely lived agents who trade in a multiple securityenvironment. As the analysis shows there exist 2K equilibriawhen K securities trade. The low volatility equilibria haveproperties analogous to those found in the infinitely livedagent models of Campbell and Kyle (1991) and Wang (1993, 1994).In contrast, the high-volatility equilibria have very differentcharacteristics. Within the high-volatility equilibria verylarge price variances can be generated with very small supplyshocks. Adding securities to the economy further reduces therequired supply shocks. Using previously established empiricalresults the model can reconcile the data with supply shocksthat are less than 10% as large as observed return shocks. Theseresults are shown to hold even when the dividend process ismean reverting.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the behavior of stock and option prices around block trades in stocks. The results indicate that for both up tick and downtick block trades the stock prices adjust within a fifteen minute period after the block trade. Moreover, for uptick blocks there is no evidence of any stock price reaction before the block trade. However, the adjustment of stock price for downtick blocks begins about fifteen minutes before the block trade. We also find that option price behavior differs considerably from stock price behavior. Specifically, our results suggest that options exhibit abnormal price behavior starting thirty minutes before the block and ending one hour after the block. The pattern is more pronounced for downtick blocks and for put options. We interpret this abnormal price behavior of options before the block trade as consistent with intermarket frontrunning.  相似文献   

This paper disputes the view that money remedies a ‘friction’ of overlapping generations. Its arguments are based upon the numerical example of Samuelson (1958). It shows that there is a one-to-one mapping from equilibria in a system of complete, timeless markets to the sequential equilibria usually studied. Friction is absent in that sense. Further, monetary injection is not unique in converting inefficiency to efficiency. The same conversion is possible in markets for consumption loans. The common factor of both conversions is redistribution of wealth prior to trade. Such redistributions correspond to redistributions of numeraire in complete, timeless markets.  相似文献   

This paper examines the price response to large block transactions on the Australian Stock Exchange during the 1999 sample period. We find asymmetry in the price reaction between buyer‐ and seller‐initiated trades with respect to size and resiliency following the trade. We extend previous research by examining order book changes surrounding block trades and relating price effects to changes in book depth. Purchases are associated with persistent order book imbalance, while the sales imbalance is insignificant. Cross‐sectional analysis demonstrates that price resiliency following a trade is related to the speed at which limit orders arrive to replenish book depth.  相似文献   

In this paper I investigate the nexus between buyer–seller dynamics, financial frictions and market efficiency in decentralized markets. To do so, I introduce financial frictions in a dynamic market with heterogeneous traders. Heterogeneously constrained buyers sequentially enter the market to acquire units of a generic good from heterogeneously endowed sellers. I characterize two closely related classes of equilibria, respectively called homogeneous equilibrium with no entry (HEWNE) and homogeneous equilibrium with entry (HEWE). Both equilibria prescribe a market where only the efficiently endowed type of seller exists in the limit. However, the two equilibria diverge in the specification of agents’ behavior subsequent to trade. In HEWNE, sellers and buyers exit the market upon successful trading. In HEWE, like in supply chains, in every period certain types of buyers replace exiting sellers, thus becoming potential sellers for subsequent waves of buyers. First, I identify the critical role of frictions in steering the complex evolution of market heterogeneity for both classes of equilibria. Secondly, I operationalize the combined study of HEWNE and HEWE to obtain sharp predictions on market efficiency for a range of empirically-relevant situations in which buyer–seller dynamics are decoupled, for example when entry of new sellers is delayed or stopped. Third, I test the theoretical findings against a simulated artificial market.  相似文献   

Market transparency: who wins and who loses?   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
This study uses laboratory experiments to determine the effectsof trade and quote disclosure on market efficiency, bid-askspreads, and trader welfare. We show that trade disclosure increasesthe informational efficiency of transaction prices, but alsoincreases opening bid-ask spreads, apparently by reducing market-makers'incentives to compete for order flow. As a result, trade disclosurebenefits market makers at the expense of liquidity traders andinformed traders. We find that quote disclosure has no discernibleeffects on market performance. Overall our results demonstratethat the degree of market transparency has important effectsof market equilibria and on trader and market-maker welfare.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between money growth, inflation, and productive activity in a dynamic general-equilibrium, multiple-matching framework where trade frictions are manifested by limited consumption variety. Productive activity and matching in the goods market are endogenized by a time allocation decision of work and search effort. We find that a high degree of complementarity between participation in the labor and goods markets creates a channel by which inflation can positively influence production and output. This feature arises when household preferences for consumption variety is sufficiently large and it can also lead to the multiplicity of monetary equilibria.  相似文献   

We develop a theory of warrants held by competitive warrantholders not constrained to exercise their warrants as one block; the theory also applies to convertible bonds held by competitive bondholders not constrained to convert their bonds as one block. We prove that the warrant (bond) price in each of the competitive equilibria is less than or equal to the price in an economy with the block constraint; and for at least one competitive equilibrium the warrant (bond) price equals the warrant (bond) price in the block-constrained economy. We illustrate the paths of competitive warrant exercise and bond conversion and conclude that under realistic assumptions they can be long.  相似文献   

The proliferation of preferential trade liberalization overthe last 20 years has raised the question of whether it slowsmultilateral trade liberalization. Recent theoretical and empiricalevidence indicates that this is the case even for unilateralpreferences that developed countries provide to small and poorcountries, but there is no estimate of the resulting welfarecosts. This stumbling block effect can be avoided by replacingthe unilateral preferences with a fixed import subsidy, whichgenerates a Pareto improvement. More importantly, this paperpresents the first estimates of the welfare cost of preferentialliberalization as a stumbling block to multilateral liberalization.Recent estimates of the stumbling block effect of preferenceswith data for 170 countries and more than 5,000 products areused to calculate the welfare effects of the European Union,Japan, and the United States switching from unilateral preferencesfor least developed countries to an import subsidy scheme. Ina model with no dynamic gains to trade, the switch producesan annual net welfare gain for the 170 countries that adds about10 percent to the estimated trade liberalization gains in theDoha Round. It also generates gains for each group: the EuropeanUnion, Japan, and the United States ($2,934 million), leastdeveloped countries ($520 million), and the rest of the world($900 million).  相似文献   

It is demonstrated that adaptive learning in the least squares sense may be incapable of satisfactorily reducing the number of attainable equilibria in a rational expectations model when focusing on the forward‐solutions to the model. The model examined, as an illustration, is a basic asset pricing model for exchange rate determination that is augmented with technical trading in the currency market in the form of moving averages since it is the most commonly used technique according to questionnaire surveys. The forward‐solutions to such a model are preferable to the backward‐solutions that are normally utilized since announcement effects is an important feature in currency trade. Because of technical trading in foreign exchange, the current exchange rate depends on j max lags of the exchange rate, meaning that the model has j max+1 rational expectations equilibria, where several of them are adaptively learnable in the least squares sense. However, since past exchange rates should not affect the current exchange rate when technical trading is absent, it is possible to single out a unique equilibrium among the adaptively learnable equilibria that is economically meaningful. It is worth noting that the model examined can also be viewed as a model for stock price determination in which the forward‐solutions to the model are preferable to the backward‐solutions since the importance of announcement effects is a common characteristic for currency and stock markets.  相似文献   

This article develops a model of the upstairs market where ordersize, beliefs and prices are determined endogenously. We testthe model's predictions using unique data for 5,625 equity tradesduring the period 1985 to 1992 that are known to be upstairstransactions and are identified as either buyer or seller initiated.We find that price movements prior to the trade date are significantlypositively related to trade size, consistent with informationleakage as the block is 'shopped' upstairs. Further, the temporaryprice impact or liquidity effect is a concave function of ordersize, which may result from upstairs intermediation.  相似文献   

We study the impact of voluntary trade by the manager. We find that, in contrast to standard signaling models, an action is good news for some firms and bad news for others, depending on observable characteristics of the firm, its managers, and their compensation plans. Further, voluntary trade eliminates separating equilibria and thus the possibility of exactly inferring the manager's private information. This may cause the manager to take inefficient actions so as to earn trading profits. Such undesirable behavior can be more effectively constrained by compensation contracts based on phantom shares or nontradeable options instead of large stockholdings.  相似文献   

This paper experimentally compares a Call Market and a Walrasian Tatonnement under asymmetric information. The experimental environment and the market institutions are such that, at the theoretical equilibria, the two trading institutions exhibit identical prices and surpluses. During the experiment, prices are fully revealing on the two trading venues. However, the gains from trade are higher on the Walrasian Tatonnement than on the Call Market. This is because uninformed agents trade less on the CM. I show that this behavior is due to bounded rationality and strategic uncertainty, and that the Walrasian Tatonnement fosters learning by mitigating the impact of both factors. This paper supports the view that trading institutions should be designed including cognitively ergonomic features to fit the limited nature of human rationality.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of trade size on security prices. We show that trade size introduces an adverse selection problem into security trading because, given that they wish to trade, informed traders perfer to trade larger amounts at any given price. As a result, market makers' pricing strategies must also depend on trade size, with large trades being made at less favorable prices. Our model provides one explanation for the price effect of block trades and demonstrates that both the size and the sequence of trades matter in determining the price-trade size relationship.  相似文献   

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