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Iannis A. Mourmouras 《Bulletin of economic research》1997,49(4):303-307
This note shows that delegation of policy to a central banker who puts more weight on inflation stabilization than does the rest of society could reduce the alleged social inefficiency of private wage indexation decisions that arises in models of discretionary monetary policy. 相似文献
Graeme Wells 《The Journal of economic education》2013,44(2):152-165
The authors provide a framework with which to analyze growth in a small economy with perfect capital mobility. The framework provides a diagrammatic representation of steady states that differs in interesting and important ways from the usual closed-economy Solow-Swan diagram. The authors use the key diagrams to illustrate the effects of changes in parameters such as the saving rate and productivity growth on steady-state values of macroeconomic aggregates. They compare the steady-state results for the open economy with those obtained using the more familiar closed-economy model. They illustrate the possibility of endogenous income growth. 相似文献
This paper evaluates simple monetary policy rules in the tradition of the Poole analysis within a general two‐country model for a large economy and a small open economy. The results for the large economy resemble those of the original Poole scenario and also extend to the welfare measure. In particular, an interest rate rule is preferable to a money supply rule when liquidity shocks dominate, whereas a money supply rule fares better with real shocks. For the small open economy, the stabilization properties of the large‐economy case continue to hold for domestic shocks, but a money supply rule performs better than an interest rate rule using the welfare measure. If shocks originate in the foreign economy, a money supply rule turns out to be superior both in terms of its stabilization properties as well as in terms of welfare. 相似文献
Pattern bargaining with the tradables (manufacturing) sector as the wage leader is common in Europe. We question the conventional wisdom that such bargaining produces wage restraint. In our model, all forms of pattern bargaining give the same outcomes as uncoordinated bargaining under inflation targeting. Under a monetary union, wage leadership for the non‐tradables sector is conducive to wage restraint, whereas wage leadership for the tradables sector is not. Comparison thinking might lead the follower to set the same wage as the leader. Such equilibria can arise when the leader sector is the smaller sector, and these can promote high employment. 相似文献
Should the government run fiscal deficits in response to an adverse external shock that warrants transfer of resources from production of nontraded to traded goods? This article considers normative fiscal policy implications of sectoral adjustment costs in a two‐sector model with overlapping generations. Fiscal deficits benefit present generations by depleting foreign assets and slowing down the adjustment process. We show that despite no nominal rigidities, temporary fiscal deficits increase social welfare if adjustment costs prevent immediate sectoral reallocation of inputs. If there are no adjustment costs, the case for fiscal deficits vanishes. 相似文献
P. J. LLOYD 《The Economic record》1978,54(2):182-194
This paper considers the problem of constructing an index, in the presence of a large public sector, which will tell us whether any adjustment to wages or other payments to households in one situation will leave the households better or worse off than in some previous situation with a different set of prices. This index is an extension of the true price index. The paper also proposes an index of the affordable wages with which the first index should be compared. 相似文献
Macroeconomic Policy Making,Exchange Rate Adjustment and Current Account Imbalances in Emerging Markets

Given a series of crisis events after 2007 the discussion about the adjustment channels of current account imbalances has been revived. We examine the role of exchange rates vs macroeconomic policies as determinants of current accounts for a set of 86 mainly emerging market economies between 1990 and 2013 to identify adjustment channels for global imbalances. We find that nominal exchange rates are not the main determinant of current account positions. Instead, depending on the region, monetary and/or fiscal policies are identified as the main driving force of current accounts. For East Asia and the oil exporting countries sterilization policies, i.e. relatively tight monetary policies, are the main determinants. In contrast for many European periphery countries fiscal policy stances are at the core of current account positions. Only for the Latin American countries does the exchange rate play a significant role as determinant of current account positions. 相似文献
KAZUMI ASAKO 《The Economic record》1979,55(4):359-367
This paper attempts to analyze an interaction between international trade and domestic environmental pollution. A country engaging in international trade biases its domestic economic structure toward exportable sectors. The bias thus caused has a significant impact on the quality of the environment. It will be shown that a country can and should control international trade activities as a means of dealing with pollution problems. One of the paper's main purposes is to give a warning to a country which expands its international trade activities without taking serious consideration of its domestic environment. 相似文献
Macroeconomic Effects of Reducing Gender Wage Inequality in an Export-Oriented, Semi-Industrialized Economy 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The paper presents two short-run, structuralist models of an export-oriented, two-sector, semi-industrialized economy in which women workers are concentrated in export production. The first model analyzes the comparative static effects of an exogenous increase in female wages holding male wages and the exchange rate constant. The second model endogenizes the female–male wage ratio and the real exchange rate, assuming flexible nominal wages and a crawling-peg exchange rate. Either stable or unstable dynamics are possible. In the stable cases, a depreciation policy can either close or widen the gender wage gap. 相似文献
On Macroeconomic Policy and Macroeconometric Models* 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
KENNETH F. WALLIS 《The Economic record》1993,69(2):113-130
Macroeconometric models provide a formal and quantified framework that is an irreplaceable adjunct to the processes of policy thought. This article analyzes some recent developments in model structure and model use, and the interactions between them. Two major areas in which recent research has contributed to the ongoing process of model development are considered, namely the 'supply-side' approach to wages and unemployment, and the modelling of the exchange rate. An improved vehicle for macroeconomic policy analysis is an objective of such developments, and some issues surrounding the use of macroeconometric models in policy analysis are discussed 相似文献
Young-Bum Park 《International economic journal》2013,27(1):29-42
The object of this paper is to increase our understanding of the effect of output market power (the degree of concentration in an industry) on wage earnings in Korea. We conduct a series of econometric investigations based on the traditional human capital theory and find that workers in a more concentrated industry are paid higher. This wage premium is not explained in terms of the differences in the quality of labor and/or compensating factors. It suggests to us that the conventional estimates of the misallocation of resources due to the output market power are underestimated since this source of higher unit costs is disregarded. [820] 相似文献
Anders Forslund Nils Gottfries Andreas Westermark 《The Scandinavian journal of economics》2008,110(1):169-195
According to the standard union bargaining model, unemployment benefits should have big effects on wages, but product‐market prices and productivity should play no role in the wage bargain. We formulate an alternative strategic bargaining model, where labour and product‐market conditions together determine wages. A wage equation is derived and estimated on aggregate data for four Nordic countries. Wages are found to depend not only on unemployment and the replacement ratio, but also on productivity, international prices and exchange rates. There is evidence of considerable nominal wage rigidity. Exchange rate changes have large and persistent effects on competitiveness. 相似文献
WILLIAM W. ROBERTS 《The Economic record》1978,54(3):380-386
This paper introduces a monetary asset, perceived as an addition to wealth, into a two-country neoclassical model of accumulation. As domestic monetary expansion changes, demand for the investment good is shifted. This alters the terms and level of trade as well as production and shifts the balanced growth paths of both economies. For a non-specialized world it is found that an increase in domestic monetary expansion will increase the domestic overall capital intensity, decrease the foreign overall capital intensity, and worsen the terms of trade for the country importing the investment good. 相似文献
We examine episodes of current account adjustment in industrial countries over the past 30 years. We find that they were typically associated with a sizable growth slowdown and a large exchange rate depreciation. There was no discernible change in the nature of capital flows just prior to an adjustment. Hence, adjustments may be responding to the resolution of domestic imbalances rather than being an exogenous event. We show that global developments triggered the adjustment, possibly by triggering the unwinding of the domestic imbalances. Most of the ex post adjustment of the financial account was in private sector flows, primarily by foreign investors. 相似文献
We consider the origins of global current account imbalances. We first discuss how the expansion of the US current account deficit and the decrease in global real interest rates can be reconciled with the widespread view that American expansionary fiscal policy is partly the source of current trends. We then investigate empirically the medium‐term determinants of the current account using a model that controls for factors related to institutional development. In addition to the conventional macroeconomic factors, we examine a series of environmental factors, including the degree of financial openness and the extent of legal development. We find that for industrial countries, the government budget balance is an important determinant of the current account balance; the budget balance coefficient is 0.10 to 0.49 depending on model specifications. These varying estimates lead us to conclude that fiscal factors might be as important as excess savings arising from East Asia. 相似文献
中国经济全面复苏和宏观政策“正常化” 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
面对国际金融危机冲击,中国政府采取了强力的宏观激励政策,中国经济从2009年第四季度全面复苏,经济增长回到了潜在增长率之上。中国正处在城市化拉升期,因此投资对城市化是有效的,2010年应继续全面复苏。但强力的宏观政策是非常时期的非常举措,宏观政策的正常化是2010年的重要抉择。继续沿着原有的激励方式和城市化模式,必然加快土地城市化的扩张和高价房地产的模式,直接导致资产价格泡沫和通货膨胀,因此应倡导稳速增效,提高城市化聚集度、改革政府体制,消解地方政府、大企业集团等带来的"倒逼机制",让宏观政策正常化。 相似文献
世界经济在2009年第一季度仍然持续着2008年以来的下滑趋势,中国经济依然处在震荡期,经济增速下滑的趋势没有根本改变,但经济发展中的积极因素增多。在财政减收和财政支出快速增加的大背景下,本文以蒙代尔—弗莱明模型为基础,提出了适度宽松货币政策和新积极财政政策的搭配方案:积极财政政策对国民经济各领域全面、协调、快速推进,适度宽松货币政策着力激活资本市场,并根据人民币国际化的进程,推进国际货币体系的协作框架机制。 相似文献