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This article investigates the response of beef-cattle producers to changes in the price of cattle. Previous research has suggested that there may be a negative short-run supply response to a permanent increase in the price of cattle. We build a dynamic, rational expectations model that separates the markets for fed and unfed beef. This separation generates predictions that the supply response is generally positive, even for permanent shocks in the short run, and nests the negative supply response as a special case for appropriately restricted demand shocks.  相似文献   

This paper present the results of recent empirical work on the short-run producetion flexibility of cow-calf producers in Western Canada. Several aspects of firm behaviour may be inferred from the econometric estimates, including short-run elasticities of supply and factor demand, and the total elasticity of cattle supply. The principal empirical findings are that many of the shourt-run supply and factor demand responses of firms, are elastic with respect to within-season price variability. The evidence does not support a vertical or negatively-sloped short-run supply curve for cattle, where one previously has been hypothesized in the theoretical literature.  相似文献   

玉米已成为我国播种面积最大的粮食作物,同时玉米在主要粮食作物中比例也不断攀升。文章利用2003~2010年河北省农户玉米种植的动态面板数据,建立了农业供给反应(适应性预期)模型,采用广义矩阵估计方法(GMM),对影响河北省9个县534户农民的玉米供给和调整的价格、政策以及气候等因素进行了动态面板实证分析和相关探讨。基于农户玉米生产供给反应模型的理论框架,推导出研究所采用的动态面板适应性预期模型。结果表明,首先,河北省农户的玉米种植面积对于价格变化很敏感,玉米种植面积的长期价格弹性较大。其次,补贴政策对于农户种植玉米有一定的积极促进作用,但是农户对于补贴额的反应程度很小。再次,生产成本投入增加会制约河北省农户玉米种植。最后,降水对于保证玉米生产具有重要作用。因此,稳定玉米价格、继续加大政策支持力度、完善水利基础设施补贴力度对于保证河北省玉米生产和供给会产生积极促进作用。  相似文献   

This article explores supply response models in a rational expectations framework with endogenous risk by using a multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity model with Cholesky decomposition. This approach allows the incorporation of price volatility as a risk factor into the supply response of a primary commodity sector that is composed of several markets of homogenous products. The model is applied to the Greek meat sector, which is composed of four major meat categories, that is, beef, lamb, pork, and broiler, and thus the model for the entire market includes supply and demand equations for all the four meat markets, which are estimated simultaneously. The empirical results confirm that price volatility is a significant risk factor in Greek meat production and also provide useful implications about the cost factors of production. Furthermore, the empirical findings show that the last reform of the Common Agricultural Policy seems to have had a negative effect on beef and lamb production in Greece.  相似文献   

Whether farmers form price expectations adaptively or in a forward-looking manner has implications for supply response analysis and for the implementation of agricultural policy reform. This paper examines the formation of price expectations by Kenyan export-crop farmers who market their produce through a monopsonistic parastatal. The analysis allows for relaxation of the small-country assumption within a rational expectations framework. Production behavior is consistent with expectations of future prices based on indicators of aggregate supply and of the marketing board's purchasing capacity. The finding that price forecasts may be formed using information other than previous price levels implies that marketing reforms that raise prices may not raise the relevant price expectations. To elicit a positive supply response, market reforms should be sensitive to farmers' interpretation of institutional signals as well as previous prices.  相似文献   

Increased attention on government pricing policies among African nations leads directly to a need for information about producer responses to price adjustments. This is especially true in the case of Zambian maize production. Maize is the most important crop grown in Zambia. It accounts for more than 80% of the value of marketed food crops, is heavily relied on for subsistence consumption, and is a staple food in the diet of all Zambian citizens. This paper analyzes the aggregate price response of maize supply in Zambia using a dynamic regression analysis. As a result, short, intermediate and long-run multipliers/elasticities are measured which can be used to analyze the effect of future price policy changes. It was found that a second-order rational distributed lag model best fits the available data. Estimates of short-run elasticities of supply for maize and fertilizer prices are 0.54 and –0.48, respectively. The corresponding estimated long-run elasticities are 1.57 and – 1.44.  相似文献   

文章基于河北省固定观察点数据,应用Nerlove模型,实证分析了影响农户粮食种植决策的主要因素,从微观角度探讨了粮食的供给反应。研究结果表明:粮食作物上期出售价格对粮食种植面积的影响非常显著,玉米价格弹性比小麦更大、更敏感,长期价格弹性相比短期会有所增加。从其他影响显著的变量来看,农户种植习惯(粮食上期种植面积)对作物种植决策影响非常显著,农户的种植决策还会受到粮食投入成本、自有耕地面积和粮食作物收入的影响,这些变量说明农户在粮食种植决策时所考虑的因素比较全面,既受种植习惯和投入成本影响,又有对资源禀赋和比较收益的考虑,农户的生产行为并不是完全盲从于农产品价格的变化,农户家庭收入对粮食收入的依赖性也是其重要的考虑因素。基于此,该研究提出了稳定粮食价格、提高农户粮食种植积极性保障粮食安全等相关政策建议。  相似文献   

Alternative specifications of models of the supply response of Australian wheat growers and their economic implications are considered in terms of the existence and nature of production lags, and the choice between expected prices and expected gross returns as the preferred explanator of producers' response to changing economic conditions. The analysis indicates that there are lags which are due primarily to the difficulties and costs of rapid adjustment rather than to the time required to revise expectations. The statistical results were similar for the alternative specifications of gross margins and prices as the economic decision variables. However, the price elasticities derived using the gross margins specification were about a third of those using the prices specification. The gross margins specification yielded additional information in the form of yield and input cost elasticities.  相似文献   

The supply response and input demand by farmers using modern rice technology in Laguna, Philippines were estimated using profit function analysis. The results indicate that farmers do maximise short-term profits and respond to price changes efficiently. The supply elasticity of rice with respect to its own price was approximately unity. Changes in real wages were estimated to have a greater impact on rice profit and supplies than changes in the real prices of mechanised land preparation, fertiliser or pesticides. Production elasticities derived from the profit function were consistent with those estimated directly from the underlying production function.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the nature of international price variability for wheat and coarse grains. In particular, it explores the relationship between variability in national grain markets and international trade. Empirical evidence is presented on the degree to which short-run fluctuations in domestic grain production are transmitted to the world market by major countries or country aggregates, and on their absorption of international market variability. The impact of possible structural or policy changes upon future international price variability is explored. It is argued that multilateral action to promote greater international stability should focus on the modification of domestic storage policies to reduce the transmission of short-run domestic fluctuations in supply or demand to world markets.  相似文献   

Microeconomic capital goods theory was utilised to provide a theoretical framework on which a dynamic econometric model was based. Econometric procedures were then employed in an analysis of sheep producers' decision making regarding the annual supplies of wool, lamb and mutton, and annual changes in the inventory levels of sheep, lambs and ewes maintained for breeding purposes. Estimates show that wool prices provide the long-run stimulus for increases and decreases in the sheep flock while mutton and lamb prices are responsible for short-run changes in flock composition. Substitution between sheep and beef cattle is of considerable importance although no significant substitution between sheep and cropping could be found. Seasonal conditions proved to be an important short-run supply shifter, affecting both numbers and composition of the sheep flock.  相似文献   

Following a general-to-specific strategy of model development, we develop error-correction equations for fed beef supply and feeder cattle demand. Starting with a theoretically acceptable set of variables, preliminary tests for unit roots and cointegrating vectors show stationary quantity variables and cointegrated prices. Simplification of the lag structure leads to equations with considerably richer dynamics than in previous studies. The final model passes several misspecification tests, is robust when estimated on subsamples of data, and makes more accurate out-of-sample forecasts than other models. In beef supply, the estimated error-correction model decomposes the backward-bending supply hypothesis into negative short-run and positive long-run supply elasticities at the monthly frequency.  相似文献   

This paper presents a successful application of an irreversible supply model to the UK egg sector. The model has been developed to overcome the problems that the conventional approaches to irreversible supply modelling face when used with a partial adjustment framework. The results indicate that the supply response to price changes under excess capacity is less than a third of that under non-excess capacity, but that the long-run response is symmetric, as required by the underlying theory. Furthermore, the long-run elasticity from a conventional, symmetric, partial-adjustment model is some 40% larger than that of the asymmetric model, implying that the importance of the asymmetric specification extends beyond an interest in the short-run adjustment path.  相似文献   

In this study, we develop a conceptual bioeconomic model of floriculture production with aesthetic benefits, wherein optimal decision rules depend on an intertemporal economic objective to maximize profits subject to economic and biological processes. Necessary conditions of the model identify optimal trajectories (e.g., simultaneous, single, or cycling controls) that define decision rules and economic thresholds for profit maximizing growers producing crops with aesthetic attributes. The necessary conditions also highlight intertemporal trade‐offs between aesthetic benefits and expected future net benefits of arthropod stocks, which have important policy implications. The model is applied to the greenhouse production system of ivy geranium.  相似文献   

The need to incorporate production response lags in agricultural supply models is established, and two such lags are considered: the familiar adaptive expectations geometric lag, and a more general polynomial lag. These distributed lag supply response models are applied to Australian barley data for the period 1946-47 to 1968-69. A number of statistical problems associated with the adaptive expectations model are discussed, and in particular it is concluded that lags both in the formation of price expectations and in acreage adjustment should be considered when using geometric lag models. While the polynomial lag model does not provide useful results in the present study, its simplicity and flexibility suggest it may be useful in other studies requiring distributed lag models. The short run and long run price elasticity of barley supply estimates are compared with Gruen et al. [14] supply elasticities for the other major rural commodities, from which it appears that barley has a higher short run elasticity but a lower long run elasticity than wheat, wool and meat.  相似文献   

This article examines how corn prices affect the demand for feed grains and the supply of livestock outputs. The differential approach to the theory of the multiproduct firm is employed to examine ex ante decisions about feed grain demand and livestock supply. The estimation results suggest that livestock producers have little flexibility in adjusting the demand for corn in response to an increase in corn prices. The substitutable relationship between corn and distillers’ grains contributes to alleviating pressures on feed costs in response to high corn prices. In addition, the estimation results highlight that the composition of livestock supply can be altered by changes in livestock prices. On the basis of the estimated elasticities, the decompositions of profit‐maximizing input demand are conducted to examine the effects of changes in corn prices on feed grain demand and livestock supply. The decomposition results reveal that an increase in corn prices reduces corn demand but raises the demand for distillers’ grains mainly due to the substitution effects of corn price changes. The decomposition results also show that an increase in the price of corn reduces cattle supply but raises the supply of chicken and pork due to the output relationships in supply.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to determine the financing impact of total expenditure on the use of agriculture inputs (fertilizers, labor, and pesticides), and the output of cotton, rice, beans, corn, soybean, and wheat in Brazil. We study the period 1976–2005. The analysis is based on duality applied to the production theory. The output supplies and conditioned input demands are estimated from a translog multi‐output, multi‐input restricted profit function, where the total production credit is used as proxy of the total expenditure. Farmer expectations with respect to crop prices are incorporated to the estimation based on the quasi‐rational expectation model. The output and input responses to the total expenditure are positive and statistically significant except for cotton, wheat, fertilizer, and pesticides. The short‐run output supply response to own prices is inelastic, except for wheat, which presents elastic response to its price. Acreage has a positive impact on the output supply and it is influenced by land productivity. The main conclusion is that farmers face budget restrictions to purchase inputs, and a government credit program might increase the agricultural supply.  相似文献   

Producer price expectations underlie much of agricultural supply analysis. While producer price expectations would ideally be discovered experimentally, this is too costly. Instead, producer price expectations are usually represented in agricultural supply analysis by easily obtained hypothesized expectation formulations. In most cases, the hypothesized expectation formulations are functions of past prices. However, other formulations are sometimes used, such as current cash and futures prices, or initial payments in the case of grains marketed by the Canadian Wheat Board. This paper compares actual producer price expectations with a variety of hypothesized expectation formulations for wheat and canola in Saskatchewan. A test developed by Granger is used to determine the proxy models that are significantly dominant. The model that dominates as a proxy in the case of wheat price expectations is the two-year declining-weight moving average. The two models that dominate as a proxy in the case of canola price expectations are the first-order autoregressive and, as well, the two-year declining-weight moving average. There is no significant difference between the two models. Somewhat surprising is the performance of formulations based on futures prices. These formulations perform very poorly in representing producers' price expectations, even though they are found to be among the most accurate predictors of actual commodity prices. An even more interesting observation is the performance of the futures price model in the canola market. Even though the November contract in January explains very little of the variation in the actual commodity prices for that year, its error in predicting canola prices is not significantly greater than that of the best performing, the four-year declining-weight moving average, based upon the root mean squared error criterion.  相似文献   

This paper provides new evidence on income and price elasticities of demand and supply of agricultural exports from developing countries, on the basis of (a) a consistent and fully specified supply and demand model, and (b) statistical estimation procedures not frequently used in the estimation of agricultural export functions. Estimates of price and income elasticities of demand for aggregate agricultural exports for all developing countries taken together — as distinct from individual exporting countries — are found to be low; moreover, export price as distinguished from non-price factors plays a relatively insignificant role in increasing export supply. Hence, an attempt by all developing countries to expand traditional agricultural exports with low price elasticity of demand may not yield rising earnings for all; but in fact may result in falling export revenues. Insofar as individual exports of all developing countries (not individual countries) are concerned, income and price elasticities of demand for such tropical commodities as tea, coffee, cocoa and bananas are also found to be low, except for new, non-traditional exports like pineapples. This indicates the importance of diversification of agricultural exports as a vehicle for their future growth.  相似文献   

目的 我国玉米供需形势变化需要国内玉米供给适时作出调整,通过分析玉米供给的影响因素及其背后的农户行为,为国家制定政策并引导农户根据市场需求调整玉米种植决策提出建议。方法 文章利用2008—2019年辽宁、吉林、黑龙江三省省级玉米播种面积和出售价格的面板数据,加入替代作物比较效益和取消玉米临时收储政策虚拟变量,基于Nerlove 模型对玉米供给反应进行实证研究。结果 (1)东北地区玉米短期缺乏价格供给弹性,长期则富有弹性;(2)东北地区玉米播种面积短期内具有一定的刚性;(3)玉米与大豆、水稻的比较效益是影响东北地区农户玉米种植决策的重要因素;(4)取消玉米临时收储政策对东北地区玉米播种面积具有显著的负向影响。结论 短期内仅通过市场价格变化调整玉米供给能力有限,还需要一些配套支持政策及时引导农户调整种植决策;取消玉米临时收储政策后要加快建立优质优价机制,引导农户种植适应市场需求的玉米品种从而增加种粮收入;通过加大“两区”政策支持,将土地、资金、设备等生产要素向优势产区集中,提升优势产区产能。  相似文献   

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