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Canadian econometric studies dealing with the livestock-feed sector have tended to concentrate on individual commodities, or on a particular component of the market equilibrium process. In this article an integrated model of the sector is presented which depicts the nature of commodity interactions both at the consumer level and the producer level. The feed sector was conceptualized primarily in terms of derived demand. The model contained a total of 82 equations, of which 64 were related to the livestock subsystem. The estimated model was subsequently used for predicting the impact of changes in selected instrumental variables on the livestock-feed sector.
Les dernières etudes économétriques canadiennes traitant du pâturage se sont concentrées sur les produits séparés on sur un composé particulier répondant au besoin commercial. Cet article présents un modèle intégré du secteur montrant la nature des actions réciproques entrc les produits au niveau du consommateur et du producteur. Le secteur pâturage est expliqué en fonction de la demande. Le modèle contenait 82 équations, 64 desquelles se rapportaient àľélevage; par conséquent le modèle est employé pour prédire ľinfluence dans les pâturages de changements opérés sur les composants choisis.  相似文献   

Bardsley and Harris (1987) test empirically the effects of changes In deterministic wealth and random income on the measure partial risk aversion. The paper, which is otherwise well written, failed to impose the relationship between the two effects and estimated them independently. Consequently, inconsistent estimates were derived for the elasticities of the measure of partial risk aversion with respect to wealth and to income. The purpose of this comment is to derive that relationship theoretically and to point out the resulting inconsistencies in the original paper.  相似文献   

Unlike those flexible functional forms which are local approximations, the ‘Constant Difference of Elasticities’ (CDE) function is globally well-behaved. Due to its properties and parsimony in the number of parameters, the CDE functional form offers many potential applications. Two empirical applications are presented. First, aggregate CDE input demand functions are specified and estimated econometrically for the feed concentrate markets in Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom. The second empirical application illustrates how a matrix of compensated price elasticities can be obtained with only a priori knowledge of its direct and diagonal elements. The suggested approach exploits some of the properties of the Allen elasticities of substitution associated with the CDE functional form.  相似文献   

A simple model is developed relating the debt and asset portfolio of the farm to the production decision, which leads to a small non-linear system of equations. The system is estimated with time-series cross-sectional data from Australian broadacre agriculture using non-linear three-stage least squares. This gives a new method of estimating risk aversion coefficients by using actual behaviour of farmers in a realistic economic environment, rather than games played in artificial situations. Australian farmers are found to be risk averse, and the partial coefficient of risk aversion decreases with wealth and increases with income. The results are consistent with the results of studies by Binswanger in India and elsewhere using a completely different method. This consistency suggests that the partial risk aversion coefficient is a relatively robust measure of attitudes to risk.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results from estimating an Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) for food and meat for France. Since AIDS is indirectly non-additive and consistent with the requirements of demand theory as well as having other desirable characteristics, it is an appropriate choice for examining food and meat demand. A particular advantage of AIDS is that its linear approximation is an excellent first-order approximation to the complete system and this version is used in the present paper. Income and price elasticities are presented, calculated at both their mean value and at different points to examine possible changes in patterns of demand behaviour.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the market forces - demand, supply, price and trade - operative in the Canadian egg market. Quarterly data for the period 1961–1973 (inclusive) was employed, and Three-Stage least squares procedure was applied to a 12-equation model. Eggs were found to have a very small (–.003) coefficient of direct price elasticity and a negative (–.267) coefficient of income elasticity. At supply level, lagged egg-feed price ratio had an inelastic coefficient. The model was used to forecast for 1974, and was found satisfactory.
Cette étude analyse les forces qui influencent Ie marché des œufs - la demande, l'approvisionnement, les prix et le commerce - au Canada. Les données trimestrielles couvrant la période de 1961 à 1973 (inclusif) fûrent basées sur le système du moindre carré en trois stages sur un modèle à 12 équations. II fut trouvé que les œufs donnent us très petit coefficient (– .003) d'élasticité de prix directe, ainsi qu'un coefficient négatif (–.267) d'élasticité de revenu. Au niveau d'approvisionnement, la proportion ceuf-nourriture retarded avait aussi un coefficient inelastique. Le modéle fut 'employ' pour les predictions de 1974, et fut trouvé satisfaisant.  相似文献   

The role of primary exports in the economic development of a country or region has been subject to much debate. The “staple theory” has been proposed as an explanation of the beneficial effect of primary exports on the economic development of Canada and the United States. However, one authority argues that the staple theory is applicable only to the special case of a new underpopulated country. This paper shows that primary exports have stimulated development in the state of Sonora, Mexico. Data showing the increase in primary production and exports between 1950 and 1960 are linked to the increase in manufacturing employment in industries producing inputs for primary production, industries processing primary products, and industries producing products to satisfy increases in final demand. The role of government policies, institutional arrangements, and the nature of the production functions for primary products are examined in an effort to determine the impact of primary exports on manufacturing activity. This study illustrates that the staple theory provides insight into the development or lack of development of all countries exporting primary products. L'IMPORTANCE DES EXPLOITATIONS DE BASE DANS LE DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMQUE: ?APPLICATION DE LA “THEORIE DES DENREES PRINCIPALES” DANS ?ETAT DE SONORA AU MEXIQUE - Le rôle des exportations de base dans le développement économique ?un pays ou ?une région a fait le sujet de bien des débats, La “théorie des denrées principales” a été proposée comme une explication de ?effet avantageux des exportations de base sur le développement économique du Canada et des États-Unis. Toutefois, une autorité prétend que la théorie des denrées principales ne s'applique qu'au cas particulier ?un nouveau pays sous-peuplé. Le présent exposé démontre quelles exportations de baseont stimulilé développement de ?étal de Sonora au Mexique. Des données indiquant ?augmen tation de la production et des exportations de base entre 1950 et 1960 sont liées à?avance de ?emploi manufacturier dans les industries produisant des intrants pour la production de base, pour les industries qui préparent des produits de base et pour les industries qui produisent des marchandises pour satisfaire aux demandes accrues de produits finis. Le rôle des politique! gouvemementales, des accords institutionnels et la nature des fonctions de la production pour les produits de base sont examinés afin de déterminer ?effet des exportations de base sur ?activité manufacturière. Cette étude démontre que la théorie des denrées principales fournit un aperçu du développement ou du manque de développement des pays qui exponent des produits de base.  相似文献   

A political-economy framework is used to explore the differences which have been observed in the pace of agricultural policy reform in the European Community and in Australia. In this framework, policy-making is endogenous in comparison with its exogenous position in applied welfare economics. It is shown that the institutional aspects of the policy process, the power of the farming lobby, and the economic philosophy of governments are important determinants of the extent of income re-distribution and of moves towards the use of more efficient instruments of income redistribution. It is argued that the degree to which politicians are captured by the farming lobby, and the extent to which they support transparency in policy-making, determine whether fundamental reforms are feasible. From this analysis, it is concluded that the pace of reform of the Common Agricultural Policy will continue to lag behind that in Australia.  相似文献   

Models, both theoretical and econometric, were developed to examine the pricing performance of the Canadian feed grains policy. An 18 equation econometric model, comprising three levels; farm, Canadian Wheat Board and domestic open market, provided the means to measure intermarket price relationships empirically. The model was further simulated for two policy situations, changes in domestic barley stocks and exports. The analytical results support the theoretical contention that the structure of the feed grains market (policy) does not lead to price efficiency. Results showed that performance was dependent upon Canadian Wheat Board export policy and producer marketing decisions which in turn are influenced by the feed grains policy and associated marketing structure. Des modèles théoriques et des modèles économétriques ont été développés avec le but d'examiner le fonctionnement, à l'ègard des prix, de la politique des grains alimentaires au Canada. Un modéle économetrique àéquations, comprenant trois niveaux; la ferme, La Commission Canadienne du Blé, et le marché libre domestique; a produit le moyen de mesurer empiriquement les rapports entre les cours de marche. Le modèle a ètè simulé, en addition, pour examiner deux situations politiques, les changements dans les stocks domestiques et dans les expoetations de l'orge. Les résultats analytiques donnent appui à l'hypothèse théorique que la structure du marché des grains alimentaires (la politique) ne mène pas à l'efficacité de la détermination des prix. Les résultats ont montré que le fonctionnement dépendait de la politique d'exportation de la Commission Canadienne du Blé et des décisions marchandes des producteurs qui, à leur tour, sont influencées par la politique des grains alimentaires et par la structure marchande y associée.  相似文献   

Given aggregate time-series data, conventional Markov Chain estimation of the stationary transition probabilities is performed for a model of the cereal market in Great Britain. The possibility of non-stationary probabilities is examined in the light of these initial results, and the basic model developed to allow exogenous variables to enter via their influence on these parameters. The evidence from the paper would appear to suggest that, at least in the case considered, time-varying transition probabilities are a most attractive alternative.  相似文献   

This paper presents, first of all, estimates of the rate of effective protection for particular livestock production activities in the United Kingdom over the period 1966–79. These estimates are used to construct a Relative Scale of Protection. Secondly, the sensitivity of the calculated rates and the Relative Scale to the incorporation of non-zero substitution elasticities in the formula for effective protection is examined. The results suggest that the Relative Scale is comparatively unaffected by substitution. It may be concluded that the rate of effective protection remains a useful concept for the empirical analysis of agricultural protection.  相似文献   

The supply of apples in Nova Scotia is disaggregated in two dimensions: by variety–namely, fresh, processing, and dual purpose apples and by number of bearing trees and yield per tree. Using regression techniques, price distributed lags explained tree planting decisions. Market variables and climatic factors such as frost, sunshine, and wind explained yield. Simulation studies indicate (I) a relative stability in the population of apple trees, (2) a noticeable sensitivity of yield to climatic factors, especially wind in unfavorable cases and sunshine in favorable ones, and (3) that the buffering effect of dual purpose apples and the relative inelasticity of demand for processing apples both help maintain relative overall stability in the industry in the face of unpredictable climatic variations. On divisé?apprivisionmemenl des pommes de la Nouvelle Ecosse en deux: ?abord par varietés, la pomme de consommalion, la pomme industrielie, les pommes peuvent servir 1'un ou I'autre de ces fins et ensuiie par le nombre de pommiers et le rendement par arbre. Employant une technique regressive, ?on peut comprendre que le nombre de pommiers planter dépendent directement du prix des pommes sur le marché. Par variations dans le marché et les conditions climatiques telle que le gel, ?énsoleillement el le vent expliquent le rendement. Des études controlées nous indique: 1. Une stabilityé relative dans le nombre des pommiers 2. Une variation marquée suivant les conditions climatiques, spéciallemenl le vent, (condition infavourablejet lesoleil(conditionfavorable) 3. Que I'effet amortissônt des pommes a double fins et ?inélasticicité de la demande pour les pommes preparées a la consommalion aident à maintenir une certaine stabilityé dans cette Industrie aux prises avec les changements climatiques imprévisibles  相似文献   

A spatial equilibrium model with transfer and foreign exchange sectors is used to investigate certain aspects of the EEC sheepmeat regime. In particular, the effects on intra-Community trade and social welfare of the variable levy on UK exports and a green/spot rate differential for sterling are identified. Alternative policy measures aimed at increasing trade are examined and the conclusions are then applied to the regime as it operates in practice.  相似文献   

Changes in exporter market shares in the Kuwaiti poultry import market over the period 1971–81 are analysed by three modelling procedures. Two traditional approaches, a first-order constant transition probability Markov model and a set of market share equations, are found to be of only limited use. As an alternative, a multinominal logit model of market share behaviour is estimated. The empirical results indicate that, in addition to relative price changes, domestic policy inducements for Brazilian and European Community exports are important in determining market share changes. A comparison of the explanatory abilities of the models suggests that the multinominal logit model is as least as good as traditional modelling alternatives with respect to econometric criteria. It is concluded that the multinominal logit model offers considerable promise as a tool for market share research.  相似文献   

The effects of state government regulation of primary industry are modelled. An analytical framework is presented for estimating the costs of regulation in terms of changes in economic surplus. The model permits trade between regions of the total market. An illustrative application of the framework is applied to proposed animal welfare regulation of the Victorian pig industry. Some regulations that may provide large gains with regard to the welfare of farm animals involve only small social costs compared to the gross value of production of the industry. Conversely, other regulations that potentially confer only small gains in animal welfare impose large social costs. The distribution of these costs is important. In general, consumers lose, as do some producers. Other producers gain. In some cases, producers in aggregate gain from regulation. Major beneficiaries, such as advocates of animal welfare regulations, are likely to bear little of the cost of regulation.  相似文献   

This paper extends the conjectural approach in industrial organisation to the analysis of imperfections in output and factor markets. Starting from the specification of a production function, the econometric analysis is based on the formulation and estimation of a simultaneous-equation model consisting of a production function, first-order conditions associated with factor employment, and two conjectural elasticities to parameterise the industry's oligopoly and oligopsony equilibria. As an example, we provide an application to the US meat-packing industry. Our results suggest that the industry exercises market power in both the output (meat) market and the factor (live animal) market.  相似文献   

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