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This paper looks at the market value of farmland in the UK, and the problems of measuring it. The recent movement in farmland values is examined along with the variables which determine these values. Changing patterns of farmland ownership are surveyed in the context of the total balance sheet of British agriculture. Balance sheet values are related to each other and to the income returns on them, and farmland is discussed in terms of opportunity costs, or alternative economic uses to which it may be put.  相似文献   

作为农业生产的根本,农田质量对于粮食生产而言至关重要,因此农田污染的相关防治已经成为我国农业可持续发展、农产品安全以及我国生态环境保护的重要措施。目前我国农田污染主要特征为农田污染物成分复杂,农田污染程度不断扩大。同时由于农田污染导致土壤肥力下降进而导致相关农作物的产量以及品质不断下降。文章以四川省为例,探究农田污染对粮食生产的影响,结果发现,目前四川省农田污染主要来源于农药化肥的不合理使用,水体以及土壤受工业废水污染严重,畜牧业废弃物污染等。农田污染导致可耕种土地面积不断减少,粮食生产受到严重影响。基于此,该文针对四川省农田污染现状提出农田污染综合立体防控策略,并在此基础上通过合理规划农业生产,减少农药化肥使用量,提高生物防治在病虫害防治当中的比例等措施减少农田污染对粮食生产的影响,以期为我国农田保护以及粮食生产提供一定的理论以及政策依据。  相似文献   

[目的]以江苏省45个县(市)为例,构建农地利用效率评价模型,通过对不同流转水平下农地利用效率进行分析,探寻农地利用效率的变化原因及与农地流转率之间的关系。[方法]文章运用三阶段数据包络分析法(DEA)和聚类分析法。[结果](1)对比第一、三阶段农地利用效率的水平,除少数县(市)在调整后依然有效外,其他县(市)的综合技术效率均有所变化,且变化幅度较大;(2)环境变量对于单个决策单元的影响差异较大,部分县(市)的农地利用效率在第一阶段达到了综合技术有效,但在调整后效率值却出现了较大的差异;(3)结合流转率水平来看,高流转水平和较高流转水平地区的农地利用效率经调整后出现了降低,而中等、低流转水平地区升高。[结论](1)江苏省45个县(市)的农地利用效率水平与农地流转水平呈现成反向发展的趋势;(2)环境因素对农地流转中农地利用效率有明显影响。  相似文献   

Bardsley and Harris (1987) test empirically the effects of changes In deterministic wealth and random income on the measure partial risk aversion. The paper, which is otherwise well written, failed to impose the relationship between the two effects and estimated them independently. Consequently, inconsistent estimates were derived for the elasticities of the measure of partial risk aversion with respect to wealth and to income. The purpose of this comment is to derive that relationship theoretically and to point out the resulting inconsistencies in the original paper.  相似文献   

[目的]现阶段我国农业生产要素配置不合理、资源浪费现象严重、农业部门的整体效益较低。农地流转的过程既是农地资源重新配置与再利用,又是促进农业资本深化的重要方式。通过制定合理有效地农地流转制度来高效配置资本要素,从而实现农业的可持续发展。[方法]基于农地流转的规模效应和配置效应两个维度来分析农地流转对农业资本深化的影响,利用固定效应模型进行多元回归,分别求农地流转对两个核心指标的影响大小。[结果]农地流转对农业资本增密和滞后一期的农业资本配置效率具有正向促进关系。农地流转促进了农业现代化技术的推广与运用,加速了农业生产资料在单位面积土地上的运作效率,农地流转促进了农业资本的持续深化。[结论]加快农地合理规范流转是提高农业资本深化的重要途径。  相似文献   

The introduction of new technology into agriculture is a central feature of development schemes, but is regularly criticised because of its distributive effects. Technology change is unavoidably biased, however, and cannot easily be used to serve specific distribution objectives. Ex post studies do not necessarily guide the appropriate choice of technology as they rarely offer causal explanations. Predicting the consequences of innovation is hampered by the narrowness of established economic models and the conceptual indefiniteness of technology as a variable in those models. In the absence of a wider system framework, technology for development is selected according to more general guides. These emphasise either the primacy of output objectives or advocate technology forms presumed appropriate to distribution objectives. Neither adequately substitutes for a broad framework to guide the choice of technology as an instrument in development.  相似文献   

文章通过建立三套指标体系,基于熵值法、因子分析法及主成分与差异系数结合法的综合测算考 察和分析重庆市城乡统筹发展状况,尝试提供一个较为深入全面的重庆市城乡统筹发展水平的综合评价。 结果发现,直辖以来重庆市城乡统筹发展进程呈现出良好发展态势,尤其是近年来已进入快速发展通道, 但重庆市城乡统筹发展水平在全国尤其是与东部沿海地区相比尚处于较低层次,且内部不同区县的发展并 不均衡,尚存在很大持续提升的潜力和空间。  相似文献   

Many farmer service institutions have provided a comparative analysis service to their clients. The generally accepted rationale is that comparative analysis reports aid the farmer-manager in identifying problematic areas with respect to his operation.
This study provides a quantitative analysis of the potential usefulness of comparative analysis reports to participating farmers. A simulation model is utilized as the testing vehicle.
Plusieurs institutions ďaide aux agriculteurs out offert un service ďanalyses comparatives de régistres, à ses clients. Ľapprobation générate el rationnelle est basée sur Ľaide que procure les rapports ďanalyses comparatives aux producteurs, à identifier les secteurs problématiques ďopération.
Cette étude procure line analyse quantitative de potentiel ďutilité, des analyses comparatives de rapports de gestion, en vertu des exploitations agricoles. Un model de simulation est utilise comme méthode de verification.  相似文献   

农地的社会保障功能能否被有效替代已经成为农地能否健康有序流转的关键所在。文章选取安徽省芜湖市为研究案例区,采用问卷调查、深度访谈等方法开展田野调查,运用二元Logistic回归模型分析农地保障功能替代对农户转出农地意愿的影响。结果表明:(1)研究区农户转出农地的意愿较强,63%的农户期待转出农地。(2)农地保障功能替代对农户转出农地的意愿有一定影响:劳动承载力功能替代程度越高的农户,越愿意转出农地;农地的价值功能替代程度越高,农户转出农地的意愿越高;当今农地的养老功能替代程度对农户转出农地意愿没有显著直接影响。为促进农地合理流转、最大限度保护农户利益,应健全完善新型农村社会养老保险制度,尤其增强新农保的保障能力,消除农户在养老方面的后顾之忧;推动新型城镇化,进一步推进户籍制度改革,统筹推进工业化、信息化、城镇化和农业现代化同步发展,推动城乡融合发展;加强职业培训,完善就业失业登记管理制度,面向农业转移人口全面提供政府补贴职业技能培训服务,加大创业扶持力度,促进农村转移劳动力就业。  相似文献   


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