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目的 我国以“大棚化”为代表的耕地利用转型不断深入,意味着传统的露天耕作已逐渐被设施农业取代。少有研究在宏观层面上对耕地“大棚化”的影响因素进行探究,特别是其与新型职业农民转型间的关系。方法 文章以2006年和2016年中国大陆31个省级行政区为对象分析了耕地利用“大棚化”的时空特征,并通过多层线性模型对2016年全国209个地级行政区耕地利用“大棚化”的影响因素进行了探究。结果 ①2006—2016年中国大陆耕地利用“大棚化”整体呈上升趋势,在空间上呈现出东高西低的分布态势。②大棚用地面积影响因素中,人口密度、城镇化水平和新型职业农民有显著正向影响,而坡度有显著负向影响。③“大棚化”率的正向影响因素与大棚用地面积的相同,而负向影响因素中新增了降水量、一产比重和人均经营耕地面积。结论 人口密度是耕地利用“大棚化”转型的重要拉力因素,而新型职业农民培育可以主动有效推进耕地利用“大棚化”转型。  相似文献   

农作制与中国农作制区划   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在从理论上探讨农作制定义的基础上,讨论了研制中国农作制区划的必要性及其指导思想与原则,并简述其框架和分区。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study is to discuss the structural and locational changes which have occurred in the mink farming industry of Alberta. Data were collected by postal questionnaire and direct interview. Thirty percent of 149 mink farmers in the 1967/68 season in Alberta were surveyed. The data was cross-tabulated and per-cenlaged. Mink farming in Alberta is discussed vis-a-vis the rest of Canada, and the location of mink farms within the province is traced. Mink farm size, farm income, markets for pelts, feed supply and costs, and the background characteristics of farmers are discussed. Problems cited by mink farmers and their future plans and suggestions for remedial action for the industry's problems are also analysed. It is suggested that more small farmers will “pelt out” unless there is further government intervention in the industry as well as cooperative action taken by the mink farmers themselves. Locations for farms in the city near meat packing houses provides a more stable feed and labour supply than the traditional lakeside location. Larger scale production, concentration on quality pelts, and more cooperative purchasing and marketing arrangements could alleviate some of the industry's hardships. Cette étude discute les changes spatiaux et structuraux dans ?industrie des visons de ?Alberta. Les statisliques etait oblenus par un questionnaire postale el les enlrevues directes. De 149 fermiers de visons dans la saison du 1967*68, trente pourcentage était examiné. Les statisliques étaienl analysés par les pourcentages el aussi les résultats était croisé-classifier. La perspective de ?industrie des visons dans ?Alberta est discuté centre les circonslances pour le Canada, et ?emplacement des fermes dans le province est décrit. Les dimensions des fermes de visons, les revenus, les marchés, ?alimentation et les coúts, et les caractéristiques des fermiers, sonl discutés. Les problémes qui ont allégués par les fermiers et leurs plans pour ?avenir et leurs propositions pour la solution, des problemes de ?industrie, sonl analyses. II est suggéré que les plus pedis fermes va abandonner s'il n y a pas ?aide du gouvernement provincial de meme que factions coopératifs entre leurs-mêmes. Dans les situations des fermes dans la ville près des abattoirs, il y a une approvisionne-ment de ?alimentation et du travail plus assure des situations le long des lacs. C'est possible que les arrangements cooperatifs pour acheter et vendre, ?accenl sur la qualite des fourrures et une augmentation dans ?échelle de la production va alléger quelques des problems de ?industrie dans ?Alberia  相似文献   

松辽平原是我国重要的种植业和畜牧业生产基地,发展循环农业是其实现农业现代化的重要战略选择。根据循环农业内涵、技术目标和基本原理,结合松辽平原农业发展现状,分析了其发展农牧结合循环农业的必要性。最后,在循环农业研究实践基础上,探讨了未来松辽平原循环农业科技的重点研究方向。  相似文献   

该文以比较优势理论和比较优势产业测算方法为基础,运用《辽宁省统计调查年鉴》等文献资料的数据,分析了辽宁省各地区种植业中的主要农作物相对于全省的比较优势,并对辽宁省不同地区的优势产业进行了选择,进一步促进了辽宁省种植业的发展和农业综合生产能力的提高。  相似文献   

This article examines the effect over time of national economic growth upon the optimum scale of enterprise in farming. It argues that there are forces within an economy leading to the growth of optimum scale in farming, irrespective of the nature of technical innovation and in spite of the limited scope for increased sales of agricultural produce as national income rises. The early part of the paper develops a method of characterising optimum scale which is in terms of marginal return to money capital employed in the farm business.  相似文献   

Economics of size is an important but relatively neglected aspect of Australian agriculture. The theory and methodology for analysis of economics of size are summarized and a survey made of evidence for Australian agricultural industries. The conclusion is reached that economies of size exist, particularly for small to medium farms and diseconomies appear to be absent. Further research is needed and some important areas are indicated.  相似文献   

A multi-commodity model is developed for evaluating the gains from research which raises the demand for a commodity, and applied to the pig and chicken industries in Australia. The major finding is that the gain to pork producers is larger, and the gain to consumers smaller, with a cross-commodity consideration than without. Bigger differences in results are observed with larger values of the cross-price elasticity between pork and chicken, and with a larger shift in demand for chicken. However, the aggregate benefits to the Australian pig industry are not significantly affected by price changes in the market for chicken. The implication of the analysis is that, by ignoring the cross-market feedback between commodities closely related in consumption, consumers (or taxpayers) of the commodity experiencing a rise in demand may bear a higher-than-optimal outlay on public research directed to increasing the demand for that commodity.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a classification of farming undertaken for the four counties of North Wales.? Essentially a type-of-farming classification results in the subdivision of a large area into regions within which a relatively homogeneous association of factors influence the prevailing types of agriculture. Ideally, a type-of-farming area would consist of all that territory within which the choice of products and the possible combinations of factors tend to be similar. The nature of any classification will depend, however, on the main purpose for which it is made. In the present study this was to group parishes according to the type of agricultural activity occurring within them. A further objective was to map the location of the different farming types and thereby to define the predominant type-of-farming areas in North Wales. Among other uses of this classification is an attempt to calculate the contribution to production of each type of farming in the area.  相似文献   

This article examines the experience of seven countries in East and Southern Africa with contract farming and outgrower schemes. In such schemes, farmers sell their crops under contract to private or public enterprises for processing or export in return for various price guarantees, inputs and services. The article identifies some of the key determinants of success or failure, evaluates performance and examines the constraints to replication. In most cases, performance in delivering services and providing income increases to farmers has been quite good, although high management costs limit the extent to which this form of organisation could be more widely applied. Looser control, relying more on price incentives and farmer participation, might lower overhead costs while developing management capability among growers.  相似文献   

我国耕作单元演变特征及影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章运用文献研究法及描述性研究法,从耕作单元角度出发,分析自新中国成立以来耕作单元变化情况及影响因素,对比分析各时期地块单元与耕作单元关系,揭示我国耕作单元演变过程特征及影响因素。结果表明:我国耕作单元形成,是在地理环境、经济发展、制度等多种因素共同作用下形成的。除20世纪50年代后期到70年代后期,这段时间由于特殊的政治原因导致的耕作单元面积较大较为集中以外,我国的耕作单元一直处于面积较小且分散存在的状态。解放初期以来,受自然条件限制、社会经济、科学技术和制度等因素影响,我国耕作单元经历了面积小且分散—面积较小较分散—面积较大且较集中—面积小且分散—面积较小且较分散—面积较大且较集中的变化过程。研究结论:耕作地块是农户土地利用选择的基础单元,也是经营效率衡量的基础单位,只有了解耕作单元的演变过程,才能对规模经营实际状况进行准确评价,为相关政策制定和工程项目实施提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The aims of this study were (a) to attempt to develop a quarterly model to explain aggregate farm investment in Australia, and (b) to examine the concept of the implicit rental price of capital services as a method of taking account of taxation concessions in an investment equation.  相似文献   

In this paper, a closed-economy model is developed for evaluating the size and the distribution of benefits from research that lowers the mean incidence of pork with pale, soft and exudative (PSE) syndrome. The major finding is that the Australian pig industry has the potential to derive gross research benefits of about A$7 million per year from a one percentage point reduction in the incidence of pork with PSE conditions. About 85 per cent of the total research benefits accrue to pork producers. The implication is that it is profitable for pork producers to invest large sums in order to reduce PSE syndrome in pork.  相似文献   

Productivity growth is an important source of improvements in the standard of living. In this paper, we compare three nonparametric measures of productivity, namely the Fisher, the Hulten and the Malmquist measure. Our application of these measures to the agricultural sectors of nine EC countries and the US over the period 1973 to 1989 yield similar patterns of productivity growth.  相似文献   

华南4省(福建、广东、广西、海南)是中国龙眼的主产区,而寒害是龙眼生产的主要农业气象灾害,研究寒害的时空分布特征与其发生规律对防灾减灾与区划布局具有重要作用与意义。根据《龙眼寒害等级标准》(QX/T168-2012),选取影响龙眼寒害主要影响因子,计算华南4省64个站点52年(1961~2012年)龙眼寒害指数(Hi),确定各级别寒害的发生频率,运用Arcgis地理信息软件与空间插值方法,分析华南4省寒害空间分布特征;通过对52年龙眼寒害指数矩阵、主要发生月份(11月至翌年3月)寒害指数矩阵的经验正交分解(EOF),提取第一时间分量,分析寒害时间分布特征。结果表明,受气候变暖影响,华南地区平均积寒随年代呈减少趋势,有利于寒害的减少。华南4省寒害空间分布呈明显纬向分布,寒害发生频率由南至北增加,寒害还与地理位置有关,发生频率由沿海至内陆增加。寒害时间分布特征为:1~2月为寒害发生频率最高的月份,体现年寒害分布的主要特征,是年寒害发生的最主要时段,但发生频率随年代呈现明显减少趋势。11~12月与3月不是年寒害发生的主要时段,发生频率相对低,但个别年份仍有可能出现较重寒害。通过与历史寒害记载对照分析,表明寒害时空分布特征能够反映历史实况主要特点。  相似文献   

[目的]脆弱性是贫困的深层次原因,也是贫困的重要表现,识别和降低农户的脆弱性是解决相对贫困、长效性脱贫问题的关键。[方法]文章基于湖北、湖南、安徽3省974份农户调研数据,运用内生转换模型,分析了农户采纳稻虾共作技术对其脆弱性的影响。[结果](1)农户采纳稻虾共作技术能切实降低其脆弱性,采纳该技术的农户较未采纳时脆弱性降低280.659%,未采纳该技术的农户若采纳该技术脆弱性将降低44.255%。(2)非农就业水平在农户技术采纳和脆弱性之间起到正向的调节作用。(3)农户的个体特征、家庭特征、社会服务便利性及村庄特征均会显著影响农户的稻虾共作技术采纳决策和脆弱性。[结论]农户采纳稻虾共作技术能有效降低其脆弱性,但随着农户非农就业水平的提高,稻虾户反而更脆弱,因此要完善农技推广机制,健全非农就业保障和帮扶机制,进而发挥稻虾共作技术长效脱贫功效。  相似文献   

In this paper a preliminary analysis is presented of a combined buffer-fund and buffer-stock as an alternative to a pure buffer-fund or a pure buffer stock for stabilising wool prices. The alternatives analysed are designed so that each provides the same prices to producers as did the Reserve Price Scheme over the period of analysis. Least-cost combinations of policy instruments are derived. The results show that there is considerable potential for cost savings to be made by combining buffer-fund and buffer-stock instruments.  相似文献   

Pollution of the River Murray by salt imposes costs on domestic and industrial users in Adelaide and to irrigators on the River Murray. Salt enters the Murray-Darling system through saline ground water aquifers and from irrigation and drainage of saline land. Irrigation and drainage generate benefits from improved agricultural productivity and impose costs through increased salt loads to the Murray-Darling system. The salinity of the River Murray can be reduced by pumping highly saline ground water into evaporation basins before it enters the River Murray. This paper presents a mixed integer linear programming model which is used to determine the mix of ground water interception schemes and land improvement schemes that minimises the net present value (over a time horizon of 30 years) of total Murray-Darling Basin costs due to salinity and waterlogging. By varying a target salinity level, the mix of works that yields various salinity targets in the River Murray at minimum cost is obtained. The sensitivity of the optimal solution to prescribed changes in costs and benefits of projects and to a longer planning horizon is examined.  相似文献   

[目的]农耕文化是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,随着文化旅游的迅猛发展,农耕文化与乡村旅游的有机结合,对于保护、传承中国文化以及促进乡村旅游的健康持续发展具有重要的现实意义。[方法]通过文献查阅及相关资料的收集全面了解潮州市体验式乡村旅游、农耕文化等方面的研究成果,通过实地调查总结归纳潮州市乡村自然资源、农耕文化、民俗文化等基本乡村旅游资源,同时通过问卷调查分析游客对潮州市体验式乡村旅游的满意度,农耕文化的参与性及选择体验式乡村旅游农耕文化的目的等。[结果]潮州市乡村旅游农耕文化类型主要包括农家乐、民俗村、古村落及梯田等类型,且绝大部分游客对目前潮州体验式乡村旅游持满意态度,34.1%的游客选择体验农耕文化乡村旅游是为了参与农业劳动的过程,27.7%的游客选择农耕文化旅游是为了体验劳动的快乐,但目前潮州特有的茶文化和畲族文化等地方特色农耕文化开发力度不够,没有得到充分利用。[结论]利用农耕文化所蕴藏的内涵,形成具有乡村特色的旅游产品,为游客提供有品位的身心体验,增强乡村旅游地的独特吸引力,同时加强农耕文化保护,保证体验式乡村旅游的健康持续发展,进而获得理想的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

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