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李婷 《商场现代化》2012,(22):49-50
随着管理环境的变化和人性化管理的趋势,企业管理实践也获得了空前的发展,这为管理理论的发展创新提供了沃土,东方管理学派也顺势而出。东方管理理论是根植于东方管理文化、中国传统文化的新兴科学,以中国传统文化思想为渊源。本文从人本思想出发对东方管理理论和文化管理以"人"为中心的特征进行了浅显的异同比较,从人性化管理、"主体人"假设、"观念人"假设三方面进行探究,以期对管理理论的丰富和发展有一定作用。  相似文献   

阴阳五行是中国传统文化中的重要思想,阴阳思维是中国人的基本思维模式,阴阳五行思想蕴含着丰富的管理内涵。本文基于对中国传统阴阳五行思想内核的研究,把其丰富的管理思想应用到现代管理学研究中,提出具有中国特色和传统文化背景的管理原理与管理方法。  相似文献   

单纯照搬西方管理学来指导中国管理实践,已经被证明是行不通的,而属于中国自己的中国管理学该如何发展,已经成为一个学界广泛关注的焦点问题。文章从管理学的元问题出发,认为中国管理学发展的两条可能路径是:超越跨文化研究的的本土管理学研究和系统挖掘东方管理思想的精华的东方管理学学派的研究。文章进一步对东方管理学的学术定位进行了探讨,认为东方管理学是一个新的管理学学派,没有成为一个管理学“新范式”。文章从管理学的研究对象和发展历程的角度,对东方管理学进行了定位。  相似文献   

文章基于对理论价值的辩证性思考,主要从开发式与探索式创新的视角回顾改革开放以来管理学在中国的理论创新现状,并进一步提出未来演进的相关理论命题从而构建“中国管理学理论知识创造与传播的发展模型”。基于对相关理论文献的推演以及对中国管理学纵向的实际考察,文章认为管理学在中国的理论创新存在多元化的开发与探索象限;虽然数十年以来管理理论的贡献水平逐渐提高,这也在很大程度上符合主流学术共同体的制度逻辑,但是中国管理学理论知识的有效创造与传播还应该兼顾其他理论创新程度较低或者非理论化研究的可能空间,甚至需要保持上述不同象限之间的平衡,从而为全球管理知识的更新做出来自中国的独特价值贡献。  相似文献   

本文通过对西方管理理论与思想史演变的初步研究,提出西方的管理学理论的百年发展史可划分为四个阶段:早期管理思想、科学管理时代、社会人时代和现代管理时代;认为管理思想的发展是文化发展的一部分,同时也是文化的产物,是伴随着时代的变迁而不断得到提升,符合当时大环境的经济、社会和政治的发展需求。运用掌握的管理学理论和管理思想家的观点,阐述了管理学理论的真理性认知、理论贡献与创新和在回顾中思考其演变的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

轻触和重触思想是当代横断科学如一般系统论和控制论的应有之义。作为当代管理科学的重要内容之一,轻触和重触思想正在管理领域发挥作用。管理实践中,任何管理者都必然兼具这两种管理特征。本文从生态环境、运筹学、模糊控制技术等理性基础科学出发,找到一种轻触管理与重触管理在管理学上的更为合理的存在方式,并对相互之间的关系及渊源做了较为翔实的探讨。另外,轻触与重触思想不仅适用于管理领域,中国传统医学、社会学等诸多领域都可以呈现其不凡价值。  相似文献   

浙江工商大学企业管理学研究基地依托企业管理学博士点和企业管理学硕士点,辐射会计学、技术经济及管理、管理科学与工程等硕士点。现有研究人员48人,其中教授19人,副教授25人;具有博士学位23人,硕士学位23人;教育部“跨世纪优秀人才培养计划基金”1人,省“151人才工程”一、二层次5人,省高校中青年学科带头人6人;目前在校博士研究生14人,硕士研究生(含MBA、高校教师在职攻读硕士学位)277人。基地分6个主要研究方向:1.企业管理理论与方法,主持人胡祖光教授、博导2公司治理与战略管理,主持人郝云宏教授、博导3.企业家理论,…  相似文献   

“本土理念是否仍然存在?它们在进行何种变迁?它们如何在与西方理念相冲突的情形下接受、发展与融合?”等问题完全可以使用实证的方法进行研究。上述实证研究可以对“所谓‘本土’是否存在?本土管理研究是否能导致一种区别于主流的‘本土管理学’?是否存在‘管理的中国理论’?”等问题做出清晰的回答。研究中还应注意将“差序格局”“家长式领导”“关系”等构念进行哲学层次上的深层上溯,从而避免中西构念的混同,并在此基础上,明确地进行中西对比。事实上,中国本土管理学就是以中国本土构念的变迁与发展及其对管理效能的影响为主要研究对象的学科分支领域。  相似文献   

管理无处不在,然而就管理学内容来看明显偏于企业与组织,致使对管理的涵盖与解释有限,形成管理自身的"宽领域"与管理学的"窄表达"之间的矛盾。本文拟就这一现象展开探讨,指明问题之所在,进而提出打造好管理学原理的必要与相关设想;同时也从一个侧面回答了"中国本土管理"探讨的原因所在。  相似文献   

管理学起源于西方,并且在西方有着很好地发展,很多管理学领域的经典理论来自西方。但是,自从管理学引进中国以来。管理学在中国的发展势头也非常好。如今中国的管理学界也产生了许多闻名于世的理论。中国当代管理学的发展总体来说朝着一个良性发展的方向发展。从当今现存的有关管理学的文献中可以发现,无论是在公共管理领域,还是工商管理领域,还是管理科学与工程领域,都出现了百花争鸣,百花齐放的状态。都产生了各种各样的新的理论。本文通过介绍管理学的过去、现在,来推测管理学未来在全世界范围内的发展状况。  相似文献   

An impact assessment of enterprise education was conducted by studying a Swedish policy initiative. Eighty‐three students, 10–16 years old, were followed longitudinally for one semester in three schools deemed to be leaders in enterprise education. An innovative research methodology was used based on app‐based experience sampling, interviews, and a novel definition of enterprise education. Entrepreneurial dimensions in the three schools were rare, with few students developing entrepreneurial competencies. Swedish policy pressure for enterprise education has thus had a weak impact. Implications include novel pedagogical recommendations to enterprise educators and a call for more research employing the applied innovative research methodology.  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of the leading universities and best-ranked business schools in the evolution of the academic field of business ethics. An advanced bibliometric methodology is applied to publications in business ethics from the major universities of the Shanghai ARWU ranking and from the FT-ranked business schools. The comprehensive bibliometric study encompasses multiple indicators and examines the evolution of business ethics publications over time. Business ethics research is built on two complementary interdisciplinary streams of research, philosophy, and management. The study indicates that it were not the top universities that contributed most to research advancements in the field of business ethics but second and third tier universities. This finding suggests that academic research in new subfields constitutes a niche strategy for universities and business schools to differentiate themselves. The study furthermore highlights the prominent role of the product champion or ‘idea champion’ in management research at universities. The diffusion of business ethics research illustrates the possibilities for lower ranked business schools with lower budget to excel in specialised subfields and interdisciplinary subthemes.  相似文献   

The current research investigates how successful Chinese business groups in Malaysia integrate Chinese management ideas with selected techniques from the West to form a hybrid model of management. The case research methodology was a rigorous, in-depth analysis of large successful Chinese family organizations in Malaysia. We find that management techniques from different cultures are combined in efficient Malaysian organizations, so East and West cross cultural boundaries around a continuing core of flexibility, networks, and family control. From our findings, entrepreneurs will be able to gain an understanding of how to enhance competitiveness in East Asia in general and Malaysia in particular.  相似文献   

多元化战略管理:决策程序及其理论依据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭凯 《商业研究》2008,(3):48-53
通过对多元化战略的理论回顾,总结多元化战略管理研究的理论流派,多元化战略管理理论对中国企业进行多元化决策的指导意义,并创造性地提出了多元化战略管理决策程序及其理论依据,试图初步建立起多元化理论与企业实践操作间联系的纽带。  相似文献   

探讨高校实验仪器设备的采购及有效管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘全菊 《中国市场》2007,(32):108-109
高校实验室仪器设备是培养创新型人才和科研的重要物质条件。本文主要从实验仪器设备的前期计划管理、采购和验收管理以及日常规范使用管理三方面探讨了实现高校实验仪器设备有效管理的基本思路。  相似文献   

培养应用型外贸人才是中国经济发展的需要,而实践教学是培养应用型人才的重要手段。对国际贸易专业教学进行改革,应从培养研究或管理型人才向培养应用型人才转变,通过强化校内实践、改善校外实习、改革毕业论文管理、重视社会实践来增强学生实践能力。  相似文献   

张娟 《江苏商论》2013,(6):57-59
本文以句容市茅山镇为例从两型社会构建的角度考量旅游城镇的产业升级问题。采用标准产业分类法对茅山镇现有产业进行分类研究,通过区位熵的比较,选择出具有一定集聚优势的大农业(农林牧渔业)进行产业研究。研究发现,科研人员的增加有利于减少务农人口数;茅山镇农业产值增长在科学研究事业发展基础上得到有效支撑;全镇农民收入受农业、渔业影响相对较大;中药材、淡水鱼类与农民纯收入关系较密切;中药材、淡水贝类与财政收入关系密切。因此,两型社会视角下,旅游城镇农产业升级应加大农业科技研发和推广;发展两个重点产业体系,即中药材产业体系和淡水养殖产业体系;继续扩大水果类产品开发。  相似文献   

This paper examines questions concerning consumer education in relation to consumption and household management. It is based partly on literature studies and partly on a current pilot study, also on studies carried out in the classroom and developmental work in schools and on teacher training courses. The pilot study on consumer education is being carried out in Denmark and is funded by the Danish Ministry of Business Affairs. Another part of the study concerns a qualitative investigation of pupils’ understandings of consumption and its meaning in their lives, but this is not reported here. The key research questions relate to the way in which the young consumer is educated, both formally and informally, and what the possibilities and perspectives are for consumer education. Introductory research is discussed, followed by a presentation and discussion of key issues for consumer education, such as household management, consumption, home economics and education. Finally, three examples are described and discussed which demonstrate how the advocated principles of consumer education and empowerment can be put into practice. These examples are based on developmental work carried out in lower secondary schools and teacher training courses.  相似文献   


The market orientation construct has proven to be of value to profit-seeking firms. It ought to be of value to NGOs too. Some previous research has been done to facilitate understanding of market orientation in NGOs, but the methodologies used have mostly been quantitative, and nothing is known about the market orientation of Chinese NGOs. To address this research gap, a qualitative case study methodology was used to develop a deeper understanding of how market orientation is practiced among NGOs in Hong Kong (China). Mapping with previous studies, the research found that three factors together explained the varying degrees of market orientation in the NGOs studied: senior management factors, organizational and institutional factors, and structural and system factors. But more importantly, an NGO’s funding base was found to moderate the relationship between these antecedents and an organization’s market orientation. The more that the NGO relies on public funding or a small number of funders the weaker the influence of the antecedents on market orientation. The more that the NGO relies on private funders, a diversified group of funders, or self-funding, the stronger the influence of the antecedents on market orientation, and the closer its understanding of market orientation is likely to be to that of a commercial entity. The article finishes with a substantive theoretical model for market orientation in the Chinese NGO context.  相似文献   

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