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The East Asian corporate governance model is gradually established based on institutional innovation of western corporate governance. This paper holds that institutional innovation of the East Asian corporate governance model is mainly manifested in following aspects: the relational style of governance mechanisms, more intervention of government, high concentration of ownership structure and unique operation of the power institutions etc. This unique model of corporate governance is considered as one of the motivations of "East Asian Miracle", but it also causes many problems. After the Asian financial crisis, the East Asian countries and regions reform and improve their pattern of corporate governance and obtain some results. The paper deems that reduction of government intervention and legal protection provided by judicial system are crucial for corporate governance.  相似文献   

王仁荣 《上海经济》2010,(10):44-46
美国金融监管改革法案主要针对金融业,但法案中的许多内容涉及到公司治理的变革,诸如董事选举、代理权取得、董事会构成、董事会风险委员会以及经纪人投票等新规定,这些将不可避免地影响美国的金融机构以及众多上市公司的公司治理。  相似文献   

A lot of problems which are still in the relevant company governance and the internal control are demanded to be solved promptly. The company governance is still an exciting examination question in China. Though the internal control construction of China has been the suitable scale, but the connotation and the fixing position of the internal control are still in the stage of system control. Therefore it is still significant to be more thoroughly investigation and discussion to the company governance and the internal control. This paper gives the comprehensive examination to the company governance and the internal control progress from the angle of going to move from each other and it is necessary to conduct a research on their reciprocal relationships by combining corporate governance and internal control.  相似文献   

We present a novel lens on the presence and impact of qualified foreign institutional investors (QFII) in top shareholdings of the non-financial domestically listed Chinese ‘A’ share firms. The initial results suggest that the presence of a QFII as a top shareholder in these companies is associated with their better performance, using both Tobin’s Q and ROA as the performance measures. Our models include variables representing corporate governance mechanisms, foreign legal person shares, a proxy for international affiliations and a number of time-variant firm characteristics. Economically, the coefficient of impact on the market measure is the more significant, while the effect of having a QFII in top shareholdings on both performance measures is empirically significant. Previously, studies have often ignored the potential for reverse causality beyond using lagged regressors. This is problematic. Therefore, we follow up with a 2SLS instrumental variables and system GMM model to further mitigate this potential and find the empirical relationship holds. Contrary to earlier work on QFIIs and governance post-implementation of the QFII scheme, the findings from our models suggest that the presence of a QFII top shareholder augments market performance holding equal existing corporate governance mechanisms and other controls.  相似文献   

20世纪 90年代上半期 ,随着上市公司的大量涌现 ,建立现代企业制度的公司治理结构的概念框架开始引入我国并为企业界和理论界所重视。但在实际运行过程中 ,存在着“大股东操纵”、“内部人控制”等一系列损害中小股东利益的问题。笔者认为造成上述现象的主要原因在于我国上市  相似文献   

我国国有商业银行公司治理结构改革研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱峰  朱磊 《华东经济管理》2003,17(4):104-107
随着我国金融体制改革的深入,国有商业银行公司治理结构改革的需要已经被普遍认同。作者提出对国有商业银行公司治理结构改革不仅应当分析和改革我国国有商业银行在产权结构、制衡机制、激励和约束机制、信息披露机制等方面存在的问题;而且必须考虑到银行作为经营货币的"准公  相似文献   

日本原有的公司治理模式是高效率的 ,但随着全球经济一体化其弊端初显端倪。在新的经济环境下 ,日本对其公司治理结构进行了适应性调整 ,正在从“日本式的资本主义”转向“美国式的资本主义”。研究这一问题对于了解日本企业的治理现状和进一步优化我国上市公司治理结构都有十  相似文献   

李丹 《美中经济评论》2008,8(1):48-54,60
本文在公司治理机制-权力配置、制衡(监督)与激励理论基础上,假设独立董事与股东之间的关系在本质上是委托代理关系。在引入信息沟通机制、独立董事的能力、独立董事在董事会申的比例、道德支付和独立董事的兼职收入等变量基础上,封传统委托-代理模型进行了拓展。本文试图运用数理模型对独立董事制度的运行机制进行实证研究,通过封模型的分析,以期解释和检验中国独立董事制度运行机制效果。  相似文献   

This paper examines CEO pay dispersion for the listed companies in China. We apply a two-tier stochastic frontier model to the CEO compensation framework where asymmetric information generates a surplus between the minimum wage that CEOs accept and the maximum payment that firms offer. This surplus leads to CEO pay dispersion coming from the negotiation power between the CEO and the firm. We generate the surplus extracted by each CEO-firm pair and analyze how corporate governance affects them. An empirical analysis finds that: (1) On average, CEOs are paid 23.26% more than the benchmark; (2) additionally, we examine the bargaining power in state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and non-state-owned enterprises (non-SOEs). We find that CEOs in SOEs have less bargaining power due to compensation regulations. We then examine compensation for new CEOs hired externally and find that CEOs hired externally have less bargaining power on average; and (3) corporate governance has a significant effect on the salary bargaining power of each agent. More specifically, the CEO-Chairman dummy has a significant positive effect on the bargaining power of firms and CEOs, but the latter is larger. Board size has a negative effect on both. Independent directors help improve the bargaining power of the firms and board meeting times help enhance the bargaining power of the CEOs. Equity concentration has a significant negative effect on both sides.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to critically analyze how successful China has been in applying the OECD principles of corporate governance. In doing so, assessment has been made in light of the six core issues of the OECD principles. A satisfactory level of progress has been noted in China’s legal and regulatory framework since the 1990s. New laws, regulations, and rules have been enacted, existing ones have been amended, and all the required institutions have been built accordingly in order to ensure good corporate governance practices in the country. However, there are still bottlenecks in terms of the enforcement of these laws, regulations, and rules mainly due to the various structural limitations in the Chinese administration and judiciary. The paper argues that China should now move forward with an accelerated enforcement agenda in the area of corporate governance in order to make China Inc. more competitive and sustainable.  相似文献   

蔡宁  黄靖 《改革与战略》2011,27(1):146-149
技术创新对中小企业集群的健康成长十分重要,文章分析了中小企业集群与技术创新的关联性,阐述了在我国中小企业集群中技术创新的种类和途径,指出了我国中小企业技术创新过程中存在的问题,认为我国中小企业应重视企业发展中的技术创新,以创新提升自身实力。文章建议我国中小企业应制订在创新方面的发展战略,并建立集群内的技术创新体系。  相似文献   

从公司治理结构的核心比较两种国企改革思路及建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在两权分离条件下,现代企业制度的核心是将企业的评价和对经理人员的约束和奖惩由充分竞争的市场机制来完成。公司治理结构的设计和国企改革的重点是为了有效选择和监督经理。产权改革和建立公平竞争市场环境的两种改革思路,都是为了创造有效的竞争,达到合理选择和监督经理的  相似文献   

公司治理一直以来就是国内外积极探讨的话题。其中关于股权结构集中程度,国外没有任何结论证明英美分散模式和日德集中模式那一个效率更高;而我国这方面的研究基本结论大多是股权高度集中和高度分散都是低效的,因此只有大力发展机构投资者,建立适当的制衡的股权结构,才能够同时解决管理层委托代理问题和大股东的利益侵占偏好。  相似文献   

以往关于企业创新战略对企业绩效的影响机制的研究,侧重于分析不同技术创新能力对企业绩效的影响,忽略了产品创新战略对两者的中介作用。基于以往文献,文章提出技术创新能力、产品创新战略和企业绩效三者之间关系的理论模型。以长三角地区215家电子制造企业为调查对象,使用结构方程模型来验证理论假设。研究发现:Lall的技术创新能力三维度在中国情景下,被进一步分为六个子维度:与创新有关的投资能力、基于经验的生产能力、基于研发的生产能力、基于模仿的生产能力、外部网络联结能力和内部网络联结能力;企业不同的技术创新能力通过影响产品创新而对企业绩效产生影响。该研究丰富了企业技术创新的相关理论,为我国企业创新战略的选择及技术创新管理实践提供指导与建议。  相似文献   

建立公司法人治理机制是建立现代企业制度的重要内容,但由于特殊的历史背景,目前我国国有企业存在着新三会(即股东大会、董事会和监事会)与老三会(即党委会、职工代表大会和工会)之间职能混乱、相互掣肘的现象,本文从研究老三会存在的必要性着手,对如何建立二者之间新型关系的提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

This study assesses the impact of government shareholding on corporate performance using a sample of 643 non-financial companies listed on the Chinese stock exchanges. In view of the controversial empirical findings in the literature and the limitations of the least squares regressions, we adopt the method of quantile regression and report a robust and significant negative relation between government shareholding and corporate performance among, and only among, the more profitable firms. This new finding, which the conditional mean-focused regressions do not capture, suggests that while Chinese government still exerts influences on the performance of these partially privatized firms, the relationship parameter changes across quantiles of the distribution of performance variables.  相似文献   

科技创新型中小企业在实现我国经济发展方式转变、经济结构调整及提升自主创新能力方面发挥着重要的作用。然而,以审慎经营和追求利润最大化为目标的商业性金融不愿对其提供资金支持,融资难已成为制约企业成长的瓶颈。为弥补市场失灵,政策性金融应充分发挥其特有的政策导向与资金扶持、首倡诱导与虹吸扩张功能,在企业成长的初期阶段,构建政策性金融体系以支持并诱导更多商业性金融支持科技创新型中小企业的成长。  相似文献   

余莹  孙可 《科技和产业》2023,23(12):162-167
创新是引领发展的第一动力。党组织参与公司治理已成为我国企业公司治理的一大特色。以2013—2020年中国A股上市公司作为研究对象,对其技术创新的阶段进行划分,主要包括成果转化以及技术开发两阶段。并从这两个角度出发,考察党组织参与公司治理在创新的两个阶段与企业技术创新之间的关系。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the influences of human resource management (HRM) and corporate governance structure on the corporate performance in Korean firms. Prior to the Asian economic crisis, large Korean firms mostly followed the Japanese style HRM paradigm where the practice of lifetime employment is guaranteed. However, in the aftermath of the crisis, they have pursued structural downsizing and changed their paradigm more towards the US HRM paradigm where inter-firm mobility becomes prominent in the flexible labor market. The empirical evidence introduced in this paper affirms the argument that the first step towards a HRM paradigm shift in Korea should be the establishment of an efficient corporate governance structure. This implies that a simple switch from the Japanese HRM paradigm to the US model may not improve corporate performance unless the change is accompanied by a solution to the problems posed by the minority controlling structure of Korean companies. The implications of this study for guiding policy in developing countries having labor market rigidities and underdeveloped corporate governance is clear. Corporate governance systems may provide an appropriate starting point for the development of any policies aimed at building an efficient human resource management system and a flexible labor market.  相似文献   

目前,对商业银行公司治理的研究常忽略了商业银行公司治理的特殊性,导致商业银行局部面临较大的风险和整个银行体系的脆弱性。文章从资本结构、委托—代理关系、资本市场并购机制、存款保险和中央银行最后贷款人制度、政府管制和分支机构管理六个方面分析商业银行特殊性对其公司治理影响。认为商业银行公司治理不仅要保护股东和债权人的利益,也应该照顾到所有利益相关者,同时还须考虑到整个金融系统和宏观经济的安全稳定。  相似文献   

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