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巴塞尔协议Ⅲ的逐步实施对后危机时代的中国银行业提出转型要求。未来中国银行业的竞争不仅仅局限在传统的信贷领域。还要积极拓展中间业务。才能符合转型需要。在国内外对中国银行业竞争绩效研究的基础上。以银行中间业务进行全要素生产率,综合效率和技术效率的实证分析,结果显示,中国银行业在后危机时代正在发生着积极的转型。  相似文献   

斯义金  杨桂元 《科技和产业》2010,10(7):65-68,103
选取了具有一定代表性的证券公司为样本,根据2006年至2008年的财务数据,运用DEA的C2R模型和BC2模型来分析计算他们的技术效率、纯技术效率、以及规模效率。然后通过对不同证券公司的分析,揭示我国证券公司整体上的现状。  相似文献   


The main objective of this study is to measure the technical efficiency level of the Chinese banking industry. It uses a double bootstrap data envelopment analysis approach to compute bias-corrected efficiency scores and investigate the determinants of bank efficiency in China between 2003 and 2010. We observe that Chinese commercial banks regardless of ownership have shown improved efficiency from 2003 to 2010. Our results show a significant difference in the performance between state-owned banks and joint-stock banks over the period analyzed. Moreover, the equity-to-asset ratio also significantly explains variations in inefficiency across Chinese commercial banks. Initial public offering is considered one of the effective ways to improve bank efficiency in China. Overall, the present study provides valuable empirical information that can be used to help guide deliberations regarding future reform policies.  相似文献   

运用数据包络分析的CCR和BCC模型对中国55家中医药上市公司的综合技术效率、纯技术效率以及规模收益状态进行评价,同时对44家无效决策单元进行比例改进和松弛改进,并提出了优化中医药上市公司绩效水平的对策,即中医药企业要加强与中药材种植户、学校、医院等相关单位的协作,树立供应链管理的思想,提高产品的质量、降低产品的成本,进而提高中医药上市公司的效率水平和竞争优势。  相似文献   

使用2001~2007年中国266个地级及以上城市的投入产出数据,传统的DEA方法与超效率DEA方法相结合,分析了中国城市效率的变化趋势和空间差异,重点探讨各种城市条件因素对城市效率的影响特征。结果显示,中国城市效率较低且空间差异明显,各城市效率类型不但统计特征十分明显,而且地域分布上存在很明显的集聚特征。各种城市条件因素通过影响纯技术效率和规模效率并进一步地综合作用于城市效率,并且表现出截然不同的特征。  相似文献   

本文运用DEA效率测度模型,对江门市物流产业效率进行了测算,并与珠三角各城市进行了对比差异分析,结果显示:在2013-2018年期间,江门物流产业技术效率处于低水平稳定状态,技术效率平均值仅为0.53,在珠三角九市中排名第七位。纯技术效率下降是制约江门物流产业技术效率提升的主要因素,规模效率处于上升趋势,且每年规模效益处于递增状态。  相似文献   

The paper examines efficiency performance of the non-state small and medium manufacturing industries in a transitional and developing economy. Using firm level data in Vietnam from 1996 and 2001, cross-sectional models are estimated using the stochastic frontier method. The results show a considerable variation in efficiency levels among firms and that a greater use of family labor and a metropolitan location are associated with improvement in technical efficiency. The results indicate few benefits from direct government financial and non-financial assistance to businesses.  相似文献   

谢里  张斐 《南方经济》2017,36(12):98-118
文章以2007-2013年中国30个省、自治区和直辖市为样本,用NDDF-DEA方法评估了各地区工业绿色发展效率,运用CLAD估计方法实证分析了电价交叉补贴对工业绿色发展效率的作用机制。结果表明,从全国层面来看,电价交叉补贴通过要素投入和成本机制对中国工业绿色发展效率产生消极影响;从分地区层面来看,虽然电价交叉补贴对各地区工业绿色发展效率的影响途径一致体现于要素投入和成本机制,但其影响程度存在较大的空间差异,电价交叉补贴会显著阻碍东部地区工业绿色发展效率提高,而对中西部地区工业绿色发展效率没有显著消极影响,甚至有利于工业绿色发展效率提高。  相似文献   

有效评价城市物流效率是科学配置和规划城市物流资源的基础。选取2004-2013年我国物流总产值作为研究样本,以等级公路里程、固定资产投资和物流从业人数作为输入指标,以货运量、货物周转量作为输出指标,构建我国物流业的效率评价模型,对综合技术效率、纯技术效率、规模效率三个方面进行综合评价。结果发现:近年来,公司的整体效率虽然有所提高,但仍然偏低,物流业的经营管理效率有待提高。最后给出相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

This study aims to develop a productivity index which takes into account the multidimensional characteristics of productivities. Our multidimensional productivity index (MPI) not only measures individual productivities of economic resources but also evaluate productivity enhancing general capacities of economy. Individual productivity indices such as labor productivity are limited because they do not consider the factors, such as the globalization of economies and the market and institutional variables, that could have profound impacts on productivity. The multidimensional Productivity Index (MPI) is measured for 60 countries including 23 OECD countries and 10 Asian countries. Our methodology employs the concept of technical efficiency that allows us to measure the extent to which institutional and market factors contribute to the economic performance. Our findings indicate that standard productivity measures such as labor productivity may overestimate the overall productivity differences across the economies.  相似文献   

高端装备制造业作为资本和技术密集型产业,是制造业的高端领域,是国家重点支持的七大战略性新兴产业之一。技术创新在高端装备制造业发展壮大的过程中占有非常重要的作用。将技术创新分为两个过程三个阶段,既可以分阶段构建指标体系,也可以构建综合评价指标体系,既可以测度技术创新阶段的效率,也可以测度技术创新的综合效率,为包括高端装备制造业在内的资本和技术密集型行业的技术创新效率评价提供新的思路。  相似文献   

周旭 《改革》2007,(11)
技术创新法律体系的建立和完善是技术创新活动顺利开展的必要条件。是加快技术创新的迫切需求。我国近二十年来在科技立法方面取得了长足的进步,但也存在体系缺乏、内容滞后、某些领域立法空白等不足。因此,制定技术创新基本法和完善、修改、制定技术创新相关配套法律法规,对促进我国科技法制建设大有裨益。  相似文献   

Rice producers in the Philippines operate in spatially diverse physical environments that are largely beyond their control. We decompose total factor productivity into technical efficiencies and environment–technology gap ratios across four climatic zones for selected years from 1996/1997 to 2005/2006 using farm‐level panel data. Results show surprisingly little interzonal and intertemporal variation in productivity. It appears that Philippine rice producers have been able to adapt their crop management strategies sufficiently to suit their particular agroclimatic conditions. However, after an increase in the first 5 years of the study period, mean environment–metatechnology gap ratios stagnated in the second 5 years. The metafrontier does not appear to have substantially shifted outwards over the whole period, suggesting that rice producers achieved little technological progress and increased total factor productivity.  相似文献   

本研究运用资料包络分析法(DEA),探讨台湾不同等级航空站的经营效率。研究结果显示,整体效率值的排名依序为特等站、甲等站、丙等站、乙等站与丁等站,其中特等站与丁等站效率值的离散程度较小,乙等站的离散程度则较大。纯粹技术效率值的排名依序为特等站、丁等站、甲等站、丙等站、乙等站,其中特等站效率值的离散程度较小,乙等站的离散程度则较大。  相似文献   

In this study, we attempt to empirically test the effects of air pollution on public health in China. Using three-stage least squares (3SLS) to solve the potential endogeneity problem in sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions, we find that air pollution has significant negative effects on public health. Specifically, a 1% increase in SO2 emissions is found to lead to 0.067 and 0.004 more deaths per 100,000 population due to respiratory diseases and lung cancer, respectively. In terms of absolute magnitude, every one million ton increase in SO2 emissions results in 0.735 and 0.052 extra deaths due to respiratory diseases and lung cancer per 100,000 population, respectively. Moreover, SO2 emissions result in 230,000 extra deaths every year and the related economic costs over the study period amount to RMB 8.179 billion.  相似文献   

运用2005~2009年中国31省份服务业面板数据,采用非参数Malmquist指数方法,对中国服务业全要素生产率的变动原因、空间差异与变动趋势进行考察,并将全要素生产率进一步分解为技术效率和技术进步。研究结果表明,中国服务业整体仍表现为粗放型的增长方式,全要素生产率呈现负增长,但增长速度有所放缓;服务业发展水平的空间差异明显,东部地区服务业发展水平高于中西部地区,其中西部和东北地区服务业发展水平较落后,且技术进步和技术效率对中国及各区域服务业的全要素生产率在时间和空间上有不同的影响。  相似文献   

I. Introduction In the early 1980s China set about transforming its moribund economy by adopting, in stages, various elements of the market-based systems. Among the reforms were thederegulation of prices and the introduction of financial markets for assets. The first stock market was set up in Shanghai in 1991 and in the same year the first commodities market opened in Zhengzhou, Henan Province. Since then, both the stock market and the commodities futures markets have expanded substantiall…  相似文献   

吴青青  杨桂元 《科技和产业》2012,12(12):112-117
根据2006—2010年安徽省17个地市的经济投入产出数据,利用数据包络分析方法,对安徽省各地市经济发展效率进行评价,并对部分非DEA有效的地区进行投影分析。利用BC2输入模型,综合五年的计量结果,对比各个地市的纯技术效率与规模效率,找出制约各地市经济发展的原因所在,并为提高各地市的发展效率提出建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the technological system of Chinese manufacturing. The input–output method and network analysis are applied to investigate the structure and performance at the system level and the role of each sector at the individual level in 1997 and 2002. Firstly, the R&D-flow matrices for per unit output are constructed to examine the technology intensity and constitution of each sector. And then they are combined with the economic size and R&D investment structure in order to have a more comprehensive understanding of the system at the gross level, and reveal the main technology diffusion providers, acquirers and techno-economic flows between sectors. Results of both years show that the R&D performance and technology providing for diffusion are more concentrated than technology acquiring, and this difference becomes even greater in 2002. There are fewer sectors which act as main technology diffusion sources while more sectors participate as acquirers of technology diffusion. The techno-economic flows have high dependence on a few traditional sectors and the contribution of high-tech sectors such as ICT is quite limited.  相似文献   

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