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Re-enactment events have began to play a significant role in the calendars of individual attractions, regions or even nations to generate media exposure, develop inbound tourism activity and raise the cultural heritage profile of a locality for community development and/or regeneration purposes. The (re-)presentation of cultural heritage in these forms creates a unique set of interactions between landscapes, local communities, tourists and heritage organisations. In the recent past however, re-enactment events have been subjected to increased debate and criticism as to their educational value and meaning and for their contribution to understandings of cultural heritage in post-modern consumer societies. This paper presents an interdisciplinary review of these debates and draws on small scale research findings to reassess the value of re-enactment events as a means of presenting heritage to audiences. The paper argues that re-enacted historical events achieve a range of purposes and provides examples of evidence from a range of differing perspectives including: public policy and event organisers; re-enactors and academics in the field. It argues that the professional heritage industry, tourists, and re-enactors all contribute to making such events meaningful and as such they represent unique frames through which to understand issues of authenticity and identity in the production and consumption of post-modern cultural heritage attractions.  相似文献   

This study aims to examine the interrelationships among the festival quality dimensions, festival quality, emotion, festival image, festival satisfaction and festival loyalty. Analysis of data from 454 attendees in the 12th Macau Food Festival indicates that the proposed model fits the data. The result of this study will assist festival management in developing and implementing market‐orientated service strategies to increase quality and image, and enhance the emotion and satisfaction of attendees in order to attain their loyalty toward food festivals. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study aims at analyzing revisit intention of traditional folk events based on the Theory of Planned Behavior and a Consumer‐based Model of Authenticity. The survey data were collected by a questionnaire survey in Nanjing Qinhuai Lantern Festival 2012, China. Structural equation modeling was employed to test the proposed research model. The result shows that perceived behavioral control, motivation and perceived food authenticity of the event, but not attitude and perceived overall authenticity of the event, are valid predictor constructs for visitors' intention to revisit Qinhuai Lantern Festival. The findings have implications for the promotion of traditional events and festival tourism. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study empirically investigates the relationships among authenticity, experience – measured by emotions (i.e. pleasure and arousal) along with satisfaction, and loyalty in the festival context. Structural equation modelling is employed to examine a sample of 211 visitors attending the San Fermin festival in Spain. Results show that authenticity positively affects experience, while on the other hand, only arousal has positive effects on satisfaction and festival loyalty. Satisfaction is positively associated with festival loyalty.  相似文献   

The article investigates the conditions which contributed to the Slovenian town of Tolmin becoming a ‘festival town’. On the basis of a study of a palette of festivals, the distinction is made between festivals which originate outside the area, are designed to make a profit and therefore involve large numbers, and festivals with a background in locality (in reference to Arjun Appadurai, ‘locality’ is here primarily understood in connection to identification). The article argues that the two festival concepts both contribute to the production of locality, but in different ways.  相似文献   

A structural equation model was constructed to analyze the relationship among strategic experiential modules, emotion and visitor satisfaction. For its research site, this study focused on ‘the Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea’ held in South Korea. The results of the study supported the hypothesis that the event experience is an important factor and influences visitors' level of satisfaction through emotions during the Expo. This study found that Schmitt's five types of experience indirectly affect satisfaction through positive emotional experience. The results of this study demonstrated that satisfaction not only is an issue that may be attributed to the event but also involves psychological and emotional concerns. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Travel information exists in paper guides, word of mouth, and countless websites. Organizing a trip has never been more accessible and simultaneously riddled with doubt. Professional journalists produce travel journalism while often anonymous reviewers on TripAdvisor provide their commentaries, and in between, there are blogs, wikis, tourism boards, vendors, and a host of other information sources available. How does the twenty-first-century tourist make sense of all of this information? Through a study of tourists in Paris, this study seeks to understand the methods and strategies that they employ in order to identify trustworthy and useful information. Interviews with a sample of travellers reveal that each person has his/her own unique process guided by their personal motivations, but they also share several practices along the way. This research reveals that tourists ultimately exhibit a multistep process of verification using both professional and non-professional sources. No one type of author or website appears to be a unique or singular influencer when it comes to primary or trustworthy sources. These findings will lead to larger discussions about destination management and transparent practices among information providers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to explore the applicability of the creative destruction model in the case of Change Islands and Fogo Island, Newfoundland, Canada, which may through preservation be delaying the threat of creative destruction. Using a mixed methods approach, this study seeks to understand the evolution of tourism planning and development on Change Islands and Fogo Island, residents’ attitudes and perceptions surrounding the tourism industry and the future directions and aspirations they have for their communities and where tourism fits into that future. An analysis of the findings determined that much of Fogo Island and Change Islands falls somewhere between stage one and two of the Mitchell‘s (1998) creative destruction model. However, it also concluded that the Town of Tilting, through a strong sense of identity and preservationist attitudes, did not fit so easily into the model. There is little research on the effects that tourism development has on rural communities in Newfoundland and if tourism is increasingly being viewed as a viable option to diversify rural outport economies, studies of this nature will be important.  相似文献   

Although tourism scholarship has paid much attention to the concept of authenticity in relation to the homogenisation of tourism representation, this term has limits that curb its usefulness for analysing subtle interrelations of place, representation and identity. Some recent work has attempted to recuperate authenticity by associating it with experience and activity, however we suggest that the concept of cultural identity allows for greater attention to the fluid movements of social power relations that inform the tourist site. By undertaking a comparative analysis of three global tourist sites located in the Middle East (Jerusalem), North America (Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan) and Europe (Isle of Wight), this article discusses the politics of representation vis à vis identity as manifested in a spectrum of tourism‐related literature ranging from pamphlets, maps and guidebooks, to more creative approaches in contemporary novels and poetry. This comparative survey of literature explores questions of identity on several fronts: first, it prompts questions about how religious, historical and national identities are formulated in and through the tourist site; second, it leads to an assessment of a site's claim to status as a work of art that prompts aesthetic identification; and finally, it allows one to consider how other works of art — in this case, novelistic or poetic representations — both affirm and question identities presented by standard tourist literature. These alternative textual representations demonstrate not only how cultural identity as represented in the tourist site is an active site of struggle, but also present alternative politics of place and identity that enable a greater diversity of interpretations of the tourist site. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A review of literature on authenticity argues in favour of what is called here substantial authenticity, against objective, constructed and existential notions, argued as non-mutually exclusive. Several themes in substantial authenticity are found in Nuevo viaje a la Alcarria (New Journey to the Alcarria), a book by the Nobel Prize winner for Literature Camilo Jose Cela: nostalgia/hostility to modern society; social integration; autonomy from society; opposition to capitalism/commodification and opposition to pose/style/fashion. Besides the characteristically modern stance implied by some of such engagements with authenticity, Cela's work also presents postmodern traits (such as disregard for knowledge and ambiguity as to its own (non)-fictional status), prompting a discussion on the limits of the non-fictional text. The discussion is especially relevant because the authority of Cela as a famous writer (which he reinforces by concealing sources and suggesting mystical access to Otherness) enables him to apparently change the very social and cultural landscape in which he travels. This takes place both in the long-run (the region already contains markers of his first trip, which are likely to be reinforced by the second) and in the short-run (immediate transformative effects in the interaction between the author and local people).  相似文献   

The paper explores how visitors' perception of a destination's heritage management affects satisfaction with actual visits to the sites and overall perception of the destination's cultural image, using Macao as the case setting. The study will also look at how site visit satisfaction influences the intention to revisit and recommend to others. The findings indicated that perception of the quality of heritage interpretation was significantly associated with destination cultural image and site visit satisfaction. However, associations between site visit satisfaction and intention to revisit and recommend were weak. The findings also led to a discussion on whether the labels ‘cultural’ versus ‘non-cultural’ tourists remain stable over time.  相似文献   

This study examined the attributes prioritized by tourists when choosing a winter sports destination and their degree of satisfaction with the services provided by Portugal's only ski resort. Two hundred tourists completed a questionnaire with factor analysis then deployed to extract the data that served as the basis for cluster analysis. Our results report discrepancies between the attributes valued by tourists when choosing winter sports destinations and their degree of satisfaction with the ski resort's services. Moreover, the combination between attributes/motivations prevailing in destination selection and the subsequent satisfaction with the services provided may generate information of relevance to evaluating organizational competitiveness. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper approaches the subject of tourist identity from an anthropological perspective, arguing for a culturally contextualized analysis that focuses on the interactive and processual nature of these constructions. Specifically, it explores the processes by which repeat tourists on the Greek island of Symi construct their identities as tourists in relation to the place of their vacation experience, local residents and other tourists. It highlights the competitive and often antagonistic way in which these tourists – drawing on ideas about authenticity and demonstrating sympathy with local concerns – seek to incorporate the island as an aspect of their own personal identities and, similarly, create a form of ‘local’ identity in Symi. The picture of tourists that emerges in this case study contrasts sharply with standard analytical formulations that portray tourists as transient and liminal figures, defined almost exclusively by their vacation preferences and experiences, and constituting a category of people that is clearly distinguishable (practically and ideologically) from local residents. As a consequence, it argues for an approach to tourist identity that seeks out linkages between tourists and locals, and which looks more broadly at the views and experiences of tourists beyond the time and space of the vacation.  相似文献   

This study tested a structural model which investigates the effects of perceived authenticity, motivation, information search behaviour and destination imagery on tourists' behavioural intentions to consume cultural attractions. Data were collected at selected cultural and natural heritage sites in the island of Mauritius (N?=?600). The sample was split into two data sets. Structural equation modelling and hierarchical multiple regression were employed to test the hypothesised relationships. Findings revealed a significant positive relationship between perceived authenticity and cultural behavioural intentions of tourists. Destination imagery had an influence on tourists' cultural intentions. Information search behaviour was found to exert a negative influence on tourists' cultural intentions while motivation did not have any influence on the latter. Perceived authenticity was seen to exert a moderating effect on the respective relationships between motivation, information search behaviour, destination imagery and cultural behavioural intentions of tourists. The theoretical and managerial implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

This research examines issues concerning the collaborative approach towards tourism planning, with a focus on Cusco, Peru. The research begins with a review of key themes related to collaborative tourism planning, and then explores four issues in relation to collaborative tourism planning in Cusco. These are the vision of tourism development among tourism stakeholders; collaboration and coordination between the multiple parties involved in tourism; input from the tourism industry and other interest groups in tourism planning; and constraints to and facilitators of collaboration and coordination. The research indicates that despite an awareness of the benefits of collaboration in tourism planning generally, collaboration is not yet a major part of the tourism development process in Cusco. The main reasons for the lack of collaboration are outlined using the views of the main stakeholders, as well as suggestions for ways in which future collaboration can be developed.  相似文献   

This paper empirically investigates the relationships of TV drama series, cultural proximity and travel motivation, especially examining the moderating effect of enduring involvement in this relationship. The findings reveal that only TV drama series, not cultural proximity, has positive effects on travel motivation. The viewer's enduring involvement with the drama shows its moderating effects on the drama–motivation relationship but only on the cultural proximity–motivation relationship for the high‐enduring‐involvement viewers. Overall, this study highlights a viewer's enduring involvement role in enhancing/changing the effects of TV dramas and cultural proximity on the viewer's travel motivation to the places depicted in the programs. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The primary objectives of this study were to investigate and develop a theoretical relationship among destination image, service quality and perceived value and to empirically test the constructs that are likely to affect tourist satisfaction, which in turn influence revisit intentions and word‐of‐mouth referrals. The results of empirical study indicated that destination image influences service quality and perceived value. In addition, the findings revealed that perceived value has a significant effect on satisfaction and loyalty. These research findings contribute to an extant knowledge in this domain, specifically focused on a family‐oriented destination where it was not studied yet with these relationships. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although religion and religiosity are well-known factors for influencing behaviour in different social settings, there is very limited research that explores the links between them and visitation patterns of tourists. In this study tourists' visitation patterns to a heritage site of religious significance (the Wailing Wall, Israel) are explored. Differences are found between tourists based on their religious affiliation and religiosity. The findings also reveal that the tourists' religiosity has different effects on those with different religious affiliations. It is argued that the actual relationships between a tourist's religion and strength of religious belief need to be understood in relation to the site visited, the tourist's perception of it and the meaning he or she attaches to it. The implications for tourism management and the theoretical investigation of heritage tourism are discussed.  相似文献   

This article examines residents' perceptions of sociocultural impacts in the North Cape community in Norway. Case study, as a qualitative methodology, was employed to gather the necessary data. Based on the in-depth interviews with 22 permanent residents of the North Cape community, 10 influential factors were empirically identified: source of income; quality of life; community structure; demonstration effect; crime and alcohol; acculturation; perspective; status and community pride; conflicts; and physical impact. Furthermore, in contrast to the existing theory, the current study suggests that both those who are, and who are not economically dependent on the tourism industry perceive tourism positively. Both long-term and short-term residents believe that tourism's benefits outweigh tourism's costs. No noteworthy differences are found across sociodemographic factors such as education and marital status with respect to the residents' perception. The almost overwhelmingly positive response of the residents can be attributed to the current stage of destination development cycle at the North Cape.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the COVID-19 pandemic as an opportunity to reconsider the foundations of the global aviation system. There is much evidence that air transport creates opportunities as well as risks. While the former accrue to businesses and individuals, risks are imposed on society. Pandemics, in which aviation has a role as a vector of pathogen distribution, as well as the sector's contribution to climate change are examples of long-standing negative externalities that continue to be ignored in assessments of aviation's economic performance and societal importance. As commercial aviation has shown limited economic resilience throughout its history, this short paper questions whether a return to business-as-usual, supported by very significant State aid payments, is desirable. The volume growth model championed by industry and aviation proponents may have to be replaced with an alternative model of a slimmed air transport system that is economically less vulnerable and accounting for its environmental impacts.  相似文献   

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